I've said it before but i'll say it agian, the way you approach the Quran with such respect i something I truly respect and am grateful for. Also, I think we can all learn a thing or two from your reflections of the Quran. I would be so happy to see you joining our muslim family, but as a convert from the west, I know how we usually hate being asked about/"told" to convert, so it's not a "Come on sis become muslim" it is more of a: I really just wish the best for you.
Yes you've already said it for me I know people gets annoyed with the "Come on sis become muslim" comments...but really its just a good thought n wishes for me
Kim Nuh Only the people how wishes other people good things are real muslims. Only Allah opens and close the Heart for the right way you can be the way but not the driver. May Allah subhanna wa ta3ala forgive us an change our Heart to the right Way Amin Milahan did you know that only few Angels can read the Quran like Jebrill a.s so everytime somebody starts to read the Quran the Angels come to the reading person to listen to the Quran Subhannallah
As an arabmuslim I never imagined that I will listen to quran from a non muslim and in english the way I do right now. You made me realize other meaning in it. May allah bless you.(forgive me for my poor english)
Same, and the effort she made to know the right path, we didn't make 10% of it as arabs muslim we already read it in arabic, but we don't make the right effort to keep it in our heart and in life, i am learning from her.
When you first read the surah just now and mentioned how you pondered the first ayat on the way home, this is the many ways Allah shows signs. He knows your thoughts and fed your growing mind with that which you pondered with confirmation, the second you began to read. Alhumdulilah, I hope you find Islam in the same light you gleefully read about it 🤗
I too love the beginning of Ankabut ❤❤. I used to memorize Ankabut by heart, but even after i forgot it -due to not revising 😕- i still memorize the beginning by heart because it is so beautiful and powerful. Also, it gives me comfort whenever i am afflicted with any test whether small or large
Dear Milahan , take my advice as a father to you , what is in your heart say it : ashado an la ilaha ila alla wa ashado ana mohamadan rasolo Allah . don't wait until it is too late. Best wishes. Dr. Moamed nour el din .
I also when I think about things sometimes and read any page randomly, I find a clear and small hint in the verses that are very similar to what I was thinking about moments ago and also in this second you said that "these people have many questions that need an answer" and suddenly when you continued reading you are my readings The next verse appeared the word answer in truth 7:31 and in order to be more fascinated by the Qur’an because it is impossible to encounter small things that there is no connection between them and appear all the time with you and with amazing chance like the first verse when you told us that you were thinking about people and faith and sedition and it is reasonable to not be examined by them. . Really, an amazing thing happens to me every time I watch your stanza with the verses of the Qur’an, and I have touched the reality of what every reader of the Holy Qur’an feels and sees many miracles that happen to him, but he cannot express them to people because they occur continuously and the number of them cannot be counted. Thank you very much, because you shared these beautiful and deep times of faith and deep thought with us, for the accurate and devoid of any ayatollahs, glory to God the Great.
This girl is so intelligent !! that she asks the most important philosophical questions in such a way that she always wants to find the right answers with a metaphysical doctrine...she really amazes me !! too bad we don't live in the same country because me .. I'm surrounded only by idiots everywhere
There is the only and unchanged and the greatest true Book is Holy Quran alhamdulillah May Allah bestow his blessings on all of us and show us the right path to follow Aameen
RUclips suddenly recommended me this....or should I say, Allah guides youtube to recommend me this. When you read the first verse, I felt chill inside my spine. This is such a good video.
@4:53, you know people always say Islam is against science and knowledge? The Quran actually told us to examine the creation and told us to travel through the earth and see how things are created. So Islam actually promotes knowledge-seeking!
I think that assumption might come from the fact that some Muslims actually do seek to control the thinking of others though censorship, deception, propaganda and the promotion of wilful ignorance as though Islam and belief in it is so flimsy and fragile that it requires their clumsy intervention.
It's because the enemies of Islam work very hard for they have a natural averse to the truth because the truth is always hated by those who's hearts have a disease of pride and ignorance. They will never win.
MashAllah...i'm very impressed just from the 1st minute. Kinda reminds me how pathetic i am because i haven't been reading the Qu'ran as much lately. And i know that feeling you felt reading the first verse, it really feels like God is talking to you sometimes and all the doubts, anger, impatience, negative thoughts go away just from 1 verse! May God bless you and honestly, nothing in life feels more comforting, safer, content then when you are alone and talking to God through the Qu'ran!
