True Blood : Jessica & Hoyt We Are One


Комментарии • 24

  • @laura528721
    @laura528721 14 лет назад

    that is such a cute video!!!! i love this couple so much!! thankyou

  • @luv2bdazzled
    @luv2bdazzled 15 лет назад

    I agree! I look forward to seeing how things are going to work out for them. Jessica is the funniest and Hoyt just adores her! And the faces that Bill makes when he's dealing with her, priceless!

  • @xxxbobafett666xx
    @xxxbobafett666xx 14 лет назад

    these two are the main reason i watch true blood ...i just love any scene that imcorporates them but its even better with them together .....and the season 3 premiere last night rocked..

  • @noc405
    @noc405 13 лет назад +1

    they are the reason why i hold on to true blood season 3, and will hold on to season 4. i wish they will be happy. besides, in every series, there ought to be at least one happy and steady couple. please, let them be that couple. :)
    hope to see them get married and live together. :)

  • @yuca27
    @yuca27 14 лет назад

    muy bonito, en verdad, true blood es una serie que me ha encantado y conmovido.

  • @sunnchilde
    @sunnchilde 13 лет назад +1

    My favorite couple in Bon Temps. They're sweet together.

  • @Emmajen
    @Emmajen 14 лет назад

    cutest couple ever :3

  • @abcun17
    @abcun17 13 лет назад

    I got to say that I love these characters and their relationship. Even though its on a show, it is so sweet and cute and they make a great couple! Even a cynical asshole like me has to confess that they are great! I am only on to the second season of True Blood, but I hope their storyline works out ok!

  • @Vickyphobia
    @Vickyphobia 13 лет назад

    @MynameisAlinaS You're sooo right, you just want them to work because they're so innocent and cute. They have that hidden/forbidden true love thing going on :) its a major adorableness factor :)

  • @Harusha12
    @Harusha12 13 лет назад

    I agree with karaven23 on this one; eric and sookie and bill are too frustrating. Jessica and hoyt are super cute and amazing.
    Hope nothing bad happens to them in season 4...that would be awful.
    This song is so beautiful, and now i sing it to myself every time i think of this couple...

  • @Wadester5
    @Wadester5 14 лет назад

    what I want to see with season 3 is Hoyt and Jessica, I dont even really care about Bill and Sookies relationship anymore

  • @DJaySnoopZ
    @DJaySnoopZ 14 лет назад

    Godric and Eric is my fav Couple....

  • @1970sarteaga
    @1970sarteaga 13 лет назад

    @411MaryJay Hoyt is not a man that I would normally b attracted 2 but u r right when u say his character is so likeable... it makes him attractive.

  • @MegaSilentGamer
    @MegaSilentGamer 13 лет назад

    @lollipopfop Jessica tells Hoyt she killed someone by accident and he stayed with her plus Hoyt is the only one apart from Sookie who publicly supports her while everyone else is afraid of her. Yes both characters have falts but so do real relationships and what makes it work is the fact they look over each overs faults and their own fears to be with each over that is why the relationship works. Hoyt may not be a vampire slaying hero but he provides emotional support for Jessica when he can.

  • @SakuraElyse
    @SakuraElyse 15 лет назад

    Sookie/Bill was cute at first, but they're repetitive relationship of back and forth got old after a while. Its still ok, but rather faded, especially since it seems obvious that Sookie is developing lust for Eric.
    But Jessica and Hoyt are both such sweet and innocent characters that it reminds almost everyone of their own puppy love. this couple is far more compelling and endearing.
    I can't say how it'll go because they're not in the actual books apparently, but i hope it ends well.

  • @BestLion75
    @BestLion75 13 лет назад

    I find him repulsive! Dumping a dumpling like Summer over a serial killer like Jessica? Come on she killed a family man with kids at that truck stop!

  • @sunnchilde
    @sunnchilde 13 лет назад

    @BestLion75 It was an accident. She's a Vampire, get over it. And he was a scumbag. No great loss.

  • @lollipopfop
    @lollipopfop 13 лет назад

    @nbelsky Keeping her human? Hoyt has already humiliated her and deserted her. She has been driven to killing people, because she has absolutely no one to turn to. Pam is no role model, Bill won't let her be a vampire. Hoyt would never understand what she is going through. If Hoyt found out she killed a man, he would just leave her again. He certainly wouldn't do the one thing she needs, and that be understanding to her new role in life. How very innocent is that?

  • @1970sarteaga
    @1970sarteaga 13 лет назад

    @BestLion75 I don't think Vampires discriminate or base who they kill on whether the ppl they need to kill should deserve to die or not. They r not vigilanties out on a crusade to rid the bad ppl from the world, cleaning the world of ppl that deserve to die, except the few times Vampire Bill has killed 4 a sense of justice r so, but basically Vampires r looking 4 their next feed & kill when the desire strikes. She was a young new vampire & that was her 1st kill wasn't it? She needed 2 grow, yea.

  • @BestLion75
    @BestLion75 13 лет назад

    Utter BS! Hoyt needed to stay put with Summer Sunshine, WHOM may I add had his mothers approval on! Holts mom didnt want a vampire for him, she was looking out for Hoyt! Summer Sunshine was what Hoyt needs, a cook 'made those strawberry biscuits for him' Summer!

  • @ArcticSnoww
    @ArcticSnoww 13 лет назад

    you're asking for a show about vampires to be more realistic? it's likely vampires got their wealth from years to centuries of stealing from those who had it then altered their memories. have you ever noticed how many vampire stories have vampires with wealth living in nice houses and stuff? How the hell else did they get that shit, they certainly didn't work for it.
    Vampires, what else are they supposed to do, go to an amusement park?

  • @BestLion75
    @BestLion75 13 лет назад

    Not they are not! next time I hope this guy does a video of Summer and Hoyt who are MUCH better together then that murderer Jessica! Summer never killed anyone, loved Hoyt more then Jessica could ever. i just hope Hoyt mom bought a wooden bullet in the season finally of season 3. One shot at Jessica, and then Hoyt will wake up and know what he lost..and that was Summer Sunshine!

  • @lollipopfop
    @lollipopfop 13 лет назад

    I don't know. I like Bill and Sookie. He has done enough to prove he loves her, if she can't see that, then she is really a crappy person. Eric has really done nothing for her, except treat her a bit better then the awful way he treats everyone. He seems to honestly be a bad guy at heart. But Jessica can do so much better then Hoyt. he is sweet, but he really doesn't understand her. He will be no help to her growing up. I really don't like Hoyt at all.

  • @lollipopfop
    @lollipopfop 13 лет назад

    I just wish the show was a bit more realistic. Its all about sex and not much else. No vampire ever gets in trouble with the human government, no matter what they do. No vampire has financial trouble. Thats silly. They just float around killing, giggling, talking like gay screen writers, and fucking with lots of blood. They are the most boring vampires ever. Oh, and the teeth are just awful. Am I the only one that thinks they need to um... "revamp" their fangs?