@Abdullah Hezbollah did not defeat Israel and proof is that Israel bombs Lebanon many times each year and Hezbollah is doing nothing about it. Sure Hezbollah hit Israel, but so did Egypt and Syria and Libya and many other Arab countries but Palestine is still occupied and Hezbollah and Iran are doing nothing about it. Let us not claim non existing victories or power that is the opposite of facts on the ground. Real Islam existed since Adam AlehiASalam and Hawa and still exists today. Real Islam is the complete message that Allah says he completed and perfected for us through Prophet Mohammed PBUH. AlMehdi will not bring real Islam but he will just begin the battle against Dajal. Prophet Issa AlehiASalam will lead the believers against Dajal. I am surprised that you are focusing on AlMehdi who will be a great man more than Prophet Issa AlaihiASalam although they will be both at the end of time. You also speak of Ahlul Bayt when you reject Aisha RAAH and other Ummahat AlMuuminin RAAH (wives of the Prophet PBUH) when Allah in the Quran referred to wives of Prophets as Ahlul Bayt but you reject what Allah says. Even in the story of Prophet Ibrahim, Allah didn’t say wives but rather called them Ahlul Bayt (Surat HUD Ayat 73). Also your Mullas tell you that the Quran Surat Ahzab Ayat 33, is the verse of purification of Ahlul bayt and say it is Fatima,Ali, Hassan and Husain and you believe them although the verse starts in Ayat 32 and clearly states “Oh wives of the Prophet” and continues in Ayat 33 addressing women not men (in Arabic “hunna“ and “Kunna” in speech is only used for women and can never be used for men which rules out Ali, Hassan and Hussein in this verse although they are all 3 great men on their own. So keep refusing reality and facts as Allah has told us and continue believing Mullas that make up stories to keep you in control. I am satisfied with Allahs word and I reject all others including Mulllas.
Dear Muslims: Many questions asked by Muslims reflect the absence of a daily reading of the Qur'an. Allah has thrown you a rope of guidance to cling to, this rope is the Qur'an itself. If you spend some amount of time reflecting on what it says to you every day, you will have wisdom to answer most questions yourself. Iqraa! - Assallam alaikum
Good advice brother but our leaders need to know that Qur'an is like a storage of the required knowledge. Therefore like the storage of food, if a mother leaves her small children with their food in the store they might go hungry though their food is with them. Why? Cos they don't have the ability to prepare the food. Therefore people need qualified teachers to prepare lessons from the Qur'an. The Youth in high School may not understand Arabic. Parents too and the new Muslim. The Messenger of Allah said, كلكم راع و كلكم مسؤول عن رعيته الامام راع و مسؤول عن رعيته.....
You can't just study only the Quran if you just study the Quran you can interpret it any way you want and people can become an Ismaili or an Ahmadi. A Muslim must use the tafsirs, the hadiths and the sunna to read the Quran as these sources are important to help Muslims get the right interpretation of the Quran. Al-Tabari said that a Muslim's iman must be accompanied by tradition which doesn't mean the Quran and nothing else.
ليس القرآن وحده ما تركه رسول الله و بأمر من الله عزوجل ترك الثقلين كتاب الله ( القرآن) و عترته من اهل بيته الأطهار و قال لن يفترقا حتى يردا عليه الحوض. و قولكم كتاب الله و سنتي كذب على رسول الله مصيره جهنم.
@Abdullah Islam is very clear about who to follow and where to learn. The Messenger of Allah made it very easy. Just follow the Qur'an and the Sunnah. You can learn that in Africa I learn the Qur'an from A Swahili translation. It was very beatiful and very clear. Don't try to kid me that Saudis are lost etc. The leading Scholars who have made learing the Sharia simple are from Saudi Arabia. What kind of blame do they deserve?
You are right. We need to follow the true teachings of Prophet Muhammad based on Quran and Sunnah. The question is where do we find them. Sunnis say their books are authentic and have their own justifications. Shia have their own narrations and justifications. Just let us call ourselves Muslins and leave the judgement of what is right or wrong to Allah instead of fighting among ourselves endlessly. These are all historical issues and cannot be proven
@@indianrational6887 Majority Muslims are sunni,not shia.If you study shia-ism you will know its just persian supremacy disguised as Islam(a very distorted one)
@@anonms2217 There's no simple answer; by a general definition, I'm Sunni. But to label myself as one, also mean that I fell into the sectarian trap which is forbidden according to the Sunnah. My statement is the - somewhat - right answer to be given to the non-muslim. But you're right: there's a different way to answer the question according to the context. But the main point is: let Allah be the judge on what's right and wrong, don't take His right by pointing and looking down on others. Wassalamu'alaikum...
@@anonms2217 who prays 3 times? There's 5 prayers a day don't be dumb, hands by your side or down does it really matter? Also it's not a brick it's the turbah. Let GOD be the judge.. you just mind your own business and worry about how you are going to get to heaven. One Ummaha inshallah.
So many misconceptions and so much hate in these comments section. The prophet clearly told the Muslims to follow the Quran and his ahlulbayt and you will never be lost. He didn’t once mention “rashidun” caliphs. And who were closer to the prophet? Those from his family who lived with him, taught by him, resembled him, loved more than any other people by him or the Sahaba? Use pure logic. Who should we have looked up to for Islamic guidance? The people who were put under the cloak by the prophet and told that Allah desires to purify them. This is in Sahih Muslim narrated by Aisha r.a. Who should have been the leader of our ummah after the prophet. The men who were elected by a very small group of Ansar while the prophet was being prepared for burial. Or the man who was declared to be the mawla of all the people who considered Muhammad SAW as their mawla. The man who was to prophet Muhammad SAW what Harun a.s was to Musa a.s. These points all come from the Sunni Sahih Hadith books. Deciding which Madhab you want to follow is a personal choice and may Allah, the most merciful and the best of judges, accept all our prayers and instill love and faith in our hearts for him. But please don’t go around calling the Shia kafir or munafiqun. You will never hear a faithful and practicing Shia ever call a Sunni brother such things. Our ummah needs unity. Our differences will always exist and that’s fine. But that’s not a reason to be hostile and aggressive towards each other.
Your post is full of lies subhaan Allah fear Allah (48:18) Allah was much pleased with the believers when they swore fealty to you under the tree.32 He knew what was in their hearts. So He bestowed inner peace upon them33 and rewarded them with a victory near at hand. Does what the Phrophet saw said not matter to you ? And do you think that Allah will allow his Phrophet to be buried next to disbelievers even though us poor slaves are told to be buried beside Muslims? what is wrong with you ?
In Hadith Thaqalayn Prophet said: I leave you with two heavy things to guide you and keep you in straight path: 1. The Koran/Quran sheriff 2. My ahlulbyte (Prophet, Ali, Fatima, Hasan & Hussain... under the blanket... all five individuals purified & are without sin)! Prophet said: If you follow both... you will be guided and saved. & If you follow only one... you will be misguided!
Well articulated, however, I'd like to make two quick points. The Shi'a cite evidences for their beliefs from Sunni and Shi'a sources which show contentious behaviour among the sahaba mere moments after the Holy Prophet's (sawas) demise. We know that Sunnis don't consider the sahaba (/salaf) infallible, as we know that around the Prophet (sawas) their were munafiqs as mentioned in the Quran (don't worry, not saying the Khulafa were munafiq). Therefore its perfectly reasonable to suggest that early believers they made mistakes. Now for the Shi'a it isn't a matter of what we WANTED Islam to be like after the Prophet's death. Things happened. Fadak happened. The battle of Jamal happened. Karbala happened. Imam Ali didn't want to give bay'ah intitally. The Ahlulbayt (a.s.) were oppressed. The Shi'a find enough evidence to pinpoint the culprit of these events (in their interpretation of course) and as a result, although we would have liked to follow a picture perfect Islam, we accept it didn't turn out like that due to figures loved dearly by our Sunni brothers and sisters. NOW, the main point I'd like to add is this, you've taken a mature stance here, and we need more of this in the ummah. Our ummah is fragmenting, weakening, becoming a laughing stock, succumbing to the forces of "the Greater Satan, and the Little Satan", even our own rulers in Hijaz are many other Muslim countries are despots, some even killing countless Muslims around the world. This is the result of disunity, what we were warned against in the Holy Quran. I urge anyone reading this to adopt a mature, academic, evidence based approach when debating with the followers of 'Ali, or the followers of the sunnah. This will help establish a united face against the enemies of Islam who are the masters of divide and conquer. JazakAllahu Khayran.
