Hello to you, I am Beninese and I know well the tradition of my country alongside VODOOU as well as the history of slavery in my country. If you want to know better the Beninese religion on the VODOO side or for the history of my country, know that I am the right person to guide you better. My WhatsApp number: +229 67921691 Thank you:-!
Estude. A bíblia foi traduzida de uma língua morta e alterada Palas mãos dos homens. A tradução correta diz que não se deve idólatrar outras ( entidades, Deuses, espírito e etc) ANTES DE MIM. Se ele disse antes. Não disse que não pode. Infelizmente somos criados para acreditarmos no que eles querem. Mais estude de verdade, Línguas História, Teologia, Geografia tudo baseado no antigamente e descobrira coisas incríveis e abrirá seus olhos
Hello to you, I am Beninese and I know well the tradition of my country alongside VODOOU as well as the history of slavery in my country. If you want to know better the Beninese religion on the VODOO side or for the history of my country, know that I am the right person to guide you better. My WhatsApp number: +229 67921691 Thank you:-!
لا حول ولا قوة الا بالله لا معبود الا الله لا اله الا الله وحده لا شريك له له الملك وله الحمد يحي ويوم ميت وهو الحي الذي لا يموت بيده الخير وهو على كل شيء قدير حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل نعم المولى ونعم النصير نصر من الله وفتح عن قريب اللهم اسلمهم اللهم اسلمهم أنهم مشركون آمين
@@luisdiaz9815 si fuese satanismo, no se haría esto, ya que en el satanismo laveyano no se creo en el diablo como entidad, sino como ejemplo de superioridad, libertad. En fin es ateísmo no creen en ninguna deidad
@@luisdiaz9815 eeeeh primero que nada solo son 2 corrientes teista y ateista Esto es vudu no es satanismo ni teista ni ateista es VUDU (el cual no tiene nada que ver con Lucifer) Admito que hacen algunos trabajos con espíritus de bajo astral (almas de asesinos, drogadictos, violadores etc) mas no con demonios de hecho hasta hay exorcismos en el vudu
@@SatanicLand todo es SATANISMO, pero bueno respeto tu punto y tu opinión, sin embargo no la comparto, vudú y cualquier otra corriente en que sea teista o ateísta es lo mismo, al final de cuenta los "espíritus de bajo astral" o cualquier otra entiendad es satanismo, crees según que se puede contactar con un "asesino" etc ?, Es contacto directo con demonios, pero bueno agradezco tu opinión, saludos
Quand il s'agit de ce genre de choses, mes parents Africains sont très forts, mais absent quand il s'agit de développement, du genre inventé et construire un avion visible pour le bien de tous et non des avions avec des balais maléfiques.
@@skywatchers9675 that’s not how it works my bro. There is no voodoo ‘god’ ,it’s Jinn which you should research. Allah is not an anthropomorphised God, Or a particular/different God. Allah is the Arabic word for The God, root world Ila is God as is also in Hebrew eloh-Im. We worship and submit ourselves to the one who created the heavens and universe, and the one whom we will return to. We worship him alone w no patterned and no associates. Surah 112 Quran Ch 112 In the name of Allah the most gracious, the most merciful Say: He is Allah the One ☝️ (indivisible) Allah the eternal refuge (the absolute the who needs nothing but all of creation needs him) He begetteth not nor does he give birth ( he was not born, no beginning or end as God is the creator of time and can’t be bound by his creation time- he also has no children.) He has no equivalents (no equals, no partners, family, nor anyone whom he must consult). Islam is not a new religion. In the Quran you’ll find 25 prophets god has named that he sent since the start of life on earth. The prophets of Islam include: Adam, Idris (Enoch), Nuh (Noah), Hud (Heber), Saleh (Methusaleh), Lut (Lot), Ibrahim (Abraham), Ismail (Ishmael), Ishaq (Isaac), Yaqub (Jacob), Yusuf (Joseph), Shu'aib (Jethro), Ayyub (Job), Dhulkifl (Ezekiel), Musa (Moses), Harun (Aaron), Dawud (David), Sulayman (Solomon), Ilyas (Elias), Alyasa (Elisha), Yunus (Jonah), Zakariya (Zachariah), Yahya (John the Baptist), Isa (Jesus) and Muhammad. Peace be upon them all What do they all have in common? All of Gods prophets called their people to worship 1 God, the creator one the heavens & the universe. What’s different about prophet Muhammad pbuh? He was sent to all mankind and Jinn as the LAST prophet with the last revelation from Allah the Quran. Whereas prophet Eesa as (Jesus) and Musa (Moses) and I believe the rest of them were sent to their own ppl the ie the Israelites to call them to God and to not worship false Gods, do good & forbid evil.
