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One of the best metal vocalist of all time! One of the best metal guitarist of all time!
Timo tolkki master of heavy wraiters,timo kotipelto master of heavy singer.😍💞
I wish tolkki never left
Thank you from Czech republic.
But czech people were rude to Tolkki
@@fatherlandchild2780 why?
@@Aaron-rv9wz Ask them. Im not czech.
Dos de Los grandes de stratovarius...👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
4:52 "I think my voice is ooOOkAYYYyy!"
Tolkki and Kotipelto =BEST POWER METAL
8:01 so cute XD
It's really sad to know there was not "next year" (2008)
Parece que ja dava pra perceber um clima meio estranho entre eles nessa época.Era o começo da ruptura da banda
Pois é. Seria legal se o Tolkki voltasse pra banda e tocasse junto com o outro guitarrista.
With 'new album' they mean 'Revolution Renaissance' right? According to the date (2007).
So awesome..bodom playing downfall in the background and tolkki singing ROCK TO METAAAL to it..xDDD
Fucking funny..Kotipelto saying ROCK THÖ METAAL TO BODOMS DOWNFALL INTRO :D :D
When tolkki was tolkki. Not antidepressive pills... :(
He's Back nowadays
O tolki es muy alto o kotipelto es un enano u.o
One of the best metal vocalist of all time!
One of the best metal guitarist of all time!
Timo tolkki master of heavy wraiters,timo kotipelto master of heavy singer.😍💞
I wish tolkki never left
Thank you from Czech republic.
But czech people were rude to Tolkki
@@fatherlandchild2780 why?
@@Aaron-rv9wz Ask them. Im not czech.
Dos de Los grandes de stratovarius...👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
4:52 "I think my voice is ooOOkAYYYyy!"
Tolkki and Kotipelto =BEST POWER METAL
8:01 so cute XD
It's really sad to know there was not "next year" (2008)
Parece que ja dava pra perceber um clima meio estranho entre eles nessa época.
Era o começo da ruptura da banda
Pois é. Seria legal se o Tolkki voltasse pra banda e tocasse junto com o outro guitarrista.
With 'new album' they mean 'Revolution Renaissance' right? According to the date (2007).
So awesome..bodom playing downfall in the background and tolkki singing ROCK TO METAAAL to it..xDDD
Fucking funny..Kotipelto saying ROCK THÖ METAAL TO BODOMS DOWNFALL INTRO :D :D
When tolkki was tolkki. Not antidepressive pills... :(
He's Back nowadays
O tolki es muy alto o kotipelto es un enano u.o