If we Muslims learn our faith from the Qur'an and we follow the straight way that we ask Allah to lead us, more than 17 times every day, we expect to succeed. Therefore let the leaders discuss their deferences. They will tell us whats going on. But what is very important is to know Allah and to.know His Messenger and to know the Sharia then perform ibadah. Allah has said, و ما خلقت الجن و الانس الا ليعبدون And I did not create the (invisible spirits) Jinn and the human being except for worshipping me. Therefore let's look at the messge. (not what people)
Islam is no ones personal property that whatever you want of it you can make or call it. It's complete code of life for human beings. Shia word means groups, in Islam there's no place for groups so that you can't oppose others and make battles on earth.
In Hadith Thaqalayn Prophet said: I leave you with two heavy things to guide you and keep you in straight path: 1. The Koran/Quran sheriff 2. My ahlulbyte (Prophet, Ali, Fatima, Hasan & Hussain... under the blanket... all five individuals purified & are without sin)! Prophet said: If you follow both... you will be guided and saved. & If you follow only one... you will be misguided!
This man has the correct Aqeeda and when u hear the sense of it we agree yet the deviants will rush and call him a salafi, what i s a salafi? Someone who understands islam from the salaf (early generations) who best understood al islam rather than adding weird things like praying to graves which is not from islam and has no place in islam rather it makes you leave islam to do such a thing knowingly .
@Mr Zift Brother, you have some serious hatred for Ahyl Baut, go get checked. Talking reckless during Ramadan too. Go look at Yemen before you talk about Syria and Iraq clearing ISIS. Smallah 3alik ya habibi.
@Mr Zift Your Sahaba killed the Prophets last living grandson. Your mother Aisha started a war with Ali ibn Talib. Sadly you sunnis dont read and understand the history of Islam,just pure ignorance. Shias have been oppressed after Abu Bakr hijacked the Khalifa.
A true Muslim never prays to anyone except Allah whether he is Sunnis or Shia Every sect has some negative and positive image Ruler from every sect made massive blunders
Its interesting to see how the family of the Prophet SAW have a different opinion of the sahaba. And i wonder why all muslims in their prayers send salawat on Muhammad and his family. Being a Sahaba doesn't give you status if you dont follow the prophet saw. When Allah swt makes it obligatory to send salawat on the the family of the Prophet saw, it indicates their status. So send your salawat on the Prophet and his family and seek guidance from the All mighty swt.
@@imransyed1860 if you know the truth you would reject them too. This is not accusation its fact. Read the history understand that the successor of the Holy Prohet s.a.w is not a something chosen by the people but by Allah swt. If you reject his Caliph who Allah swt ordered to follow through Rasoolullah than you are not worthy of anything. Allah chooses not the people thats why the ummah is in this mess. No successor of any Prohet was chosen by the people just read the Quran. Its no different with the final messenger of Allah swt.
@@imransyed1860 r u follow yazeed and his parents and his grand parents bcaz they all r fight against hazrath Mohammad family like hazrath ali than imam hasan and imam Hussain tell me ur yazeedi or Hussaini which camp ur
@j mak then way ali did not take the leadership if prophet make him the true successors is he a coward? leting his wife get killed and gave his daughter to the mans that kill his wife and take his right of leadership you people believe make no sense to me
Instead of looking at the “ Differences “ the Muslim fractions should focus and work on the “ similarities “ that’s how the muslims can be able to come on one platform without any fractions.
Don't lie on Allah Obey Allah, and obey the Messenger, and those charged with authority among you...." (known as The obedience verse) 4:69 What did our Phrophet saw say ? follow my Sunnah
Then why every prophet in Quran asked god continuation of his teachings to run in his ذریه from ibrahim, moses , zakaria ,Noah, Jacob? And Quran says all prophets are same ,what makes prophet Mohammed (ص) different? What make him exception? Plus we all have assume someone saying right about prophet and Quran tafsir, who is that right person? What kind of intellectual legacy they left? Or just because they hold power without consideration of their degree in spirituality and knowledge we have to accept them? Where in Quran teaches something like that ? Quran condemned accepting anything without legitimate reason.osman brought corruption to khelafat ,why we should accept him as saint?
Question.. from a very noob and jahil person like me.... u said that prohet said cling to his sunnah and khulafa arrasyidin... but how come prophet said that when khulafa arrasyidin wasnt establish when prophet were alive? Im confuse
Those who follow Sunnah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (saw) why don't they give their wealth/estate/empire to their companions (friends) instead of their family (progeny) ?
When Sahabas can fight bloody wars between then (Jamal, Siffin) and we give benefit of doubt to all of them, why to blame present day followers who did not even see Prophet and are just trying to follow the beliefs that they have been taught by scholars of their sect. Every school of thought is somehow able to justify their belief from Quran and Sunnah. It is extremely hard for common person to find out mistakes of scholars who are teaching them one interpretation over another.
The best people who understood the Prophet P.B.U.H is the family of the Prophet P.B.U.H the followers were not always with the Prophet P.B.U.H in fact none of them can say we heard everything the Prophet P.B.U.H says . except of the Holy Family the Ahlulbayt A.S . It's a well known hadith of the Holy Prophet P.B.U.H " Teach and guide your family first before teaching and guiding others" So course he guided and tell everything to the family before others.
May be if that prophet is always sitting at home with his family..haha...and if that is your case...then the wives of the prophet had more knowledge becouse he was always with his wives....common sence matters.....
Would have liked the brother to clearly state that he is Sunni, so that others who are shia may realise that they may not be on the right path. That is to say,some shia (young or those of little knowledge) may not know that the rushideen are discredited by the shia. Btw I'm not saying that i'm on the right path just because I'm sunni and follow the quran and sunnah, I pray that Allah saves me from unwittingly falling into a sect or any act or belief that may cause me to fall out of Islam.
If you want to learn the Quran learn it from the Prophet and the people of the house and after then the true companions. Not those who were engaged in politics while prophets body was being buried. Sham on those hypocrites.
If you call the Sahabah Munafiq you are saying Allah allowed his Phrophet saw to be buried with Munafiqs ? That Allah had no Knowledge when he said he is pleased with those who gave the pledge of allegiance. That your parents and grandparents and us are all Munafiqas as they got their Islam from Munafiqs. Your argument is wrong and sinful on so many levels.
@0khans no all shia reject the rushideen. infact this title was given to the 4 caliphs after hundreds of years, it was never mentioned during prophet muhammads times, furthermore if you refer to your own books of hadith you will realise that the prophet mentioned there will be 12 caliphates after me.
Buhkari in Tahreek e Aswat, lists Imam Ali(a)’s time as the fitna. He lists other caliphs by name including the Bani Ummmay and Abbas. The whole concept is a much later innovation to demonstrate that Abu Turab(a) had some validity. The greatest historian and most authoritative scholar rejected the idea of Imam Ali’s caliphate, Sunni Muslims should really just honor his words and not this later idea.
2:21 u said who the best people who were with prophet khulafa That is the different between shia n sunni What about people lived in house of prohet Common sense is somthing which this converted english man doesnt have
اُمّہات المومنین سے مُراد رسول اکرمﷺ کی بیویاں ہیں، جن کو اللہ رب العالمین نے امہات المومنین سے متّصف کیا ہے ،جیسا کہ ارشاد باری تعالیٰ ہے: ﴿النَّبِيُّ أَوْلَىٰ بِالْمُؤْمِنِينَ مِنْ أَنفُسِهِمْ ۖ وَأَزْوَاجُهُ أُمَّهَاتُهُمْ ۗ﴾[الأحزاب:6] ’’پیغمبر مومنوں پر خود ان سے بھی زیاده حق رکھنے والے ہیں اور پیغمبر کی بیویاں مومنوں کی مائیں ہیں‘‘ [سورہ احزاب:۶]
Too much sugarcoating and unnecessary elongation Just say “I’m the follower of the Prophet, his companions and the salaf” anything other than this I’m against.
