Nothing...and I say again, more refreshing to hear than the TRUTH preached. I appreciate these Master's Seminary classroom videos so much. They are such a blessing. Thank you for letting us view them.
Nathan is a great teacher, we need to have him do more courses like this. :) I will let him know you appreciate his class, I'm sure that will encourage him.
Some people will say that in {The New Testament} people saw Jesus and that this therefore means that the command not to make images (whether three dimensional or two dimensional) no longer applies. While it is true that there have been people long ago who saw God through Jesus Christ, this is an exception rather than the rule (Read {1 John 3:2} & {1 John 4:12}). Furthermore, Moses saw God (Read {Exodus 33:11}). The fact is that {Deuteronomy 4:23-24} still applies.
This seminar has been a huge blessing, we have scheduled a day and a time with my wife to follow the whole course, take notes and do research, thank you TMS for this effort. try this site it is free and it is from The Southwestern Baptist Seminary. The Church History on that site is so very good. God Bless.
Me too bro. Hope you've been able to complete it. I just started tonight. Praise God for this teaching by his servant and it's availability to international audiences. I'm being reached in Antigua 🇦🇬 West Indies.
thank you TMS for making these lecturers available on RUclips. sat at home taking notes myself. you never know could be sat in class one day haha but I can't wait to listen and learn about the history of the church to who the what the where and whys of it all. God bless all you guys
So so thankful to have found this. This topic blesses me greatly. I am a homeschool mom and this is my way to get church history in while I cook. If there is anywhere to print up resources, that would be great. Probably no, but it never hurts to ask. Thank you for making this available.
I need this- I was saved out of Greek Orthodoxy! I literally had a million and one questions about church history after I got saved that most Christians couldn’t answer.
jeremy Lyons there were no premonitions. I heard a Christian preacher speaking of Gods judgement on the day we die. Yes, we all get judged when we die! The Bible says, it’s appointed unto man once to die after this the judgement. So with that, I was concerned that when I died I would not be right with Him. I knew that I had once stolen even though I was 17. I would have lustful thoughts about women. I used the Lord’s name in vain. I was baptized as an infant in the Orthodox Church, I attended weekend services. Not once when I was Orthodox did any priest use this kind of startling message. Most priest assume you are going to heaven because once you’re baptized it starts a conversion process and then we have to continue in our works to ensure that we go to heaven. I’ve come to learn through being born again and reading the Bible that this a lie straight out of hell. That is that you have to earn salvation by your good works! This is a lie and I’ve seen the fruit in Orthodoxy and Catholicism and its rotten! You can only be saved by Grace through faith and not of yourself it’s a free gift not of works so we can’t boast! Our works are filthy rags in God’s sight. Jesus paid the fine once and for all on the cross. That the problem I have with Orthodoxy. It’s a salvation issue. Does that mean that everything about Orthodoxy is bad? No in fact Orthodoxy takes the Trinity very seriously which is great. Actually more trinitArian that most evangelical churches. But there’s still a problem in Orthodoxy in which people aren’t hearing the true gospel of salvation. Not of works because none of us are good. The Bible says we are all bad!!!! We need Jesus’ righteousness to enter heaven. It is grace alone through faith alone in Jesus Christ alone. Any other way is an affront to God and an idol. Jesus is our only intercessory not Saints in heaven or Mary. These saints can’t hear us. I even heard a priest the other day say “ happy name day- may Saint Matthew protect you!” This is idolatry!!!! Saints can’t hear us . They are not God. They are not omniscient or omnipresent. Think about it- could a Saint in heaven hear possibly millions of prayers? Then if he heard the prayer does he go to God for intercession? No because the Bible says only Jeus intercededs for us.Only God has the power. Romans 8:34 -Who is to condemn? Christ Jesus is the one who died-more than that, who was raised-who is at the right hand of God, who indeed is interceding for us.
Thanks so much for allowing us to watch these wonderful messages. I am so grateful to God. It helps me as a woman's inductive bible study leader tremendously. Glory to God!!!
I’m so blessed to have found these! To know the truth of the history of the church is such a relief.Thank you, Nathan and God Bless You and keep you, brother.
i listened to this last night and i really enjoyed it. it's true, i think we should take the time to know the history of the church. much like getting to know the history of your bride, we ought to take effort in studying church history, since the church is the bride. great information, thanks for capturing and sharing. looking forward to more.
