Ur My Type is a free dating app based on the 16 personality types. Create your profile, select what types you want to meet and swipe away =D Download 👉 www.bit.ly/urmytypexytmm 👈 (iOS and Android, available worldwide). For more INTP Memes subscribe to my channel and follow my Instagram page 👉 instagram.com/intpmemesdaily
I tried it but it's not for me. I just scrolled past a lot of people for 30 mins but I got bored since their faces were starting to look similar to each other.
Can u help me to know who I am in mbti 16 personalities I have taken test come as 4 times intj,3 times intp and 3 times infp I think my mind has learned which question to answer what to get what I m really confused can u plzz help me and the bigger question is how can I be an N when I have failed 12th sci tried to take re-exam still failed taken diploma but no interest I dropped out am I actually just an idiot who thinks he will achieve great things or mbti forget to added one more personality called idiot.
@@ravidixit7626 be "smart" isnt relate to be an N. I suggest you to research about all the types to see the one feats you better. But remember, MBTI is not 100% real or acurrate. Its just a wat to get to know yourselfie a little better ( and the memes are fun as heck)
@@notrealyBea I have taken free test like 13 times all I get is INXX and introvert to be 90% approx and N to be 80% approx from different website so does that means m I taking the wrong tests and as for research I have taken enneagram test, know all types of mbti
Hooooooly shit, ‘’life is tough when you’re a lazy perfectionist who simultaneously doesn’t give a shit about anything but at the same time cares too much about everything you feel’’ that’s basically me on a daily basis! haha :)
My folded chunk of meat hidding behind a layer of mixed calcium and collagen, which can be found at the top most part of my whole body. -hole heartedly- agrees.
It's probably other intp's that makes these memes as well, because we understand ourself better than anyone else and since we basically share the same traits then we most likely deal with the same problems and situations as well... Welp unless you are an intp from the 10th century, surely they would be dealing with different problems, but this myers personality list or theory didn't exist yet back then, so no INTP knew that they were an INTP but most people back then had to work to exist or not starve to death, soo does that mean that the stereotypical intp didn't exist back then? Is personality something that we are born with or do we grow up and slowly gain our personality, so does that mean that in due time our personality will eventually change?? It kind of relates with watching a new movie then temporarily acquiring the personality of our favorite character but slower and permanent, well, until it changes again. Damn. Why am I here, I should be sleeping or doing my homework due the day after Tomorrow. Fuck.
@Misha Espiritu Same. On one of them, I don't remember if it was this one or not, because I have seen so many, but that's besides the point. Point is, I thought I was the only one who felt the mirror meme. (The mirror meme, as in you look in the mirror and suddenly realize you are a real person and have to exist and have a body.) That's why I hate looking in mirrors. It makes me contemplate my life too much.
I get along very well with INTJs (i'm an INTP). One of my best friends is an INTJ and we understand each other without even talking, it's like we think alike.
@@Marta-vc2pf i personaly rather be with INTPs than ENFPs is not like i hate them, but INTJs and INTPs are more similar. The diferences are just a few.
As an INTP, I will accept the analyses, while attempting to cross reference them with my own data in order to make sure that my stored information is accurate.
@@daniellaguna7900 I won't lie, that was one of the main factors that made me settle on INTP instead of INTJ. *nervous glance at half-finished projects, half-cleaned room, and half-developed relationships*
@@daniellaguna7900 I really don't know which one I am. I am very procrastination oriented but I get probably half my projects done on time. I feel like I'm the exact middle of these two personalities.
Come delve deep into the pit of INTP laziness. But oh, man, when that extraverted feeling kicks in, it's like you're on steroids. I run circles around everyone at work.
@@kippesolo8941 Does this mean that in due time we develop new personalities? Like the myers personality list didn't surely didn't exist in the 10th century, but back then, how many intp's existed?? Nobody can know because even the possible intp's didn't know if they were one, also Intp's procrastinate, but back then, you either work and get paid very little but still get a little bit of food or just die. And we surely would do homework if we were gonna be killed if we can't do it, so does that mean that intp's didn't exist back then and was just slowly developed as humanity acquires progress and makes our lives easier and more efficient?? You definitely aren't the same person as 10 years ago, that means everytime we go through a moment in life, are changed a little bit until one thing just completely changes us, are there stages to it?? But how sure are we that it's the age that matures the person?? Of course not, we mature or change because of the situations we are put in, so how many situations does it take to change a person?? But what if it isn't the amount, but the quality of the situation, how bad or how good that situation is. So there might have been a possibility that you, as a child, was destined for greatness, but then, life decided to just slap you and you change and just lose every potential which could have lead you to greatness. Why the fuck am I here I should be asleep by now.
