TRU NANO Canister Filter REVIEW | Bye Bye FreeSea Filters!

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @jakehinch6654
    @jakehinch6654 Год назад +5

    I bought the stainless steel version for my bookshelf tank about a year ago and had the same issues with air, so after a while I swapped it for a HOB. I recently got the urge to put mini lily pipes back on my tank so I set it up again with two changes. 1) I reversed the configuration so the pump is on the bottom of the canister. 2) I added a 3-way valve at the top to help prime the line and burp it if air starts accumulating again. So far so good!
    Also, I think the tubing port on the top of the PVC version is so you can inject CO2 and diffuse with the filter?

    • @ssaquascapes
      @ssaquascapes  Год назад +2

      The SS version is nice. I have fixed the air issue with a little silicon grease and making sure the fittings are not shoved all the way into the “push to connect” fitting or whatever they are called. I just insert the pump/inlet line until it grabs the fitting; no more. That seems to work.
      The nipple on top is for CO2 yes. I did try it out, but the noise through the pump was too much for me. I like my aquariums silent and so I don’t use that port. It is handy though and did produce a very fine mist of CO2 from the outlet.

    • @kevinjoyce9113
      @kevinjoyce9113 Год назад

      did you reverse the media ( i.e bio media on top?) Also, where did you get a three way valve?

  • @粉骨砕身の伝説
    @粉骨砕身の伝説 Месяц назад +1

    That insert, for co2 on the lid, you just attach your co2 tank to it?

    • @ssaquascapes
      @ssaquascapes  Месяц назад +1

      Yup. Put the line in the little nipple. 🤘

  • @schkuba
    @schkuba 10 месяцев назад +1

    Quick question about priming - do you have the filter on when you’re priming it? Do I fill up the canister part with water before turning it on? I’ve never had a canister filter before and the instructions are unreadable from the company.

    • @ssaquascapes
      @ssaquascapes  10 месяцев назад

      All I do is set it up on the aquarium and then give a little siphon on the outlet pipe. It’ll draw water into the canister via the inflow tube until full. Then turn on. The pump auto purges. So it may turn on and off a few times until it has pressure. The air will bleed out as well over time so once running, just let her be. 🤘

  • @kevinjoyce9113
    @kevinjoyce9113 8 месяцев назад +2

    only issue I have is the little soft plastic connector on the intake that connects tubing to push union gets a little finicky after a couple cleanings.That said, 8 months in it is a fantastic filter with otherwise zero issues

    • @ssaquascapes
      @ssaquascapes  8 месяцев назад

      I agree. Some small improvements could be done but I really haven’t had any issues with my 3 units. As they say, would buy again 🤘

  • @wimmuilwijk1394
    @wimmuilwijk1394 2 месяца назад +1

    Hi, I've bought the L size and I like it a lot except from the air bubbles it keeps blowing out. Will this eventuality stop? I haven't used any grease or lube on the rubber sealing. Thanks for your video and reply in advance. Kind regards, Wim

    • @ssaquascapes
      @ssaquascapes  2 месяца назад

      Check that the rubber cap is installed on the co2 inlet nipple on top of the lid. If so, and still sucking air, check that the hoses are fully inserted and if all else fails, lube the inside threads and O-ring with silicon grease.

    • @wimmuilwijk1394
      @wimmuilwijk1394 2 месяца назад +1

      ​@@ssaquascapes thanks for your quick response! I will check the points you mention one more time. The rubber cap is installed already. Sillicon grease may be the only option left. I only have to find some grease that is environmental friendly.
      If this issue can't be solved, are there any negative consequences from the extra air bubbles for the fish or the plants?

    • @ssaquascapes
      @ssaquascapes  2 месяца назад

      No negative effect from injecting air into the aquarium.
      If you can find 100% silicon grease, it should be environmentally friendly and this is what I use.

    • @wimmuilwijk1394
      @wimmuilwijk1394 2 месяца назад +1

      ​@@ssaquascapes Thanks again. I'm going to try that option.
      Best regards (from The Netherlands), Wim

  • @FunTimeWithScarlett
    @FunTimeWithScarlett 10 месяцев назад +1

    Is there a quick release valve for that size of tubing for maintenance purpose.

    • @ssaquascapes
      @ssaquascapes  10 месяцев назад

      I have not found one, no. It is REAL small tubing. I am sure there is a valve that size somewhere but I haven’t looked much cause I just clean everything when maintaining these filters.

  • @usmc187
    @usmc187 Год назад +1

    Just bought the medium version last week. Can’t wait to replace the small HOB in my UNS20C.

    • @ssaquascapes
      @ssaquascapes  Год назад +2

      Awesome! Looks like they are restocking as they were sold out for a while. I still have all 3 of mine running and they are keeping the tanks clear (I stuff mine with filter floss).
      Glad you got one. Enjoy! 🤘

    • @usmc187
      @usmc187 Год назад +1

      @@ssaquascapes yeah I was waiting for the resupply. Thanks for the update as well!

