유둥이 여러분들 안녕하세요. 오늘은 얼마전 SNS에서 엄청나게 핫했던 맥시칸 닭강정(21000원)을 먹어보았습니다. 정말 많은 먹방유튜버들이 너도나도 드셨었는데 저는 시간이 조금 지난 뒤 먹는 것을 선택하였습니다. 드디어 먹어 보네요 헤헤헤 그리고 사이드로 화사님의 트러플오일 짜파게티를 먹으려고 준비했었으나 송파구 방이동에 있는 대형마트 세 곳(현대마트 태방마트 진로마트) 편의점 다섯 곳을 약 한시간정도 돌아다니면서 구해봤는데 결국 못 구했습니다. 그냥 슈퍼나 마트가면 바로 구입할 수 있을 줄 알았는데 큰 오산 이였습니다. 도대체 어디 파는 거죠? 온라인 말고 오프라인으로는 못 구하나요?ㅠㅠ 그래서 속상하고 아쉬운 마음을 뒤로하고 불닭게티를 준비하게 되었습니다. 후회는 없습니다. 불닭게티 너무 맛있어요 진짜ㅋㅋ 날계란 노른자3개는 아쉬운 마음에 트러플오일짜파게티 레시피를 따라해 보았습니다. 구수한 노른자가 스며들어 더욱 고소했습니다. 아참! 닭강정 맛은 어렸을적 20년30년전 먹었던 맛이었는데요 요즘 트렌디한 맛은 아니고 예전 시장에서 파는 달콤매콤한 땅콩가루가 뿌려진 양념 이였습니다. 어렸을 적 아버지께서 말없이 저녁에 사와 주셨던 양념치킨 맛이랑 비슷했네요. 오늘도 맛있게 잘 먹었습니다^^ 1:41 크게 첫입 2:07 한입에 거의 두 봉지 5:35 콜라 탄산소리 7:36 닭강정+불닭게티+머스터드 한입 10:15 그 어떤 고난과 역경이 와도 그 누구도 나를 ... 10:57 귀엽다 오늘 편집도 베어 먹는 모습위주로 지루하지 않게 편집하려고 노력하였습니다. 업로드전에 저도 완정된 영상을 두 세번 반복 모니터링을 하는데 작지만 치아 부딛히는 소리와 콧물 훌쩍거리는 모습 등등 불필요한 소리들을 잘라 내다보니까 예민하신 분들은 영상이 조금 툭툭 끊기는 느낌이 있을 수 있다고 생각했습니다. 애초에 촬영당시 최대한 조심히 촬영해서 이런 미세한 부분들 편집 없이 깔끔하게 촬영에 임하도록 노력하겠습니다. 아 그리고 요즘 영어자막관련해서 피드백이 많으신데 우선 저의 가장 가까운 지인위주로 알아보고 있습니다. 되도록 유능한 영어자막 실력자분을 신중히 알아보고 해외 팬들에게도 보다 더 나은 영상 만들어 보겠습니다. 하루하루가 너무 힘들고 각박하여 삶의 여유가 없을 때 저의 영상을 보며 하루를 마무리하고 웃고 기분 좋아져서 힘낸다고 하시는 분들 제가 더 고맙고 감사합니다. 저뿐만 아니라 방송하시는 모든 유튜버들이 열심히 영상 만들고 활동하는 가장 원초적이고 가장 큰 원동력이 바로 이렇게 영상보시면서 행복해하시고 웃는 분들 때문이 아닐까 감히 생각합니다. 앞으로도 좋은에너지 오래오래 나눠드리겠습니다. 다들 힘내세요 파이팅^^ 힘내요 Cheerup. Vui lên. がんばって. ออกแรง (किसी काम से टकराने या निरंतर करते रहने के लिए) बल बटोरना, हिम्मत . bertenaga. 加油
who else is watching this kind of videos with an empty stomach and be like “omg im dieting im doing great” then 5 minutes later going downstairs in the kitchen to eat noodles or somethin
Mmm when I showed this to my mom she was like y do you want to watch so disgusting things I am eating please don't watch this in front of me Oh and btw my mom doesn't allow me to take big bites
ngl i love big bites, i hate it when people are like “ew why does he eat like that?” i think the same thing about people who take small bites and i’m not complaining ????