Okay, so, for you fellow INTP types, if you ever feel the need that you should socialize more, here's how you do it: You start thinking that people who kind of interest you as an interesting subject to research about, getting to know them is the research part, imagine that the paper due date is 00:00 and just crash course that shit like you're used to.
INTPs are the type of people to create a libertarian party in a household of 5 people just because someone said "well that's just how it is" when they questioned a rule
I need to get maintenance done on my car. I'm not quiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiite at 5000 miles yet. I get about 160 miles per week..so I could wait a week and a half.......
3:42 this is me rn, relating to most of the memes but doing the test once per week in case I'm not a intp and my life has been a completely lie (every time the result was intp-t and i still find it suspicious)
I never went to kindergarden. I started school at 6 I was and am in that school ever since. Im an INTP-T I still remember in 4th grade my classmate asked me: Can you talk? ( It was a serious question she wasn't trying to make fun of me or anything ) I said: "Yes. I can talk." The look on her face was priceless. She was so shocked. She was entirely convinced I had some disability so can't speak. :')
Just yesterday I watched a bunch of videos about intps and most of them talked a lot about procrastination. I thought to myself that I don’t procrastinate almost ever, so maybe I’m not an intp. Just today in my English class, I finished the worksheet in the two minutes it took for the teacher to go around making sure they were completed and I got them all right. 😂
As an INTP-t, I find this quite intriguing lol Over a year I have been testing my MBTI and got INTP all times but 1, and that time was INTJ. Seems this video has given more clarity on being INTP lmao Have always thought I was never really INTP due to possible ADHD which makes me more hyperactive and slightly but not actually, emotional.
3:41 LMAOO since I've learned about mbti last year I must have re taken the test at least 3 times just to make sure I wasn't doing it wrong Of course while I had work to do
6:21 I misinterpreted the 4th bullet point for a hot minute and thought it meant the parents of INTPs instead of INTPs as parents. I was like, "Clearly you haven't met my mother. Oh, wait..." Also, as an INTP trans man, the 3rd bullet point from the bottom makes me unreasonably happy.
So you, as a man, get to feel validated and a woman, like me, gets to feel special due to scarcity? Sound's like a win to me! (I also misread the parents thing and was very confused for a minute)
1:54 i felt that i am like 4 month trying to find good time to tell my crush i love her after she took 3 years to understand (smg btw i am 17) she love me too but i just cant find me do it it so i say i will do it later btw when i first told her it took me 10 month+ so ye i hate my life
3:30 This. This is exactly how I feel. I despise doing the dishes but literally no one else does it right that it's so frustrating. Why can't they do something as simple as scrubbing when doing dishes?!?
0:52 right here fella ;) 1:01 IKRRRRRRRR!!!1!!!!!1!!!!1 1:15 EHEHEHEHEICANEXPLAIN 1:19 yeah i can confirm ;-; 1:35 welp, they got a point. 1:45 XD 1:57 yep 2:02 :( wish people like that exist tho 2:25 YESSSSSS i dont exist for practical and logical reasons and, no, you cannot not pretend i do and i can prove it. 2:41 frfrfr 2:51 iykykikyk
under any and all technicalities there's about an 86% chance if you're an intp/anywhere on the in spectrum you also have adhd but that's probably wrong lmao
I don’t understand why I should feel good about compliments and why I should thank for them. Like, I didn’t make those clothes and I did nothing for how I look and all that stuff.
im so intp, i took like 8 mbti tests, picking only the extreme option, the nuanced option and then the actual realistic option, then calculated the percentage of how often i got each mbti result +(obviously intp won+) and then i STILL doubt if im not secretly something else, but im also overconfident that im right at the same time somehow also i AM autistic and there are definitely overlaps, but of course also individual diffrences. but yeah the "laziness" and procrastination is definitely just pda
We INTPs are always saying things about ourselves that are considered quite disturbing for others... but I love how we all seem to take pride in being what we are
3:25 I feel called out, this was literally me yesterday..... and we all know where that list goes hahaha (in the mind bin, cause we never physically write it)
7:14 hell, I google words even if I think I've used it correctly. I Remeber doing it yesterday even, and I don't even remmebr what the word was. It was a weird word and I wasn't sure it meant *exactly* what I was trying to convey, so I googled it anyway.
