Texas School Book Depository Employees - part 1 (Extended English Version)

  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2024
  • Dallas motorcycle officer Marion L. Baker and TSBD Superintendant Roy S. Truly met a man on the 2nd floor of the Texas School Book Depository about 75-90 seconds after the shooting in Dealey Plaza.
    (The assassination of President John F. Kennedy, Dallas, Texas, November 22, 1963)
    Part 2: • Texas School Book Depo...
    Part 3: • Texas School Book Depo...

Комментарии • 1,2 тыс.

  • @texassportsoutdoors
    @texassportsoutdoors 11 лет назад +59

    Roy Truly is my Great Grandpa. Thanks for sharing this. We still have this on the film rolls.

    • @44hawk28
      @44hawk28 4 года назад +15

      That's neat because he's the one who said that Oswald was the only one missing from the building when there were at least a dozen or more others. How was he so sure that Oswald seem to be missing from the building if he hadn't searched the building or even gathered the remaining Workforce together to see who was missing. Which would be next to impossible to do in the remaining 7 minutes till 12:45 when they broadcast Oswald's description across the police frequencies.

    • @timothyernest6429
      @timothyernest6429 3 года назад +4

      How old was truly at the time of the assassination?

    • @ronniemullaly7943
      @ronniemullaly7943 3 года назад +3

      I remember my uncle charley saying " holly fuzz my cat was in oswalds burthole, was weird

    • @jenniferwise8515
      @jenniferwise8515 3 года назад +3

      Sorry Truly was either crooked or told what to say.

    • @dustyflair
      @dustyflair 3 года назад +2

      yea yea...and my mama was there workn that day too.

  • @karimC35
    @karimC35 4 года назад +90

    No WAY IN HELL Oswald shot Kennedy with three shots in less than 7 seconds and then wiped the gun clean of all finger prints. Stashed the gun on the opposite side of the building and then ran down 4 flights of stairs in the time it took a police officer to walk up 1 flight of stairs

    • @JMC786
      @JMC786 3 года назад +20

      It wasn’t 7 seconds, it was more like 11. And his palm print was on the rifle. Sure, he could get down 4 flights in that time. He was the only one missing and oh yeah, so was his rifle from his garage. Case closed!!

    • @pajasa62
      @pajasa62 3 года назад +14

      ...and something sure motivated him to get out of the Depository building as quick as he could...and then SIX people voluntarily go to a police lineup and ID Oswald with a gun at the Tippit murder scene. As you said...CASE CLOSED.

    • @RSTI191
      @RSTI191 3 года назад +13

      Yes way.
      He did it and did it alone..

    • @nickkabbabe1953
      @nickkabbabe1953 3 года назад +20

      @@RSTI191 Could Oswald have organised the following; When you put Babushka with Umbrella Man, a driver literally stopping, very thin crowd compared to before, a lack of security, plus agents already at the Grassy Knoll before everyone else as well as confiscated camera footage never revealed and add the washing of the car at Parkland then yeah you could say with a degree of certainty that this was not the work of Lee Harvey Oswald acting alone!

    • @RSTI191
      @RSTI191 3 года назад +4

      You forgot the Stay Puff Marshmallow Man..
      I heard he had a hand in it as well before he attacked New York...
      Good thing we have Ghostbusters

  • @huskyjerk
    @huskyjerk 13 лет назад +46

    Helmer......these are great videos that you have. Great subtitled style and perfect music. Nice, dark, and informative, and to the point. Compelling and spellbinding. Much to like.

  • @aaronpaterson1615
    @aaronpaterson1615 5 лет назад +9

    If I wrote a book based solely on eyewitness accounts and their later changed accounts I am sure it would prove Oswald was innocent, who done the actual shooting is another seperate story

  • @TheCleaner76
    @TheCleaner76 2 года назад +27

    I've always wondered, did Oswalds family get his pay check for the hours that he worked that day ?

    • @MrRyan-wu4jx
      @MrRyan-wu4jx Год назад +4

      Fun question. I like you.

    • @shernitadee
      @shernitadee 6 месяцев назад +4

      Yes she did. She also got a share of the money Zapruder made on his film. She also got 100 dresses from Jeanne Legon DeMoranschilt

  • @thaisilverback
    @thaisilverback 2 года назад +3

    Thank you, Helmer, informative and worthwhile.

  • @dieyoubastards8569
    @dieyoubastards8569 15 лет назад +9

    There were bullets flying everywhere
    at least 3 teams of shooters.
    That's why the TSBD shooter did not shoot when he had a good shot with the car coming towards him,he had to wait for the crossfire position.

  • @bluesdude0808
    @bluesdude0808 11 лет назад +6

    I'm sure you're right ! I remember picking that up yrs ago thinking what a facinating detail that was ! Thanks a lot for that, I never knew !

  • @Evenflo76
    @Evenflo76 11 лет назад +18

    @mohican D H Byrd owned the TSBD in 1963. A close friend of LBJ, he also helped to start the Civil Air Patrol. Barry Seal, David Ferrie and PHO were in the CAP together.

    • @paulaharrisbaca4851
      @paulaharrisbaca4851 2 года назад +6

      Wow, these people are more interconnected than you'd think.