I would be very happy and fulfilled if I could sit in those classes and learn theology. I thank God today we have so many free resources at our disposal
Thank you and God Bless you Joshua Crooch for taking the time to get as many of these TMS courses for us. I have had the door shut on me every time I have attempted to go to formal seminary training. Praise God though that through self-study under mentors, and resources made available from Godly men & institutions like TMS, men in my situation can still get great training. You have no real idea what this means to me and how much God has used this to bless me. Thank you & thank TMS. God bless!
Here are the Titles for the whole series 1. Why Study Church History? 2. From Pentecost to Patmos Part 1 3. From Pentecost to Patmos Part 2 4. The Disciples of the Apostles, Part I 5. The Disciples of the Apostles, Part II 6. The History of Heresy, Part I 7. The History of Heresy, Part II 8. The Ante-Nicene Fathers 9. Exam #1 Review, Faith of Our Fathers, Part I 10. Faith of Our Fathers, Part II 11. Nicene Christianity, Part I 12. Nicene Christianity, Part II 13. Nicene Christianity, Part III 14. The History of Eschatology 15. Controversies and Councils 16. The Fall of Rome 17. Exam #2 Review 18. The Question of Canonicity 19. Middle Ages, Part I 20. Middle Ages, Part II 21. Middle Ages, Part III 22. The Crusades 23. Middle Ages, Part III 24. Middle Ages, Part IV 25. Exam #3 Review
How exciting! I enjoy hearing Nathan preach on Sundays at Grace community church. So i know this is going to be a great lecture. Definitely biblically sound.
It’s so wonderful to see these men, students of God’s actual Word. I completely reject female pastors. So as I’m painting walls in my home, making it cozy and pretty, I’m loving that I too get to listen to this truth that is usually saved for Seminary students! What a gift!🥰
It is very much essential that every preacher irrespective of their denominations , include atleast ten minutes of their message devote for the Church history. Generation after generation attend the Church service and yet they are ignorant about their own Church history. Thanks for helping the Christians through the Masters Seminary.
So blessed to have these lectures available. Great presentation of introduction to Church history. Looking forward to this series. Thank you, TMS for these uploads. Almost feels like school again.
Thanks for this class, i really happy because i understand most exactly the history of the church, my level english its basic but i understand everything, again thanks
I admit that I do not have any real concept on the history of the church. I mean I did not now almost anything concerning church history. Now very excited to get here (recommanded by a friend). God bless for making these avalible! From Ethiopia.
Hugues, So happy these are a blessing to you! I do not have copies of the syllabi to give away, but if you go to the TMS website that I linked in the description and look up the professor, I'm sure he would respond to an email request from you. Hope that helps!
The theology that Rick Warren abandoned. Thank you for posting this. I became more interested in church history after reading Broadbent's book The Pilgrim Church. Really would like to see more youth programs in churches would incorporate a curriculum like this.
31:55 mark My favorite is Thomas Shepard , The Parable of the Ten Virgins . The works of Thomas Shepard, First Pastor of The First Church, Cambridge, Mass. " With a Memoir of His Life and Character. Vol. ll. Published from the author's own notes , ( in 1659 ) at the desire of many, for the common benefit of the Lord's People."
Only have an associate's in biblical studies, however, my favorite subject was church history. Too bad it was only one class, thankfully the instructor was amazing and started right from the beginning and walked us through. I'll be honest the class was very informative, exciting, fun, and lastly, difficult. There was so much information!!! Looking forward to these lessons.
Hey, this is a series of 25 lectures. All are available here in youtube. Edit: you were talking about your associate course right ? English is not my first language. That is why I understood it in a different way.
Great Channel !! Would be more helpful if one can have the Lecture Materials. Anyway, this videos and lectures are already a treasure for those to want to dig deeper about the Word of God. Thanks a ton , keep up the great work.
professor Bathan Busenit really i learned so much thing in those 25 and 27 church history lectures my GOD bless you but i want to ask is there any further history like ehiopian church what do you think
Josh, we love you already. We would love to acquire the syllabus or notes for this series of Historical Theology. We would greatly appreciate it, Josh. Thank you.