4:28 holy shit, I didn't know:0 well thanks, now that I do, I can add it to my collection of random knowledge and facts that fill 76% of my memory and procrastinate while thinking about them
at 10:38 I had an internal monologue and thought process of which sausage did they mean and what they meant by two sausages while procrastinating on English.
9:01 Already tried it. It didn't work, I'm now just wasting my days watching youtube videos even though I planned my daily routine that I don't even follow. *Procrastination 100* -From a fellow INTP
Currently watching this video instead of working for my exam. The exam that's going to decide my future life. (a pointless one, the french bac oral). I'mma eat something now.
Ur My Type is a free dating app based on the 16 personality types. Create your profile, select what types you want to meet and swipe away =D
Download 👉 www.bit.ly/urmytypexytmm 👈 (iOS and Android, available worldwide).
For more INTP Memes subscribe to my channel and follow my Instagram page 👉 instagram.com/intpmemesdaily
I tried it but it's not for me. I just scrolled past a lot of people for 30 mins but I got bored since their faces were starting to look similar to each other.
Can u help me to know who I am in mbti 16 personalities I have taken test come as 4 times intj,3 times intp and 3 times infp I think my mind has learned which question to answer what to get what I m really confused can u plzz help me and the bigger question is how can I be an N when I have failed 12th sci tried to take re-exam still failed taken diploma but no interest I dropped out am I actually just an idiot who thinks he will achieve great things or mbti forget to added one more personality called idiot.
@@ravidixit7626 be "smart" isnt relate to be an N. I suggest you to research about all the types to see the one feats you better. But remember, MBTI is not 100% real or acurrate. Its just a wat to get to know yourselfie a little better ( and the memes are fun as heck)
@@notrealyBea I have taken free test like 13 times all I get is INXX and introvert to be 90% approx and N to be 80% approx from different website so does that means m I taking the wrong tests and as for research I have taken enneagram test, know all types of mbti
More procrastination fuel. Very good.
_"ah yes, the __-negotiator-__ INTProcrastinator"_
@@MBTIMemes *INTellectual Procraetinator*
I'm procrastinating too
I should be cleaning my room right now.
I really do not want to take a shower, I always thought there was something wrong with me and I am too lazy, but now I know that I was right :/
Hooooooly shit, ‘’life is tough when you’re a lazy perfectionist who simultaneously doesn’t give a shit about anything but at the same time cares too much about everything you feel’’ that’s basically me on a daily basis! haha :)
I relate on a astronomical level
My folded chunk of meat hidding behind a layer of mixed calcium and collagen, which can be found at the top most part of my whole body. -hole heartedly- agrees.
Literally the most relatable sentence I've ever read
I wonder who makes these memes so accurately, as I've never met an other INTP myself yet to confirm all this.
I thought I was the only one 😂
@@medmedmed333 same-
It's probably other intp's that makes these memes as well, because we understand ourself better than anyone else and since we basically share the same traits then we most likely deal with the same problems and situations as well...
Welp unless you are an intp from the 10th century, surely they would be dealing with different problems,
but this myers personality list or theory didn't exist yet back then, so no INTP knew that they were an INTP but most people back then had to work to exist or not starve to death, soo does that mean that the stereotypical intp didn't exist back then?
Is personality something that we are born with or do we grow up and slowly gain our personality, so does that mean that in due time our personality will eventually change??
It kind of relates with watching a new movie then temporarily acquiring the personality of our favorite character but slower and permanent, well, until it changes again.
Damn. Why am I here, I should be sleeping or doing my homework due the day after Tomorrow.
I really wanna like this comment but we must keep it at 69 so… sorry bud
@Misha Espiritu Same. On one of them, I don't remember if it was this one or not, because I have seen so many, but that's besides the point. Point is, I thought I was the only one who felt the mirror meme. (The mirror meme, as in you look in the mirror and suddenly realize you are a real person and have to exist and have a body.) That's why I hate looking in mirrors. It makes me contemplate my life too much.
It's nice to know I'm not alone.
INTJ here to say INTPs are cute. You guys are like the awkward version of us ( in a good way).
I get along very well with INTJs (i'm an INTP). One of my best friends is an INTJ and we understand each other without even talking, it's like we think alike.
@@Marta-vc2pf i personaly rather be with INTPs than ENFPs is not like i hate them, but INTJs and INTPs are more similar. The diferences are just a few.