@@skywatchers9675 if you had any level of understanding you’d know that not be possible. You are literally saying whoever God is whoever out there created the heavens universe me and you etc is a jinn…. You’re saying the God who created humans and jinn and angels and animals etc etc is a Jinn… it just doesn’t make sense it is contradictory. Also, that story is I believe regarding Musa (Moses). I ask you to for a moment open your mind to the truth instead of hatred brother. Prophet Moses (Musa) has a special status in Islam and is the prophet mentioned MOST in Quran and Musa is the prophet who spoke to God directly hence he is revered is Kalim Allah meaning the one who speaks with God. Prophets Ibrahim, Nuh(Noah), Musa(Moses), Eesa (Jesus), and Muhammad peace be upon them all, are the prophets honoured by God above the others Sura 27 The Ant 7. When Musa said to his family: Surely I see fire; I will bring to you from it some news, or I will bring to you therefrom a burning firebrand so that you may warm yourselves. 8. So when he came to it a voice was uttered saying: Blessed is Whoever is in the fire and whatever is about it; and glory be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds; 9. O Musa! surely I am Allah, the Mighty, the Wise; 10. And cast down your staff. So when he saw it in motion as if it were a serpent, he turned back retreating and did not return: O Musa! fear not; surely the apostles shall not fear in My presence; 11. Neither he who has been unjust, then he does good instead after evil, for surely I am the Forgiving, the Merciful: 12. And enter your hand into the opening of your bosom, it shall come forth white without evil; among nine signs to Firon and his people, surely they are a transgressing people. Sura 28 The Narratives 29. So when Musa had fulfilled the term, and he journeyed with his family, he perceived on this side of the mountain a fire. He said to his family: Wait, I have seen a fire, maybe I will bring to you from it some news or a brand of fire, so that you may warm yourselves. 30. And when he came to it, a voice was uttered from the right side of the valley in the blessed spot of the bush, saying: O Musa! surely I am Allah, the Lord of the worlds. 31. And saying: Cast down your staff. So when he saw it in motion as if it were a serpent, he turned back retreating, and did not return. O Musa! come forward and fear not; surely you are of those who are secure; 32. Enter your hand into the opening of your bosom, it will come forth white without evil, and draw your hand to yourself to ward off fear: so these two shall be two arguments from your Lord to Firon and his chiefs, surely they are a transgressing people. 33. He said: My Lord! surely I killed one of them, so I fear lest they should slay me; 34. And my brother, Haroun, he is more eloquent of tongue than I, therefore send him with me as an aider, verifying me: surely I fear that they would reject me. 35. He said: We will strengthen your arm with your brother, and We will give you both an authority, so that they shall not reach you; (go) with Our signs; you two and those who follow you shall be uppermost. The Bible “Moses and the Burning Bush” Exodus Chapter 3 1. Now Moses kept the flock of Jethro his father in law, the priest of Midian: and he led the flock to the backside of the desert, and came to the mountain of God, even to Horeb. 2. And the angel of the LORD appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush: and he looked, and, behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed. 3. And Moses said, I will now turn aside, and see this great sight, why the bush is not burnt. 4. And when the LORD saw that he turned aside to see, God called unto him out of the midst of the bush, and said, Moses, Moses. And he said, Here am I.
Me ha recordado al juego de la Pita ( España). En el cual se hacia un recorrido saltando sobre unos cuadrados pintados en el suelo , a veces con un pie y seguido con dos pies. Y tambièn tiene su simbolìsmo
It will never move because he's thinking about coming of Jesus Christ his time is end, and this reminds you people to look for Jesus Christ Jesus have power of all this wooden spirit.
Hello to you, I am Beninese and I know well the tradition of my country alongside VODOOU as well as the history of slavery in my country. If you want to know better the Beninese religion on the VODOO side or for the history of my country, know that I am the right person to guide you better. My WhatsApp number: +229 67921691 Thank you:
Poderiam explicar o que é esse ritual. Quem são as pessoas vestidas com roupas brancas e colorida, usando turbante; o que parece imagem, o que representa? O que significa os bailarinos se pintarem de branco? Eu não sei nada sobre os ritos e tradições dos povos africanos.
Hello to you, I am Beninese and I know well the tradition of my country alongside VODOOU as well as the history of slavery in my country. If you want to know better the Beninese religion on the VODOO side or for the history of my country, know that I am the right person to guide you better. My WhatsApp number: +229 67921691 Thank you:
Hello to you, I am Beninese and I know well the tradition of my country alongside VODOOU as well as the history of slavery in my country. If you want to know better the Beninese religion on the VODOO side or for the history of my country, know that I am the right person to guide you better. My WhatsApp number: +229 67921691 Thank you:
Esbravejar em nome do sangue de Jesus Cristo é típico de obras do diabo, a alguns séculos atrás uns caras com essa mesma visão fizeram a obra mais satânica e diabólica que se fez em nome de Cristo, escravidão, catequese, missionarismo, genocídio...
Hello to you, I am Beninese and I know well the tradition of my country alongside VODOOU as well as the history of slavery in my country. If you want to know better the Beninese religion on the VODOO side or for the history of my country, know that I am the right person to guide you better. My WhatsApp number: +229 67921691 Thank you:-!
Hello to you, I am Beninese and I know well the tradition of my country alongside VODOOU as well as the history of slavery in my country. If you want to know better the Beninese religion on the VODOO side or for the history of my country, know that I am the right person to guide you better. My WhatsApp number: +229 67921691 Thank you:-
Lá na África ocidental la pro lado da Nigéria tem um concurso de bruxaria e macumba chamada fenguele que fica na região da correnteza da Nigéria a região oeste da Nigéria onde fica lagos na Nigéria onde fica o concurso da bruxaria meu ex cunhado foi lá em 2006 e viu o local e ficou paranóico (louco de bravo por causa do ocorrido
Is Joseph not still another idol and Roman deity. Are you among those who Rob Peter to pay Paul and are in the business of selling monkey in exchange for dog, because monkey sqauts, not knowing that both monkey and dog are all squatting animals. Any name under the earth outside Christ is idolatry.And none of you who especially, under Roman paganism in the name of Catholicism would ever think you are Christians since you too worship sculptures. Remain blessed, thoughtful and have the plan for repentance.
Jesus, é o caminho a verdade e a vida. Não tem outro caminho irmão, Jesus te ama, vc é um escolhido de Deus amém. Pergunta aí pra os seus deuses quem é Jesus Cristo e outra pergunta pra ele também se ele é maior do que Jesus.