    • @GOOCHIElicker
      @GOOCHIElicker 2 года назад +2

      @@paulaharrisbaca4851 yes look at the photos as proof civil air patrol 1955

  • @jayearnold5402
    @jayearnold5402 Год назад +4

    It was Roscoe White described in the APB. The gun shown by police was White's 30/30 with side mounts. Oswald's Carcano had bottom mounts.

  • @SwarthySkinnedOne
    @SwarthySkinnedOne 12 лет назад +4

    Simple. Olswald (unbenownst to him) was the patsy of it all. He was the cosen fall guy to take the rap for whoever was really responsible for the plot. (Why do you think Jack Ruby made sure to shoot him close up at point blank range to shut him up forever? Lee had way too much to say if he started to crack that would eventually get some highly important people in certain US Governmet depts. in hot scalding water). Like to make sure Pasty Lee would get the noose

  • @genericgeorge
    @genericgeorge 10 лет назад +5

    Carolyn Arnold came out in 1978 and claimed she saw Oswald in the lunch room 10 - 15 mins before the event

  • @bdm1000
    @bdm1000 9 лет назад +3

    Good interview, but just to point out, the dispatcher didn't say Lee was armed with a .30-30 rifle specifically; he said he was thought to be armed with "a thirty caliber rifle." Thirty caliber generically covers a number of calibers such as .30-30, 7.62x51mm and the infamous 7.65mm Mauser among others.

    @WINGGULLSEAGULL 3 года назад +7

    TSBD Vice President Ochus V. Campbell & Roy Truly were outside watching the motorcade parade. After the shooting they quickly went into the bldg & saw Oswald in the
    storage room on the ground floor.
    Ochus V. Campbell was present on the first floor during the encounter with Officer Baker
    & Oswald. The WC moved it to the 2nd floor to be more convincing Oswald could've
    made it ahead of Baker. Even the 2nd floor for Oswald to cover his tracks maneuvering
    around stacks of boxes working his way to the stairs & run down 4 floors
    unseen by others to the 2nd floor calm & relaxed ahead of Baker is reaching for the stars.
    Carolyn Arnold saw Oswald in the lunchroom from 12:15 to 12:25 pm & then he was outside
    as the motorcade turned on Elm.

    • @glengrieve544
      @glengrieve544 7 месяцев назад +1

      Carolyn Arnold saw Oswald in the lunchroom there must have been two Oswalds he was what he said he was a Patsy

  • @meisievannancy
    @meisievannancy Год назад +3

    Thanks Helmer. By this account Oswald had an alibi as his co-workers testify that they saw him at lunch at time JFK shot and still there when cop questioned him.

  • @pajasa62
    @pajasa62 11 лет назад +2

    Funny thing about Oswald, going by his radio and TV interviews and people that knew him, Oswald was OBSESSED with politics, (Michael Paine said he ONLY talked about politics) yet the day that the President is driving by his place of work, he claims not even bother to attempt to look at the motorcade, then after the shots have been fired, doesn't even bother to stick around out of even curiousity that there has just been a shooting right where he is.

  • @SwarthySkinnedOne
    @SwarthySkinnedOne 11 лет назад +3

    Well I maintain that Ossie most likely was nothing but the fall guy duped & set up to facililate an expedient quick closure. The very fact that Jack shot him at such close point blank range betrays this instantly. As said before, Ossie knew too much or enough to eventually lead to a bust from vigorous investigation of lots of topkicks in significant command of things. Now whether Oz pulled a trigger or not is hard to say, still, but that's really besides the point, isn't it? Just an accomplice.

  • @jodyguilbeaux8225
    @jodyguilbeaux8225 3 года назад +4

    we will never know the truth, it will always be a mystery.

  • @SwarthySkinnedOne
    @SwarthySkinnedOne 12 лет назад +2

    Ok, so basically we're both in agreement that he was involved but only (of course unbeknownst to him) as a mere patsy, a sucker who didn't pull any triggers (as to in what way, we may differ on that score but who cares) correct? And that he had to be bumped by Jack Ruby (key point here) because he had the "bright desease" (he knew too much - enough to get seemingly respectable top-kicks in positons of public trust straight-up busted if he spilled), also correct?

  • @kenclayton5088
    @kenclayton5088 4 года назад +15

    Oswald tested negative to a parafin test.....just saying..

    • @leemoore9933
      @leemoore9933 2 года назад +1

      Their highly inaccurate, courts won't even use them.

    • @MCSMoney
      @MCSMoney Год назад

      Perhaps a simple explanation, when he got to his room he washed his hands and face.

  • @oldgoldtopgoldtop6039
    @oldgoldtopgoldtop6039 2 года назад +1

    Misleading video. Events happened very quickly. Police broadcast description of man that was immediately provided by witness who had seen man firing rifle from 6th floor. The description was broadcast three times before 1 o'clock. Oswalds name not suspected until later. Truly asked about Oswald's whereabouts and asked his boss, O. V. Campbell if they should tell police who later wanted Oswald for questioning but within an hour of that Oswald was arrested and in possession of the revolver used to murder Dallas Police Officer Tippit.
    Carolyn Arnold same day signed affidavit saying she thought she might have caught a "fleeting glimpse" of Oswald on the first floor fifteen or twenty minutes before the shooting. She said she did not see Oswald at the time of the shooting. The video falsely claims Oswald was drinking a coke when Officer Baker encountered him but Baker actually said Oswald had nothing in his hands and was on the vestibule of the lunchroom with his back towards the officer. Oswald was shortly thereafter observed with a coke from the lunchroom as he passed by another employee as he passed through an office. All this is easily checked.