I'm a muslim and this is amazing, listening to you read and reflect. The Qur'an is so vast, so there is much I dont know. So it's very refreshing listening to you
This surat gives me hope and makes me stronger and keeps me kind in the darkest moments, that's why i love allah, all he said is for our own soul. Thx smart sweety for sharing
Exactly sister as you said at 9:38. The holy Quran confirms it. Surah Ar-Ra'd, verse 3 "And it is He who spread the earth and placed therein firmly set mountains and rivers; and from all of the fruits He made therein two mates; He causes the night to cover the day. Indeed in that are signs for a people who give thought."
You do know heaven is only for pious believing Muslims no matter how good or intelligent you are if you don't believe in Allah swt you will not enter heaven
Very balanced and enlightening. There is no misguidance to those God has guided and there’s no guidance to those God has misguided. May God always guide you to the right path. Godspeed.
Thank you so much for sharing your reading with us! Bcuz even most of us Muslims don’t read Quran daily as we should be but with you some of us or I hope most of us are reading with you and for sure you will get the reward I ask Allah to guide you and reword you and make it easy for you ameen 😇
Thank you for the good efforts and share good awesome sister Milahan. God shower you with his blessings, guidance, energy, PATIENCE, continuous progress and success here and after. Salaam.
Now imagine, if you read it in Arabic, the effect is magnified by leaps and bounds. You'll read the same words in different stages of your life and they keep on revealing.
Me too "as an Arabian"; It's my first time to hear the English translation of Holy Quraan meanings, and I love Surat Al-Ankaboot very very much. Keep going, May Allah bless you.
Quran in Arabic is miraculous. Start with short Sarahs understand it and you will slowly but surely will be fluent in Arabic and grow in confidence. Hope you can enjoy the peace that reading Quran in Arabic will bring to you. Peace be upon you inshallah
Thanks 🙏🏾 i really like the way reading is beautiful my allah expect us our good deed and for give us our bad sin amiin and Gide us the Wright bath amiin
I read quran too many times , last time i did read i close it as a linguist perspective that was so interesting and like hammer, i understand much more about that message …
إِنَّ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَالَّذِينَ هَادُوا وَالنَّصَارَىٰ وَالصَّابِئِينَ مَنْ آمَنَ بِاللَّهِ وَالْيَوْمِ الْآخِرِ وَعَمِلَ صَالِحًا فَلَهُمْ أَجْرُهُمْ عِندَ رَبِّهِمْ وَلَا خَوْفٌ عَلَيْهِمْ وَلَا هُمْ يَحْزَنُونَ Indeed, those who believed and those who were Jews or Christians or Sabeans [before Prophet Muhammad] - those [among them] who believed in Allah and the Last Day and did righteousness - will have their reward with their Lord, and no fear will there be concerning them, nor will they grieve.
I'd like to emphasize that in the original version of the Quran, different terms are used to refer to 'year.' Some of these terms clearly denote 365 days, and in Noah's story (peace be upon him), it's possible that the number of years mentioned refers to another calendar used in his culture back then. Therefore, Noah peace be upon him might have lived a normal lifespan like everyone else. (I could be wrong ofc but it's an interpretation that i find logic)
*The striking verse is the one enjoining the Muslim to be a good company to his pagan parents* without giving in to their attempts to convert the Muslim son/daughter to paganism.
wow very interesting stubmling into this channel. what trasnlation are you using? I highly recommend the recently published Study Qur'an by Hussain Nasr. More than 10 year-wrk has gone into it and it gathers the most prominent exegeses in the tradition
What you mention at 5:30, the thing is sister People in today's world, especially non-Muslims believe Satan and God are equal in power but that's not true. In Islam Allah created Satan who is part of the Jinn Race. They are very powerful compared to human and Satan is a very persuasive that's how he causes us humans to sin by whispering evil to us and we choose to do sin. Allah is telling us that noone can protect us humans and the Jinns except him. He is our only protector. That's why during judgment day Satan well even be judged and he will tell God listen I didn't make them do anything I just offered them my advice. Satan is part of our test in this world.
