It appears to be a sample site where a drill has taken several independent soil and stone samples for composition testing. I believe that particular rover has the same drill and resource canister.
@solarnaut lol, you got it all wrong, it wasn't me. Thank you for sharing a smile with me. I appreciate you very much. Blessings and gratitude my new friend.
@jakobite_ta2152 that is a great attention to close detail. I can appreciate that level of intelligence and find it most refreshing to have another intelligent soul to exchange ideas with. So, allow me if you will, to offer a different viewpoint. I hear through imperical data, that wind storms happen more often than here on Earth. Say those samples were taken two weeks ago, the chances of any visible evidence of sample extraction would be relatively low. I am surprised the actual holes from the tools are even visible. Again, I thank you for your smart response, and if you figure out anything else we can discuss please feel free to tag me. May peace and prosperity be with you always, my new friend.
These are air vents for martians living underground because the martians knew we were coming and are very afraid and insecure about meeting us because they have seen how we live on tv and do not want to ruin a good thing they have on Mars.
Stanton Friedman was an applied physicist who after early retirement spent five decades as a UFO investigator. He said that an advanced extraterrestrial race would regard humans as "a primitive species whose major preoccupation was tribal warfare." Friedman also once made a sarcastic remark about "our brand of friendship." What extraterrestrial race would want to embrace the kind of "friendship" that comes out of Washington, Moscow, London or Peking?
Bunk. These are “sand circles.” The aliens that visited Earth found out we went to Mars. So, in the middle of the night, said aliens secretly landed on the Martian surface to make these sand circles to make contact. It’s an obvious one. Really surprised you hadn’t heard about it.
Those are leftovers after 10 sandworms buried under the surface. Mars. Desert planet. The only place where the Spice can be found, the most valuable commodity in the universe. Mars, more commonly known as Dune.
Ps. Their Real ... As i am ! I hate being called a liar when saying to the masses of the world that thousands have been on Mars.. We. The People ! Your all fucked up !
Those holes were made using the laser of Curiosity. The diameter is about 0.4mm to 0.6mm. During lasering the holes a spectrum camera does a spectrum analysis to figure out what material the sand in this case is made of. The core drills for taking samples have a diameter of 27 mm and leave something behind that looks like a little volcano. All of the marks the rover leaves behind might remain unchanged for the upcoming hundreds or thousands of years because the atmosphere is 100 times less dense than earth's. Therefore the wind is less powerful. But it's still not unusual that sandstorms occur which go around the entire planet. Plus the dust devils. But they are very selective. Besides that the surface doesn't change much. Btw you can tell from the wheel imprint if it's from Curiosity or Perseverance. Curiosity's wheel profile is zig zag lines and Perseverance's are parallel lines. For further information visit the web side of NASA. Thx for reading.
Within the first split seconds of the loop of this video you can see the tracks of the rover that left the drill holls. The tracks pass almost a little off the horizontal, across the bottom edge of the screen. The tracks are akin to tractor tyre marks as apposed to car road tyres.
@@ZeusHelios It has an 'arm' to reach out with a drill at the end. It might help you to visualize it easier if you googled what the rover actually looks like.
So the rover digs and then photographs the work to check for errors,contamination, loss of samples, failure of equipment, loss of equipment, correct function of equipment and finally observed the area to see if there’s anything of interest.
Ну, там не камни а песок ( под песком очевидно есть и камни) нет следов, а ровная линия из 10 отверстий говорит что сделали их недавно, ведь они не засыпаны песком ..
Because the UFOs are always spinning or vibrating even if they appear to be standing still. Even with an exposure of 1/1000 of a second, the pictures are too fuzzy to expose the detail.
What's the torpedo looking thing, top right? It doesn't look natural to my unexperienced eyes, neither do basalt formations and they are, is this something similar?
@@charliebell2548 it's funny that people are unaware of what the rover is doing up there. 😆 Like do you think we just stuck an RC car up there to ride the dunes? 🤣
How did they get this picture> This is an overhead camera or drone pic. Looks like pencil holes poked in the beach somewhere. You can hear waves in the background as well.
I like the smooth archway and the smooth undulating driveway. Once the Nova of our Sun ☀️ happens a few more times that's where we will be. Has anyone noticed Science Fiction isn't fiction anymore?
Doesn't matter, since the rover isn't on Mars, Mars is a wandering point of light that is attached to the Firmament that rotates around the earth, it can't be "landed on".
