If you're really up to not make your way with spending money on buying a whole new board, it's definitely worth repairing the board without spending so much money to buy a whole new board. I'm happy to see Hunter is starting to invest into the Casablanca lineup. No wonder why Hunter had been investing into their own lineup for the past few years. It's also so insanely hilarious that the Traditional Concept got a factory error that there's no slot for the third blade 😂😂😂
@@AdinPanthersFanHobby Repair or single speed conversion is on the list unless a deal I may have happening works out. We just have to pray that Casablanca fans start being constructed different now! That Minka is the strangest thing I will ever own. I just find it so funny!
If you're really up to not make your way with spending money on buying a whole new board, it's definitely worth repairing the board without spending so much money to buy a whole new board. I'm happy to see Hunter is starting to invest into the Casablanca lineup. No wonder why Hunter had been investing into their own lineup for the past few years. It's also so insanely hilarious that the Traditional Concept got a factory error that there's no slot for the third blade 😂😂😂
@@AdinPanthersFanHobby Repair or single speed conversion is on the list unless a deal I may have happening works out. We just have to pray that Casablanca fans start being constructed different now! That Minka is the strangest thing I will ever own. I just find it so funny!