Hello to you, I am Beninese and I know well the tradition of my country alongside VODOOU as well as the history of slavery in my country. If you want to know better the Beninese religion on the VODOO side or for the history of my country, know that I am the right person to guide you better. My WhatsApp number: +229 67921691 Thank you:
Hello to you, I am Beninese and I know well the tradition of my country alongside VODOOU as well as the history of slavery in my country. If you want to know better the Beninese religion on the VODOO side or for the history of my country, know that I am the right person to guide you better. My WhatsApp number: +229 67921691 Thank you:-!
« L’Eternel vous exilera - avec le roi que vous aurez établi sur vous - chez un peuple que ni vous, ni vos ancêtres n’auront connu ; et là, vous serez asservis à d’autres dieux qui ne sont que du bois et de la pierre. » Deut 28:36 Je vois ici le Roi Béhanzin qui, ayant défendu son royaume avec le pouvoir occulte qui ne glorifie que cette dame reptilienne (Le Serpent du jardin d’Éden), a fini par tout abandonner pour se convertir aux dieux du bois et de la pierre (le christianisme) en Martinique. Le Vodoun est un échec ! Il faut donc arrêter d'adorer les idoles, des créatures ET REVENIR AU CRÉATEUR. PAIX SUR VOUS !
Ékan wé. Ali bou até. Si il est l'heure tu comprendras. Que santé joie et paix te soit éternelle dans la Sainte des encêtres et au nom de père Jéhovah. Soit bénis. Appelé moi la nature
hay Dios mío por eso es que ese país de África está maldecido por hellos mismo miren los ritos que le hacen a esos de monios entre más adoren esos de monios de yeso es peor la situacion par ellos en ese país y des pues se están quejando del mal hecho por ellos mismos a. y Dios nuestro padre celestial no tiene culpa de nada asi es amén 🙏
@@mrmisericordia3504 Buenos dias. es el gran maestro Gbegnon. Acabo de ver tu comentario. para obtener más ayuda con sus problemas, estoy disponible por WhatsApp en: 0022966052746
Buenos dias. es el gran maestro Gbegnon. Acabo de ver tu comentario. para obtener más ayuda con sus problemas, estoy disponible por WhatsApp en: 0022966052746
Hello to you, I am Beninese and I know well the tradition of my country alongside VODOOU as well as the history of slavery in my country. If you want to know better the Beninese religion on the VODOO side or for the history of my country, know that I am the right person to guide you better. My WhatsApp number: +229 67921691 Thank you:-!
Hello to you, I am Beninese and I know well the tradition of my country alongside VODOOU as well as the history of slavery in my country. If you want to know better the Beninese religion on the VODOO side or for the history of my country, know that I am the right person to guide you better. My WhatsApp number: +229 67921691 Thank you:-!
Hello to you, I am Beninese and I know well the tradition of my country alongside VODOOU as well as the history of slavery in my country. If you want to know better the Beninese religion on the VODOO side or for the history of my country, know that I am the right person to guide you better. My WhatsApp number: +229 67921691 Thank you:-!
Hello to you, I am Beninese and I know well the tradition of my country alongside VODOOU as well as the history of slavery in my country. If you want to know better the Beninese religion on the VODOO side or for the history of my country, know that I am the right person to guide you better. My WhatsApp number: +229 67921691 Thank you:
Buenos dias. es el gran maestro Gbegnon. Acabo de ver tu comentario. para obtener más ayuda con sus problemas, estoy disponible por WhatsApp en: 0022966052746
Buenos dias. es el gran maestro Gbegnon. Acabo de ver tu comentario. para obtener más ayuda con sus problemas, estoy disponible por WhatsApp en: 0022966052746
If it did they would've already been contacted by Simon Cowell. Won the show and already contacted about signing major deal with endorsements. And is known as a king in the village for works he's done
Hello to you, I am Beninese and I know well the tradition of my country alongside VODOOU as well as the history of slavery in my country. If you want to know better the Beninese religion on the VODOO side or for the history of my country, know that I am the right person to guide you better. My WhatsApp number: +229 67921691 Thank you:-
Hello to you, I am Beninese and I know well the tradition of my country alongside VODOOU as well as the history of slavery in my country. If you want to know better the Beninese religion on the VODOO side or for the history of my country, know that I am the right person to guide you better. My WhatsApp number: +229 67921691 Thank you:-
Hello to you, I am Beninese and I know well the tradition of my country alongside VODOOU as well as the history of slavery in my country. If you want to know better the Beninese religion on the VODOO side or for the history of my country, know that I am the right person to guide you better. My WhatsApp number: +229 67921691 Thank you:-!
Hounyoga WILFRID
Hello to you, I am Beninese and I know well the tradition of my country alongside VODOOU as well as the history of slavery in my country.
If you want to know better the Beninese religion on the VODOO side or for the history of my country, know that I am the right person to guide you better.
My WhatsApp number: +229 67921691
Thank you:-!
CT y
Who else was waitin on that little thing to start moving! 🤔😯🤯😥😮😩😂🤣😂
me ...
The reason why this video got way over 2 million views is because everyone wants the small thing to MOVE
Your comment is underrated.
Até onde minha curiosidade tá me levando 😶
Kkkk eu
Eu kkk
Nem sei como fui parar aqui 😕
Mas ñ é? 😂
E eu aqui feito besta esperando o boneco pula amarelinha 😂😂😂
Eu tmb kkkkk
Verdade kkkkkkkkkk
Who came to the comment section to understand what's happening.