    • @usmc187
      @usmc187 Год назад +1

      @@ssaquascapes just set up my new Tru Canister, and had to come back to review your video again on your recommendations on media!

    • @ssaquascapes
      @ssaquascapes  Год назад +1

      I set em up pretty simply: just stuff it full off filter floss! 🤣
      I leave a little room at the top so water flows through all the floss and not one side.

    • @usmc187
      @usmc187 Год назад +1

      I ended up using Seachem Matrix, previous bio media from my small HOB and some filter floss@@ssaquascapes. This TRU canister is set on low and I had to use a ball valve to keep the current down. Definitely a strong little motor!

  • @khurramgilani6026
    @khurramgilani6026 Год назад +1

    Thanks for the video. I have a UNS 20C, 2 Gallon aquarium, and plan on keeping a Betta in there. Is the flow going to be slow enough on the small/medium filter rated at 300 LPH?

    • @ssaquascapes
      @ssaquascapes  Год назад +1

      Unfortunately, no. These little filters are actually very powerful. The outflow is very fast due to the small outlet pipe (Venturi Effect). Even on a the lowest setting, it’s way too much current for a 2 gallon Betta setup.
      I would look for a different option like a HOB for that tank. I have a small one on my half gallon and it works well for small tanks. Here is a link to the one I have but you can also get the next size up.

    • @khurramgilani6026
      @khurramgilani6026 Год назад

      @@ssaquascapes Thank you the response. Do you think it will be ok for the same setup with neon tetras or the small long tail guppy?
      I have the AZOO Mignon Filter 60 right now, the problem is that it does not have space for mechanical and bio filtration. I was trying use the coarse foam it came with and a 50 micron polishing pad and there was no space left for Matrix. It has a one sheet of polishing pad and Matrix. Tru would have been awesome in terms of functionality and design. Is there a way to slow it down further?

    • @ssaquascapes
      @ssaquascapes  Год назад +2

      Neons and rasboras can tolerate more flow and some (like my neons) enjoy playing in higher flow. Set the aquarium up so there is a low flow area, like behind a rock in the corner, where they can rest if they want. You can also slow the flow by making a spin pipe for the TRU outlet. I did this in my shrimp tanks.
      Here is a link for that video:видео.htmlsi=3Fucp4sMikFOnh05
      That video also has Amazon links for the pipe if you need.
      Hope that helps and would be a good option if you’re set on the TRU filter and have basic DIY skills. 🤘

    • @khurramgilani6026
      @khurramgilani6026 Год назад +1

      @@ssaquascapes Thank you so much for the info. I really want to use this for the aesthetics but with no return policy, want really sure. Thank you for the fish advice, I’ll try those in mu UNS 20C.
      I have seen your spin pipe video, was already thinking of trying that.
      I also contacted Tru through Facebook and this is what they told me; “If 20c (2 gallons) the S size is more than enough to support”

    • @ssaquascapes
      @ssaquascapes  Год назад +1

      That is correct. The small should be enough. I have mediums and the XL. The medium is pretty powerful but I think they use the same pump on the small too, so they are talking about the canister size. To that, I say bigger canister is better but my medium filters are handling a 10 gallon with clean outs every 2-4 weeks depending on bio load.

  • @kevinjoyce9113
    @kevinjoyce9113 Год назад +1

    quick question I can't find tall is intake pipe? From bottom to top of turn in inches or mm's? Mine is a special low bookshelf nano tank, and I would hate to cut off some of the bottom of the tube and lose intake slots.
    Thanks in advance

    • @ssaquascapes
      @ssaquascapes  Год назад

      Inflow pipe is 15cm or 5 inches long. Outflow is about 4 inches long.

    • @kevinjoyce9113
      @kevinjoyce9113 Год назад +1

      @@ssaquascapes greatly appreciated!!!!
      great channel

    • @ssaquascapes
      @ssaquascapes  Год назад

      Thanks brother! 🤘

  • @Stuck-on-Stuck
    @Stuck-on-Stuck Год назад +1

    Hey how big is your “Grow Out Tank” the Medium filter is on?

    • @ssaquascapes
      @ssaquascapes  Год назад +1

      In this video the grow out tank is a 10 gallon Mr Aqua tank. I have since upgraded the grow out tank to a 40G.

    • @Stuck-on-Stuck
      @Stuck-on-Stuck Год назад +2

      @@ssaquascapes Damn, thank you for the near instant reply. I just purchased the M filter and was curious. It’s listed at 7.9gal but your tank looked a bit bigger then that, and it appeared to filter it well. Not a huge bio load though with just plants correct?
      Anyway, I’m putting the Medium filter on an 8gal Shallow which is more of an aqua scape then fish tank. 3 dwarf Corys and a hand full of cherry shrimp. I think the filter will do just fine.
      I’m glad I found your channel, it’s giving me lots of inspiration.