Thank you for this very insightful lecture series - extremely helpful in undertstanding our church history and church foundation. Is there any course material one can download? Thank you,
1. Just with where I am at in my personal studies, I'm super stoked to watch and take note. 2. I have had discussions with Mormons who say they are Latter Day Saints and there is a difference. Are both, not just mormonism, considered false teachings?
I completely agree, "The professing church" has no idea of Church History and how past history affects us today. I wish that when I was taking bible and history courses I had this type of teaching.
And the master's seminary website says, "WE TRAIN MEN!" Really?? What BS. They obviously haven't read the scripture, "I will Pour Out My Spirit 27"Thus you will know that I am in the midst of Israel, And that I am the LORD your God, And there is no other; And My people will never be put to shame. 28"It will come about after this That I will pour out My Spirit on all mankind; And your sons and daughters will prophesy, Your old men will dream dreams, Your young men will see visions. 29"Even on the male and female servants I will pour out My Spirit in those days.…(Joel 2). I hardly think the Holy Spirit would pass women by as He goes to every man on this earth!
And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence. For Adam was formed first, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression. I Timothy 2:12-14 NKJV
I would love to have the names of some of the church fathers he said supported the view of premillennialism in the first centuries of the church, that must be such a good reading, gonna try to find them, if someone has it pls comment below! Really good class!
When defending the use and production of images, people will often assert that they are doing this for the glory of God. However, when it is pointed out to them that they have an exalted view of the images, people will oftentimes assert that the images attempting to depict God are simply mere materials. However, anyone that attempts to hold to both positions will eventually see that idols in all forms are an inadequate representation of God and will either have to try to debase God in order to exalt the idol or will have to exalt God and debase the idol thus recognizing the inconsistency of his attempts to hold both positions. Sadly, centuries of tradition has blinded kept billions people from seeing the truth (Read Deuteronomy 4:23-24}).
Idols whether carved or not attempt to add to the revelation that has been given by God. We should have a mindset that is revealed in {1 Corinthians 14:6}.
The problem inherent in doing that is that when the discussion comes to doctrine, the two are in fact in opposition. To see this problem in detail, just study the differing views that each has on the topic of justification. For instance, Catholic dogma (Trent, Canon IX and XXIV) pronounces anathema on anyone who preaches justification by faith alone, and who states that our works play no part in our justification. This dogma is in opposition to the New Testament which is quite clear about the nature of saving faith: “For we maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from works of the Law” (Romans 3:28). “A man is not justified by the works of the Law but through faith in Christ Jesus . . . since by the works of the Law no flesh will be justified” (Galatians 2:16). “But when the kindness of God our Savior and His love for mankind appeared, He saved us, not on the basis of deeds which we have done in righteousness, but according to His mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit” (Titus 3:4-5). Salvation is by faith in Christ alone through God’s grace alone, and God then declares you righteous-not because you actually are righteous, it is not as though righteousness is infused into you, but rather because He imputes His righteousness to you, and because He paid the penalty for your sin. Christ bears our sin and we receive His righteousness. That is the doctrine of justification found in 2 Corinthians 5:21.
No it's not possible because the Roman Catholic church has not changed. The evangelical Protestants have instead decided to end their protest. Sad indeed but there is much to be gained by sharing a bed with the Pope.
No, it isn’t. The Reformation was the most significant even in Church History since the closing of the canon, and the very word “Protestant” alludes to that opposition.
Im a little late to the party but I'd like to say I really appreciate this series. The protestant church is really lacking in this area. If I had been exposed to some of the ante nicean works earlier in my life it would have prevented a lot of error that I fell into.
Protestants are far more into history and well taught that's how they know why they are what they ar If you had any clue what any of those words mean you would already know that
Sir, isn’t “Historical theology” different from “church history”? The title says “historical Theology” but the content seems to be “church history” assuming that they are different.
Nothing...and I say again, more refreshing to hear than the TRUTH preached. I appreciate these Master's Seminary classroom videos so much. They are such a blessing. Thank you for letting us view them.
Nathan is a great teacher, we need to have him do more courses like this. :) I will let him know you appreciate his class, I'm sure that will encourage him.
How can I get the lecture notes ?
@@zxcftyful x2
Some people will say that in {The New Testament} people saw Jesus and that this therefore means that the command not to make images (whether three dimensional or two dimensional) no longer applies.