@@hamzamahdi104 Oh really?! There are no followers of Yazeed among Sunnis ever, not a single one. We follow Qur'an and Prophet Muhammad's Sunnah PBUH and the four caliphs.
@LieExtinguisher and i have been involved and watched hundreds of debates and read books from sunnah and shias books, no hadith is taken from a mullah, i suggest you gain some knowledge brother because comments like that is only going to make your arguement weaker.
@LieExtinguisher we dont follow the teaching of the prophet muhammad from the family because we feel like it, its because this is what prophet muhammad said himself. crying for the grandson of the prophet muhammad, imam hussain, is what the prophet muhammad did himself, he also cried for his grandson, read your books of hadith, there are alot of lessons to learn from karbala and it strengthens our iman and deen when we remember the sacrifices imam hussain made for the religion of islam.
Lets say the prophet cried for saidna hussein..did he cut n beat him self and injure himself???infact the quraan says the opposite of what shias do..do not harm yourself and do not beat your chest nor tear your cloths....
@@spice4777 Are you shia to be saying it's generally an accepted practice? I have a family of approximately 76 people(including cousins) in total 42 boys and 6 girls. 2 of them boys have done zanjeer. It's not "generally accepted" at all, but it definitely does happen. Now i don't personally agree, but for me there's a level of admiration for a man that's willing to bleed for what he loves. Look at Iran(majority shia), the only country that fights for the palestinians, whilst you have the saudi's breaking bread and putting money in the pocket of the israelis. Use your eyes man. Shia are the only ones that are really fighting for islam.
S Haider but really sir, are they? Are they really? If so then fine. I mean no harm. Was only saying what I’ve been told by current and former Shias and what I’ve observed (and no I don’t hate on anybody’s) there’s no need for you to get emotional 😭
Just tell me few clarification Why u r not saying if qadeer where clearly Mohammed s,a raise Ali hand and declared Ali is successor When Mohammad s,a, burial time who r present for tadfeen Why Ali arrested in abubakar time and why Bibi Fathima house fired Hazrath imam Hussain murderers r yazeed and u follow yazeed and his father and his father why who fight against Ali in many wars just answer my questions
This is your side of picture Ali and muawya both were sahaba and Causes of wars belong to munafiq Remember who were munafiq Mainly Koofi Who were against muawya and killed Ali r.a
@@light7803 I thought Muslims follow Prophet Muhammad. Never knew that some follow predecessors. But why? Prophet Muhammad taught Quran and its implementation. So what's the point. When you have an excellent example in the Proohet why follow the followers. Quran says Obey Allah and obey Prophet. Period. The ancient people followed their ancestors as mentioned in Quran in many places. So why fall in the same trap. In stead just stick to Prophets teachings
@@light7803 You mean the Salaf include the Prophet. Quran calls the Proohet, A Nabi, Rasool and many other titles but not a Salaf. Appreciate if you can quote a source calling the Prophet as a righteous predecessor. When Quran has already assigned an identity to all the people who believe in Allah as Muslims or Momineen where did the new identity come from. Is there any instance where God has addressed Muslims with other titles like salaf. And since how many years has this concept been existing ? Iam sure no one will be addressed as Salaf or non Salaf in Aakhirah. Everyone will be questioned as believers and non believers
Who were the best people to understand the Quran? You claimed in your talk to follow the prophet....so what did the prophet of Islam say? He said: Ibn Kathīr affirms in his Tafsīr: vol. 7, p. 201 In the ṣaḥīḥ report, it is recorded that the Messenger of Allāh, peace be upon him, said in his sermon at Ghadīr Khumm: “I am leaving behind over you the TWO Weighty Things (al-thaqalayn): the Book of Allāh and my offspring. Verily, both shall never separate from each other until they meet me at the Lake-Fount.” What did the prophet leave for us with the Quran? His Ahlulbayt... Muslims can acquire true guidance after their Prophet only by holding fast to both the Qur’ān and his Ahl al-Bayt together. Do not go astray by disobeying our beloved prophet of Islam in this narration
But in the Quran it says you must only follow the Sunah and the Quran. So the AhlulBayth is not as important as the Sunnah nor the Quran. The best people to understand the Quran were the Sahaba, especially the likes of Abu Bakar, Uthman, Umar, Ali, Aisha etc. (may Allah be pleased with them all). The Shiahs disregard majority of the aforementioned. Which makes no sense as the Prophet (pbuh) closest companion was Abu Bakar (ra), he had the most knowledge after the Prophet (pbuh) about the Quran and Sunnah
I tried my best about ten years to know what's the true islam that prophet Muhammad pbuh brought and made a conclusion that Shia İslam the true one based on rationality. Shia argument base from Quran and Sunnah and historical aspects are stronger than others. To comprehend the true issue between splitting of islam into major sects we must research the early History of islam when prophet Muhammad pbuh passed away and and historical phenomenon of ghadeer khoom event that happened in last hajj of prophet
@LieExtinguisher im afraid your wrong, sunnahs follow the quran and learn the SUNNAH of the prophet from the companions of the prophet and shias follow the quran and learn the SUNNAH of the prophet from the family of the prophet. no need to lie about other peoples beliefs to make yours look right.
With all due respects what he said does not make sense. He said those who were with him the most are the best to learn from. But that it his family. The sahaba obviously did learn from him, but his family were closer. Do you think your family or friends know you best? Especially back then in arab culture, family ties were very strong and your family knew you more than any close friend. So how can he completely ignore this? I have not met anyone who has explained this! You are turning away from logic.
I seek refuge in Allah against Satan, ever to be stoned! In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. But whoever is blind in this, he will be blind in the Hereafter, and further astray from the way. Holy Quran 17:72 My brother in religion will you explain me this Verse?
You have NO right to tell who is a non believer and who is a believer only ALLAH knows who is he and ALLAH said that it’s a sin to tell a brother that he is not or he is
But there's a authentic narration from prophet Muhammad pbuh that after me my religion will split into 73 sects and only one of those is the true islam.but anyway all Shia and Sunni must get together and be united regardless of some fundamental issues between two parties
@LieExtinguisher the only sahih book is THE QURAN, we do not give books the name SAHIH like you do cause man can make faults & hadiths that contradict the quran cannot be classified as SAHIH. Stop copying what ppl tell u to say, go read & gain knowledge, youre not going to learn anything if you mimick what other ppl say & stop changing the subject everytime i ask you something you come back with claims & accusations with no foundation to them. if you dont know what to say just dont reply.
There is no Sunny or Shia in Islam and I am sorry to say this but I don't believe in Sunny and Shia and I myself am not Sunny and am not Shia and I advise all muslims to follow the qur'an and try to understand it by themselves. Thank you.
"The prophet said cling to the Quran and the sonah of kholefa rashedeen!!!" At the time of the prophet there was no kholefa rashedeen. What do you take man?
If you follow Nabi Mohammad pbuh than only Ali a s is the way to further follow the Islam other wise you will be amoung the Gumrah sects of Islam Quran + ahle bait ✓ Not (Quran + sunnah)
لماذا الله عزوجل يدلنا على اتباع رجال عصوه و نافقوا و قتلوا رسول الله و ذريته و حرفوا آلدين من بعده 😱😱😱😱😱 و اقصد بهذا الصحابة الذين حاولوا قتله في العقبة و مرات عديدة بعد حديث الغدير؟
لماذا ورث ابو بكر ابنته عائشة حجرة رسول الله الخاصة و حرم منها باقي ازواجه 8 و بنته فاطمة الزهراء ؟ رغم ان لكل منهن حق فيهاو بهذا فقد خالف القرآن و عصى الله عزوجل.