If yes hit 👍 down below.
If confused ✍️ reply.
The only thing you will understand on comments is intolerance and christian bullshit
I love how RUclips suggestions bring the world together to discover...the world.
véridique 😂
god protect me from any negative energy from the video
You think God reads the comments?
@@katiee1319 crying
@@dl4926 um no. I'm a Christian but this comment is unrealistic.
I claim this negative energy and send it towards you!😈👿
@@katiee1319 bruh imeant i was laughing
لااله الا الله وحده لاشريك له له الملك وله الحمد وهو على كل شي قدير
Eu esperando o boneco sair andando 🤦♂️
Eu tb tô 😳
eu também kkkkkkkkkkk
Tbm kkk
Pqp eu tbm 🤣🤣🤣
Vi o vídeo até o final achando que o boneco ia dar um rolê.
Pô fui enganado rsrsrsrs
Mas vem louco
Só eu que esperei o boneco mecher? Kkk os cultos africanos são muito massa
Eu tbm Vey kkk
Pois então eu jurava que a imagem sairia do lugar , tava vidrada na imagem 😳
Tmc.kkk.esperei a toa
Tbm tava pensando que ele ia andar
Jesus e a liberdade e salvação que o povo africano precisa a palavra de Deus diz adotará somente a Deus pois não ar outro
Nomás por qué "la palabra de dios dice" dios es el pretexto para la esclavitud de personas libres
Deixa outros viverem a sua própria cultura.
Estude. A bíblia foi traduzida de uma língua morta e alterada Palas mãos dos homens. A tradução correta diz que não se deve idólatrar outras ( entidades, Deuses, espírito e etc) ANTES DE MIM. Se ele disse antes. Não disse que não pode. Infelizmente somos criados para acreditarmos no que eles querem. Mais estude de verdade, Línguas História, Teologia, Geografia tudo baseado no antigamente e descobrira coisas incríveis e abrirá seus olhos
@@sunmc5085 seu comentário indica que você não leu a Bíblia o suficiente para falar sobre como a Bíblia foi escrita e de onde surgiram as passagens.
@@gleite212لا اله الا الله رب محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم هو الحقيقي
Finally it's thé statue that makes u dance !
Hello to you, I am Beninese and I know well the tradition of my country alongside VODOOU as well as the history of slavery in my country.
If you want to know better the Beninese religion on the VODOO side or for the history of my country, know that I am the right person to guide you better.
My WhatsApp number: +229 67921691
Thank you:-!
I thought that was a little kid playing hopscotch lol
Best comment in life
Convide o espírito para ir a sua casa pular amarelinho....depois vc me conta...
I was also waiting for it to start jumping
ALaHo akqR
الحمد لله على نعمة الإسلام ❤️
ما حكم الإسلام في نكاح القاصرات ؟
@@dmte6440 الإعدام
@@Free.palastine_ أم كلثوم بنت علي كانت طفلة عندما نكحها الأمير عمر ابن الخطاب
@@Free.palastine_ you peopke are to strickt
The locations they stopped at.. Please do you have more info on them. The tree stump made of concrete. Where the lady kneeled. What was that stump?
لا حول ولا قوة الا بالله لا معبود الا الله لا اله الا الله وحده لا شريك له له الملك وله الحمد يحي ويوم ميت وهو الحي الذي لا يموت بيده الخير وهو على كل شيء قدير حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل نعم المولى ونعم النصير نصر من الله وفتح عن قريب اللهم اسلمهم اللهم اسلمهم أنهم مشركون آمين
Vcs tem inveja, esse deus de vcs não tem capacidade
Go to a video that talks about your God! This is African in all that you see, it's not for you!
Cada cual cree en lo que quiere .. solo hay que respetar...
O Deus de vocês árabes tratam a mulher pior que animal...
Gostei! Só não entendi é tipo congado é cultural?
Salut Mr SESSOU. Nous sommes dans le meme quatier as Hassoulontin. Je suis derrière la maison du vieux Nestor Koupkodé
Envoie moi ton numéro
Envoie moi ton numéro
Dsl pour le retard , 65541371 est mon num appel ainsi que WhatsApp. Merci Hounon
Mantab tunjukan kita lebih hebat dr ilmu tehnologi robot2 mereka saudarhu👍🙏🙏🙏
Só eu pensei que esse negócio ia sair pulando igual amarelinha ?kkkkkk
Kkkkkkkkkkkkk eu também kkkkkkkkkkk
Yo: como mueven sus polleritas 😂💖
*🤔Me pergunto:*
*Se não gosta, não assiste. Se assiste é pq tem curiosidade e a curiosidade é muito feio 😂*
Eu sei
Aborrecida mas a curiosidade é mais
A curiosidade é maior que o mal estar que me gera nestes vídeos.achi q da p aguentar
@@renatamartins3541 mal estar da é esses evangélicos mal caráter enganando as pessoas
Dónde es esto
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الحمد الله على نعمت الإسلام
Thanks God for African Religion! 🙏
Don't judge things you don't know. Just accept you don't know.