That's where a core sample was taken. If ya would check back in previous mara images you'd see that same pattern being made from collecting core samples
Angle of the camera on the machine. Imagine holding your camera looking at something on the ground. But your squatting. Which is about this height of the camera in the is image. If your not looking straight down, you see outward with the camera. Which can give the deception that something is far away. The core samples themselves are smaller than your pinky. About this size of pencil lead actually. With these new factors, do you see what I mean?
When it comes to Either alien life or camera angles, the most obvious answer is the only one that makes sense. Until disproven. Do we want it to be alien??? Yes.... Is it tho if we think rationally with all the knowledge we have now on the subject?
They are drill taps made by the rover. After a short time, the wind blew sand particles over the rover's tracks to conceal them. After some time, all the holes will be completely filled by more sand.
they look like drilled holes, probably from one of the rovers experiments. the colour around the holes is slightly darker than that of the area surrounding it suggesting its been disturbed and drilled up from deeper
Curiosity has a laser to check chemical composition and a drill to sample. These are a line of drill holes from sampling the surface for the building blocks of light.
In the sort of upper right corner, you can see a bumpy, straight line much like the one that is circled. I wonder if they could be from the same ornament
So right at the beginning of the shot I can see the tire tracks of the rover at the bottom of the picture. I think the holes were made by the rover during sampling. The holes look like they are far away, but they could just be 30 cm away from the rover and the tire tracks.
This is clearly, plain as day a zoom in on smaller shards of rocks 🪨 and those are very tiny holes 🕳️ look like from a 🪮😂.... As it continues to zoom in. Peep 🫣 out the sand ⌛ grains next to the holes.
While marching, the Dinks found Lone Starr, Princess Vespa, Barf, and Dot Matrix unconscious from the heat. The Dinks replenished the group, then led them to Yogurt's lair. The Dinks and Yogurt shilled some Spaceballs merchandise, then let the crew spend the night with them. When Dark Helmet kidnapped Vespa and Dot, the Dinks woke Lone Starr and Barf to alert them. They accompanied Yogurt as he bid farewell to Lone Starr and Bar
The rover uses an extendable arm with tools on the end. It reaches at least to 7 just over 2 meter....specifically so to not disturb context of the samples.
Laser camera can do that, by vaporizing small stones or rocks for analysis, because its programmed to store various rock material not the same minerals. As u can see its zooming in from afar.
It appears to be a sample site where a drill has taken several independent soil and stone samples for composition testing. I believe that particular rover has the same drill and resource canister.
... but... If you listen carefully...
you can hear the rover claiming :
" I didn't do it ! "
@solarnaut lol, you got it all wrong, it wasn't me. Thank you for sharing a smile with me. I appreciate you very much. Blessings and gratitude my new friend.
@jakobite_ta2152 that is a great attention to close detail. I can appreciate that level of intelligence and find it most refreshing to have another intelligent soul to exchange ideas with. So, allow me if you will, to offer a different viewpoint. I hear through imperical data, that wind storms happen more often than here on Earth. Say those samples were taken two weeks ago, the chances of any visible evidence of sample extraction would be relatively low. I am surprised the actual holes from the tools are even visible. Again, I thank you for your smart response, and if you figure out anything else we can discuss please feel free to tag me. May peace and prosperity be with you always, my new friend.
😮 I don't know but everyone but so far this one is the best and I'm sticking with this answer
@andrecyr8389 thank you my friend. May peace and prosperity be upon you always.
Amazing that you guy's spotted that pattern. Well done.
These are air vents for martians living underground because the martians knew we were coming and are very afraid and insecure about meeting us because they have seen how we live on tv and do not want to ruin a good thing they have on Mars.
Stanton Friedman was an applied physicist who after early retirement spent five decades as a UFO investigator. He said that an advanced extraterrestrial race would regard humans as "a primitive species whose major preoccupation was tribal warfare."
Friedman also once made a sarcastic remark about "our brand of friendship." What extraterrestrial race would want to embrace the kind of "friendship" that comes out of Washington, Moscow, London or Peking?
Bunk. These are “sand circles.” The aliens that visited Earth found out we went to Mars. So, in the middle of the night, said aliens secretly landed on the Martian surface to make these sand circles to make contact. It’s an obvious one. Really surprised you hadn’t heard about it.