While it is true that there have been people long ago who saw God through Jesus Christ, this is an exception rather than the rule (Read {1 John 3:2} & {1 John 4:12}).
Furthermore, Moses saw God (Read {Exodus 33:11}). The fact is that {Deuteronomy 4:23-24} still applies.
I learned more from him than any other Christian teacher. Fantastic Christian man and full of knowledge.
Just a delayed update that this class is still being helpful. Valuable piece of history itself haha.
Haha! Same! 😂
This seminar has been a huge blessing, we have scheduled a day and a time with my wife to follow the whole course, take notes and do research, thank you TMS for this effort.
I just said “I wish I could find a good course on Church History.” So excited!! try this site it is free and it is from The Southwestern Baptist Seminary. The Church History on that site is so very good. God Bless.
Me too bro. Hope you've been able to complete it. I just started tonight.
Praise God for this teaching by his servant and it's availability to international audiences. I'm being reached in Antigua 🇦🇬 West Indies.
Add me too!
thank you TMS for making these lecturers available on RUclips. sat at home taking notes myself. you never know could be sat in class one day haha but I can't wait to listen and learn about the history of the church to who the what the where and whys of it all. God bless all you guys
Luke 3:23 NASB
When He began His ministry, Jesus Himself was about thirty years of age, being as was supposed, the Son of joseph, the son of eli,
So so thankful to have found this. This topic blesses me greatly. I am a homeschool mom and this is my way to get church history in while I cook. If there is anywhere to print up resources, that would be great. Probably no, but it never hurts to ask. Thank you for making this available.
So glad God is using this to bless you! I shall pass on your thanks to those that labor to bring it to you.
I need this- I was saved out of Greek Orthodoxy! I literally had a million and one questions about church history after I got saved that most Christians couldn’t answer.
jeremy Lyons there were no premonitions. I heard a Christian preacher speaking of Gods judgement on the day we die. Yes, we all get judged when we die! The Bible says, it’s appointed unto man once to die after this the judgement. So with that, I was concerned that when I died I would not be right with Him. I knew that I had once stolen even though I was 17. I would have lustful thoughts about women. I used the Lord’s name in vain. I was baptized as an infant in the Orthodox Church, I attended weekend services. Not once when I was Orthodox did any priest use this kind of startling message.
Most priest assume you are going to heaven because once you’re baptized it starts a conversion process and then we have to continue in our works to ensure that we go to heaven. I’ve come to learn through being born again and reading the Bible that this a lie straight out of hell. That is that you have to earn salvation by your good works! This is a lie and I’ve seen the fruit in Orthodoxy and Catholicism and its rotten! You can only be saved by Grace through faith and not of yourself it’s a free gift not of works so we can’t boast! Our works are filthy rags in God’s sight. Jesus paid the fine once and for all on the cross. That the problem I have with Orthodoxy. It’s a salvation issue. Does that mean that everything about Orthodoxy is bad? No in fact Orthodoxy takes the Trinity very seriously which is great. Actually more trinitArian that most evangelical churches. But there’s still a problem in Orthodoxy in which people aren’t hearing the true gospel of salvation. Not of works because none of us are good. The Bible says we are all bad!!!! We need Jesus’ righteousness to enter heaven. It is grace alone through faith alone in Jesus Christ alone. Any other way is an affront to God and an idol. Jesus is our only intercessory not Saints in heaven or Mary. These saints can’t hear us. I even heard a priest the other day say “ happy name day- may Saint Matthew protect you!” This is idolatry!!!! Saints can’t hear us . They are not God. They are not omniscient or omnipresent. Think about it- could a Saint in heaven hear possibly millions of prayers? Then if he heard the prayer does he go to God for intercession? No because the Bible says only Jeus intercededs for us.Only God has the power. Romans 8:34 -Who is to condemn? Christ Jesus is the one who died-more than that, who was raised-who is at the right hand of God, who indeed is interceding for us.
Amen. I was saved from Roman Catholicism.
Thanks so much for allowing us to watch these wonderful messages. I am so grateful to God. It helps me as a woman's inductive bible study leader tremendously. Glory to God!!!
I am glad the Lord is using these in your life Bryan, and you are most welcome!