A wise man will never say "just accept"
U should take your own advice
Que cosa tan más sorprendente, respeto y admiración a tal cosa
Esta gente se está condenando sin saberlo, puro satanismo
@@luisdiaz9815 si fuese satanismo, no se haría esto, ya que en el satanismo laveyano no se creo en el diablo como entidad, sino como ejemplo de superioridad, libertad. En fin es ateísmo no creen en ninguna deidad
@@SatanicLand tu lo has dicho "laveyano" y ellos lo son ? Hay infinidad de corrientes satánicas como lo hay en las cristianas, saludos
@@luisdiaz9815 eeeeh primero que nada solo son 2 corrientes teista y ateista
Esto es vudu no es satanismo ni teista ni ateista es VUDU (el cual no tiene nada que ver con Lucifer)
Admito que hacen algunos trabajos con espíritus de bajo astral (almas de asesinos, drogadictos, violadores etc) mas no con demonios de hecho hasta hay exorcismos en el vudu
@@SatanicLand todo es SATANISMO, pero bueno respeto tu punto y tu opinión, sin embargo no la comparto, vudú y cualquier otra corriente en que sea teista o ateísta es lo mismo, al final de cuenta los "espíritus de bajo astral" o cualquier otra entiendad es satanismo, crees según que se puede contactar con un "asesino" etc ?, Es contacto directo con demonios, pero bueno agradezco tu opinión, saludos
Quand il s'agit de ce genre de choses, mes parents Africains sont très forts, mais absent quand il s'agit de développement, du genre inventé et construire un avion visible pour le bien de tous et non des avions avec des balais maléfiques.
Só eu fiquei esperando o boneco sair pulando amarelinha sozinho?
Kkkkkkkkkkk não julgo, eu tbm fiquei
In Mangalore karnataka India we have similar tradition in our culture where spirits are worshipped.. It's called daivaraadhare.
Hinduism too.
لا الاه إلا الله وحده لاشزيك له له الملك وله الحمد يحيي ويوميت وهو حي لايموت بيده الخبر وهو على كل شيء قدير .
Nossa vc disse tudo cara kkk
There is no God but ALL-LLAH ☝️Alhamdulillah
@@sh.shaini allah is not good for Africa
@@nefermawuko8203 I see I'm not blind
Sou discipulo do grande Tatá roscan larga queima padeirao 😂😂😂.
Imagine saying ayat tul kursi and the magic failed 🤣🤣🤣
@@skywatchers9675 that’s not how it works my bro. There is no voodoo ‘god’ ,it’s Jinn which you should research. Allah is not an anthropomorphised God, Or a particular/different God. Allah is the Arabic word for The God, root world Ila is God as is also in Hebrew eloh-Im. We worship and submit ourselves to the one who created the heavens and universe, and the one whom we will return to. We worship him alone w no patterned and no associates.
Surah 112 Quran Ch 112
In the name of Allah the most gracious, the most merciful
Say: He is Allah the One ☝️ (indivisible)
Allah the eternal refuge (the absolute the who needs nothing but all of creation needs him)
He begetteth not nor does he give birth ( he was not born, no beginning or end as God is the creator of time and can’t be bound by his creation time- he also has no children.)
He has no equivalents (no equals, no partners, family, nor anyone whom he must consult).
Islam is not a new religion. In the Quran you’ll find 25 prophets god has named that he sent since the start of life on earth.
The prophets of Islam include:
Adam, Idris (Enoch), Nuh (Noah), Hud (Heber), Saleh (Methusaleh), Lut (Lot), Ibrahim (Abraham), Ismail (Ishmael), Ishaq (Isaac), Yaqub (Jacob), Yusuf (Joseph), Shu'aib (Jethro), Ayyub (Job), Dhulkifl (Ezekiel), Musa (Moses), Harun (Aaron), Dawud (David), Sulayman (Solomon), Ilyas (Elias), Alyasa (Elisha), Yunus (Jonah), Zakariya (Zachariah), Yahya (John the Baptist), Isa (Jesus) and Muhammad. Peace be upon them all
What do they all have in common? All of Gods prophets called their people to worship 1 God, the creator one the heavens & the universe. What’s different about prophet Muhammad pbuh? He was sent to all mankind and Jinn as the LAST prophet with the last revelation from Allah the Quran. Whereas prophet Eesa as (Jesus) and Musa (Moses) and I believe the rest of them were sent to their own ppl the ie the Israelites to call them to God and to not worship false Gods, do good & forbid evil.
@@sule2318 your Allah is a jinn , appeared as a big fire in a forest that was burning.. think appeared to solomon..
@@sule2318 not how it WORKS IN ... YOUR,.. RELIGION
you know nothing bout VOODOO..
@@skywatchers9675 if you had any level of understanding you’d know that not be possible. You are literally saying whoever God is whoever out there created the heavens universe me and you etc is a jinn…. You’re saying the God who created humans and jinn and angels and animals etc etc is a Jinn… it just doesn’t make sense it is contradictory. Also, that story is I believe regarding Musa (Moses). I ask you to for a moment open your mind to the truth instead of hatred brother. Prophet Moses (Musa) has a special status in Islam and is the prophet mentioned MOST in Quran and Musa is the prophet who spoke to God directly hence he is revered is Kalim Allah meaning the one who speaks with God. Prophets Ibrahim, Nuh(Noah), Musa(Moses), Eesa (Jesus), and Muhammad peace be upon them all, are the prophets honoured by God above the others
Sura 27
The Ant
7. When Musa said to his family: Surely I see fire; I will bring to you from it some news, or I will bring to you therefrom a burning firebrand so that you may warm yourselves.
8. So when he came to it a voice was uttered saying: Blessed is Whoever is in the fire and whatever is about it; and glory be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds;
9. O Musa! surely I am Allah, the Mighty, the Wise;
10. And cast down your staff. So when he saw it in motion as if it were a serpent, he turned back retreating and did not return: O Musa! fear not; surely the apostles shall not fear in My presence;
11. Neither he who has been unjust, then he does good instead after evil, for surely I am the Forgiving, the Merciful:
12. And enter your hand into the opening of your bosom, it shall come forth white without evil; among nine signs to Firon and his people, surely they are a transgressing people.