Indeed human sucks
Those are leftovers after 10 sandworms buried under the surface. Mars. Desert planet. The only place where the Spice can be found, the most valuable commodity in the universe. Mars, more commonly known as Dune.
Yes I believe very much
if this was for real, it wouldn't be on RUclips and we would never know
Rover took samples there.
Why wasn’t this on the news 📰?
A big hahaha 🤪!
@@Jycatgc6282breaking news:
10:00 Mars rover took a rock sample
10:30 Mars rover took another rock sample
10:45 .. and another one..
@@a0r0schulz8:00 ananother 10
Eight O'clock, ok ! Closing Time ! See you at Nine !
Ps. Their Real ...
As i am !
I hate being called a liar when saying to the masses of the world that thousands have been on Mars.. We. The People !
Your all fucked up !
Those holes were made using the laser of Curiosity. The diameter is about 0.4mm to 0.6mm. During lasering the holes a spectrum camera does a spectrum analysis to figure out what material the sand in this case is made of.
The core drills for taking samples have a diameter of 27 mm and leave something behind that looks like a little volcano.
All of the marks the rover leaves behind might remain unchanged for the upcoming hundreds or thousands of years because the atmosphere is 100 times less dense than earth's. Therefore the wind is less powerful. But it's still not unusual that sandstorms occur which go around the entire planet. Plus the dust devils. But they are very selective. Besides that the surface doesn't change much.
Btw you can tell from the wheel imprint if it's from Curiosity or Perseverance. Curiosity's wheel profile is zig zag lines and Perseverance's are parallel lines.
For further information visit the web side of NASA.
Thx for reading.
Within the first split seconds of the loop of this video you can see the tracks of the rover that left the drill holls. The tracks pass almost a little off the horizontal, across the bottom edge of the screen. The tracks are akin to tractor tyre marks as apposed to car road tyres.
Yea i was read it to somewhere. That is drill holes. That drill holes made by lazer shoot or driling machine
ENFIN !! ils ont percé le mystère de MARS
That is where the rover took some samples
I doubt the rover took samples from between 2 rocks. Would have been more difficult than necessary.
@@rjvasquez4444it’s not exactly trying to get a sample there, it just takes one where it can get one, just so happens to be between rocks
Es imposible que el Rover haya podido entrar a esa parte.
If this was the rover collecting samples then where are the rovers tracks?
@@ZeusHelios It has an 'arm' to reach out with a drill at the end. It might help you to visualize it easier if you googled what the rover actually looks like.
I think it's a rock that was initially drilled by the rover to get some samples
👁️⭐🌛 . . . That is exactly what those are
if the wind covered the rover tracks then why didnt it cover the holes?
@@darthjarwood7943i didnt cover the rover tracks because the tracks are behind the rover
So the rover digs and then photographs the work to check for errors,contamination, loss of samples, failure of equipment, loss of equipment, correct function of equipment and finally observed the area to see if there’s anything of interest.
10 holes? This is definitely intelligent life trying to communicate with us via maths.
That’s where Anunnaki Alaylu dropped his fork lol😂😂😂
I never knew it was so windy on Mars. Sounds like a hurricane.
gosh, I never would have seen those holes if it weren't pointed out by the big red circle. TY
With today's technology, any photomontage is possible, even meeting a Martian in the street.
thats lazer drilling done by rover itself
The holes were obviously made by Martian worms working as a team, Mars is well knows for its rock boring worms 👍
Ну, там не камни а песок ( под песком очевидно есть и камни) нет следов, а ровная линия из 10 отверстий говорит что сделали их недавно, ведь они не засыпаны песком ..
Come on. Rocer do it
Trilha de formigas marcianas
@@kvszt Is Russian logic.
Super! Thank you very much!
Círculos muy bien hechos y alineados, ¿ de que diámetro serán, con que propósito y por quienes ?
Drill by Rover
Curiosity made the holes by using its laser. During lasering a camera does a spectrum analysis. And the diameter is about 0.6 mm.
Hi...nasa❤❤❤❤up. Good. Work. ....😊goodmorning.....😊
The rover zapped the dust with its laser as usual.
Perhaps small little arthropods in their burrows? My explanation on how they get water is breathing vapor and condensating it inside their bodies.
Someone took a pencil, and made holes in the desert sand. Solved.
Hard to believe, such clarity in the pictures from Mars
Hollywood studio more like it
The rover has a laser that vaporizes the sand and scans the molecules for analytical study, in layman's terms
Thanks for being so condescending.
and where are the path of rover ?