I’m so blessed to have found these! To know the truth of the history of the church is such a relief.Thank you, Nathan and God Bless You and keep you, brother.
@Joshua Crooch thank you so much for uploading that video and those of the seminary, there are a huge help. May the Lord bless you richly !
Oh my Lord! I am so glad that my Professor put this lecture as part of our assignment.
It’s not right to use the name of the LORD in vain; you do as you wish now that you know
i listened to this last night and i really enjoyed it. it's true, i think we should take the time to know the history of the church. much like getting to know the history of your bride, we ought to take effort in studying church history, since the church is the bride. great information, thanks for capturing and sharing. looking forward to more.
I would be very happy and fulfilled if I could sit in those classes and learn theology. I thank God today we have so many free resources at our disposal
Thank you and God Bless you Joshua Crooch for taking the time to get as many of these TMS courses for us. I have had the door shut on me every time I have attempted to go to formal seminary training. Praise God though that through self-study under mentors, and resources made available from Godly men & institutions like TMS, men in my situation can still get great training. You have no real idea what this means to me and how much God has used this to bless me. Thank you & thank TMS. God bless!
Here are the Titles for the whole series
1. Why Study Church History?
2. From Pentecost to Patmos Part 1
3. From Pentecost to Patmos Part 2
4. The Disciples of the Apostles, Part I
5. The Disciples of the Apostles, Part II
6. The History of Heresy, Part I
7. The History of Heresy, Part II
8. The Ante-Nicene Fathers
9. Exam #1 Review, Faith of Our Fathers, Part I
10. Faith of Our Fathers, Part II
11. Nicene Christianity, Part I
12. Nicene Christianity, Part II
13. Nicene Christianity, Part III
14. The History of Eschatology
15. Controversies and Councils
16. The Fall of Rome
17. Exam #2 Review
18. The Question of Canonicity
19. Middle Ages, Part I
20. Middle Ages, Part II
21. Middle Ages, Part III
22. The Crusades
23. Middle Ages, Part III
24. Middle Ages, Part IV
25. Exam #3 Review
Thank you!!
How exciting! I enjoy hearing Nathan preach on Sundays at Grace community church. So i know this is going to be a great lecture. Definitely biblically sound.
Thank you. You are making the lockdown "enjoyable".
At least he teaches what he believes and backs it up with Scripture. Good enough for me.
Praise The Lord for faithful men this is a HUGE BLESSING!!!!!!!!!
“It is your history; and it is not Roman Catholic history.” I’m so excited to listen to this study! Thank you so much for posting them.
I really like the Dr's idea about adding the biography to one's regular reading.
It’s so wonderful to see these men, students of God’s actual Word. I completely reject female pastors. So as I’m painting walls in my home, making it cozy and pretty, I’m loving that I too get to listen to this truth that is usually saved for Seminary students!
What a gift!🥰
Joyce meyer should totally turn people off to that type of thing but they want they want haha
Thank you Josh for sharing these teachings. It is a true blessing.
Thank you for making these videos available on youtube! Much love from the Philippines! God bless guys!
It is very much essential that every preacher irrespective of their denominations , include atleast ten minutes of their message devote for the Church history. Generation after generation attend the Church service and yet they are ignorant about their own Church history. Thanks for helping the Christians through the Masters Seminary.
So blessed to have these lectures available. Great presentation of introduction to Church history. Looking forward to this series. Thank you, TMS for these uploads. Almost feels like school again.
Thank you Professor Nathan Busenitz for the clear teaching of Church History, Historical Theology.
Wow. So thankful that this is on RUclips! My knowledge of church history is lacking. This should help!
Contact me I hope I can help u
Thanks for this class, i really happy because i understand most exactly the history of the church, my level english its basic but i understand everything, again thanks
I admit that I do not have any real concept on the history of the church. I mean I did not now almost anything concerning church history. Now very excited to get here (recommanded by a friend). God bless for making these avalible!
From Ethiopia.
Hugues, So happy these are a blessing to you! I do not have copies of the syllabi to give away, but if you go to the TMS website that I linked in the description and look up the professor, I'm sure he would respond to an email request from you.
Hope that helps!
Can you tell what the required reading is for this course?