Sura 28
The Narratives
29. So when Musa had fulfilled the term, and he journeyed with his family, he perceived on this side of the mountain a fire. He said to his family: Wait, I have seen a fire, maybe I will bring to you from it some news or a brand of fire, so that you may warm yourselves.
30. And when he came to it, a voice was uttered from the right side of the valley in the blessed spot of the bush, saying: O Musa! surely I am Allah, the Lord of the worlds.
31. And saying: Cast down your staff. So when he saw it in motion as if it were a serpent, he turned back retreating, and did not return. O Musa! come forward and fear not; surely you are of those who are secure;
32. Enter your hand into the opening of your bosom, it will come forth white without evil, and draw your hand to yourself to ward off fear: so these two shall be two arguments from your Lord to Firon and his chiefs, surely they are a transgressing people.
33. He said: My Lord! surely I killed one of them, so I fear lest they should slay me;
34. And my brother, Haroun, he is more eloquent of tongue than I, therefore send him with me as an aider, verifying me: surely I fear that they would reject me.
35. He said: We will strengthen your arm with your brother, and We will give you both an authority, so that they shall not reach you; (go) with Our signs; you two and those who follow you shall be uppermost.
The Bible
“Moses and the Burning Bush”
Chapter 3
1. Now Moses kept the flock of Jethro his father in law, the priest of Midian: and he led the flock to the backside of the desert, and came to the mountain of God, even to Horeb.
2. And the angel of the LORD appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush: and he looked, and, behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed.
3. And Moses said, I will now turn aside, and see this great sight, why the bush is not burnt.
4. And when the LORD saw that he turned aside to see, God called unto him out of the midst of the bush, and said, Moses, Moses. And he said, Here am I.
Yo esperando que se mueva el muñeco 😒
Ahh yes, the ancient hopscotch-god
I would like if they could explain what’s going on. What the ritual is for etc…
Deus é mais, é amor. Que ele possa libertar todos. Jesus ama todos
Libertar do que ? Mais amor que no video vc encontra em que IGREJA? So ta sendo preconceituoso
Enfia Jesus no cu e caga dps
Conhecereis a verdade e a verdade vós libertará... Culto somente ao Deus vivo,o Deus de Abraão Deus de Isaque,Deus de Jacó, Deus de Israel.
@@mariajacira207Acontece que esse povo já possui sua própria identidade mística, e ali não é Israel
Me ha recordado al juego de la Pita ( España). En el cual se hacia un recorrido saltando sobre unos cuadrados pintados en el suelo , a veces con un pie y seguido con dos pies. Y tambièn tiene su simbolìsmo
It will never move because he's thinking about coming of Jesus Christ his time is end, and this reminds you people to look for Jesus Christ Jesus have power of all this wooden spirit.
U jx dnt understand,it jx the Spirit symbol. Even Muslim doesn't believe in JESUS. Take your JESUS,holy
Hello to you, I am Beninese and I know well the tradition of my country alongside VODOOU as well as the history of slavery in my country.
If you want to know better the Beninese religion on the VODOO side or for the history of my country, know that I am the right person to guide you better.
My WhatsApp number: +229 67921691
Thank you:
Poderiam explicar o que é esse ritual. Quem são as pessoas vestidas com roupas brancas e colorida, usando turbante; o que parece imagem, o que representa? O que significa os bailarinos se pintarem de branco? Eu não sei nada sobre os ritos e tradições dos povos africanos.
O sangue de Jesus Cristo tem poder para repreender todas as obras do diabo..
Hahaha! Fuck off with your stupid white jesus!!
@@wagnerbeaumont7778 Jesus is real and Jesus is not white you are just a mumu
Hello to you, I am Beninese and I know well the tradition of my country alongside VODOOU as well as the history of slavery in my country.
If you want to know better the Beninese religion on the VODOO side or for the history of my country, know that I am the right person to guide you better.
My WhatsApp number: +229 67921691
Thank you:
Hello to you, I am Beninese and I know well the tradition of my country alongside VODOOU as well as the history of slavery in my country.
If you want to know better the Beninese religion on the VODOO side or for the history of my country, know that I am the right person to guide you better.
My WhatsApp number: +229 67921691
Thank you:
Esbravejar em nome do sangue de Jesus Cristo é típico de obras do diabo, a alguns séculos atrás uns caras com essa mesma visão fizeram a obra mais satânica e diabólica que se fez em nome de Cristo, escravidão, catequese, missionarismo, genocídio...
O negão de saia, queima ou não queima? 😂😂😂😂
الحمد الله على نعمة الاسلام
Al Hamdoulillah !!
Maomeh 10graced
How is Islam different from this? You walk around the black stone and kisses it.
Accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior before it's too late.
Tudo isso e engano eu pensava qui
Essas coisas era boa dep vi
Qui bom e jesus Cristo
Aleluia Deus de poder e graça
@@filhadodeusvivoherdeiradoa8826 amém
Fiquei aqui ate 4:31 minutos, esperando o boneco andar ate a estrela de 6 pontas kkkk.
Alguém mais ficou ???
منم همینطور😅
Hermoso inexplicable pero grandioso hutu!!!
Omg just exactly Haitians voodoo omg I’m 🇭🇹
Good to see the pentagram in the video. Bible is real people
Lol.. look closer.. it's six pointed star.. do you even know the meaning?
