Infrared Spectroscopy: Breakdown Of Born-Oppenheimer Approximation

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 16

  • @divyansh3189
    @divyansh3189 19 дней назад +1

    You are doing really great work🎉❤ i hope soon you will be recognized

    • @divyansh3189
      @divyansh3189 19 дней назад

      Btw, i liked your pen paper videos more 😊

      @NOBLECHEMISTRY  19 дней назад


      @NOBLECHEMISTRY  19 дней назад

      But because of this pen and paper, my hand has started hurting, that's why I left it.

    • @divyansh3189
      @divyansh3189 18 дней назад

      @@NOBLECHEMISTRY 9. [Ni (CN) 5 ]^ 3 exists as a square pyramidal complex. (a) Determine the four lowest energy transitions from the ground state of the molecule (b) Which of these transitions are electric dipole allowed and what are the polarizations? (c) Which of these transitions are allowed with vibronic coupling? (d) Which of these transitions are not allowed?
      Mam can you please help with this question... i have my exam today

    • @divyansh3189
      @divyansh3189 18 дней назад

      2. Derive the states which arise from following electronic configurations (a) * az * w ^ 2 * e_{8} ^ 4 * b * 1u ^ 1 * az * w ^ 1 in D4h symmetry (b) P ^ 2 configuration in spherical symmetry (including L-S coupling)
      This also

  • @bhupeshmeghwal732
    @bhupeshmeghwal732 18 дней назад +1

    Ma'am jis types se aapne MCQ discussion kr rkhe wese krwaoo last me topic ke 👏

      @NOBLECHEMISTRY  18 дней назад

      Beta humaare yahan M.Sc. mei mcqs nhi aate hai isiliye nhi karwaati

  • @KaifKhan-bp2dt
    @KaifKhan-bp2dt 19 дней назад

    Mam Mossbauer spectroscopy bhi padha dijiye please

      @NOBLECHEMISTRY  19 дней назад

      Beta abhi possible nhi hai ..sorry bachcha

  • @Chemistry43761
    @Chemistry43761 17 дней назад

    Mam Heisenberg uncertainty principle ki applications kara do

      @NOBLECHEMISTRY  17 дней назад

      Beta abhi ye principle hi nhi karaaya to application kaise kra,sakti hoon

  • @Nitishkalitaflute
    @Nitishkalitaflute 18 дней назад

    ma'am please please please please please please please please vibrational spectroscopy khatam karwa dijiye jaldi, mera end semister exam Ane wala hai

      @NOBLECHEMISTRY  18 дней назад

      Beta vibrational mei humaari university syllabus ke according sab karwa diya hai ..aur kya bacha hai aapke yahan??

    • @Nitishkalitaflute
      @Nitishkalitaflute 13 дней назад

      @NOBLECHEMISTRY vibration of polyatomic molecules