قناة وعد اللامي ميثم الموسوي احمد الامامي ذو الفقار المغربي احمد سلمان عقيل العراقي احمد الجعفري أسد لبنان ابو هادي العاملي أمير الشريف عاقل و ناقل قناة الولاية قناة الحجة قناة الاهواز. الخ.... و حتى كل قنوات الوهابية الدواعش صارت تدفع بالناس الي التشيع و الحمد لله. يمكرون و الله خير الماكرين. يريد الوهابية ان يطفؤوا نور الله عزوجل بتكفير اهل البيت من خلال الشيعة ولكن الله عزوجل رفض و قلب كيدهم عليهم. و الحمد لله رب العالمين
No hadiths prophet Muhammad Pbuh say; follow khalifeen rashdeen you lie people The difference you not follow sunnah why you didn't saying people hadiths prophet Muhammad Pbuh says about Ahulbayt why you hide them ?
@harryn64 Det her med sunni er et begrep som kom for og skille oss fra dem, sån at folk kan se forskjell. Men som sagt,følger du Koranen og Sunnah til profeten er du muslim. Så du blir sett på med respekt;).
هذا الشيخ كذاب او جاهل. عليكم البحث في : حديث الغدير غدير خم حديث المنزلة حديث الكساء سقيفة بني ساعدة حرق بيت فاطمة الزهراء بنت رسول الله و كسر ضلعها مقتل رسول الله حرب الجمل حرب صفين مجزرة كربلاء
@LieExtinguisher first of all bihar al-anwar is not considered all authentic like how you claim of your sahih books. go read which books to refer to when trying to debate me, refer to the 4 books of hadith that we have, like sahih books that you have. tell me what is the name of our 4 hadith books? & which have you read? google the books & find out maybe u wud be able to debate me then. also go back to ibn taymiyyas book & weep blood over what he said about ALLAH creater & lord of the universe!
How are you claiming to follow abraham moses and all the profets when your religion doesnt match to any of them your profet muhamad doesnt match any of them islam is not the word of god first study those profets before listening to a man who wasnt a profet and then see your confusion.
Everything PROPHET Muhammad said all the other prophets preached the ONENESS of God & to submit your will to Him so please to sound so ignorant next time
Umar was the first munafiq person to divide the muslims when prophet wanted to write some thing ,he refused and said, for us Quran is more then enough.
Hazrat Ali R.A was also present there at that time. Why did he not take any step and came forward to give pen to Prophet to write some thing. All of ahle-bait was present there. No one could dare to challange the Hazrat Omer farooq ??
Yeah for no reason Allah chose Umar radiallahu anhu to become a Muslim. As if you know better than Allah???? Allah chose Umar pbuh just bcuz the Sikhs Hindus have corrupted our religion into worshipping our parents so whatever our parents tell us about Islam we take it it's natural. But as an adult do ur own research too u can still be polite to ur parents. But u can be a good Muslim and a good son too. Open ur eyes and think say for argument Umar radiallahu anhu was negative like u r told even then u guys r committing a sin . Bcuz according to Islam one shud not say negative stuff about other religions Gods. And here u r breaking that . Don't u see past thru that Hindus Sikhs r scared of Muslims so they spread misconceptions about all those sahabas who were brave fighters and bold to deviate us from the prophet himself. Prophet loved his sahabas how can you speak like that for him. Live the sahabas if u want to love him. Love his progeny love others as well. We love Hindus Sikhs as humans so how does it make sense that it's ok to befriend a hindu or a Sikh and not consider Umar and other sahabas peace be upon them as our friends ???? Hope u understand live and peace from sunnis we r one and so r Hindus or sikhs or Christina's as humans. And so Hindus Sikhs must love us and respect our religion as well as we all want a better place for our kids. Is it too much to ask ??
Bro don't spread violence (fitna) among muslims world knows who is right and who is wrong and which people murdered holy progeny of Prophet pbuh in different periods in past so please avoid .Ehlulbayat don't teaches us hate and violence but peace ,mercy,forgiveness and humanity 🙏
When Islam is explained clearly its beautiful. This is a beautiful video.
This answer only suites the non-Shia fraction of Islam.
@Abdullah Hezbollah did not defeat Israel and proof is that Israel bombs Lebanon many times each year and Hezbollah is doing nothing about it. Sure Hezbollah hit Israel, but so did Egypt and Syria and Libya and many other Arab countries but Palestine is still occupied and Hezbollah and Iran are doing nothing about it. Let us not claim non existing victories or power that is the opposite of facts on the ground. Real Islam existed since Adam AlehiASalam and Hawa and still exists today. Real Islam is the complete message that Allah says he completed and perfected for us through Prophet Mohammed PBUH. AlMehdi will not bring real Islam but he will just begin the battle against Dajal. Prophet Issa AlehiASalam will lead the believers against Dajal. I am surprised that you are focusing on AlMehdi who will be a great man more than Prophet Issa AlaihiASalam although they will be both at the end of time. You also speak of Ahlul Bayt when you reject Aisha RAAH and other Ummahat AlMuuminin RAAH (wives of the Prophet PBUH) when Allah in the Quran referred to wives of Prophets as Ahlul Bayt but you reject what Allah says. Even in the story of Prophet Ibrahim, Allah didn’t say wives but rather called them Ahlul Bayt (Surat HUD Ayat 73). Also your Mullas tell you that the Quran Surat Ahzab Ayat 33, is the verse of purification of Ahlul bayt and say it is Fatima,Ali, Hassan and Husain and you believe them although the verse starts in Ayat 32 and clearly states “Oh wives of the Prophet” and continues in Ayat 33 addressing women not men (in Arabic “hunna“ and “Kunna” in speech is only used for women and can never be used for men which rules out Ali, Hassan and Hussein in this verse although they are all 3 great men on their own. So keep refusing reality and facts as Allah has told us and continue believing Mullas that make up stories to keep you in control. I am satisfied with Allahs word and I reject all others including Mulllas.
Outstanding response masha Allah....love it❤
Dear Muslims: Many questions asked by Muslims reflect the absence of a daily reading of the Qur'an. Allah has thrown you a rope of guidance to cling to, this rope is the Qur'an itself. If you spend some amount of time reflecting on what it says to you every day, you will have wisdom to answer most questions yourself. Iqraa! - Assallam alaikum
Good advice brother but our leaders need to know that Qur'an is like a storage of the required knowledge. Therefore like the storage of food, if a mother leaves her small children with their food in the store they might go hungry though their food is with them. Why? Cos they don't have the ability to prepare the food. Therefore people need qualified teachers to prepare lessons from the Qur'an. The Youth in high School may not understand Arabic. Parents too and the new Muslim.
The Messenger of Allah said,
كلكم راع و كلكم مسؤول عن رعيته
الامام راع و مسؤول عن رعيته.....
You can't just study only the Quran if you just study the Quran you can interpret it any way you want and people can become an Ismaili or an Ahmadi. A Muslim must use the tafsirs, the hadiths and the sunna to read the Quran as these sources are important to help Muslims get the right interpretation of the Quran. Al-Tabari said that a Muslim's iman must be accompanied by tradition which doesn't mean the Quran and nothing else.
ليس القرآن وحده ما تركه رسول الله و بأمر من الله عزوجل ترك الثقلين كتاب الله ( القرآن) و عترته من اهل بيته الأطهار و قال لن يفترقا حتى يردا عليه الحوض.
و قولكم كتاب الله و سنتي كذب على رسول الله مصيره جهنم.
@Abdullah Do you know the Sharia? Can you define Sharia? What is it?
@Abdullah Islam is very clear about who to follow and where to learn. The Messenger of Allah made it very easy. Just follow the Qur'an and the Sunnah. You can learn that in Africa I learn the Qur'an from A Swahili translation. It was very beatiful and very clear. Don't try to kid me that Saudis are lost etc. The leading Scholars who have made learing the Sharia simple are from Saudi Arabia. What kind of blame do they deserve?