I have always believed voodoo is the reason for Africa and Haiti and Louisianas misfortune and poverty gods work
Mayb it will move another day......... The gods are angry
@@adwoaynky you are ignorant.
Hello to you, I am Beninese and I know well the tradition of my country alongside VODOOU as well as the history of slavery in my country.
If you want to know better the Beninese religion on the VODOO side or for the history of my country, know that I am the right person to guide you better.
My WhatsApp number: +229 67921691
Thank you:-!
J'espère qu'il se repose et prend soin de lui.. il est trop fort 💪
Qui comme moi pensais que la statuette allait bougé
Et oui
Hello to you, I am Beninese and I know well the tradition of my country alongside VODOOU as well as the history of slavery in my country.
If you want to know better the Beninese religion on the VODOO side or for the history of my country, know that I am the right person to guide you better.
My WhatsApp number: +229 67921691
Thank you:-
S'il veulent, sa va bouger
Lá na África ocidental la pro lado da Nigéria tem um concurso de bruxaria e macumba chamada fenguele que fica na região da correnteza da Nigéria a região oeste da Nigéria onde fica lagos na Nigéria onde fica o concurso da bruxaria meu ex cunhado foi lá em 2006 e viu o local e ficou paranóico (louco de bravo por causa do ocorrido
Félicitations à vous qui pérennisez la culture africaine. Big up
T'appelle cela de la culture ou du satanisme... arriéré que vous êtes. Vous sacrifiez des enfants....attendez l'heure arrive🌛
soy el unico español?
Saint Joseph, protector of the Holy Family and terror of demons
Pray for us. . . .....
Is Joseph not still another idol and Roman deity. Are you among those who Rob Peter to pay Paul and are in the business of selling monkey in exchange for dog, because monkey sqauts, not knowing that both monkey and dog are all squatting animals. Any name under the earth outside Christ is idolatry.And none of you who especially, under Roman paganism in the name of Catholicism would ever think you are Christians since you too worship sculptures. Remain blessed, thoughtful and have the plan for repentance.
@@ifeanachodesmond7828 Christ is the parents, lol
Yo esperaba que eso se empiece a mover solo🤣
Hola alguien podría traducir por favor que se supone pase
Veganismo pa
@@budal.l4197 XD?
Cirugía de cambio de sexo
Gracias ❤
Jesus, é o caminho a verdade e a vida. Não tem outro caminho irmão, Jesus te ama, vc é um escolhido de Deus amém. Pergunta aí pra os seus deuses quem é Jesus Cristo e outra pergunta pra ele também se ele é maior do que Jesus.
Hello to you, I am Beninese and I know well the tradition of my country alongside VODOOU as well as the history of slavery in my country.
If you want to know better the Beninese religion on the VODOO side or for the history of my country, know that I am the right person to guide you better.
My WhatsApp number: +229 67921691
Thank you:
Wherever this is, I'm grateful I'm not there.
eperando o boneco sair andado kkkkkkkk
Quem nunca foi discipulo do grande mestre ruelan larga 😂😂😂😂😂 ou queiman roscas na padoca em 😂😂😂😂😂
What was the Idea of that Wooden Statue? there was no motion.
Hello to you, I am Beninese and I know well the tradition of my country alongside VODOOU as well as the history of slavery in my country.
If you want to know better the Beninese religion on the VODOO side or for the history of my country, know that I am the right person to guide you better.
My WhatsApp number: +229 67921691
Thank you:-!
For more information contact me on WhatsApp 0022997416325
Who is their God and what is this ritual for?
« L’Eternel vous exilera - avec le roi que vous aurez établi sur vous - chez un peuple que ni vous, ni vos ancêtres n’auront connu ; et là, vous serez asservis à d’autres dieux qui ne sont que du bois et de la pierre. » Deut 28:36
Je vois ici le Roi Béhanzin qui, ayant défendu son royaume avec le pouvoir occulte qui ne glorifie que cette dame reptilienne (Le Serpent du jardin d’Éden), a fini par tout abandonner pour se convertir aux dieux du bois et de la pierre (le christianisme) en Martinique.
Le Vodoun est un échec ! Il faut donc arrêter d'adorer les idoles, des créatures ET REVENIR AU CRÉATEUR. PAIX SUR VOUS !
Ékan wé. Ali bou até. Si il est l'heure tu comprendras. Que santé joie et paix te soit éternelle dans la Sainte des encêtres et au nom de père Jéhovah. Soit bénis. Appelé moi la nature
hay Dios mío por eso es que ese país de África está maldecido por hellos mismo miren los ritos que le hacen a esos de monios entre más adoren esos de monios de yeso es peor la situacion par ellos en ese país y des pues se están quejando del mal hecho por ellos mismos a. y Dios nuestro padre celestial no tiene culpa de nada asi es amén 🙏
Esse e o ritual africano do Zagbento sei la esqueci o nome eessa lenda e qie voa na dança
J'ai pensé que la statuette allait bouger
moi aussi c'est ça que je pensais
@@oumarfofana2116 en tout cas mon frère,ils finissent nos pass là
Je m attendais aussi à ça frère
Moi aussi pourquoi les jeans neveux pas ceux repentirs
@@carlosnbouafo6418 🤣😂🤣
Eu achei que ele iria andar😂😅
Tem brincadeiras que alejam...
Conhecereis a verdade e a verdade vos libertará.
Conhecer a tradição e zelar pela ancestralidade é a verdade de fato.
Deus gosta de ouvir tambor e é preto.