I don't judge people taking big bites I like them. But his looks painful and like he is forcing himself . May be I m wrong ..but I m just kind of concerned for his jaw
another sick soul supporting sick unhealthy trend no wonder world is filled with more n more disturbed people killing each other eating anything spreading viruses n dying... Enjoy d horror
Hey everyone here who cant speak korean He is gonna get somebody for eng sub All of you are gonna be able to understand what he says and eats Thats great!!!!!!! He wants to communicate more Lets see when!!!!!
@@aaaaaa-xm1jk I want that,but there could be a flash flood,I like rainy days it’s calming for me to hear the rain because that’s how I slept when I was a baby, and I still do, so 👁〰️👁👍🏼
Me : **take a big rice** Me again : **tries to eat the way he eats** Rice : **fell out of the spoon and drop on the floor** Me : **need to clean dis before mah mom find out!**
Everytime I watch his mukbang Im also opening my mouth...asking myself...😐 How did he do that? Is he okay...? 🕵️♀️🕵️♀️ Then I get starve... I think I need to eat some...dont know If Im full or starving😋😋❤😘🤔🙃
I really love the way you eat and I love your channel but please refrain from opening your mouth too much it will make your jaws lock from opening your mouth too much 😞😞 Btw love the food 😍😍
I watched so many youtubers made videos of mukbang but hes the only one that can makes me feels very hungry! I like the way he eats tho, looks so delicious.
유둥이 여러분들 안녕하세요. 오늘은 얼마전 SNS에서 엄청나게 핫했던 맥시칸 닭강정(21000원)을 먹어보았습니다. 정말 많은 먹방유튜버들이 너도나도 드셨었는데 저는 시간이 조금 지난 뒤 먹는 것을 선택하였습니다. 드디어 먹어 보네요 헤헤헤 그리고 사이드로 화사님의 트러플오일 짜파게티를 먹으려고 준비했었으나 송파구 방이동에 있는 대형마트 세 곳(현대마트 태방마트 진로마트) 편의점 다섯 곳을 약 한시간정도 돌아다니면서 구해봤는데 결국 못 구했습니다. 그냥 슈퍼나 마트가면 바로 구입할 수 있을 줄 알았는데 큰 오산 이였습니다. 도대체 어디 파는 거죠? 온라인 말고 오프라인으로는 못 구하나요?ㅠㅠ 그래서 속상하고 아쉬운 마음을 뒤로하고 불닭게티를 준비하게 되었습니다. 후회는 없습니다. 불닭게티 너무 맛있어요 진짜ㅋㅋ 날계란 노른자3개는 아쉬운 마음에 트러플오일짜파게티 레시피를 따라해 보았습니다. 구수한 노른자가 스며들어 더욱 고소했습니다. 아참! 닭강정 맛은 어렸을적 20년30년전 먹었던 맛이었는데요 요즘 트렌디한 맛은 아니고 예전 시장에서 파는 달콤매콤한 땅콩가루가 뿌려진 양념 이였습니다. 어렸을 적 아버지께서 말없이 저녁에 사와 주셨던 양념치킨 맛이랑 비슷했네요. 오늘도 맛있게 잘 먹었습니다^^
1:41 크게 첫입
2:07 한입에 거의 두 봉지
5:35 콜라 탄산소리
7:36 닭강정+불닭게티+머스터드 한입
10:15 그 어떤 고난과 역경이 와도 그 누구도 나를 ...
10:57 귀엽다
오늘 편집도 베어 먹는 모습위주로 지루하지 않게 편집하려고 노력하였습니다. 업로드전에 저도 완정된 영상을 두 세번 반복 모니터링을 하는데 작지만 치아 부딛히는 소리와 콧물 훌쩍거리는 모습 등등 불필요한 소리들을 잘라 내다보니까 예민하신 분들은 영상이 조금 툭툭 끊기는 느낌이 있을 수 있다고 생각했습니다. 애초에 촬영당시 최대한 조심히 촬영해서 이런 미세한 부분들 편집 없이 깔끔하게 촬영에 임하도록 노력하겠습니다. 아 그리고 요즘 영어자막관련해서 피드백이 많으신데 우선 저의 가장 가까운 지인위주로 알아보고 있습니다. 되도록 유능한 영어자막 실력자분을 신중히 알아보고 해외 팬들에게도 보다 더 나은 영상 만들어 보겠습니다.