Thank you for posting this playlist .. I’m in a weird place with my faith right now snd this is very needed
The theology that Rick Warren abandoned. Thank you for posting this. I became more interested in church history after reading Broadbent's book The Pilgrim Church. Really would like to see more youth programs in churches would incorporate a curriculum like this.
Thank you Master’s Seminary & Dr. Nathan Busenitz!
This is my second listen through hoping to learn more about the period of time from 100ad-1400ad.
I am thankful to this lecture. This so informative. God bless us all
31:55 mark My favorite is Thomas Shepard , The Parable of the Ten Virgins . The works of Thomas Shepard, First Pastor of The First Church, Cambridge, Mass.
" With a Memoir of His Life and Character. Vol. ll. Published from the author's own notes , ( in 1659 ) at the desire of many, for the common benefit of the Lord's People."
Only have an associate's in biblical studies, however, my favorite subject was church history. Too bad it was only one class, thankfully the instructor was amazing and started right from the beginning and walked us through. I'll be honest the class was very informative, exciting, fun, and lastly, difficult. There was so much information!!! Looking forward to these lessons.
Hey, this is a series of 25 lectures. All are available here in youtube.
Edit: you were talking about your associate course right ? English is not my first language. That is why I understood it in a different way.
"Impossible to be 100% objective, so why try?" (approx 29:00).
Outstanding Course! Can't wait to watch/listen Lecture 2!
Thank you Dr. Busenitz, you are a real scholar
Thanks much for sharing these lectures
Great Channel !! Would be more helpful if one can have the Lecture Materials. Anyway, this videos and lectures are already a treasure for those to want to dig deeper about the Word of God. Thanks a ton , keep up the great work.
Can we get the link to the Slides?
professor Bathan Busenit really i learned so much thing in those 25 and 27 church history lectures my GOD bless you but i want to ask is there any further history like ehiopian church what do you think
Josh, we love you already. We would love to acquire the syllabus or notes for this series of Historical Theology. We would greatly appreciate it, Josh. Thank you.
Did you get the notes for this series?
Thank you such a blessing can't wait to study all of these
How can I get the lecture notes ?
I would like to know also
I would also like to know how to get the notes.
This is my third time through this series. I always find something new in it v
Watching from Thailand in 2022.
Thank you for this very insightful lecture series - extremely helpful in undertstanding our church history and church foundation.
Is there any course material one can download?
Thank you,
1. Just with where I am at in my personal studies, I'm super stoked to watch and take note.
2. I have had discussions with Mormons who say they are Latter Day Saints and there is a difference. Are both, not just mormonism, considered false teachings?
Thanks a lot for putting that resource in .
I'm here late. But looking forward to listening to these lessons
This is the best introduction to hopefully the best course on church history. Forgive my ignorance, why can't complete objectivity be achieved anyway?
THis is so awesome, thank you so much. I can learn so much from these videos
Thanks for giving this course for free
I wonder if it's part of the dress code of the MS to wear formally at all times.
Asoweme teacher and class really helpful for us. Thank you and God bless avery one.
Mike Winger sent me here and he hates everything. “I’m not gonna try it, you try it. I’m not gonna try it….He likes it! Hey Mikey.” 😁
Good stuff!! Keep the good job..
WOW! So glad I found this! Thank you so much :)
is there a way to get the notes/reading being used for this class
I know it’s been a while, but does anyone know where if the notes used are available anywhere? Thanks!
Would be interesting to tie in the 69 7's into the 30 AD time frame. Sir Robert Anderson's calculations and all that.
When did Opie become a theologian?
What are the books the class uses?
Is the outline of these courses able to be downloaded?
I completely agree, "The professing church" has no idea of Church History and how past history affects us today. I wish that when I was taking bible and history courses I had this type of teaching.
I am so interested in this first class ,getting to know and learn more about theology is very important to me.
And the master's seminary website says, "WE TRAIN MEN!" Really?? What BS. They obviously haven't read the scripture, "I will Pour Out My Spirit
27"Thus you will know that I am in the midst of Israel, And that I am the LORD your God, And there is no other; And My people will never be put to shame. 28"It will come about after this That I will pour out My Spirit on all mankind; And your sons and daughters will prophesy, Your old men will dream dreams, Your young men will see visions. 29"Even on the male and female servants I will pour out My Spirit in those days.…(Joel 2). I hardly think the Holy Spirit would pass women by as He goes to every man on this earth!