@@notrealyBea true
@@notrealyBea *them
I’m sorry
@@emeraldz1189 nah. Is good. English is not my native idiom so sometimes i do a little slip :/
Me(INTP) at 3am procrastinating sleep lol
I had 4 hours of sleep today, i can still procratinate sleep because sleeping is boring when you have the chance of checking memes
So you’re a fan of revenge bedtime whatever that was
at 3 am trying to write my last 2 pages essay that's due tomorrow. Surely won't take long, lemme hear 1 hour worth of TED-talks
Same here at 6 am lol
As a INTP i agree
As an INTP, I will accept the analyses, while attempting to cross reference them with my own data in order to make sure that my stored information is accurate.
8:07 I couldn’t relate more to the
“Can’t listen to music without pretending I’m the artist.”
Yes, i think all these stereotypes apply to me. Inner monologue as entire reality especially.
I was confused whether I was an INTJ or INTP, this video makes me believe that I might just be an INTP
If you ever accomplish anything at all whatsoever you’re an INTJ and if you don’t then you’re an INTP like the rest of us lol
@@daniellaguna7900 I won't lie, that was one of the main factors that made me settle on INTP instead of INTJ. *nervous glance at half-finished projects, half-cleaned room, and half-developed relationships*
join us comrade we will save you from the perils of society
@@daniellaguna7900 I really don't know which one I am. I am very procrastination oriented but I get probably half my projects done on time. I feel like I'm the exact middle of these two personalities.
Come delve deep into the pit of INTP laziness. But oh, man, when that extraverted feeling kicks in, it's like you're on steroids. I run circles around everyone at work.
I’m an INTP-T and this is incredibly accurate
No you’re not
I just did the test and got INTP A.
About 5-6 years ago i was also INTP T.
@@kippesolo8941 Does this mean that in due time we develop new personalities?
Like the myers personality list didn't surely didn't exist in the 10th century, but back then, how many intp's existed?? Nobody can know because even the possible intp's didn't know if they were one, also Intp's procrastinate, but back then, you either work and get paid very little but still get a little bit of food or just die.
And we surely would do homework if we were gonna be killed if we can't do it, so does that mean that intp's didn't exist back then and was just slowly developed as humanity acquires progress and makes our lives easier and more efficient??
You definitely aren't the same person as 10 years ago, that means everytime we go through a moment in life, are changed a little bit until one thing just completely changes us, are there stages to it??
But how sure are we that it's the age that matures the person?? Of course not, we mature or change because of the situations we are put in, so how many situations does it take to change a person??
But what if it isn't the amount, but the quality of the situation, how bad or how good that situation is.
So there might have been a possibility that you, as a child, was destined for greatness, but then, life decided to just slap you and you change and just lose every potential which could have lead you to greatness.
Why the fuck am I here I should be asleep by now.
@@mishaespiritu4828 im gonna read that later.
@@jo.6557 lmao, I kinda did go overboard with that one.
It's filled with questions and not answer soo lol
Me with 10 years
Life: your free trial of happiness has ended please give us your intelligence for more.
Just wait until you hit puberty. You ain't seen NOTHING yet.
Out of all introverts they are most likely to get married
Me an INTP: OHHHHH so I'll also won't be a virgin?!
Okay, so, for you fellow INTP types, if you ever feel the need that you should socialize more, here's how you do it:
You start thinking that people who kind of interest you as an interesting subject to research about, getting to know them is the research part, imagine that the paper due date is 00:00 and just crash course that shit like you're used to.
I should really sleep right now.
I should be working on school work right now. :I
Ah I can do it later
But at the end it doesn't even matter
Why even try to sleep when you're just going to lay in bed, contemplating the dreadful events of tomorrow?
LMAO "you didnt lie to her. She just didnt ask the right questions
The fact that I was reading notifications from the notification bar in while watching this video.😂 all these are so relatable
As an INTJ, I felt that thumbnail
Oh my god this is so accurate, every single one of these. How the hell-
I think intps are the most predictable type.
It feels to me like most of these are relatable to most humans. ......I hope.
@@justinwhite2725 Oh, they probably are. An INFJ told me that I was really readable because of my expressions
The part about people not following the script is so accurate as well 😂 luckily I’ve already got many possible responses ready to throw in
8:09 dude you killed me.
You know better about me more than I remember myself back when I was 19 year old.