    • @stddisclaimer8020
      @stddisclaimer8020 2 года назад

      @Oldgoldtop: When the Warren Commission counsel asked Marrion Baker if, when he saw Oswald, Oswald was “carrying anything in his hands,” Baker answered, “He had nothing at that time.” Oswald’s statement (lie) to Captain Fritz that he “was on the 2nd floor drinking a Coca-Cola when the officer came in” became so famous and written about that Officer Baker himself would later have to catch himself for buying into it. For, in a 9-23-64 handwritten statement he gave to the FBI, he wrote.” I saw a man standing in the lunchroom drinking a coke.” But Baker immediately crossed out the words ‘’drinking a coke” and placed his initials above those crossed-out words. Baker’s credibility in this matter couldn’t be any better. After all, if he were trying to implicate Oswald, he obviously would have never told the Warren Commission that Oswald was calm and collected when he (Baker) first encountered him. But in the final analysis, the whole Coke biz is nothing other than a red herring.

  • @nyujay2010
    @nyujay2010 8 лет назад +4

    You conspiracy theorists are truly desperate to convince yourselves that there was a conspiracy. A truly terrifying example of how people can be so easily lead through the darkness, regardless of how the bright light of truth is shinning down upon them.

    • @theofulk5636
      @theofulk5636 5 лет назад

      It seems to have not shinned upon YOU.

    • @andymark949
      @andymark949 5 лет назад

      Well put Jay. A lot of malfunctioning brains out there. Sad.

  • @johnjackson5281
    @johnjackson5281 2 года назад +10

    Oswald may have had something to do with it. But he wasn’t the only one. I’m sure that there was 3-4 other people to make it happen!

  • @billysmith7590
    @billysmith7590 3 года назад +3

    Who really killed JFK? Was it the CIA or FBI? And who did the shooting in Las Vegas? So similar.

  • @captainkavern
    @captainkavern 11 лет назад +4

    The motorcade route was published 3 days before in Dallas news Papers. Oswald Applied to the TSBD because Ruth Paine 's neighbourgh's brother worked there and she knew there was some work opportunity. She advised Oswald to apply. Lee Harvey Oswald 's wife was living in ruth paine's house. How mysterious is that?

    • @jeffeverett274
      @jeffeverett274 Год назад +2

      Marinas uncle was kgb. Ruth's husband worked for bell helicopter.

  • @jimoconnor2594
    @jimoconnor2594 2 месяца назад

    " 2 Men in Dallas " another very good watch

  • @7071t6
    @7071t6 9 лет назад +3

    @ 7:43 is a side road called elm st, which is where greer almost turned into & over corrected the car sharply, thats why in the Towner film you see jfk sitting in his seat then suddenly he is next to jackie & then right over the right side of the car in a split second in the film, which is the part where they edited that part out & you can see the front wheels of gg--300 pointing sharply to the right as well & then pointing straight ahead, yet the car has not reached the part where the front wheel would be straight ?

    • @aethanfriday3568
      @aethanfriday3568 Год назад

      What are your thoughts on why it was edited?

    • @7071t6
      @7071t6 Год назад

      @@aethanfriday3568 to hide the turn on elm st and how thee secret service almost turned down the wrong road, plus to hide the truth of what really happened and how jfk was killed, the only thing which is true jfk was killed in a crossfire full stop, L H OSWALD did not fire a weapon that day at all, no forensic evidence to support tippet or jfk even cpt fritz said they dont have enough on jfk or tippet, but lee was charged for tippet and then later on jfk?

    • @aethanfriday3568
      @aethanfriday3568 Год назад

      @7071t6 yeah man, im with you on all of it, ive been obsessed with this and 9/11 for yearrrrs. Two state sponsored false 🚩🚩 that have changed this country for the worst beyond words. Oswald was a provocateur, and probably ONI or CIA asset, and/or FBI informant. Its crazy to me that someone can study the two cases and not see it for what it is. People say "no ones that evil?!" Or "why would anyone do such a thing?!" Or "not in this country " or blah blah blah. Well I say these people havent studied history, because shits a whole lot darker when you dig and don't just believe the Rockefeller indoctrination garbage thats thrown at you K through 12. Thank you for your courage to say whats true and real, it seems rare these days! God bless

    • @aethanfriday3568
      @aethanfriday3568 Год назад +1

      @7071t6 also, I wish Clint Hill would get honest before he passes. I know he has accurately described the head wound in certain interviews and also towed the line in others. On the whole he just goes with the governments story, but he knows damn well what happened and he was no doubt staring at JFKs head when the back blew out and all over the trunk and officer Hargis...he could set the record straight and literally drop a bombshell on the world before he passes.
      I dont think he will, he probably has committed for some personal reason or another, but i can dream

    • @actonspur5231
      @actonspur5231 6 месяцев назад

      ​@@aethanfriday3568 my thoughts eaxctly..

  • @jimlad74
    @jimlad74 14 лет назад +7

    @uranorexic My, My, temper, temper. Actually yes I was at the 6th floor museum a week and a half ago actually. And FYI I've shot competition and hunted with bolt action rifles for years. It's practically impossible to fire 3 aimed bolt-action shots in the time the Warren comission suggested Oswald took, at a moving target through heavy foliage (Ever noticed the Texas live oak tree with all the leaves blocking Oswalds view??) Matter of fact, I have my doubts that you've even been to dealey Plaza?