You are right. We need to follow the true teachings of Prophet Muhammad based on Quran and Sunnah. The question is where do we find them. Sunnis say their books are authentic and have their own justifications. Shia have their own narrations and justifications. Just let us call ourselves Muslins and leave the judgement of what is right or wrong to Allah instead of fighting among ourselves endlessly. These are all historical issues and cannot be proven
Shiasm is a different Religion
@@osmantuce4069 From another perspective Sunnism is also a different religion
@@indianrational6887 Majority Muslims are sunni,not shia.If you study shia-ism you will know its just persian supremacy disguised as Islam(a very distorted one)
I'm not a Sunni, I'm not a Shia, I'm the Qur'an told me to be; a Muslim...
But in the end, do you pray 3 or 5 times a day? Arms on your chest or by your side? Head on ground or brick?
@@anonms2217 There's no simple answer; by a general definition, I'm Sunni. But to label myself as one, also mean that I fell into the sectarian trap which is forbidden according to the Sunnah. My statement is the - somewhat - right answer to be given to the non-muslim. But you're right: there's a different way to answer the question according to the context. But the main point is: let Allah be the judge on what's right and wrong, don't take His right by pointing and looking down on others. Wassalamu'alaikum...
@@Kobenoz oh, i get it now. ty
Anon MS you’re very welcome 😊
@@anonms2217 who prays 3 times? There's 5 prayers a day don't be dumb, hands by your side or down does it really matter? Also it's not a brick it's the turbah. Let GOD be the judge.. you just mind your own business and worry about how you are going to get to heaven. One Ummaha inshallah.
So many misconceptions and so much hate in these comments section. The prophet clearly told the Muslims to follow the Quran and his ahlulbayt and you will never be lost. He didn’t once mention “rashidun” caliphs. And who were closer to the prophet? Those from his family who lived with him, taught by him, resembled him, loved more than any other people by him or the Sahaba?
Use pure logic. Who should we have looked up to for Islamic guidance? The people who were put under the cloak by the prophet and told that Allah desires to purify them. This is in Sahih Muslim narrated by Aisha r.a.
Who should have been the leader of our ummah after the prophet. The men who were elected by a very small group of Ansar while the prophet was being prepared for burial. Or the man who was declared to be the mawla of all the people who considered Muhammad SAW as their mawla. The man who was to prophet Muhammad SAW what Harun a.s was to Musa a.s. These points all come from the Sunni Sahih Hadith books.
Deciding which Madhab you want to follow is a personal choice and may Allah, the most merciful and the best of judges, accept all our prayers and instill love and faith in our hearts for him. But please don’t go around calling the Shia kafir or munafiqun. You will never hear a faithful and practicing Shia ever call a Sunni brother such things. Our ummah needs unity. Our differences will always exist and that’s fine. But that’s not a reason to be hostile and aggressive towards each other.
Yaa , i also wonder not in a single video ahlubyait in mentioned . They just replaced Ahulubyait with Sahabas.
Your post is full of lies subhaan Allah fear Allah (48:18) Allah was much pleased with the believers when they swore fealty to you under the tree.32 He knew what was in their hearts. So He bestowed inner peace upon them33 and rewarded them with a victory near at hand. Does what the Phrophet saw said not matter to you ? And do you think that Allah will allow his Phrophet to be buried next to disbelievers even though us poor slaves are told to be buried beside Muslims? what is wrong with you ?
Caliphates rashidun are mentioned in a hadith.
Search for "أوصيكم بتقوى الله والسمع والطاعة" hadith
@@talibahmuslimah1535 yahya (as) had his head chopped off and we don't know where he's buried. Prophets dying horrible deaths is nothing new in islam
@@kataangsucks The Phrophets and how they died is not the issue here.
JazakaAllah khairnn
In Hadith Thaqalayn
Prophet said:
I leave you with two heavy things to guide you and keep you in straight path:
1. The Koran/Quran sheriff
2. My ahlulbyte (Prophet, Ali, Fatima, Hasan & Hussain... under the blanket... all five individuals purified & are without sin)!
Prophet said:
If you follow both... you will be guided and saved.
If you follow only one... you will be misguided!
this is smart speach, I am happy someone says this so clearly
Well articulated, however, I'd like to make two quick points. The Shi'a cite evidences for their beliefs from Sunni and Shi'a sources which show contentious behaviour among the sahaba mere moments after the Holy Prophet's (sawas) demise. We know that Sunnis don't consider the sahaba (/salaf) infallible, as we know that around the Prophet (sawas) their were munafiqs as mentioned in the Quran (don't worry, not saying the Khulafa were munafiq). Therefore its perfectly reasonable to suggest that early believers they made mistakes. Now for the Shi'a it isn't a matter of what we WANTED Islam to be like after the Prophet's death. Things happened. Fadak happened. The battle of Jamal happened. Karbala happened. Imam Ali didn't want to give bay'ah intitally. The Ahlulbayt (a.s.) were oppressed. The Shi'a find enough evidence to pinpoint the culprit of these events (in their interpretation of course) and as a result, although we would have liked to follow a picture perfect Islam, we accept it didn't turn out like that due to figures loved dearly by our Sunni brothers and sisters. NOW, the main point I'd like to add is this, you've taken a mature stance here, and we need more of this in the ummah. Our ummah is fragmenting, weakening, becoming a laughing stock, succumbing to the forces of "the Greater Satan, and the Little Satan", even our own rulers in Hijaz are many other Muslim countries are despots, some even killing countless Muslims around the world. This is the result of disunity, what we were warned against in the Holy Quran. I urge anyone reading this to adopt a mature, academic, evidence based approach when debating with the followers of 'Ali, or the followers of the sunnah. This will help establish a united face against the enemies of Islam who are the masters of divide and conquer. JazakAllahu Khayran.
If we Muslims learn our faith from the Qur'an and we follow the straight way that we ask Allah to lead us, more than 17 times every day, we expect to succeed. Therefore let the leaders discuss their deferences. They will tell us whats going on. But what is very important is to know Allah and to.know His Messenger and to know the Sharia then perform ibadah.
Allah has said,
و ما خلقت الجن و الانس الا ليعبدون
And I did not create the (invisible spirits) Jinn and the human being except for worshipping me.
Therefore let's look at the messge. (not what people)
Islam is no ones personal property that whatever you want of it you can make or call it.
It's complete code of life for human beings.
Shia word means groups, in Islam there's no place for groups so that you can't oppose others and make battles on earth.
He looks like THOR
ابو ثور بن عدي (odin ) 😂
we must respect Prophets Family and Prophets friends / companions.... he should of mentioned the Ah lul baith as well
Sure, but thats not a reason to divide muslim
In Hadith Thaqalayn
Prophet said:
I leave you with two heavy things to guide you and keep you in straight path:
1. The Koran/Quran sheriff
2. My ahlulbyte (Prophet, Ali, Fatima, Hasan & Hussain... under the blanket... all five individuals purified & are without sin)!
Prophet said:
If you follow both... you will be guided and saved.
If you follow only one... you will be misguided!
Ahlul bait is always forgotten, I don't understand the reason behind it
@@abdisyahrizal4313 mentioning the prophets family will not devide the ummah what are u saying
This man has the correct Aqeeda and when u hear the sense of it we agree yet the deviants will rush and call him a salafi, what i s a salafi? Someone who understands islam from the salaf (early generations) who best understood al islam rather than adding weird things like praying to graves which is not from islam and has no place in islam rather it makes you leave islam to do such a thing knowingly .
why salfias are so cruel and basic root cause of damaging Islam like O B Laden
@@TanveerAhmad-vo4dp this is the stupidest thing that i ever heard
@soul_Jihadi Youre an idiot, so this is what Sunna is teaching muslims about Shia. Astafruallah, go get educated on this matter before you speak
@Mr Zift Brother, you have some serious hatred for Ahyl Baut, go get checked. Talking reckless during Ramadan too. Go look at Yemen before you talk about Syria and Iraq clearing ISIS. Smallah 3alik ya habibi.
@Mr Zift Your Sahaba killed the Prophets last living grandson. Your mother Aisha started a war with Ali ibn Talib. Sadly you sunnis dont read and understand the history of Islam,just pure ignorance. Shias have been oppressed after Abu Bakr hijacked the Khalifa.