하루하루가 너무 힘들고 각박하여 삶의 여유가 없을 때 저의 영상을 보며 하루를 마무리하고 웃고 기분 좋아져서 힘낸다고 하시는 분들 제가 더 고맙고 감사합니다. 저뿐만 아니라 방송하시는 모든 유튜버들이 열심히 영상 만들고 활동하는 가장 원초적이고 가장 큰 원동력이 바로 이렇게 영상보시면서 행복해하시고 웃는 분들 때문이 아닐까 감히 생각합니다. 앞으로도 좋은에너지 오래오래 나눠드리겠습니다. 다들 힘내세요 파이팅^^
힘내요 Cheerup. Vui lên. がんばって. ออกแรง (किसी काम से टकराने या निरंतर करते रहने के लिए) बल बटोरना, हिम्मत . bertenaga. 加油
유디티님 그렇게 너무 많고 빠르게 드시지 않는게 좋아요
먹방은 시청자분들이 봐주시는것도 중요하지만 자신의 건강을 챙겨가며 해야해요 하지만 맛있게 드셔서 기부니가 조아요♡♡ 언제까지나 유디티님 유튜브 사랑하고 애청자가 될게요 맛있는거 많이드시고 행복한생활하세요!!♡♡
유디티TV 저도 주세요 ...
트러플오일 보내주고싶네요 정말..💕
유디티TV hiii there
헛.. 동네분이셨...🤭 자주가는 마트들 이름나와서 놀랬네요
i tried to eat like you and i almost broke my jaw
ambrrra 🤣🤣
Slot of people have
A lot
I think he doesent Have a jaw just look at it
The first bite of the noodles... Two packages are gone.😂
That's true😆😆
who else is watching this kind of videos with an empty stomach and be like “omg im dieting im doing great” then 5 minutes later going downstairs in the kitchen to eat noodles or somethin
all the time 🤧
da heck thats kinds related to me lol
How do you know I'm like eating noodles right now
natanya jeon story of my life
natanya jeon it’s 6am and i’m to scared to go down stairs even tho i’m starving 😔.
진짜 한입가득 먹방은 유디티님이 세계최고….❤️
Who feels satisfied watching this when you're hungry?
Ray Julian Yup Me
Me to
I wish he didnt try to swallow so much food at once looks painful :///
Not me....still hungry huhuhu
he is definitely grandmas favourite grandson
Fm Elias hahaha
My grandma gives me a Whole feast
Ya grandma gonna cook him 37 cookies
I'm laughing so hard thank you 😂😂😭😭
My man is eating like he hasn’t eaten all day he needs to slow down
Me 5 minutes later: eating two packs of ramen in a few minutes
j'aime le chocolat et le gâteau I want chicken and ramen now 😳
He probably didn't
And he's a body builder. He needs to eat in large amounts.
Girl I eat 5 packs a day
My love for ramen is hight
mm kay so they won't feel the burn😂😂😂
I love how it’s a peaceful greeting and 2 seconds later it cuts to him devoting the chicken 😂😂😂
I’ve never seen a guy who deep throats foods wtf
For real
Hahaha Ikr
He’s the Korean and male version of Veronica Wang
Amazing amiright
I want to find someone like him who looks so happy eating food
Emily Winchester lol right?
Emily Winchester that would be me lol
I love food more than anything
I’d rather have someone who won’t choke to death one day and leave me lonely.
How about Jin???
i dont care that he eat much food but i love this cute guy
am i the only one who is hungry but still want to watch mukbang?
Same but you ain't the only one
Overused comment 😐
Yep even me to
i love him and his videos,i also love how happy he looks when he eats but when he eats its like the food is going to run away from him
와..진짜 역대급 먹방이네요ㅋㅋㅠㅠㅠ왜 이 채널을 이제서야 알게되었을까요ㅠㅠㅠ 몇개만 역주행 할게요👍
또 운다 또 울어
궁금해서 물어보고 싶음 왜 우는거임?