I reflect on surah 6 ayat 159 let their be no sects in religion and if they divide themselves take no part in it and hold on to the rope of Allah I am glad to be Muslim and so far memorized 4 surahs currently trying to memorize ayatal kursi I am neither sunni or Shia I am Muslim I follow God and learn from the prophets sunnah Whatever contradicts the Quran in the hadith I dissmis I don't let shaytann play games with my iman
Salam Milahan Peace .Thank you for your efforts. All Koran is beautiful and meaningful. Surat ankabut Maryam dhuha or read Surah ezzumar and this beautiful verse 39:53 about Allah forgiveness قُلْ يَا عِبَادِيَ الَّذِينَ أَسْرَفُوا عَلَىٰ أَنفُسِهِمْ لَا تَقْنَطُوا مِن رَّحْمَةِ اللَّهِ ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ يَغْفِرُ الذُّنُوبَ جَمِيعًا ۚ إِنَّهُ هُوَ الْغَفُورُ الرَّحِيمُ - 39:53 Say o my servants who have transgressed against their own souls - do not despair from the mercy of Allah! Indeed, Allah forgives all sins, and Allah alone is Oft-forgiving, Ever-merciful.”
*The questions she asks are of a Philosopher & thought provoking. I like to follow that logic & thought process. By gad, she got it!! It rains in Spain!!*
I love the way you explain God’s words in modern day people thinking that it is a gift from Allah and enlightenment from Him to you keep up the good work and thank you
Mashallah, mashallah, mashallah. It makes me so happy to see non-muslims taking interest in studying the religion and their not even muslims. May Allah honor you with islam sister. Ameen.
Its really nice to see this ladies compassion towards the quran and it make my eyes well up with sincere love for Allah and our prophet mohammad pbuh and all the wonderful prophets and messengers. Please keep it up.
If you dont believe Allah save Noah (a *lai* his *sa* lam) and Abraham (as).. _their progenies are the Sign of the evidence.._ *Hud. **11:43* _The son replied: "I will betake myself to some mountain: it will save me from the water." Noah said: " _*_This day nothing can save,_*_ from the command of Allah, any but those on whom He hath mercy! "And the waves came between them, and the son was among those overwhelmed in the Flood._ *Al Ankabut. **29:24* _So naught was the answer of (Abraham's) people except that they said: "Slay him or burn him." But _*_Allah did save him_*_ from the Fire. Verily in this are _*_Signs for people who believe._*
and We shall reward them according to the best of their deeds . the best of the people who are doing the best deeds are also the people who are reading from the noble Quran with sincerity in their hearts . it's such an easy way to stack the good deeds on the righteous side of the scale , isn't it ? you're getting rewarded without any middleman complications .
6:23 "they would say satan grants them women, money, drugs" Once the matter has been decided, Shaitãn will say: “In fact, the promises which Allah made to you were all true; I too made some promises to you but failed to keep any of them. However, I had no power over you. I just invited you, and you accepted my invitation. Now! Do not blame me, but blame yourselves. I cannot help you, nor you can help me. I reject what you did before, that you associated me with Allah. Certainly such wrongdoers will have painful punishment."[14:22]
I am empresses with the amount of effort she puts to understand the Quran. As person who can speak Arabic and English, I think the choice of words in translation to English should be simpler. A "tafseer" book which an explanation of Quran book could be helpful. Best of which tafseer altabary which is the most comprehensive.
Cool. Could you read some hadith as well? I keep hearing about the one where Muhammed said women have half the intellegence of men, which is why 2 of then are required for testimonials. How true is that?
@@pastaapostle9388 dude my mother language is Arabic and i know sahih bukhari and there is no such a hadith that states women are half as intelligent as men.
Mr. epic I read an article that a young girl who was raped in Somalia required two female testimonies to avoid the death penalty for adultery. Why would she need 2 female testimonials?
If Muslims read their own book like this (understanding & continue) there would not be any problems left in the ummah. May Allah bless us with this!
Rido Vercascade I was muslim and when I read Quran reasonably I left islam 😂😂😂
@@thedarkside102 can you tell that specific ayah that made you left Islam ?
@@thedarkside102 that's why you are in dark side now
@@ifvlogs5433 it's your opinion and it doesn't matter for me.