@@pierokvalkadedeux9782 That's a 1GW t laser, In layman terms.
Why ten holes? Where can I get one of those? ....or is that just a NASA thing?
Could be a straight line cracj under the soil, where the surface sand has begun to flow into like sand in an hourglass.
ASMR❤️ it like white noise 😴
Martian Meerkats. They get everywhere.
Furry lil bastards 😂😂
We have amazing detailed images from Mars, really nice, considering how far it is. But why the UFOs images are so blurry if they are so much closer???
Because the UFOs are always spinning or vibrating even if they appear to be standing still. Even with an exposure of 1/1000 of a second, the pictures are too fuzzy to expose the detail.
Obviously those are Starlink satelites.
Parece que a tecnologia alcançou um nível tão incrivilmente alto que seu único e grande problema é a sua credibilidade.
Its the martian symbol/ heiroglyph for number 10, obviously they know the metric system already.😂
Good understanding of the mirth.
What's the torpedo looking thing, top right? It doesn't look natural to my unexperienced eyes, neither do basalt formations and they are, is this something similar?
A martian flute 🪈
...exactly!!! Everybody know that Martians' hands have 12 fingers🤣
😅😅 me morí de la risa!
Très drôle 😂
Toot toot
Onk onk onk thinks🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 sonice
If the Rover did it, where are the Rover's wheel tracks?
maybe it was drilled a week ago and the tracks were covered by dunes, the holes also seem partially covered
Could be. But the rover's footprints would be bigger than the holes. And if he has covered the traces, why hasn't he covered the holes so small?
I think they can be seen bottom left, before the image zoom in begins.
can't you hear that wind.
They are! Look again, down on right. If you think they should be closer to the dots, its an ilusion caused by the zoom in.
now every scientist are ready to give their opinion over here 😂
That is Mojave desert in California. I used to live there.
Da sind schon mal die Löcher fürs Geschäft ausgehoben!
Sehr anständig.
Nachher bitte wieder schön zu machen!
Hola muy interesante el ruido del viento del planeta Marte, genial, saludos.😘🌌🧡💫💫💫
A site where drilling samples have been collected from? Either from Curiosity itself, or from past Rovers.
If this is really Mars, something made that.
Ya but I can,t believe that. Up until now no live creature is discovered on Mars
Yea the rover haha smdh
@@charliebell2548 it's funny that people are unaware of what the rover is doing up there. 😆 Like do you think we just stuck an RC car up there to ride the dunes? 🤣
Yea lol the rover did yes its mars lol and ues the rovers drill all the time and then take a picture of the work thats from curiosity
How did they get this picture> This is an overhead camera or drone pic. Looks like pencil holes poked in the beach somewhere. You can hear waves in the background as well.
Gezici örnekler alsaydı tekerlek izi olurdu . Bu başka bir şey
gaz çıkmış
No se hasta que punto es cierto todo esto, ¿información o desinformación?
I like the smooth archway and the smooth undulating driveway. Once the Nova of our Sun ☀️ happens a few more times that's where we will be. Has anyone noticed Science Fiction isn't fiction anymore?
Easy, it rained the night before just in that spot 😅
Hhh nono😤😩😴😂😂
Doesn't matter, since the rover isn't on Mars, Mars is a wandering point of light that is attached to the Firmament that rotates around the earth, it can't be "landed on".
I was hoping someone would finally point out the truth.
The truth being you are both idiots? Ok.
Wait, I know exactly what this is!
It's ten small equally spaced circular indentations in a straight line.
Curiosity Rover took selfies of its drill work.
“What is that?”
It’s a line of holes in the soil.
…next question?🤓
That's where a core sample was taken. If ya would check back in previous mara images you'd see that same pattern being made from collecting core samples
Where's the tracks?
Angle of the camera on the machine. Imagine holding your camera looking at something on the ground. But your squatting. Which is about this height of the camera in the is image.
If your not looking straight down, you see outward with the camera. Which can give the deception that something is far away. The core samples themselves are smaller than your pinky. About this size of pencil lead actually. With these new factors, do you see what I mean?
When it comes to Either alien life or camera angles, the most obvious answer is the only one that makes sense. Until disproven. Do we want it to be alien??? Yes.... Is it tho if we think rationally with all the knowledge we have now on the subject?
The ants from Mars in column preparing stash for winter ...