좋은 영상이면 기뻐하는건 이해가 되는데 울정도로 감격한거는 아니잖아요 그냥 형식상 하는게 ㅠㅠ하는게 궁금함
@@냥흥이 인생이 존나꼬였네ㅋㄲㅋ이정도면 정신병이지 진짜ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
@@임경찬-h8f 경찬이 패드립 수준하고는 ㅉ
@@냥흥이 임마 말이 맞는데 다른애들 이상하네
Me: he needs to slow down!
Also me: *finishes 7 pizza slices in 3 mins*
True story.
Me too bro
Hasn't even been two minutes and I already have a soda
I ate 4 cup of noodles in 3 min 🧐
Show off🙄
why do I keep watching these when I’m fasting 💀
Hafsa Hussein ikr me too
Oml me too
same 💀💀💀
I’m too focused on how clear his skin is like can he possibly drop a skincare video 😘😂😂
축하드립니다. 한국 댓글을 찾으셨습니다.
@@박수빈-z2e 안녕하세요옹
@@민석김-y9b ㅋㅋㅋ
다이어트 중인데 먹는 소리랑 웃으면서 먹는거 보고 와..아놔 너무 이쁘게 복스럽게 잘먹어..
I’ll never stop loving the way he eats!
Me too☺
@@사월이다 Gay?
U can look at pigs, they eat totally the same way and do the same noises ;)
Me too
@@사월이다 Don't worry korea
He is Japanese
The way he laughed in the end make me rolling in my bed
He looks in pain at first then all the sudden there's this mysterious smile on his face 😂
Asmr and Mukbang
Lmao that what I thought same 😂😂😂😂😂😂👏👏👏
Yeah. I'm a little bit scared of him. 😃
Maybe he's a suspect of a crime and that smile means DEATH TO ALL WATCHING THIS VIDEO
@@thecrew8344 nope
this comment section:
50% : he's eating way too fast
50% : is his jaw ok?
He doesn't know how to eat
@@haileylazaro4884 well he is putting food in his mouth and chewing it so i call that eating
He is putting food in his mouth and chewing i think thats eating (dumbass)
@@haileylazaro4884 yea you are....................so not rite
he ate like a child and baby wtf
The first bite of him eating the noodles is the amount of noodles I have-
Lol true 😂
@Dark!??? ok
Me:chokes on pasta
UDT:eats like a world of pasta and dos not even react
anime mode : *ON*
coronavirus mode : *ON*
and some laughing in between
momo ringgg
these do be the days in qaurantine...
Yea... I watch anime in meh room...
Omg the second one
I can't tell if he is smiling or struggling with the food
He's probably smiling cause he gets all of this food for himself
@@fali862 I'd do the same
Me either🤔
Me either
It's like he's wants himself to choke
I tried to eat like him and my family was looking at me like I’m crazy 😂
Hey I’m the one who broke my jaw
Me too 🤣😂
My mom didnt let me eating like that :v
Mmm when I showed this to my mom she was like y do you want to watch so disgusting things
I am eating please don't watch this in front of me
Oh and btw my mom doesn't allow me to take big bites
I bet if udt goes to a party nobody gets any food😅😅
괴롭게 보이지만 입에 머금은 후 웃는 얼굴이 너무 귀엽다
Why does every time he chews it looks like he's trying to hold in a laughter🤣🤣🤣
Thank you so much for the likes 😃
Because hes happy😊
This guy really loves eating 🤷 it's beyond normal for us to relate to lol
@@durr2740 you mean dose because he is taking his daily dose of food everyday
Anyone in 2024?❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉
Y’all talking about how he eats such big bites and i am here admiring his adorable smile after every bite HE’S ADORABLE SKSBKSMSJ
frrr :,0
Min Suga ok?
Random Uploader y’all hear somethin’ ?