@@POPO-od8jb that's a long process broooo
I've said it before but i'll say it agian, the way you approach the Quran with such respect i something I truly respect and am grateful for. Also, I think we can all learn a thing or two from your reflections of the Quran.
I would be so happy to see you joining our muslim family, but as a convert from the west, I know how we usually hate being asked about/"told" to convert, so it's not a "Come on sis become muslim" it is more of a: I really just wish the best for you.
All religious texts contain great wisdom. Only a fool would not approach the Quran the same way they would approach other sacred texts.
Yes you've already said it for me
I know people gets annoyed with the "Come on sis become muslim" comments...but really its just a good thought n wishes for me
Kim Nuh Only the people how wishes other people good things are real muslims.
Only Allah opens and close the Heart for the right way you can be the way but not the driver.
May Allah subhanna wa ta3ala forgive us an change our Heart to the right Way Amin
Milahan did you know that only few Angels can read the Quran like Jebrill a.s so everytime somebody starts to read the Quran the Angels come to the reading person to listen to the Quran Subhannallah
@@PrioBak she is Muslims now . bad news for you 🙄. may Allah bless her
As an arabmuslim I never imagined that I will listen to quran from a non muslim and in english the way I do right now. You made me realize other meaning in it. May allah bless you.(forgive me for my poor english)
Ameen thuma Ameen
Same, and the effort she made to know the right path, we didn't make 10% of it as arabs muslim we already read it in arabic, but we don't make the right effort to keep it in our heart and in life, i am learning from her.
What a nice comment . I don't follow islam but assalam alakum
@@gamesstationuk9913 alaikum assalam = peace be upon you too
Ah my suspicion is correct then. Many Arab people don't understand Al-Qur'an
Often when I feel bad and open the Quran and find theses verses, it comforts me and helps me to be more patient.
@Just Dab LOL you are clearly a jealous islamophobe who have no business being here
When you first read the surah just now and mentioned how you pondered the first ayat on the way home, this is the many ways Allah shows signs. He knows your thoughts and fed your growing mind with that which you pondered with confirmation, the second you began to read. Alhumdulilah, I hope you find Islam in the same light you gleefully read about it 🤗
I too love the beginning of Ankabut ❤❤. I used to memorize Ankabut by heart, but even after i forgot it -due to not revising 😕- i still memorize the beginning by heart because it is so beautiful and powerful. Also, it gives me comfort whenever i am afflicted with any test whether small or large
Dear Milahan , take my advice as a father to you , what is in your heart say it : ashado an la ilaha ila alla wa ashado ana mohamadan rasolo Allah . don't wait until it is too late. Best wishes. Dr. Moamed nour el din .
She already said but you are the one not said it, maybe you were meant to be left behind
How I wish some of Muslim (man and women ) who were born Muslim would read Quran so attentively!indeed you are a guided person.
I also when I think about things sometimes and read any page randomly, I find a clear and small hint in the verses that are very similar to what I was thinking about moments ago and also in this second you said that "these people have many questions that need an answer" and suddenly when you continued reading you are my readings The next verse appeared the word answer in truth 7:31 and in order to be more fascinated by the Qur’an because it is impossible to encounter small things that there is no connection between them and appear all the time with you and with amazing chance like the first verse when you told us that you were thinking about people and faith and sedition and it is reasonable to not be examined by them. . Really, an amazing thing happens to me every time I watch your stanza with the verses of the Qur’an, and I have touched the reality of what every reader of the Holy Qur’an feels and sees many miracles that happen to him, but he cannot express them to people because they occur continuously and the number of them cannot be counted. Thank you very much, because you shared these beautiful and deep times of faith and deep thought with us, for the accurate and devoid of any ayatollahs, glory to God the Great.
This girl is so intelligent !! that she asks the most important philosophical questions in such a way that she always wants to find the right answers with a metaphysical doctrine...she really amazes me !! too bad we don't live in the same country because me .. I'm surrounded only by idiots everywhere
There is the only and unchanged and the greatest true Book is Holy Quran alhamdulillah
May Allah bestow his blessings on all of us and show us the right path to follow Aameen
RUclips suddenly recommended me this....or should I say, Allah guides youtube to recommend me this. When you read the first verse, I felt chill inside my spine. This is such a good video.