    • @tejanochris
      @tejanochris 4 года назад +4

      Agreed Jamie. I too, came to the same conclusion. I was considered an expert with firearms and ran shooting ranges for the military.

  • @infonomics
    @infonomics 2 года назад

    Most people's behavior upon hearing shots at Dealey Plaza: confusion, fear, dismay, curiosity.
    Oswald's behavior: time to buy a coke, then an urgent need to go window shopping for shoes, then on to a movie.

    • @stddisclaimer8020
      @stddisclaimer8020 2 года назад

      @Noumenon: Oswald never drank Cokes, only Dr. Pepper. He needed shoes as much as he needed "curtain rods." He never intended to see "a movie," as he snuck into the theater (without paying) not to watch a film but to elude the authorities.

  • @bluesdude0808
    @bluesdude0808 11 лет назад +6

    Exactly...I love rational people like you ! You could not be more right ! Not only could they have killed him, thet would've been in the right to do so...especially once they realized that he was indeed the one that just shot one of their men. You know, all of these yrs studying this case that's a point I never even looked at ! Man, they must have showed great restraint to not shoot him.

  • @pajasa62
    @pajasa62 11 лет назад

    If you a referring to Roger Craig...he said that the shells in the Depository were "in a straight line not more than and inch apart" NO police or media sealed in the building could corroborate that nonsense.
    He said Oswald mentioned the Paine station wagon, AGAIN, no corroboration.
    He said Oswald left the TSBD (A SEALED CRIME SCENE) 15 minutes after the shooting, but with uniform police and plain clothes cops flooding Dealey Plaza at that point does he yell for backup?...does he give chase? NO!

  • @charlesking7948
    @charlesking7948 Год назад +1

    Carolyn Arnold saw LHO sitting down on the 2nd floor lunchroom when she went to get a drink of water LHO was eating.

  • @pajasa62
    @pajasa62 11 лет назад

    The fact is that SIX people volunatarily went to the police station to ID in a lineup.
    If you heard 6 people ID'd SOMEONE OTHER than Oswald. you'd be jumping up and down with joy...you AGAIN are just in denial about major threshold issues....PERIOD!

  • @rogerkatakowski323
    @rogerkatakowski323 3 года назад +3

    Lee was a patsy in the whole program. He knew it when he hit the cafeteria, best bet the movie theater was his meeting place with his handlers

    • @doravernon1511
      @doravernon1511 3 года назад +2

      He was looking for his contact, hence he kept changing seats, but there was no contact, it was a trap.

    • @doravernon1511
      @doravernon1511 3 года назад

      @Bomboy Fred 'Oswald' was never on the 6th floor, he was working on the first (ground floor in uk), Mrs Robert Reid aka Jeraldean, stated she saw Oswald on 2nd floor wearing a white t-shirt - this was the real Oswald. Also, Billy Lovelady, wearing a red & brown check shirt over white t-shirt was a contractor laying new flooring on the 6th floor. Lovelady looked very similar to the 'Oswald' Patsy and can be seen standing on the steps of TSBD in the Altgens photo.

    • @doravernon1511
      @doravernon1511 3 года назад

      @Bomboy Fredthis is a very interesting clip, several people were arrested ruclips.net/video/1tsR8PGx2ZE/видео.html

    • @doravernon1511
      @doravernon1511 3 года назад


    • @doravernon1511
      @doravernon1511 3 года назад

      @Bomboy Fred have you got a link please, it's not coming up.

  • @michaelhigginbotham2518
    @michaelhigginbotham2518 2 года назад

    There wasn't any audio when l tried to watch this clip...

  • @fredbazoo
    @fredbazoo 11 лет назад +2

    Incredible isn't it....LHO was sure one busy dude that day.....right?

  • @Ckom-Tunes
    @Ckom-Tunes 3 года назад +1

    Why would Oswald, a man who was very very politically motivated, be standing calmly having a Coke when the most important political figure in the world had just been shot mere feet from the front entrance of his workplace? Why did he then immediately flee the building? Why did he go to his rooming house to change his clothes and get his pistol?
    The questions go on and on and on. Oswald did it and he did it alone…

    • @jdunn101ify
      @jdunn101ify 2 года назад

      Because he knew he was being set up as a patsy. Take the blinkers off

  • @Caeruleo
    @Caeruleo Год назад +1

    Starting at 26 seconds the text says:
    "Finding that both elevators were on an upper floor, they took the stairs to the 2nd floor. There the met a man in the lunchroom. He was standing calmly drinking a coke."
    Nope. Whoever made this video did not do their homework. In no statement ever provably spoken or handwritten by him did Roy Truly ever say Oswald was holding any type of soda bottle, and in fact he specifically said that Oswald was not holding any type of object in either of his hands. And in no statement *provably* spoken or handwritten by Marrion Baker did he ever say that Oswald was holding any type of soda bottle either, and instead he also said that Oswald was holding no object of any type in either of his hands. There is a single document from a year after the assassination, dated September 23, 1964, in which it has been *mistakenly* claimed that Baker wrote "drinking a coke" and crossed it out, but that is not Baker's handwriting. The origin of the "drinking a coke" myth comes from two Washington Post reporters, Lawrence Stern and Alfred E. Lewis, who accidentally conflated Baker's and Truly's statements with the statement of Carolyn Reid, a secretary in the TSBD, who said she saw Oswald carrying a soda bottle when she walked through her office *after* the lunchroom encounter; Stern and Lewis got confused and mistakenly assumed that he had bought the soda before Baker and Truly saw him when in fact it's more likely that he bought it after they left the lunchroom and continued up the stairs.
    And notice how in the very filmed interviews with them included in this video neither Baker or Truly said a word about Oswald having any object of any type in either of his hands when they first saw him in the lunchroom.