Min Suga LMAOOO 😂😂😂 me too that comeback tho
I love how he eats plenty of foods and still muscular 😂
He does work out everyday
he go gym every day ._.
he go to gym and workout everyday
You need this amount of calories to gain these muscles
I eat one toast=gain 1 kg
Me:I'm Soo hungry
ME:...... whY NoT
My brain:🤦♂️
Aynen jfnffmfmfm
That’s happening to me too! I’m still hungry help me
언제나봐두. 넘! 복스럽게. 아주. 맛있게 드시는 모습!!!!! 보기좋아요 ^^늘 건강하세요 ^^
ngl i love big bites, i hate it when people are like “ew why does he eat like that?” i think the same thing about people who take small bites and i’m not complaining ????
chineseffoodd this is to tru I strongly agree
i agree to you lol 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 burn! Mouth
I don't judge people taking big bites
I like them. But his looks painful and like he is forcing himself . May be I m wrong ..but I m just kind of concerned for his jaw
another sick soul supporting sick unhealthy trend no wonder world is filled with more n more disturbed people killing each other eating anything spreading viruses n dying... Enjoy d horror
@@Mimiappu well if you don't mind me asking what's the context of your comment?
Title must be "how to break your jaw"
Hey everyone here who cant speak korean
He is gonna get somebody for eng sub All of you are gonna be able to understand what he says and eats Thats great!!!!!!! He wants to communicate more Lets see when!!!!!
That's greattt!
유디티님..영어자막도 깔면서 모두가 이해하고 소통할 수 있게 해달래요...
@@With___U 자막을 해달라 요청이 아니라 유디티님이 곧 해외시청자들과의 소통을위해 영어자막을 넣을 예정이라고 좋은소식이라고 알려주는건데요
@@singapaul ㅋㅋ그르게요 순간 뭔가했음
Elena Do you guys need eng sub? I don’t think he talks that much😂
He looks soo happy. When he eats food
그래 ! 이걸 원해왔던거야 육중한 탱크처럼 한입 배어무는 장면을 볼때 기분이 좋아지는것을 느낄때 좋지
나는 인정한다
me: *eating noodles pretending that it tastes like the noodles in the video*
@Amelia Antonio
It’s still raining for me
@@ramenspice9081 it rains almost every single day at my location :/
I want that,but there could be a flash flood,I like rainy days it’s calming for me to hear the rain because that’s how I slept when I was a baby, and I still do, so 👁〰️👁👍🏼
I want rain-
@@ramenspice9081 I personally think rain calms me down when I’m stressed. It probably rains like 10-3 minutes and sometimes maybe an hour tbh.
Me : **take a big rice**
Me again : **tries to eat the way he eats**
Rice : **fell out of the spoon and drop on the floor**
Me : **need to clean dis before mah mom find out!**
JeonJimin lol definitely me, thats what i do lol
I love your username 💜
If ur mom is Asian than ur screwed
Last thing u know is she pulled out her slipper and whooped ur ass
My mom is asian and i once got spanked by her-
Udt is one of the only mukbangers I watch because I cannot stand some of the sounds they make but he has the best mukbangs
There are many people who are born for something special
And some are born to make us hungry 😂😂😂😂
@@lorenabibriescajvmnombreb7468 true
No logic -_-
He looks so happy eating that food, even tho it looks so spicy he still has a smile!
If you got to eat like that everyday, you'd be happy too
@@CrossifiXD not at all
I love how happy he is!
*Get yourself someone who looks at you the way this guy looks at his food*
Antoinella Hernandez 😂😂😂
@@cotton966 gfgnns
Boki asmr look at her food like she's looking at a cute baby or her boyfriend 😂 ho check her out
Isn't that Jay In ur profile???
Why do I feel like he’s always trying to choke him self
Thats really dangerous
@@Random360M no kidding sherlock
@@SuperKoopalingsStudios have you ever got choked?
@@SuperKoopalingsStudios yeha and you had to leave a message Sherlock
@@Random360M yes
진짜 새벽에 이어폰끼고 형 먹방보면..ㄹㅇ 대리만족 느끼네요 항상 행복한 먹방 되세요ㅎ
i get so hungry when i watch
Who watch this in ramadan?