    • @ssaquascapes
      @ssaquascapes  Год назад

      @stuckonstuck3796 yeah, the filter should do fine. They are pretty powerful little pumps. I currently have the M sizes on 22G bookshelf aquariums as seen in this video:видео.htmlsi=rHNXEkoQbStTLz0V.
      They do just fine on high (pump lvl 4).
      Now, because they are a small filter, I do need to clean them quite frequently, just due to the size of the media chamber. But I am also a filter floss freak, as you will see if you watch more of my videos, so I do need to clean all my filters more than most people. All in all, I think you will enjoy the filter and have fun experimenting with it on different tanks.

    • @Stuck-on-Stuck
      @Stuck-on-Stuck Год назад +1

      @@ssaquascapesso I just watched the video, great looking tank. I am impressed the Medium can is filtering that as well as it looks. I’m glad I bought the Medium. Thanks for the info.

  • @georgeduncan8946
    @georgeduncan8946 7 месяцев назад +1

    My old eheim canister💜💜came with angled tubes heavy green plastic & adaptors

    • @ssaquascapes
      @ssaquascapes  7 месяцев назад +1

      Yup the ‘ol green Eheim tubing! 🤣

  • @ivronic-7724
    @ivronic-7724 Год назад +3

    is the filter quiet? i would love to get one

    • @ssaquascapes
      @ssaquascapes  Год назад +1

      Yes. Virtually Silent. I did have one make a little noise due to sucking air in slowly from somewhere . I used silicon grease on the threads for the cap and on the pump nipple and it went away. You’ll hear a very slight hum from the pump on low, a little louder on level 4, but all in all, these don’t bother me at all and I have three of these on the same rack.

  • @zenzhou5657
    @zenzhou5657 5 месяцев назад +1

    what i did is connect the co2 hole to a real diffuser inside the filter and now i have a quiet diffuser

    • @ssaquascapes
      @ssaquascapes  5 месяцев назад

      Good solution. I might have to try that if I get a small enough diffuser

  • @awilderireland
    @awilderireland 8 месяцев назад +1

    Sun Sun have had a version of this for years. It's white and kind of cheap. As is the price. 😂
    I don't think the pump is adjustable though.
    I use the filter booster version attached to my canister filter as a pre-filter.

    • @ssaquascapes
      @ssaquascapes  8 месяцев назад +1

      I haven’t seen that one. I’ll have to look it up!

  • @justink256
    @justink256 Год назад +1

    Hey, it’s been a couple of is this working out? Would you recommend purchasing?

    • @ssaquascapes
      @ssaquascapes  Год назад +1

      Still have them on three of my aquariums. I would recommend them as they are still quiet and filter well. A little more maintenance when it is time to clean than say a HOB, but they are good filters.
      Another subscriber just purchased one so it looks like they are back in stock on their website.

  • @joyw.3999
    @joyw.3999 9 месяцев назад +1

    I have the traditional nano, but it was very interesting to hear about this model, the medium one. Thank you.

  • @johnkim921
    @johnkim921 Год назад +1

    Try eheim compact 60...

    • @ssaquascapes
      @ssaquascapes  Год назад

      I’ll look into it and the Oase 60.

  • @Jarjarbeans4ever
    @Jarjarbeans4ever Год назад +3

    All the canisters are sold out !

    • @ssaquascapes
      @ssaquascapes  Год назад +1

      Dang. Wonder if they are closing up shop or just clearing inventory and going all stainless steel? Thanks for the update. 🤘

    • @Talons_N_Tails
      @Talons_N_Tails Год назад +1

      @@ssaquascapesI tried ordering one as well .. completely sold out 😢

  • @danteaponte5854
    @danteaponte5854 Год назад +1

    Muy caro hay muchos menos costosos en ebay o puedes hacer uno

    • @ssaquascapes
      @ssaquascapes  Год назад

      Agreed. You can make one or find a cheap brand, but I wanted the original. 😁

  • @Bwizzle89
    @Bwizzle89 Год назад +1


  • @stevemc6861
    @stevemc6861 Год назад +1

    Always use food grade silicone....

    • @ssaquascapes
      @ssaquascapes  Год назад

      For the lube? Haven’t had an issue yet. If it is designed for our water pipes, it SHOULD meet safety standards for fish.

  • @rsl2988
    @rsl2988 Месяц назад +1


  • @jaapvander3787
    @jaapvander3787 9 месяцев назад +1

    you have a lot of algae in your tank, that sucks.😄

    • @ssaquascapes
      @ssaquascapes  9 месяцев назад

      Embrace the NATURE!! 🤘🤣

  • @dt6750
    @dt6750 Год назад +1

    way overpriced for something you can make yourself for much cheaper

    • @ssaquascapes
      @ssaquascapes  Год назад +3

      They are pricey. But, as a business owner myself, I don’t mind paying someone for their work or engineering. They are done very well and way better than what you’d cobble together at your hardware store. The smart pump is worth the $79 I paid👍🏻🤘

  • @QuyetDoGia
    @QuyetDoGia 8 месяцев назад

    Tru Ho. Made in Vietnam. Kkk