    • @9Ballr
      @9Ballr 9 месяцев назад +1

      Correct. But hey, don't let the facts get in the way of a good conspiracy story.

    • @Caeruleo
      @Caeruleo 9 месяцев назад

      @@9Ballr Yep. And this is an example of one of the primary ways misinformation gets spread on the internet. Someone makes a provably false claim in a RUclips video, but since the average person doesn't bother to carefully investigate the original primary source of the claim, they mistakenly believe that what is said in the video is "true" and then mindlessly share it with others who then mindlessly share it with others who then mindlessly share it with others and so on and so forth.

    • @stevestroh2267
      @stevestroh2267 6 месяцев назад

      Ok, let’s say he wasn’t drinking a coke when Baker saw him. Oswald was still in the lunch room almost immediately after the 3rd shot and wasn’t out of breath. Two women never heard or saw him on the stairs. One woman said he was in the lunchroom at 12:20. He also didn’t fire a weapon that day. Someone fired a gun from the TSBD, but not Oswald.

    • @Caeruleo
      @Caeruleo 6 месяцев назад

      ​@@stevestroh2267 "Ok, let’s say he wasn’t drinking a coke when Baker saw him. Oswald was still in the lunch room almost immediately after the 3rd shot and wasn’t out of breath."
      Define "almost immediately." The figure most often given is 90 seconds after the final shot was fired, and both Marrion Baker and Roy Truly admitted that it could have been longer than that. A person moving at an average speed of 3 miles per hour (4.4 feet per second) which is little more than average walking speed for adult humans could have made it from the so-called "sniper's nest" on the sixth floor to the second floor lunchroom in only 68 seconds, and that *includes* stashing the rifle where it was later found among those boxes close to the stairwell. I'm more than twice as old as Oswald was and I've walked that same distance in that same amount of time without being even slightly out of breath. Now true, I hadn't done anything like shooting anyone and wouldn't be in a state of excitement, but even then, being out of breath is something that is quite easy to conceal for a mere 30 seconds or so, which according to Baker was the total amount of time that he observed Oswald in the lunchroom.
      "Two women never heard or saw him on the stairs."
      Those two women were Victoria Adams and Sandra Styles and there is plenty of evidence that more likely than not they simply came within sight of the stairway a little too late to see him descending. He could have quite easily been no more than 30 seconds ahead of them and they would have missed hearing or seeing him. I have discussed this evidence in detail many times and can easily do so again now if you'd like.
      You are also making a gigantic, glaring omission:
      If Oswald wasn't the shooter, that means both woman *also* missed hearing and seeing the *real* shooter coming down the stairs too.
      "One woman said he was in the lunchroom at 12:20."
      You are saying that in a misleading and partly inaccurate way. You seem almost certainly to be talking about Carolyn Arnold (later Mrs. Carolyn Johnston) and if so she gave several inconsistent and contradictory claims. She said that when she and others left the office to go outside to watch the motorcade she saw Oswald on her way out. But she was extremely inconsistent about what time this was. On different dates she gave various times for leaving the office, from as early as "between 12:00 and 12:15 PM" to as late as "about 12:25 PM." Also in her earliest statements she said she saw Oswald standing in the hallway on the first floor, not in the lunchroom. The very first time she is known to have said that he was in the lunchroom was not until 1978, approximately 15 years after the assassination, and this contradicts her more contemporaneous claim that he was standing in the hallway. Also her claim of seeing Oswald on the way out is completely uncorroborated by even one of the several other people who left the office at the same time she did and went outside at the same time she did. Not one of those other people ever said they saw Oswald, in the lunchroom or anywhere else, on the way out. And in fact Carolyn Arnold Johnston remains, to this very day, the one and only TSBD employee who ever, ever claimed to have seen Oswald eating lunch that day.
      In any location.
      And as I've already said, she did not say this for the first time ever until 1978.
      "He also didn’t fire a weapon that day."
      Where on earth are you getting this from? You have no possible way of knowing for certain that he "didn't" fire a weapon that day.
      "Someone fired a gun from the TSBD, but not Oswald."
      And your proof of this is, what, exactly?

  • @pajasa62
    @pajasa62 11 лет назад

    Funny thing, Abraham Zapruder and his secretary had a unique position to hear shots from the knoll...located between there and the TSBD. What did he say in a 1967 interview? "If I heard a noise coming out of my right ear (the direction of the knoll) I would have heard a different sound...all the shots sounded exactly the same"
    The head shot was from an "explosive"? Which ballistics "expert" came up with that?
    The bullet's metal-jacket was tied to Oswald's rifle TO THE EXCLUSION OF ALL OTHERS.