A true Muslim never prays to anyone except Allah whether he is Sunnis or Shia
Every sect has some negative and positive image
Ruler from every sect made massive blunders
What do you mean ?
Its interesting to see how the family of the Prophet SAW have a different opinion of the sahaba. And i wonder why all muslims in their prayers send salawat on Muhammad and his family. Being a Sahaba doesn't give you status if you dont follow the prophet saw. When Allah swt makes it obligatory to send salawat on the the family of the Prophet saw, it indicates their status.
So send your salawat on the Prophet and his family and seek guidance from the All mighty swt.
@@imransyed1860 righteous sahaba. Not sahaba. Meeting the Prophet doesn't make you righteous. Following him does.
@@imransyed1860 if you know the truth you would reject them too.
This is not accusation its fact. Read the history understand that the successor of the Holy Prohet s.a.w is not a something chosen by the people but by Allah swt. If you reject his Caliph who Allah swt ordered to follow through Rasoolullah than you are not worthy of anything. Allah chooses not the people thats why the ummah is in this mess. No successor of any Prohet was chosen by the people just read the Quran. Its no different with the final messenger of Allah swt.
@@imransyed1860 of Ali ibn abi talib yes by honour.
@@imransyed1860 r u follow yazeed and his parents and his grand parents bcaz they all r fight against hazrath Mohammad family like hazrath ali than imam hasan and imam Hussain tell me ur yazeedi or Hussaini which camp ur
@@imransyed1860 "Allahumma salli 'ala wa'ala ali Muhammad" means "O Allah send peace upon Muhammad and Muhammad's Family/Progeny".
How can one give such an answer. The closest to the Prophet (sawas) were his Ahl ul Bait (as).
Did Ahl al Bait (as) followed the Sunnah of the Prophet (pbuh) or invented their own Sunnah?!
@mo ali in ghadeer khum he said whomever im master ali is his master aftet me it is in quran and sunni books
including ALL his wives
@j mak then way ali did not take the leadership if prophet make him the true successors
is he a coward? leting his wife get killed and gave his daughter to the mans that kill his wife and take his right of leadership you people believe make no sense to me
@@janisar87 where in quran can you give me the verse?
جزاك الله خير
Instead of looking at the “ Differences “ the Muslim fractions should focus and work on the “ similarities “ that’s how the muslims can be able to come on one platform without any fractions.
But...He never said....follow the quran and sunnah....he said follow quran and my ahlul-bayt...
Don't lie on Allah Obey Allah, and obey the Messenger, and those charged with authority among you...." (known as The obedience verse) 4:69 What did our Phrophet saw say ? follow my Sunnah
My favorite sheikh abdulraheem green
Guidence is with Ali a s
Haq is with Ali
Then why every prophet in Quran asked god continuation of his teachings to run in his ذریه from ibrahim, moses , zakaria ,Noah, Jacob? And Quran says all prophets are same ,what makes prophet Mohammed (ص) different? What make him exception? Plus we all have assume someone saying right about prophet and Quran tafsir, who is that right person? What kind of intellectual legacy they left? Or just because they hold power without consideration of their degree in spirituality and knowledge we have to accept them? Where in Quran teaches something like that ? Quran condemned accepting anything without legitimate reason.osman brought corruption to khelafat ,why we should accept him as saint?
Question.. from a very noob and jahil person like me.... u said that prohet said cling to his sunnah and khulafa arrasyidin... but how come prophet said that when khulafa arrasyidin wasnt establish when prophet were alive? Im confuse
Why to take the risk of falling into a Firka ---- I am a Muslim only
Those who follow Sunnah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (saw) why don't they give their wealth/estate/empire to their companions (friends) instead of their family (progeny) ?
The Prophet(ص) said Quran and Ahlulbaytع. Sunnah is automatically included.
When Sahabas can fight bloody wars between then (Jamal, Siffin) and we give benefit of doubt to all of them, why to blame present day followers who did not even see Prophet and are just trying to follow the beliefs that they have been taught by scholars of their sect.
Every school of thought is somehow able to justify their belief from Quran and Sunnah. It is extremely hard for common person to find out mistakes of scholars who are teaching them one interpretation over another.
Simply just follows The Messenger Of ALLAH swt ☝️ teachings and guidance...Never follows a politician especially such as abdullah saba.
Muslim only Alhamdulillah
@Abdullah you are right brother ❤️
To all of you naive people saying theres no sects or who cant understand them: 3:45
just great
your Answer is just enogh
The best people who understood the Prophet P.B.U.H is the family of the Prophet P.B.U.H the followers were not always with the Prophet P.B.U.H in fact none of them can say we heard everything the Prophet P.B.U.H says . except of the Holy Family the Ahlulbayt A.S . It's a well known hadith of the Holy Prophet P.B.U.H " Teach and guide your family first before teaching and guiding others" So course he guided and tell everything to the family before others.
May be if that prophet is always sitting at home with his family..haha...and if that is your case...then the wives of the prophet had more knowledge becouse he was always with his wives....common sence matters.....
good discussion
يا رب يحفظك أخي عبدالرحيم
Abu Hurara was not His SAW companian. He was 11 years old when He SAW died.
not 11 he was 9 actually.
from age 6 till 9 :) and he has 5000 Hadith in 3 years.
Imam Ali a.s almost 35 years only 250-300 hadith
Would have liked the brother to clearly state that he is Sunni, so that others who are shia may realise that they may not be on the right path. That is to say,some shia (young or those of little knowledge) may not know that the rushideen are discredited by the shia.
Btw I'm not saying that i'm on the right path just because I'm sunni and follow the quran and sunnah, I pray that Allah saves me from unwittingly falling into a sect or any act or belief that may cause me to fall out of Islam.
Why the 3 kalichs ? Who told we should do what they sayed ? They were never mentioned in quraan or prophit worlds
If you want to learn the Quran learn it from the Prophet and the people of the house and after then the true companions. Not those who were engaged in politics while prophets body was being buried. Sham on those hypocrites.
If you call the Sahabah Munafiq you are saying Allah allowed his Phrophet saw to be buried with Munafiqs ? That Allah had no Knowledge when he said he is pleased with those who gave the pledge of allegiance. That your parents and grandparents and us are all Munafiqas as they got their Islam from Munafiqs. Your argument is wrong and sinful on so many levels.
Shia is not islam.. it’s magianism
Who is this guy , what is his background, where he is from!?, why he is so special. Who is funding him. Please i would like to know
Abdur Raheem Green
@0khans no all shia reject the rushideen. infact this title was given to the 4 caliphs after hundreds of years, it was never mentioned during prophet muhammads times, furthermore if you refer to your own books of hadith you will realise that the prophet mentioned there will be 12 caliphates after me.
There were&the were qureishi but you Shia think that means some imam are infallible a discription reserved only for Allah
Buhkari in Tahreek e Aswat, lists Imam Ali(a)’s time as the fitna. He lists other caliphs by name including the Bani Ummmay and Abbas. The whole concept is a much later innovation to demonstrate that Abu Turab(a) had some validity.
The greatest historian and most authoritative scholar rejected the idea of Imam Ali’s caliphate, Sunni Muslims should really just honor his words and not this later idea.
2:21 u said who the best people who were with prophet khulafa
That is the different between shia n sunni
What about people lived in house of prohet
Common sense is somthing which this converted english man doesnt have
actually salafi, take both khulafa and ahl al bayt
House of prophet! Should sure include All of Prophet's (saw) wives as well!
aisha r.a ..umme habiba r.a
Only ali fatima hassan hussain r household as quran mentioned
Quran also says it is the heart wich iz blind and all sunnis r blind
اُمّہات المومنین سے مُراد
رسول اکرمﷺ کی بیویاں ہیں، جن کو اللہ رب العالمین نے امہات المومنین سے متّصف کیا ہے ،جیسا کہ ارشاد باری تعالیٰ ہے:
﴿النَّبِيُّ أَوْلَىٰ بِالْمُؤْمِنِينَ مِنْ أَنفُسِهِمْ ۖ وَأَزْوَاجُهُ أُمَّهَاتُهُمْ ۗ﴾[الأحزاب:6]
’’پیغمبر مومنوں پر خود ان سے بھی زیاده حق رکھنے والے ہیں اور پیغمبر کی بیویاں مومنوں کی مائیں ہیں‘‘ [سورہ احزاب:۶]
where is the complete lecture where can i find tht
Too much sugarcoating and unnecessary elongation
Just say “I’m the follower of the Prophet, his companions and the salaf” anything other than this I’m against.