And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence. For Adam was formed first, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression.
I Timothy 2:12-14 NKJV
How can I get his notes of Church History? Pastor Robert Rodriguez
Is there anyway or anywhere I could find the resources associated with the lecture like lecture notes or textbooks?
I would love to have the names of some of the church fathers he said supported the view of premillennialism in the first centuries of the church, that must be such a good reading, gonna try to find them, if someone has it pls comment below!
Really good class!
Would love to have the notes to this course! So profitable
When defending the use and production of images, people will often assert that they are doing this for the glory of God. However, when it is pointed out to them that they have an exalted view of the images, people will oftentimes assert that the images attempting to depict God are simply mere materials.
However, anyone that attempts to hold to both positions will eventually see that idols in all forms are an inadequate representation of God and will either have to try to debase God in order to exalt the idol or will have to exalt God and debase the idol thus recognizing the inconsistency of his attempts to hold both positions.
Sadly, centuries of tradition has blinded kept billions people from seeing the truth (Read Deuteronomy 4:23-24}).
Idols whether carved or not attempt to add to the revelation that has been given by God. We should have a mindset that is revealed in {1 Corinthians 14:6}.
How can I get hold of the notes? I really need them. These videos are my only opportunity at the moment.
Nathan, that name Dever looked to with the puritans was Richard Baxter. I think he did his thesis or dissertation on him.
Yes, much appreciated.
Thank you so much for putting these videos online. =) Is there a way wherein I can also have the soft copy notes for these? Thank you. =)
Sir, can I have the syllabus of this course? Thanks.
Interesting lecture thanks for sharing.
Anyone knows where I can download he's comments that he have on his computer? Thanks
How can i have the learning material to help me in sharing in sermon.
48:00 Introducing Book of Acts.
Is there anywhere I can get the powerpoint slides?
Fantastic study! Just have to add one note, Pentecost is 50 days after Firstfruits, not Passover.
Thanks so much for sharing
Grace and peace! ✌😎✌
Is there a book or materials that one can purchase for this class?
Is it not possible to study the shared heritage of Catholicism and Protestantism without putting the two in opposition?
The problem inherent in doing that is that when the discussion comes to doctrine, the two are in fact in opposition. To see this problem in detail, just study the differing views that each has on the topic of justification.
For instance, Catholic dogma (Trent, Canon IX and XXIV) pronounces anathema on anyone who preaches justification by faith alone, and who states that our works play no part in our justification.
This dogma is in opposition to the New Testament which is quite clear about the nature of saving faith:
“For we maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from works of the Law” (Romans 3:28).
“A man is not justified by the works of the Law but through faith in Christ Jesus . . . since by the works of the Law no flesh will be justified” (Galatians 2:16).
“But when the kindness of God our Savior and His love for mankind appeared, He saved us, not on the basis of deeds which we have done in righteousness, but according to His mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit” (Titus 3:4-5).
Salvation is by faith in Christ alone through God’s grace alone, and God then declares you righteous-not because you actually are righteous, it is not as though righteousness is infused into you, but rather because He imputes His righteousness to you, and because He paid the penalty for your sin. Christ bears our sin and we receive His righteousness. That is the doctrine of justification found in 2 Corinthians 5:21.
No it's not possible because the Roman Catholic church has not changed. The evangelical Protestants have instead decided to end their protest. Sad indeed but there is much to be gained by sharing a bed with the Pope.
No, it isn’t. The Reformation was the most significant even in Church History since the closing of the canon, and the very word “Protestant” alludes to that opposition.
Im a little late to the party but I'd like to say I really appreciate this series. The protestant church is really lacking in this area. If I had been exposed to some of the ante nicean works earlier in my life it would have prevented a lot of error that I fell into.
You going to a cupcake cult does not make your rejection of God someone else s fault hahahha
Protestants are far more into history and well taught that's how they know why they are what they ar
If you had any clue what any of those words mean you would already know that
can i get a e-material of this lecture? thanks
Sir, isn’t “Historical theology” different from “church history”? The title says “historical Theology” but the content seems to be “church history” assuming that they are different.
Anyone know the books used for this course if there are any?
Jenny Zee "2000 Years of Christ Power" all volumes
Thank you