The fact that people still think the mars pics are actually of mars is mind numbing.
Good graphic work, just need little bit improvement ....Join classes 6 am to 6 pm just ₹ 5000 per day...
They are drill taps made by the rover. After a short time, the wind blew sand particles over the rover's tracks to conceal them. After some time, all the holes will be completely filled by more sand.
It's fairly obvious. Ten wormholes. You have 60 seconds to choose one. Choose wisely.
they look like drilled holes, probably from one of the rovers experiments. the colour around the holes is slightly darker than that of the area surrounding it suggesting its been disturbed and drilled up from deeper
These are not really holes but burned spots where the Rover vaporized the sand by a laser and analysed the gases. That's why they are dark
Curiosity has a laser to check chemical composition and a drill to sample. These are a line of drill holes from sampling the surface for the building blocks of light.
Thx for the red circle.
In the sort of upper right corner, you can see a bumpy, straight line much like the one that is circled. I wonder if they could be from the same ornament
So right at the beginning of the shot I can see the tire tracks of the rover at the bottom of the picture. I think the holes were made by the rover during sampling. The holes look like they are far away, but they could just be 30 cm away from the rover and the tire tracks.
It's probably where the Rover was Drilling and taking samples-
Is that sound of wind blowing for real? If it is how come sand hasn’t blown over covering these holes?
It's a line of black dots. I hope that helps.
Estes pingo são da máquina da NASA
I believe its drilling sample, but i am confusing where is the leftovers wheel track from rover that take the sample.
I think it is ventilation shaft for aliens living underground 😂😂😂
This is clearly, plain as day a zoom in on smaller shards of rocks 🪨 and those are very tiny holes 🕳️ look like from a 🪮😂.... As it continues to zoom in. Peep 🫣 out the sand ⌛ grains next to the holes.
It’s where you put the crystals
Awesome 😅
Thanks 😅
Ok! ,the pneus holles🤔
please please be rest assured. There are no little green men on Mars. There is a perfectly logical explantion for these holes.
While marching, the Dinks found Lone Starr, Princess Vespa, Barf, and Dot Matrix unconscious from the heat. The Dinks replenished the group, then led them to Yogurt's lair. The Dinks and Yogurt shilled some Spaceballs merchandise, then let the crew spend the night with them. When Dark Helmet kidnapped Vespa and Dot, the Dinks woke Lone Starr and Barf to alert them. They accompanied Yogurt as he bid farewell to Lone Starr and Bar
Didn't know rover was flying!!
maybe they are air vents. I'd like to see what's underneath those holes
People are saying " That is where the rover took some samples " . But there are no tire tracks near it.
The rover uses an extendable arm with tools on the end.
It reaches at least to 7 just over 2 meter....specifically so to not disturb context of the samples.
@@x2gogo 哦,我現在看到他們了。
That are the holes, maked by the curiosity when it use his drill to take samples from the ground.
What are those ten dots belongs to?
They call it "editing "
It's very common here on earth
Its not editing, rover has a laser and can drill with it or it can lock on rock so it will know where to drill
These are 11 micro universes created by the Pleyadeans to show us their power. Billions of galaxies inside each dot.
This is literally how the rover tests the soil
Whats mm..milímetros..or metro quadrado..m2
Why the wind sound effect?
“If you believe, they put a man on the moon” you will believe this footage as well
Somewhere on Devon Island, Canada.....
I love the beach in Earth!
This could only be WOW !
What's the scale? How large are those rocks or how small are those boulders?
To the right of what was circled is a boulder, has anybody noticed the straight line that goes around it?
It's done by Rover only , it took samples that's why we can see those holes....
Wow...sehr interessant..🤔
The rover should have dig it up.
Why? The holes are made by the rover's laser
Alian work😁😁😁😁😁😁
this is where the rover drilled into the regolith for a sample
It looks like someone dropped a whole bunch of stones and rocks in a sandpit 😂😂😂
Laser camera can do that, by vaporizing small stones or rocks for analysis, because its programmed to store various rock material not the same minerals. As u can see its zooming in from afar.
Vibrations from the Rover probably crack a rock with sand on top then the stand does a hourglass kind of thing
There is a possibility that there is a long breathing monster down the hall.
I still find it hard to believe that Mars is populated by Robot's 🤯
There are no rover tracks around some holes. I don't look like a Rover could get between those rocks to even drill those holes.