Sister Islam is the only which has answers of every question no other religion has and it's the only true religion
@4:53, you know people always say Islam is against science and knowledge?
The Quran actually told us to examine the creation and told us to travel through the earth and see how things are created.
So Islam actually promotes knowledge-seeking!
I think that assumption might come from the fact that some Muslims actually do seek to control the thinking of others though censorship, deception, propaganda and the promotion of wilful ignorance as though Islam and belief in it is so flimsy and fragile that it requires their clumsy intervention.
muslims were the best thinkers back in the Day, but that stopped after the colonial age.
@@sayfali2490 true
It's because the enemies of Islam work very hard for they have a natural averse to the truth because the truth is always hated by those who's hearts have a disease of pride and ignorance. They will never win.
Only taliban / daesh hates knowledge
You know how to understand the final revelation. May Allah give us Muslims this insight.
milahan you are welcome you are very smart lady for reading holly qur an masha allah
that's a beautiful video !
raising questions is the straight path to the truth.. i'll watch the second part next :)
MashAllah...i'm very impressed just from the 1st minute. Kinda reminds me how pathetic i am because i haven't been reading the Qu'ran as much lately. And i know that feeling you felt reading the first verse, it really feels like God is talking to you sometimes and all the doubts, anger, impatience, negative thoughts go away just from 1 verse! May God bless you and honestly, nothing in life feels more comforting, safer, content then when you are alone and talking to God through the Qu'ran!
amazing content, keep it up
Wow , such a beautiful way to approach the Quran 🌷
I'm a muslim and this is amazing, listening to you read and reflect. The Qur'an is so vast, so there is much I dont know. So it's very refreshing listening to you
This surat gives me hope and makes me stronger and keeps me kind in the darkest moments, that's why i love allah, all he said is for our own soul. Thx smart sweety for sharing
0:40 because Allah loves you. Everything happens for a reason . May God guide you. Peace and love from Saudi Arabia.
my tears of joy for you...MashAllah
Brave Maashaa’ Allah
Exactly sister as you said at 9:38. The holy Quran confirms it. Surah Ar-Ra'd, verse 3 "And it is He who spread the earth and placed therein firmly set mountains and rivers; and from all of the fruits He made therein two mates; He causes the night to cover the day. Indeed in that are signs for a people who give thought."
Congratulations Sister..may Allah gives u Heaven
You do know heaven is only for pious believing Muslims no matter how good or intelligent you are if you don't believe in Allah swt you will not enter heaven
Muslim means Submitting To Allah
Very balanced and enlightening. There is no misguidance to those God has guided and there’s no guidance to those God has misguided. May God always guide you to the right path. Godspeed.
You are an inspiration may Allah swt continue to guide you and always protect you
Thank you so much for sharing your reading with us! Bcuz even most of us Muslims don’t read Quran daily as we should be but with you some of us or I hope most of us are reading with you and for sure you will get the reward I ask Allah to guide you and reword you and make it easy for you ameen 😇
Great keep going Allah will show you your way
The way she read, so beautiful
Thank you for the good efforts and share good awesome sister Milahan. God shower you with his blessings, guidance, energy, PATIENCE, continuous progress and success here and after. Salaam.
Now imagine, if you read it in Arabic, the effect is magnified by leaps and bounds. You'll read the same words in different stages of your life and they keep on revealing.
This is great😍
New Subscriber Here. 😊
Me too "as an Arabian"; It's my first time to hear the English translation of Holy Quraan meanings, and I love Surat Al-Ankaboot very very much.
Keep going, May Allah bless you.
Quran in Arabic is miraculous. Start with short Sarahs understand it and you will slowly but surely will be fluent in Arabic and grow in confidence. Hope you can enjoy the peace that reading Quran in Arabic will bring to you. Peace be upon you inshallah
Subhana Allah good luck sister 💪
Good job sister
you are the best sister 😍
Masha Allah your doing well. Your heart towards the right direction. Insha Allah soon. From England 👍🏽
Amazing explanation thanks sister 👌
Thanks 🙏🏾 i really like the way reading is beautiful my allah expect us our good deed and for give us our bad sin amiin and Gide us the Wright bath amiin
your personal explanation is magnificent... your on the right path
I read quran too many times , last time i did read i close it as a linguist perspective that was so interesting and like hammer, i understand much more about that message …
Keep it up .....