  • @captainkavern
    @captainkavern 11 лет назад

    The problem with you is that to you will accept Oswald is gulty only if you see a film of him firing the gun (even then you would be able to say it is fake). The real question is" have YOU a proof that he didn't do it?" because if you sum up all oswald actions that day you can tell something was wrong...

  • @aaronpaterson1615
    @aaronpaterson1615 5 лет назад +2

    This is a very informative video of the time frames people saw Oswald. So he was seen on the first floor at 12:25pm so he had to find his way back up to the snipers lair to fire three shots in succession at 12:30pm and rush down to be seen approx 12:31:30 by Roy Truly and Officer Baker calmly sipping a soda. Oswald and 15 other TSBD workers were missing when a headcount was done and a police bulletin put out over the radio shortly thereafter with an approx description of Lee Harvey Oswlad.
    1:05pm he was seen at the Texas Star movie theatre, the same time Officer Tippit was seen murdered. For failing to pay for his movie ticket 15 police cars and FBI agents rushed to the cinema, but casually approached him as they were slowly checking the other 20 odd movie goers. The plan was for Oswald to make a run for it from the movie viewing area to the foyer where he was to be shot and killed, unfortunately Oswald didn't run but did resist arrest in his movie seat and was armed with a revolver which had a faulty firing pin which FBI analyst reported could not have been fired by Oswald or anyone that day. A different type of shell casings for an automatic handgun were found at Tippit's murder scene. A black female witness said she saw a short solid built man with bushy black hair shoot tippit and throw the gun to another man identified as tall and thin.
    Oswald was neither tall, nor solidly built and did not have bushy hair.
    His Police line up was standing beside two teenagers and a Mexican. none of which fit the original police radio call about a suspect. Why were these other males suitably dressed as opposed to Oswald looking disheveled and bruises and cuts (an obvious standout).
    Also, if as some say Marina told Lee Oswald that she didn't want to reconcile, why then did she accompany police to see Oswald in the Dallas Police Station and bother to bring him a jacket etc as he only had on a white t-shirt?

    • @zandorvorkov986
      @zandorvorkov986 5 лет назад +1

      Speaking of the line ups, Oswald was also put in a line up with Dallas Police detectives in business suits who were older and taller and heavier than Oswald. Oswald was also asked to step forward and announce where he worked, when everyone knew about the TSDB because it had been all over the news the previous days.

  • @StinkFingerr
    @StinkFingerr 4 года назад +3

    I don't see how this ever gets fully cleared up.

  • @jbess6505
    @jbess6505 3 года назад

    The Peaceful fifties were polarising to the turbulent sixties

  • @randyharris3175
    @randyharris3175 5 лет назад +4

    When they seen osw as Oswald was missing they knew he was the suspect what's the mystery how they got the description out quickly

    • @namelessclown5798
      @namelessclown5798 4 года назад

      That´s what I was just thinking...Truly does not see Oswald in a group...so reports him missing...conspiracy people - How could he know he was not in the other side of the building...Well...he doesn´t..But he has seen him in this part few moments before, doesn´t see him now...so....reports him missing :)

  • @Fernando-qk2hp
    @Fernando-qk2hp 3 года назад +2

    He says 90 sec to 2 min.
    and he was walking away from door.

  • @pajasa62
    @pajasa62 11 лет назад

    I am not going to REANSWER questions when you had no response the first time. You want my answer? Scroll down and read them AGAIN.
    One NEW question you ask is about the bullets Oswald had on him when he was caught with the Tippet murder weapon on him.
    His gun was a 38 calilber, British military army surplus and he used compatible (American) 38 Special bullets....BIG DEAL!!!!...geez!

  • @eddiewalker59
    @eddiewalker59 14 лет назад

    Howard Brennan gave Oswald's description to offficers outside the book despository building. The windows of the building are close to the floor, so you can see an almost complete figure if squatting in the window as Oswald was. This is based on the case evidence.

  • @pajasa62
    @pajasa62 11 лет назад

    Just to clarify, because I edit a bit.
    He initially WROTE to the US Embassy about wanting to come back to the US & had several back and forths through the mail (well-documented by Noman Mailer in "Oswald's Tale") the US Embassy obviously saving all the correspondence...everything was delayed by Oswald NOT WANTING to travel to Moscow for the interview & he did not great assistance from EITHER US or Soviet officials, but of course the US wanted him back here...for the Soviets it was good riddance.

  • @paddle_shift
    @paddle_shift 4 года назад +4

    I love BS stories like these! Hilarious! This video proves Oswald did it more than didnt do it!

    • @gregorythornhill3904
      @gregorythornhill3904 4 года назад +1

      Yes, and what are the odds of the school Book Depository coincidentally was the last tall building on the parade route? there were many many tall buildings along the parade route the motorcade route, but the school Book Depository just coincidentally happened to be the very last one, it does make you stop and think?

    • @paddle_shift
      @paddle_shift 4 года назад +2

      @@gregorythornhill3904 Huh? Thats where Oswald worked. The parade route was determined by the city of Dallas with input by the local Democratic party. Doesnt make me think anything more than this was a crime of opportunity. Oswalds own brother Robert believed he did it. The true facts are so overwhelming against Oswald. Really is case closed.