INTPs are the type of people to create a libertarian party in a household of 5 people just because someone said "well that's just how it is" when they questioned a rule
Holy moly the thumbnail was actually accurate.
It’s scary how much the internet knows about me.
I have a schedule full of doing nothing. This is not the same thing as having free time
I need to get maintenance done on my car. I'm not quiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiite at 5000 miles yet. I get about 160 miles per week..so I could wait a week and a half.......
3:42 this is me rn, relating to most of the memes but doing the test once per week in case I'm not a intp and my life has been a completely lie (every time the result was intp-t and i still find it suspicious)
I never went to kindergarden. I started school at 6 I was and am in that school ever since. Im an INTP-T
I still remember in 4th grade my classmate asked me: Can you talk? ( It was a serious question she wasn't trying to make fun of me or anything )
I said: "Yes. I can talk."
The look on her face was priceless. She was so shocked. She was entirely convinced I had some disability so can't speak. :')
these are too fucking accurate. I'm an INTP-T, this shit is hilarious
2:51 sea level isn't the "scientifically lowest altitude in the world" you can go below sea level SMH 😤😤😤
You can go lower. But it won't be "altitude". Learn and study physics, fail of a nerd.
Its actually the surface lvl of the world
In the thumbnail you forgot my favorite phrase "Yeah, emotionally yes, but logically I know..."
This channel should get more subs.
I think I’m speaking for most of us here when I say, I’m watching this at 3am rn
Just yesterday I watched a bunch of videos about intps and most of them talked a lot about procrastination. I thought to myself that I don’t procrastinate almost ever, so maybe I’m not an intp. Just today in my English class, I finished the worksheet in the two minutes it took for the teacher to go around making sure they were completed and I got them all right. 😂
As an INTP-t, I find this quite intriguing lol
Over a year I have been testing my MBTI and got INTP all times but 1, and that time was INTJ.
Seems this video has given more clarity on being INTP lmao
Have always thought I was never really INTP due to possible ADHD which makes me more hyperactive and slightly but not actually, emotional.
7:25 my favourite
Lol I should be studying for the test but here I am procrastinating 😅
5:26 me who studied when the paper is being given and still get the highest marks in the class.
I'm an intp-t female and almost ALL of these were 100% relatable
3:41 LMAOO since I've learned about mbti last year I must have re taken the test at least 3 times just to make sure I wasn't doing it wrong
Of course while I had work to do
8:47 I can't be the only one laughing about how "low self-worth" is his moustache.
6:21 I misinterpreted the 4th bullet point for a hot minute and thought it meant the parents of INTPs instead of INTPs as parents. I was like, "Clearly you haven't met my mother. Oh, wait..." Also, as an INTP trans man, the 3rd bullet point from the bottom makes me unreasonably happy.
So you, as a man, get to feel validated and a woman, like me, gets to feel special due to scarcity? Sound's like a win to me!
(I also misread the parents thing and was very confused for a minute)
8:55 That actually sounds good advice, I might use it.
1:54 i felt that i am like 4 month trying to find good time to tell my crush i love her after she took 3 years to understand (smg btw i am 17) she love me too but i just cant find me do it it so i say i will do it later btw when i first told her it took me 10 month+ so ye i hate my life
3:30 This. This is exactly how I feel. I despise doing the dishes but literally no one else does it right that it's so frustrating. Why can't they do something as simple as scrubbing when doing dishes?!?
3:11 I'm sorry, but just look at the green section on the right " THE *LAS* 10 BOOKS THAT THEY'VE *READED* "
Watching the video and relating most of the memes
That one meme I didn't relate: ....
My mind: Are you sure you ARE an INTP?
4:19 The fact that I've said I wanted to all these since a long time ago but I still haven't done a single thing
0:52 right here fella ;) 1:01 IKRRRRRRRR!!!1!!!!!1!!!!1 1:15 EHEHEHEHEICANEXPLAIN 1:19 yeah i can confirm ;-; 1:35 welp, they got a point. 1:45 XD 1:57 yep 2:02 :( wish people like that exist tho 2:25 YESSSSSS i dont exist for practical and logical reasons and, no, you cannot not pretend i do and i can prove it. 2:41 frfrfr 2:51 iykykikyk
1:19 Me literally a week ago! I just made the switch!
7:20 I was thinking about this when the previous meme came....
This is scarily accurate.