헤에,,,진짜 입 크게 벌려서 먹는거 시원시원하네요-!!..근데 너무 무리가는거 아닌가 걱정되네요ㅠㅜ
저도 그런생각 했어요!!
안 씹고 드시는건 아니니까 괜찮으실거예요!! 턱이 좀 무리가긴 하겠지만
Yea yea hola como esta
저게 사람입인가..생각했어요 ㅋㅋㅋ
@@용던의전설 이 댓글뭔데웃기지빵터짐ㅋㄱㄱㄱㄱㄱㄷㄷㄷㄱㄲ
4:27 that smile when you remember a joke in the wrong time (when your principle is standing in front of you😂)
I don't know why I'm getting full after watch this video
I'm getting hungry 囧
@@mersedehm.h1525 same
Condolences to the hundreds of lost lives of jaws 😂❤!
1 bite to him is like 3 bites for me WTF 💯😂
1 bite to him is also 1 bite to me
Mr fantastic jaw,how do y'all do it 😂😰
1 bite to him is 30 bites to me
1 bite to him is like 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
bites is for me ;-;
One bite is my whole meal
Lol hahaha
And that’s how it is (:
Imagine when there's a party and he just eats the whole thing
Even the house???
@@cookiebanana6317 even the world?!
@@emmaa60 i think so!!!!! And maybe even...
@@emmaa60 even every planet and star ever?!!
Capek bgt cari chanel ni org 😭 untungnya dpt, soalnya suka bgt klo nontonin dia mukbang, apa lg pas ktwa 😭😭👍
Me:I'm gonna eat like him
My mum:honey our child is an alien
My doctor 5 minutes later:yep that's a fractured jawline
Jacqueline Watson OUCH 😳
형 이틀에한번씩 영상올라오면 1주에콜라 2~3개는 매주 드시는데 음료도 한번 바꿔가시면서 드셔주세요~!!!!
그래도 콜라가 이형 트레이드마크고 방송한지얼마안되신분이면몰라도 콜라로몇년을 하신분이라 지금바꾸는건 디티형도 별로생각없울것같은데
콜라몸에 안좋은데 ㅜ 오렌지주스도 좋을듯 ㅎㅎ
@@김효원-v9d 음료수 다 거기서 거기임 오렌지주스라서 건강할꺼같죠? 각설탕 엄청 많이 들어있어요 둘다 안좋은건 마찬가지인데 그렇게 신공쓸필요가없음
@@김효원-v9d 오렌지주스도 설탕당어리인ㄷㄷ
진짜.. 콜라 보다 사이다파로써.. 칠성 사이다 시원하게 한사바리 마셔줬으면 좋겠네요ㅠㅠㅠ
Ah yes the perfect thing to watch during ramadhan.🤠✨
@Yuuki Jan Yunoki It's not exactly night, I can actually say it's evening, around 8:00 p.m. we did it last Ramadan.
me seeing him eating
my mouth: imma imagine im eating too
Idk why but his way of eating is so satisfying.
Crumblardo ikr
I thought I was the only one you thought that 😂
Everytime I watch his mukbang Im also opening my mouth...asking myself...😐
How did he do that?
Is he okay...?
Then I get starve...
I think I need to eat some...dont know If Im full or starving😋😋❤😘🤔🙃
POV : its ramadhan
Everytime I watch his vid my jaw hurts
I’m just laughing-
اني احب جيمين
غنا عبد الرزاق
For yall who are confused on what she said she said: i love jimin.
Yea pretty random xd
@@cotton966 Wgaaaaaaaat i dont speik english
He didn't eat those noodles...
He MURDERED them lol.
Cold blooded murder 😥😥😜😜😜
How can you murder food
Literally, dude 😂😂
@@faye81 úwù
@@megajona1242 do you even eat meat?
that food looks hella delicious tho-
i know specially the chicken😍
tbh I wish I had both of them they all look delicious 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@@thegamingcoop3133 honestly
Lol but the way he uses 2 pairs of chopsticks is a skill
@@araragomen9470 no its easy
Getting recommend after 2 yrs🤣
I am more worried for his jaw .. does he really need to open it very wide??
Looks like I found a English commenter :]
@Charity Medio true! Hahaha..
