Indiana Jones Hat Collection Overview: Advintage and Akubra


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  • @TheDapperPenguinAnimator
    @TheDapperPenguinAnimator 10 месяцев назад +1

    I've had my Fed IV deluxe for about 6 months now and it's quickly become my go to out and about hat! Just wonderful quality! Also totally agree with you that it really suits a DoD style bash, so that's what I gave mine!

  • @ChrisGorman87
    @ChrisGorman87 10 месяцев назад +2

    I just got my very first Indy hat! Thomas from Advintage made me a hat for so little money I’m not allowed to tell anyone. I don’t know all the detail other then it’s a Raiders hat. I am so thankful to Thomas!

    @MOUNTAINOUS Год назад +1

    the first hat you show and talk about that was give to you. that one by far looks the best.

  • @ChilianaJones
    @ChilianaJones Год назад +1

    My Federation IV Deluxe is 15 years old and still holds up really well after years of travel through many different elements around the world. If you'd like a fedora as your "out in the world" adventure-hat then the Federation is the perfect choice. I would never put a much more pricey, custom, hand made fedora through the same type of adventuring as I think the expensive hand-made hats are more suited for more finer occasions but that's just me.

  • @ChrisGorman87
    @ChrisGorman87 11 месяцев назад

    You are very blessed to have such a great hat collection! I am currently saving everything I can just to by my very first Indy hat! My biggest problem is finding a hat for sale used cuz I can’t afford a new hat. Keep the videos coming!

  • @isaiastorrescornejo7777
    @isaiastorrescornejo7777 10 месяцев назад

    Excellent space, I love hats

  • @DOUBLEJ-km7kk
    @DOUBLEJ-km7kk Год назад

    I just ordered an advintage raiders, I like the true sable color, currently I am wearing the Akubra with a Raiders turn, (bashed myself) it looks really sweet, the dimensions are screen accurate, great wearing lid too.I find the color a bit too dark but still beautiful, it does change with the light. the Fed 4 looked pretty beat up and tired. your new Akubra looks great.

  • @2224addy
    @2224addy Год назад

    I love hats and when I first saw Indiana Jones raiders of the lost ark I loved his hat

  • @ViperChief117
    @ViperChief117 Год назад +1

    The Akubra Federation IV’s are great. Glad you’ve got another Indy Fedora in your collection my dude. I’ve got a Herbert Johnson arriving on Monday. Lol

  • @andrewlerdard-dickson5201
    @andrewlerdard-dickson5201 10 месяцев назад

    The Akubra Fedora Federation IV is Australia's answer to the American Fedora Temple.
    I have had an Akubra Federation IV in Black for a few Year's..... And Akubra used to make the Stetson Fedora under licence in the late 1960's to mid 1970's in Sydney and Melbourne Australia.
    It is indeed Rabbit.... Australia is the perfect breeding ground for Rabbit's

  • @utubekebs
    @utubekebs Год назад

    I have the Fedora IV deluxe also. It is one of my faves.

  • @megatietie7025
    @megatietie7025 Год назад

    Got some nice indy fedora. For me I got a Dorfman Pacific indy official hat and I wear wherever I go somewhere like going shopping yeah just like that, but I still have it today.
    I do have own a from the same hat brand, but it beat up hat. I wearing when I go on hiking, going get wood log, wearing in the rain, I steam the hat lot sometimes when I need to get a better shape on the crown and brim too.

  • @northerngentleman3643
    @northerngentleman3643 Месяц назад

    never apologize,,its a sign of weakness

  • @toddd7444
    @toddd7444 Год назад


  • @northerngentleman3643
    @northerngentleman3643 Месяц назад

    you need to step it up,,Herbert Johnson

  • @adamespy7285
    @adamespy7285 6 месяцев назад

    The hat being a 56' would naturally feel snug. If your a 57' you should be more comfortable to a 57.5-58' FYI!!