I’ll just put my personality types down here:
under any and all technicalities there's about an 86% chance if you're an intp/anywhere on the in spectrum you also have adhd but that's probably wrong lmao
11:07 the „doesn’t eat doesn’t sleep“ are true in real life too
This is so accurate! I feel attacked! 🤣🤣
2:39 is so tru tho
I honestly have funniest obsessions but none of my friends understand
They are really just boring. 😐😩
Ah, memes. Just as I needed.
I don’t understand why I should feel good about compliments and why I should thank for them. Like, I didn’t make those clothes and I did nothing for how I look and all that stuff.
12:26 Also INTPs, watching youtube after having this existential crisis simulation in their mind
im so intp, i took like 8 mbti tests, picking only the extreme option, the nuanced option and then the actual realistic option, then calculated the percentage of how often i got each mbti result +(obviously intp won+) and then i STILL doubt if im not secretly something else, but im also overconfident that im right at the same time somehow
also i AM autistic and there are definitely overlaps, but of course also individual diffrences. but yeah the "laziness" and procrastination is definitely just pda
If you've tested at least twice you're an intp. It seems to be a distinct intp trait😂
1:24 me after opening up and crying in front of somebody
3:33 I hate public speaking (im a intp) BUT I am THE best at it in my class or even my school so I have to do it everyday
3:30 so true, no one can clean them like me.
We INTPs are always saying things about ourselves that are considered quite disturbing for others... but I love how we all seem to take pride in being what we are
11:52 As an INTP (not sure tho maybe im manipulating myself and...) I just can't laugh at this. It's too painful.
3:25 I feel called out, this was literally me yesterday..... and we all know where that list goes hahaha (in the mind bin, cause we never physically write it)
7:14 hell, I google words even if I think I've used it correctly. I Remeber doing it yesterday even, and I don't even remmebr what the word was. It was a weird word and I wasn't sure it meant *exactly* what I was trying to convey, so I googled it anyway.
We're procrastinators to the extreme
2:17 I hate that shit my brain needs a lot of O2
4:28 holy shit, I didn't know:0 well thanks, now that I do, I can add it to my collection of random knowledge and facts that fill 76% of my memory and procrastinate while thinking about them
4:16 When you're spot on about the things I've wanted to learn but then again I'm lazy af ....
at 10:38 I had an internal monologue and thought process of which sausage did they mean and what they meant by two sausages while procrastinating on English.
Watching this video as part of procrastination instead of preparing for tomorrows fluid mechanics class
I always get asked if I can talk
Yes I can talk, do I want to talk to you? No. Shshshshhs
Not me pausing after every meme to say "shut up' at the computer screen. 💀
time to feel caught again :D
2:03 As INTP, I agree
9:01 Already tried it. It didn't work, I'm now just wasting my days watching youtube videos even though I planned my daily routine that I don't even follow.
*Procrastination 100*
-From a fellow INTP
1:03 the 2020 one is perfectly me.
I've seen this one before, of that I'm sure
I have an assignment due tomorrow, and was assigned 3 weeks ago. Instead of starting it, I’m just watching this...
6:23 third bullet, I'm not completely sure about that
One thing INTP's
In order to dodge conversation from How are you? Just say I'm good and get back to work
I try to think of something witty as soon as possible. But I say stupid stuff instead. I can't accept cookie cutter responses.
Work = procrastinating procrastinating
More accuracy is impossible.
4:26 … and the medical term is Priapism. The origin of the word makes me laugh 😂
1:20 bruh this is literally me just now 😭
10:11 I saw that comment last year and took a screenshot of it.
0:44 I sniggered at that part
Hello fellow INXX and other comrades
Hello :)
Hello there INFJ, INTP here.
Hello INFJ fellow -INTP
8:45 the fact that i relate to all of those AND asexual makes me wonder if there are cameras in my house
Currently watching this video instead of working for my exam. The exam that's going to decide my future life. (a pointless one, the french bac oral). I'mma eat something now.
0:48 this is too accurate😭
this cracked me up LOL
I identify myself as an INFP, but fuck this shit strikes close to home XD (specially the "I'm smart but lazy af", maybe I'm an INTP)
Nah dude, it's just stereotypes. Look for cognitive function instead.
3:29 is the most relatable one for me lol
2:12 I love this
Let me crawl into my bed and die... It's so hilarious lmao
0:57 is too true.
3:32 this meme is too correct
Im a INTP but apparently my fellow INTPs have hard time dealing with others emotions. But I can read and understand them so well. I think Im mistyped.