@Charity Medio it should be "his" and "he". "She" and "her" is for female
If he eats like that, then ofc he does cause I do that too with my food #AsiansForLife
He’s literally shoving the food down his throat but like same when I go to tacobell
와 진심 최고다... 다이어트하는데 대리만족 최고영상
Hit like...if u also want to eat with him for once ...
Wasn't expecting another desi here😂
@@ytv31 what desi?
@@levijuicyasssimp4642 south asian.
Nooooooooop !!!!!
He done deep throat them chickens! 😂😂
how my mind think while dieting:
10:03 Bro I can just feel, and taste that refreshing and good sip after eating a lot
Karnımda davul çalıyor aşırı canım çekti öyle bir yiyorsun ki gözlerim yaşardı neden bu kadar mükemmel olmak zorundasın 😩❣️
6:13 me when someone says don’t touch their food:
I really love the way you eat and I love your channel but please refrain from opening your mouth too much it will make your jaws lock from opening your mouth too much 😞😞 Btw love the food 😍😍
LMAO THAT'S HIS SPECIALTY. That's like telling a racecar driver to never go beyond 150mlp. What a foolish and unintelligent comment pffft pussy
Btw daw haha
외국친구들도 입벌리는거 좀 자제해달라는데 극성팬들 안몰려오나? ㅋㅌ
That is just stupid if the man wants to eat what he wants to eat let him eat how we want to
I don't understand him at first. But i love the way he greets people before eating.
Well if you guys notice, he always eat and put a smile on as he is so happy
he's not actually smiling
he's actually in pain
@@NijelXD no
No one:
Him: *unhinges jaw*
Caterfall : D 😂😂😂
@RUclips times 日本人さんだ!.*・゚(*º∀º*).゚・*.
@@pixiemio 日本人さん!.*・゚(*º∀º*).゚・*.
こっちが幸せになります( ´^o^` )
Bruh i cant breath seeing him eating like that, it like hes struggling🤣😂
몇년이 지났는데도 깔끔하게 먹고 여전히 보기 좋네 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
How do you translate?
@@sun._.1205 ㄹㅇㅋㅋ
☆instant Jajang-myeon(black bean sauce noodles)+samyang's spicy fire noodles
☆yang-nyeom chicken(spicy and sweet korean fried chicken), boneless
☆radish kimchi
I'm hungry
Thank you
Thanks 😊
Còn cặc
I watched so many youtubers made videos of mukbang but hes the only one that can makes me feels very hungry! I like the way he eats tho, looks so delicious.
He is the only one that makes me wanna grab his food and eat it my self
Yes bro your true 😛😛😛 I wanna taste it lol
btw his fatty lol if u didn't notice
This man risks choking for a mukbang
I like his video because he is very happy when he eat and his food is very delicous
Are you Vietnamese ?
I agree
댓글에 조선사람이 없고 만국박람회 온마냥 외쿡인밖에 없네 ㅠㅠ
근데 조선사람? 한국사람이 아니고?
이시국에 일본들이 말하는데 말을?
조선사람이라고 하지말고 한국사람이라고 해주세요
@@Ban-a09 조선은 제국인디
@@sj_29 뭐야
Idk why but I think this dude is funny and I love his videos
When he drank the cola he look funny lol
He looks like young jackie chan 😂
Younger hotter
screw You
Sorry I just kinda wanted to use ur name it seemed kinda funny hehe
I need someone to love me as much as he loves his food
@@ryuparadigma1922 how?,search in google the meaning of simp before using it on someone,Lmfao
What does Simon even mean
Erehisu Yeager who tf said simon here? I don’t see it
I meant simp but for some reason it re spelled the world to Simon
He lowkey looks like Changbin from skz..
Your big bites are tooo much over. Please try to reduce that. . The food looks super good😍😍
His Princess god bless my heart for being
There's so many cuts on his vids.... Maybe he didnt swallow it... Hmmm...
...........ok then.......😑😑😑😑I guess you right ehe!!!😘😘😘😘
He isn't actually swallowing it. Notice he always cuts the parts out. He is a fake mukbanger 😂
Yeahh its not healthy actually to have such big bites