إِنَّ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَالَّذِينَ هَادُوا وَالنَّصَارَىٰ وَالصَّابِئِينَ مَنْ آمَنَ بِاللَّهِ وَالْيَوْمِ الْآخِرِ وَعَمِلَ صَالِحًا فَلَهُمْ أَجْرُهُمْ عِندَ رَبِّهِمْ وَلَا خَوْفٌ عَلَيْهِمْ وَلَا هُمْ يَحْزَنُونَ
Indeed, those who believed and those who were Jews or Christians or Sabeans [before Prophet Muhammad] - those [among them] who believed in Allah and the Last Day and did righteousness - will have their reward with their Lord, and no fear will there be concerning them, nor will they grieve.
You are close. Keep up.
Surah Al-Waqi'ah [56:79] 'None touch it except the purified.'
You have a new subscriber!
May allah bless you and guide me
Al Qur'an BENAR...!!!
which edition you are reciting and who is the scholar of the Quran you are holding?
Insight Curiosity. I also wanna know?
8:40 when you said that , it comes directly to my mind the moment when you faced the bear in "red dead redemption" 😂, I donno why 😂😂😂
Are you Muslim?
💜🤗🌸🦋 blessings
Continue your leading you gain more
Mashalla, you're inspiring, i thank you for your contribution of the spread of knowledge, enthusiasm and your righteous cause.👍👍👍
How you become ecstatic after you read the second verse. I just laughed. Lol.
Assalamu alaikoum milahan. Mashallah! 20k views! May Allah increase the believers. Ameen.
I'd like to emphasize that in the original version of the Quran, different terms are used to refer to 'year.' Some of these terms clearly denote 365 days, and in Noah's story (peace be upon him), it's possible that the number of years mentioned refers to another calendar used in his culture back then. Therefore, Noah peace be upon him might have lived a normal lifespan like everyone else. (I could be wrong ofc but it's an interpretation that i find logic)
Mashallah May God guide u 2 z straight path sister
May Allah guide you to the right way of living that leads you to Jannah "heaven".. Amen!
I hope to meet you there inshaallah :')
May Allah protect us from all evils !!
Oh ALLAH Show us the correct (hidaya) path and save us from hellfire..
*The striking verse is the one enjoining the Muslim to be a good company to his pagan parents* without giving in to their attempts to convert the Muslim son/daughter to paganism.
wow very interesting stubmling into this channel. what trasnlation are you using? I highly recommend the recently published Study Qur'an by Hussain Nasr. More than 10 year-wrk has gone into it and it gathers the most prominent exegeses in the tradition
What you mention at 5:30, the thing is sister People in today's world, especially non-Muslims believe Satan and God are equal in power but that's not true. In Islam Allah created Satan who is part of the Jinn Race. They are very powerful compared to human and Satan is a very persuasive that's how he causes us humans to sin by whispering evil to us and we choose to do sin. Allah is telling us that noone can protect us humans and the Jinns except him. He is our only protector. That's why during judgment day Satan well even be judged and he will tell God listen I didn't make them do anything I just offered them my advice. Satan is part of our test in this world.
I reflect on surah 6 ayat 159 let their be no sects in religion and if they divide themselves take no part in it and hold on to the rope of Allah
I am glad to be Muslim and so far memorized 4 surahs currently trying to memorize ayatal kursi
I am neither sunni or Shia I am Muslim I follow God and learn from the prophets sunnah
Whatever contradicts the Quran in the hadith I dissmis I don't let shaytann play games with my iman
Nothing in the hadith contradicts Quran. Its just our limited perception thats finds it so. Nobody understood Quran more than the prophet saw
Salam Milahan Peace .Thank you for your efforts. All Koran is beautiful and meaningful. Surat ankabut Maryam dhuha or read Surah ezzumar and this beautiful verse 39:53 about Allah forgiveness قُلْ يَا عِبَادِيَ الَّذِينَ أَسْرَفُوا عَلَىٰ أَنفُسِهِمْ لَا تَقْنَطُوا مِن رَّحْمَةِ اللَّهِ ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ يَغْفِرُ الذُّنُوبَ جَمِيعًا ۚ إِنَّهُ هُوَ الْغَفُورُ الرَّحِيمُ - 39:53
Say o my servants who have transgressed against their own souls - do not despair from the mercy of Allah! Indeed, Allah forgives all sins, and Allah alone is Oft-forgiving, Ever-merciful.”