    • @gregorythornhill3904
      @gregorythornhill3904 4 года назад

      I agree

    • @paddle_shift
      @paddle_shift 4 года назад

      @@gregorythornhill3904 👍

    • @Rayburn58
      @Rayburn58 3 года назад +3

      Not one shred of hard evidence of a conspiracy, or second shooter. A mountain of hard evidence oswald acted alone. Yet millions of Americans buy into the conspiracy garbage because they do not want to believe a man as powerful and consequential as Kennedy could be taken out by a small little inconsequential loser like oswald. In their minds the scales don't balance, it must be something much bigger. A massive conspiracy by evil powers fits the bill in their minds. The fact that there are so many different wild conspiracy theories accusing anyone from castro, russia, CIA, LBJ, and so on is telling as to how ridiculous all the conspiracy theories are. Even the conspiracy theory nuts don't agree on anything.

  • @SwarthySkinnedOne
    @SwarthySkinnedOne 11 лет назад

    You must have done a lot of reading on this. Mind if you state your sources so I can look into this for myself, and draw my own conlusions?

  • @SwarthySkinnedOne
    @SwarthySkinnedOne 11 лет назад

    " but don't believe everything you read. Check the sources" Well that really was the point of me asking for it, wasn't it, which I thank you wholeheartedly for providing. Another good source (if you can get your mitts on some for beng largely out of print) are historical political intrigue fiction of the day (published between the mid 60s and early 70s) fom which one can quarry a vast amt of indirect info and powerfully revealing insight. That's just as important, if not much much more, also.

  • @pajasa62
    @pajasa62 11 лет назад

    One thing at a time.
    You should listen to his radio interviews...especially his first one. He even talks about 'revolutions require sacrifice"...that's a direct quote.
    This "letting him back into the US with no problem" is NOT accurate at all. He did what ANYONE would if they were a citizen of another country in a foreign land...He went to the US Embassy, he had to make a trip from Minsk to Moscow to be interviewed by US officials and WAITED A YEAR for the USSR to grant him an exit visa!

  • @soniafell8267
    @soniafell8267 3 года назад +1

    I think osworld part was to take the gun into the building for the shooter. Not to be a shooter

  • @captainkavern
    @captainkavern 11 лет назад

    if the goal was to frame oswald as the lone assassin, by pretending only 3 shots were fired It doesnt makes sense. It took 7 min to the limo to reach parkland. In that time it would have been impossible to anyone outside the limo to know who, how many times,have been shot.No one knows how many bullets will be found. planting another one would just raise the chances to uncover the conspiracy. On a more ironic side, if there were snipers firing 8 or 10 shots, they were the worst snipers ever.

  • @captainkavern
    @captainkavern 11 лет назад

    Yes the witness (Jean Hill) who saw Jack and Jackie witha dog in the car, the one who said she was taken and threaten by the Secret Service and your friends from the FBI when she was just asked by a journalist to tell her story, the one who claimed and wrote books about the grassy knoll shooter she saw when her initial 1963 testimony she said she did not see were the shots came from, the who said she stepped on the street when the limo passed(on the z film she remains on the grass)

  • @pajasa62
    @pajasa62 14 лет назад

    "Oswald wasn't a loner"
    Being a loner doesnt mean you live in a cave. There are loners that "function" in society.
    Regarding the people you mentioned...deMohrenschildt wasn't even living in the US anymore, the Oswald's were then estranged from the local Russian community, Ruth Paine takes in a woman 8 MONTHS pregnant whose husband just received his last unemployment check...LHO hadn't seen his brothers or his mother for a YEAR prior & he wanted to send Marina back to the USSR!

  • @Overlorddz
    @Overlorddz Год назад

    5:52 "He could have done it if he was awful fast or if he'd have pre-planned it."
    This coming from his employer who knows the building and how shortly after the shots this encounter took place. Knowing the Warren commission stated thats how it went (and how much they must have investigated) he still sounds pretty doubtful. Still the motorcop says 1 minute to maybe 2 minutes. From Houston speeding up and running through the crowd upstairs that would hardly be more than a minute I'd figure.

  • @jeandecatalogne8453
    @jeandecatalogne8453 3 года назад +1

    How to share 2 real footages into a lot of wrong information.

  • @captainkavern
    @captainkavern 11 лет назад +1

    Hill has explained many times, he simply assumed that the shell came from an automatic because it was found at the scene, inferring it had been ejected from an automatic. It is all but unheard of for a murderer to manually empty a revolver at the scene of a crime; yet that's precisely what numerous witnesses saw Oswald do. It suggests he had a reasonable expectation of using the revolver again, and soon

  • @captainkavern
    @captainkavern 11 лет назад

    What should i look for on google?

  • @jaysilverheals4445
    @jaysilverheals4445 4 года назад +1

    I watch these for personal entertainment to see the stupid stuff people come up with. Ive been there a couple times and had MORE than enough time to go down TWENTY stories of stairs in 2 or so minutes. him down on second floor minutes before SO WHAT? he likely went down for a coke to wash down the chicken. and simply went back up to make sure his presence was known so they knew he was there working.

  • @captainkavern
    @captainkavern 11 лет назад

    Brennan did not failed to ID him. He said he looks the most like the shooter but a was not positive.

  • @captainkavern
    @captainkavern 11 лет назад

    you still did not answer my question where did you see that?

  • @captainkavern
    @captainkavern 11 лет назад

    You should know that the parafine test CANNOT be used in a court of law because it is too unreliable. So it would not have exonarate him. Plus fiber of his clothes were found on the rifle...what else do you need? for some reason you say he is involved be refuse the possibility that he pulled the trigger. Whay don't you say he is innocent?