ماشاء اللّه ۔سبحان اللّه
Don't follow majority follow the truth (IMAM ALI A.S THE SUCCESSOR OF PROPHET PBUH ✌❤❤🌷🌷🌙🌏)
You are not the followers of Imam Ali
@@philosopher4192 you are the follower of yazeed lanatullah 😈
@@hamzamahdi104 Oh really?! There are no followers of Yazeed among Sunnis ever, not a single one. We follow Qur'an and Prophet Muhammad's Sunnah PBUH and the four caliphs.
I love Yazeed. Ali, Hasan, Hussain and Muhammad can go and give Allah a ✋💦🤣🤣🤣
@@philosopher4192 uncountable yazeeds in you people 😈😈😈😈😈
@LieExtinguisher and i have been involved and watched hundreds of debates and read books from sunnah and shias books, no hadith is taken from a mullah, i suggest you gain some knowledge brother because comments like that is only going to make your arguement weaker.
@LieExtinguisher we dont follow the teaching of the prophet muhammad from the family because we feel like it, its because this is what prophet muhammad said himself.
crying for the grandson of the prophet muhammad, imam hussain, is what the prophet muhammad did himself, he also cried for his grandson, read your books of hadith, there are alot of lessons to learn from karbala and it strengthens our iman and deen when we remember the sacrifices imam hussain made for the religion of islam.
Lets say the prophet cried for saidna hussein..did he cut n beat him self and injure himself???infact the quraan says the opposite of what shias do..do not harm yourself and do not beat your chest nor tear your cloths....
Janbeck Gulam not all shia do that
Not gonna Tell you yet it is generally an accepted practice
@@spice4777 Are you shia to be saying it's generally an accepted practice? I have a family of approximately 76 people(including cousins) in total 42 boys and 6 girls. 2 of them boys have done zanjeer. It's not "generally accepted" at all, but it definitely does happen. Now i don't personally agree, but for me there's a level of admiration for a man that's willing to bleed for what he loves. Look at Iran(majority shia), the only country that fights for the palestinians, whilst you have the saudi's breaking bread and putting money in the pocket of the israelis. Use your eyes man. Shia are the only ones that are really fighting for islam.
S Haider but really sir, are they? Are they really? If so then fine. I mean no harm. Was only saying what I’ve been told by current and former Shias and what I’ve observed (and no I don’t hate on anybody’s) there’s no need for you to get emotional 😭
Just tell me few clarification
Why u r not saying if qadeer where clearly Mohammed s,a raise Ali hand and declared Ali is successor
When Mohammad s,a, burial time who r present for tadfeen
Why Ali arrested in abubakar time and why Bibi Fathima house fired
Hazrath imam Hussain murderers r yazeed and u follow yazeed and his father and his father why who fight against Ali in many wars just answer my questions
These are all lies and fabrications. Pick one of your claims above and present a single, clear reference please. Thanks.
@@harissyed3149 how long u cheat to ummah if u fear allah than say truth in ur discussion
Dr_of _Gems I asked you for a proof 😂 But clearly asking for a clear reference is an injustice upon the Ayat$ollar in the Rafidhi religion 🤣 😜
This is your side of picture
Ali and muawya both were sahaba and
Causes of wars belong to munafiq
Remember who were munafiq
Mainly Koofi
Who were against muawya and killed Ali r.a
@@ranasaab8142 why both on battle field which side ur
Then they aren't Muslim. Why deny other companions expect Ali
Lol let allah judge who is muslim or who isint. It shouldn't be that while you were labelling muslims as kafir s.. Allah sets a lock on your heart
Iam trying to understand the difference between a salafi and kulfi. Are these different ideologies
@Sabah Zarid Lol. Is there anything in between neither nor cold. Like room temperature
@Sabah Zarid You are absolutely right 👍
@@light7803 I thought Muslims follow Prophet Muhammad. Never knew that some follow predecessors. But why? Prophet Muhammad taught Quran and its implementation. So what's the point. When you have an excellent example in the Proohet why follow the followers. Quran says Obey Allah and obey Prophet. Period. The ancient people followed their ancestors as mentioned in Quran in many places. So why fall in the same trap. In stead just stick to Prophets teachings
@@light7803 You mean the Salaf include the Prophet. Quran calls the Proohet, A Nabi, Rasool and many other titles but not a Salaf. Appreciate if you can quote a source calling the Prophet as a righteous predecessor. When Quran has already assigned an identity to all the people who believe in Allah as Muslims or Momineen where did the new identity come from. Is there any instance where God has addressed Muslims with other titles like salaf. And since how many years has this concept been existing ?
Iam sure no one will be addressed as Salaf or non Salaf in Aakhirah. Everyone will be questioned as believers and non believers
@@light7803 Let Allah judge who is astray and who is not. It is not for us. No one knows the condition of ones faith except Allah
check this hadith from sunan abi dawood hadith no.4607 okkay
Who were the best people to understand the Quran?
You claimed in your talk to follow the prophet....so what did the prophet of Islam say?
He said:
Ibn Kathīr affirms in his Tafsīr: vol. 7, p. 201
In the ṣaḥīḥ report, it is recorded that the Messenger of Allāh, peace be upon him, said in his sermon at Ghadīr Khumm: “I am leaving behind over you the TWO Weighty Things (al-thaqalayn): the Book of Allāh and my offspring. Verily, both shall never separate from each other until they meet me at the Lake-Fount.”
What did the prophet leave for us with the Quran?
His Ahlulbayt...
Muslims can acquire true guidance after their Prophet only by holding fast to both the Qur’ān and his Ahl al-Bayt together.
Do not go astray by disobeying our beloved prophet of Islam in this narration
But in the Quran it says you must only follow the Sunah and the Quran. So the AhlulBayth is not as important as the Sunnah nor the Quran. The best people to understand the Quran were the Sahaba, especially the likes of Abu Bakar, Uthman, Umar, Ali, Aisha etc. (may Allah be pleased with them all). The Shiahs disregard majority of the aforementioned. Which makes no sense as the Prophet (pbuh) closest companion was Abu Bakar (ra), he had the most knowledge after the Prophet (pbuh) about the Quran and Sunnah
I tried my best about ten years to know what's the true islam that prophet Muhammad pbuh brought and made a conclusion that Shia İslam the true one based on rationality. Shia argument base from Quran and Sunnah and historical aspects are stronger than others. To comprehend the true issue between splitting of islam into major sects we must research the early History of islam when prophet Muhammad pbuh passed away and and historical phenomenon of ghadeer khoom event that happened in last hajj of prophet
@LieExtinguisher im afraid your wrong, sunnahs follow the quran and learn the SUNNAH of the prophet from the companions of the prophet and shias follow the quran and learn the SUNNAH of the prophet from the family of the prophet.
no need to lie about other peoples beliefs to make yours look right.
This is absolutely bs. Sunnis take from both the sahaba and ahul al bayt, while shias only take from the ahul al bayt while hate the sahaba!
Is that the "You're a Shia innit?" guy?
No, lol
With all due respects what he said does not make sense. He said those who were with him the most are the best to learn from. But that it his family. The sahaba obviously did learn from him, but his family were closer. Do you think your family or friends know you best? Especially back then in arab culture, family ties were very strong and your family knew you more than any close friend. So how can he completely ignore this? I have not met anyone who has explained this! You are turning away from logic.
Shiasm is a different Religion
Peace be with you!
Sorry my brother in religion you did not answer the question.
I seek refuge in Allah against Satan, ever to be stoned!
In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.
But whoever is blind in this, he will be blind in the Hereafter, and further astray from the way.