Buenos dias. es el gran maestro Gbegnon. Acabo de ver tu comentario. para obtener más ayuda con sus problemas, estoy disponible por WhatsApp en: 0022966052746
Buenos dias. es el gran maestro Gbegnon. Acabo de ver tu comentario. para obtener más ayuda con sus problemas, estoy disponible por WhatsApp en: 0022966052746
Esse é o grande problema. Preferem ignorar a verdade e se iludirem com os enganos de satanás.
@@filhadodeusvivoherdeiradoa8826 besteira!
A sua verdade não é única e absoluta sua tola!
Respeite pois o engano pode ser seu também viu...
That little thing is stubborn😂😂😂😃
I thought the statue wanna fly or start walking. Smh
Hello to you, I am Beninese and I know well the tradition of my country alongside VODOOU as well as the history of slavery in my country.
If you want to know better the Beninese religion on the VODOO side or for the history of my country, know that I am the right person to guide you better.
My WhatsApp number: +229 67921691
Thank you:-!
Hello to you, I am Beninese and I know well the tradition of my country alongside VODOOU as well as the history of slavery in my country.
If you want to know better the Beninese religion on the VODOO side or for the history of my country, know that I am the right person to guide you better.
My WhatsApp number: +229 67921691
Thank you:-!
Witchcraft n demons,the tym is near god will punish everbody for this idolatry sin
Olha a resposta de tanta fome aí
O povo se dobra a Nabucodonosor
Mais n se ajoelhar pra cristo
Kkkk q Nabucodonosor tem a ver aff
@@chrissaints6322 boa noite bença
O qui tem a ver qui muitos deixa de adora a Deus pra adora demônio
@@reginaldoregi6812 Hail Satan! 🤘
лять, где я?
Eu igual um bobão esperando o boneco caminhar kkkkkk
Man q porra e essa? Como vim para aqui? ;-;
Kkkkkkkk, veio parar por curiosidade kkkkkkkk
Isso é religião deles.
Dancinha nem saiu do lugar 😂
Hello to you, I am Beninese and I know well the tradition of my country alongside VODOOU as well as the history of slavery in my country.
If you want to know better the Beninese religion on the VODOO side or for the history of my country, know that I am the right person to guide you better.
My WhatsApp number: +229 67921691
Thank you:-!
What is the white stuff they use to draw symbols? And where can you get it
If you wanna know that I know off a voodoo spells caster magic man that can learn you text him on WhatsApp if you’re interested +234 810 010 8101
Hello to you, I am Beninese and I know well the tradition of my country alongside VODOOU as well as the history of slavery in my country.
If you want to know better the Beninese religion on the VODOO side or for the history of my country, know that I am the right person to guide you better.
My WhatsApp number: +229 67921691
Thank you:
For more information contact me WhatsApp 0022951217266
I thought that status could jump.
Oh me to
It is not safe to joke or make mockery of the African deity.
@@johnakweteytorsu4043 im african and africa sucks because of the ignorance
Haha true oooo haha 😆
Waste of data
Creo que en el locutorio de mi pueblo estan los mismos han de cambiar el nombre de la calle por la delmalolor😮😮
So Norma Africa povo da sabedoria..
contact me on WhatsApp number whatever you want +22966483250
Buenos dias. es el gran maestro Gbegnon. Acabo de ver tu comentario. para obtener más ayuda con sus problemas, estoy disponible por WhatsApp en: 0022966052746
O continente africano tinha que ser varrido do mapa
Estou denunciando seu comentario absurdo.
Eu quero tanto o bem de vcs❤️🙏
Buenos dias. es el gran maestro Gbegnon. Acabo de ver tu comentario. para obtener más ayuda con sus problemas, estoy disponible por WhatsApp en: 0022966052746
Repent in Jesus name
Vodoun Gambada sangat hebat,ini kesenian yang sangat unik dan mengandung magic 👍
Hah? 🤣
Magia del diablo loko
Demons and satan
@@theodoratheodoridou6319 your mather
@@Johan-v4x tu madre
لا اله الا الله رب العرش العضيم يحيي ويوميت واليه المصير الله رب السموات والارض سبحان الله وبحمده ،لا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله
If it did they would've already been contacted by Simon Cowell. Won the show and already contacted about signing major deal with endorsements. And is known as a king in the village for works he's done
So that’s the bam margera pentagram? 🤔
Bruxaria pura
Moi je cherche quelqu'un qui peut m'aider à signé un pacte avec le vaudou. Je suis en côté ivoire et voici mon numéro: +22559026749
Hello to you, I am Beninese and I know well the tradition of my country alongside VODOOU as well as the history of slavery in my country.
If you want to know better the Beninese religion on the VODOO side or for the history of my country, know that I am the right person to guide you better.
My WhatsApp number: +229 67921691
Thank you:-
Hello to you, I am Beninese and I know well the tradition of my country alongside VODOOU as well as the history of slavery in my country.
If you want to know better the Beninese religion on the VODOO side or for the history of my country, know that I am the right person to guide you better.
My WhatsApp number: +229 67921691
Thank you:-
É Deus, não é bruxaria.
😂😂😂😅😅😅mex city
ستغفر لله
Yo pense que era chucky y que se iba a mover 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I thought is going to move and eat the food in the circle
Hello to you, I am Beninese and I know well the tradition of my country alongside VODOOU as well as the history of slavery in my country.
If you want to know better the Beninese religion on the VODOO side or for the history of my country, know that I am the right person to guide you better.
My WhatsApp number: +229 67921691
Thank you:-!
Eu aqui esperando ansiosamente ele se mover e sair correndo atrás de alguém. #chateada.