I like the confidence and wonder with you approach this Quran. You are a very fine student and teacher of this scripture. Peace to you.
Ma Shaa ALLAH....
*The questions she asks are of a Philosopher & thought provoking. I like to follow that logic & thought process. By gad, she got it!! It rains in Spain!!*
Very insightful, and a learned person you are
I love the way you explain God’s words in modern day people thinking
that it is a gift from Allah and enlightenment from Him to you
keep up the good work
and thank you
May Allah almighty put you forever in his straight path with mush knowlege and better signes of shining light of islam
am really proud of you sis keep reading quran am really speechless to see video like this also i see the censirity may ALLAH GUIDE US ALL
I wish I was reciting the Quran in a beautiful voice to this beautiful Lady as she read it in English
I love how you say HEREAFTER 😭
Masha Allah
Mashallah, mashallah, mashallah. It makes me so happy to see non-muslims taking interest in studying the religion and their not even muslims. May Allah honor you with islam sister. Ameen.
In the beginning of the Sura in Arabic it does not say men rather it say people.
Its really nice to see this ladies compassion towards the quran and it make my eyes well up with sincere love for Allah and our prophet mohammad pbuh and all the wonderful prophets and messengers. Please keep it up.
If you dont believe Allah save Noah (a *lai* his *sa* lam) and Abraham (as).. _their progenies are the Sign of the evidence.._
*Hud. **11:43*
_The son replied: "I will betake myself to some mountain: it will save me from the water." Noah said: " _*_This day nothing can save,_*_ from the command of Allah, any but those on whom He hath mercy! "And the waves came between them, and the son was among those overwhelmed in the Flood._
*Al Ankabut. **29:24*
_So naught was the answer of (Abraham's) people except that they said: "Slay him or burn him." But _*_Allah did save him_*_ from the Fire. Verily in this are _*_Signs for people who believe._*
and We shall reward them according to the best of their deeds . the best of the people who are doing the best deeds are also the people who are reading from the noble Quran with sincerity in their hearts . it's such an easy way to stack the good deeds on the righteous side of the scale , isn't it ? you're getting rewarded without any middleman complications .
Actually those verses are one of my favorites 🌷🌷🌷
6:23 "they would say satan grants them women, money, drugs"
Once the matter has been decided, Shaitãn will say: “In fact, the promises which Allah made to you were all true; I too made some promises to you but failed to keep any of them. However, I had no power over you. I just invited you, and you accepted my invitation. Now! Do not blame me, but blame yourselves. I cannot help you, nor you can help me. I reject what you did before, that you associated me with Allah. Certainly such wrongdoers will have painful punishment."[14:22]
May Allah Subhanahu Wa’ta’ala guide me and you sis 🦋🌹:)
You have my highest respect, because you look natural ( without any make up.)
I am empresses with the amount of effort she puts to understand the Quran. As person who can speak Arabic and English, I think the choice of words in translation to English should be simpler. A "tafseer" book which an explanation of Quran book could be helpful. Best of which tafseer altabary which is the most comprehensive.
Assalamu alaikoum milahan. Thank you!
i dont know from where did your video pops out to me!
But what i know for sure that I am going to watch EVERY VIDEO LINKED TO QURAAN
may god lead you to the straight path
Thank you ma'am.
You are a clever person , and I'd love to have with you a long conversation one day love and respect!
May Allah guide you. Ameen
Cool. Could you read some hadith as well?
I keep hearing about the one where Muhammed said women have half the intellegence of men, which is why 2 of then are required for testimonials.
How true is that?
This absouletly false, no such a hadith says that women are half as intelligent as men
@@Raul-vs6ff Sihih Bukari book 6 hadith 9?
@@pastaapostle9388 dude my mother language is Arabic and i know sahih bukhari and there is no such a hadith that states women are half as intelligent as men.
Mr. epic I read an article that a young girl who was raped in Somalia required two female testimonies to avoid the death penalty for adultery.
Why would she need 2 female testimonials?
you are so wholesome , what a woman!