Holy Quran 17:72
My brother in religion will you explain me this Verse?
yes he did
You have NO right to tell who is a non believer and who is a believer only ALLAH knows who is he and ALLAH said that it’s a sin to tell a brother that he is not or he is
But there's a authentic narration from prophet Muhammad pbuh that after me my religion will split into 73 sects and only one of those is the true islam.but anyway all Shia and Sunni must get together and be united regardless of some fundamental issues between two parties
@LieExtinguisher the only sahih book is THE QURAN, we do not give books the name SAHIH like you do cause man can make faults & hadiths that contradict the quran cannot be classified as SAHIH.
Stop copying what ppl tell u to say, go read & gain knowledge, youre not going to learn anything if you mimick what other ppl say & stop changing the subject everytime i ask you something you come back with claims & accusations with no foundation to them. if you dont know what to say just dont reply.
*when Allah existed forever before, there was nothing with Him, not a partner nor Chair, He exists now, as He was then.*
Im sunni Alhamdulillah
Muslim is Muslim nothing else matters
This mentality of one is better than the other is why we are in the state we are in
No its not. Lack of knowledge and sincerity is. Differences between sects is real and needs to be learned
There is no Sunny or Shia in Islam and I am sorry to say this but I don't believe in Sunny and Shia and I myself am not Sunny and am not Shia and I advise all muslims to follow the qur'an and try to understand it by themselves. Thank you.
why do no Muslims read the Torah also? its God's word and the Quran confirms it so why not read both instead of questionable hadith?
Most Muslim scholars know the Torah and Bible very well
After all in the end you mentioned you are sunni. You gave superiority to Shaba over ahlulbayt. This is wrong.
"The prophet said cling to the Quran and the sonah of kholefa rashedeen!!!" At the time of the prophet there was no kholefa rashedeen. What do you take man?
I'm ex devbandi sunni firoz hussain qureshi from India only shia islam original islam 🕋🇮🇳
Right bro ❤️
Why do you believe that?
The truth.
If you follow Nabi Mohammad pbuh than only Ali a s is the way to further follow the Islam other wise you will be amoung the Gumrah sects of Islam
Quran + ahle bait ✓
Not (Quran + sunnah)
It's simple...a Shia's belief does not match what the Quran teaches. A shunni's belief are a mirror match to the what the Quran and the hadiths teach.
Well his answer was evasive, don't you think.
لماذا الله عزوجل يدلنا على اتباع رجال عصوه و نافقوا و قتلوا رسول الله و ذريته و حرفوا آلدين من بعده 😱😱😱😱😱 و اقصد بهذا الصحابة الذين حاولوا قتله في العقبة و مرات عديدة بعد حديث الغدير؟
لماذا ورث ابو بكر ابنته عائشة حجرة رسول الله الخاصة و حرم منها باقي ازواجه 8 و بنته فاطمة الزهراء ؟ رغم ان لكل منهن حق فيهاو بهذا فقد خالف القرآن و عصى الله عزوجل.
قناة وعد اللامي ميثم الموسوي احمد الامامي ذو الفقار المغربي احمد سلمان عقيل العراقي احمد الجعفري أسد لبنان ابو هادي العاملي أمير الشريف عاقل و ناقل قناة الولاية قناة الحجة قناة الاهواز. الخ....
و حتى كل قنوات الوهابية الدواعش صارت تدفع بالناس الي التشيع و الحمد لله.
يمكرون و الله خير الماكرين.
يريد الوهابية ان يطفؤوا نور الله عزوجل بتكفير اهل البيت من خلال الشيعة ولكن الله عزوجل رفض و قلب كيدهم عليهم.
و الحمد لله رب العالمين
لا لا لا
حديث الاقتداء بالخفاء الراشدين مكذوب و محرف فقط لنصرة ابو بكر و عمر و عثمان و معاوية
No hadiths prophet Muhammad Pbuh say; follow khalifeen rashdeen you lie people
The difference you not follow sunnah why you didn't saying people hadiths prophet Muhammad Pbuh says about Ahulbayt why you hide them ?
@harryn64 Det her med sunni er et begrep som kom for og skille oss fra dem, sån at folk kan se forskjell. Men som sagt,følger du Koranen og Sunnah til profeten er du muslim. Så du blir sett på med respekt;).
Sunni's are nicer than Shia's 😉
Ay dinassiratal Mustakim
هذا الشيخ كذاب او جاهل.
عليكم البحث في :
حديث الغدير غدير خم
حديث المنزلة
حديث الكساء
سقيفة بني ساعدة
حرق بيت فاطمة الزهراء بنت رسول الله و كسر ضلعها
مقتل رسول الله
حرب الجمل
حرب صفين
مجزرة كربلاء
ya Ali CANNOT madad
Ya Ali Madad is always helps❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@@sikandarraza3418 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@@sikandarraza3418 Hahahahaahhhah
ya Ali CANNOT madad according to ur shia belief LoL hhahahaaahahahahaah
@LieExtinguisher first of all bihar al-anwar is not considered all authentic like how you claim of your sahih books. go read which books to refer to when trying to debate me, refer to the 4 books of hadith that we have, like sahih books that you have.
tell me what is the name of our 4 hadith books? & which have you read? google the books & find out maybe u wud be able to debate me then.
also go back to ibn taymiyyas book & weep blood over what he said about ALLAH creater & lord of the universe!
You Shia hate ibn Taymiyyah because he refuted your shirk ways & bidah practises did he make mistakes yes the ones you attribute to him NO
No sect in Islam
He just said a load of nothing
How are you claiming to follow abraham moses and all the profets when your religion doesnt match to any of them your profet muhamad doesnt match any of them islam is not the word of god first study those profets before listening to a man who wasnt a profet and then see your confusion.
Everything PROPHET Muhammad said all the other prophets preached the ONENESS of God & to submit your will to Him so please to sound so ignorant next time
Its seems to matter where your born
ابو بكر و عمر قتلا رسول الله بالسم كيف تحبونهم؟
@hanysal lol go gain some knowledge
I am selefi
I’m a Muslim 💚
Muslim sober king ecbert
Umar was the first munafiq person to divide the muslims when prophet wanted to write some thing ,he refused and said, for us Quran is more then enough.
U Liar
Ignorance that can only come from a rafidah
Hazrat Ali R.A was also present there at that time. Why did he not take any step and came forward to give pen to Prophet to write some thing. All of ahle-bait was present there. No one could dare to challange the Hazrat Omer farooq ??
@@umedali5962 because he is coward
LOL.. and Allah let that happen huh?! Do you realize now why nearly all converts become Sunni not Shia?
Ummar lanat
Yeah for no reason Allah chose Umar radiallahu anhu to become a Muslim. As if you know better than Allah???? Allah chose Umar pbuh just bcuz the Sikhs Hindus have corrupted our religion into worshipping our parents so whatever our parents tell us about Islam we take it it's natural. But as an adult do ur own research too u can still be polite to ur parents. But u can be a good Muslim and a good son too. Open ur eyes and think say for argument Umar radiallahu anhu was negative like u r told even then u guys r committing a sin . Bcuz according to Islam one shud not say negative stuff about other religions Gods. And here u r breaking that . Don't u see past thru that Hindus Sikhs r scared of Muslims so they spread misconceptions about all those sahabas who were brave fighters and bold to deviate us from the prophet himself. Prophet loved his sahabas how can you speak like that for him. Live the sahabas if u want to love him. Love his progeny love others as well. We love Hindus Sikhs as humans so how does it make sense that it's ok to befriend a hindu or a Sikh and not consider Umar and other sahabas peace be upon them as our friends ???? Hope u understand live and peace from sunnis we r one and so r Hindus or sikhs or Christina's as humans. And so Hindus Sikhs must love us and respect our religion as well as we all want a better place for our kids. Is it too much to ask ??
How dare u put pbuh on umar name and not (SWT) in Allah MerciFul Name
Lannat alaih
Irish Mixedgirl yes who
Bro don't spread violence (fitna) among muslims world knows who is right and who is wrong and which people murdered holy progeny of Prophet pbuh in different periods in past so please avoid .Ehlulbayat don't teaches us hate and violence but peace ,mercy,forgiveness and humanity 🙏