great video, william eggleston is my hero but stephen shore seems to be winning my heart as my favorite photographer. he inspires me to take mundane photos here in jamaica in a way that no one else sees. i love him for that. love your channel.
Shore was the first photographer i analyzed critically when i first started shooting 4 years ago. That billboard image is my favorite of all time. Love eggleston’s attitude as well. Just take pictures.
great video, william eggleston is my hero but stephen shore seems to be winning my heart as my favorite photographer. he inspires me to take mundane photos here in jamaica in a way that no one else sees. i love him for that. love your channel.
It’s great to hear how they’re influencing your work. Appreciate the kind words! ✌️📷
Shore was the first photographer i analyzed critically when i first started shooting 4 years ago. That billboard image is my favorite of all time. Love eggleston’s attitude as well. Just take pictures.
Thank you...I have ordered the book.
Check out Ravens by Fukase, and also Men at Sea by Guamy.
so what does this channel focus on? I like how you are reviewing books. Do more. I'll follow if you follow