  • @nanpaempirejapan
    @nanpaempirejapan 10 лет назад +1

    Use some common sense:
    1) Up until 10 am that morning, it was cold and rainy. What is the likelihood that a professional hit on the President, with all of the preparations needed to be put into place, what is the likelihood that a professional assassination would attempt to carry it out in those unpredictable conditions.
    2) If this was a professional assassination, they would have succeeded with the first shot. The first shot missed. So another bullet is fired and this one hit JFK BUT it does not kill him. Then the last shot comes later, as if the person who had fired the first two KNEW that this was his last chance to get it right. That to me sounds like a lone gunman. If it were multiple shooters. It would have been successive, even, and accurate bullet fire.

    • @empirejapan7327
      @empirejapan7327 10 лет назад

      ***** I would encourage you to show more maturity and respect to people's opinions about what they think happened that day. I am not sure what you feel you are accomplishing by replying with such a snide remark. My opinion is certainly not out of the realm of possibility and it CERTAINLY is no less valid than your opinion.

    • @empirejapan7327
      @empirejapan7327 10 лет назад

      ***** I can see how the phrase "Use common sense" was taken as a put-down. It was not meant to be. I should have said, "Here is my logic or my take on what happened.

    • @birdandthe
      @birdandthe 9 лет назад


    • @lemaxmas
      @lemaxmas 9 лет назад

      For one it wasn't raining at the time and if we're speculating here, these kind of professionals are used to all sorts of scenarios. This would not likely be a good weather profession. The only thing that might have stopped such a scenario would have been a bubble top.

    • @birdandthe
      @birdandthe 9 лет назад

      ***** He saw his FACE and stated it was definitely Oswald in the line to the Warren Commission, the rest was guesswork and it was fairly accurate guesswork, try harder.

  • @og-greenmachine8623
    @og-greenmachine8623 Год назад

    Excellent piece
    but as a true American I have a complaint.
    w/a visual medium, I don’t prefer reading.
    I listen to things while working.
    So while I’m working I can’t watch this.

  • @bluesdude0808
    @bluesdude0808 11 лет назад

    Hey Phil Oswald probably didn't care if the stairwell was empty. This man was about to shoot a President. That's all he cared about. He also knew he couldn't take his rifle, oh, I'm sorry, "curtain rods" with him. Everywhere Oswald was that day, someone died real close by. "Yeah, someone just murdered the Pres so I think I'll just leave and go to a movie...but first I better go get my pistol first" Zero Proof ? Finger prints on the rifle, on the boxes. Come on Phil, you're thinking with heart !

  • @squatch545
    @squatch545 9 лет назад

    So who were the other 15 people who left the TSBD Bldg and were 'missing'? Is there a source?

    • @flp21
      @flp21 9 лет назад

      Joe Smith The focus was on employees with access to the top floors. Of these, I believe only 2 employees were missing.

  • @petereuropa
    @petereuropa 14 лет назад

    No evidence comment:
    You are responsible to make that the elevator is on this floor. During the assassination open the elevator's door (so noone can use it).
    The 2 snipers: shoot
    After job is done, close the elevator's door.

  • @marianoignaciosolissolorza6995
    @marianoignaciosolissolorza6995 2 года назад

    This is rather confusing or very weird. According to several witnesses not taken into account by the warren comission saw a man outside the book deposit building. At the fence by the area the last shot was fired and many believe was the shot that killed the president. Some pointed a person alike to oswald. After the shot the person was seen with a rifle that he safe and carried along then got into a car with a driver and drove away. So what happened who was this person if oswald was at the book deposit building all time. Why some witnesses believe to see a man just like him at the fence with a rifle that took the shot and drove away in car with a driver. Who says there is no conspiracy? Everything about this case still to be set clear

    • @Caeruleo
      @Caeruleo Год назад

      "At the fence by the area the last shot was fired and many believe was the shot that killed the president."
      It has never been proven that the last shot was fired from the fence or anywhere even remotely near it.
      "After the shot the person was seen with a rifle that he safe and carried along then got into a car with a driver and drove away."
      I think you are repeating an unproven conspiracy factoid. There was no witness who contemporaneously (by which I mean within the first 12 months of the assassination) reported seeing anyone with a rifle get into a car right after the shooting and then being driven away. I think you are confusing this with a later claim that is lacking in credibility.
      "Why some witnesses believe to see a man just like him at the fence with a rifle that took the shot and drove away in car with a driver."
      Nobody claimed at the time to have seen a man with a rifle at the fence. That claim was not made for the first time until years later.

    • @marianoignaciosolissolorza6995
      @marianoignaciosolissolorza6995 Год назад

      Please for give my insisting beheavior. They haven t released the entire evedince about the or the entire group of witnesses . There is alot to analyze in this case. Until everything totaly clear I will stil think there is something not quite ok about this case

  • @eddieb8337
    @eddieb8337 Год назад

    1:48 Truly knew that Oswald was in the building as he saw him by the Coke machine. When all of the staff in the building were rounded up, it was obvious to Truly that Oswald was no longer present.

  • @marcuslaker5876
    @marcuslaker5876 3 года назад

    They going to discuss the other “employees” they conveniently came across and let go? Of course not...eat up sheeple!

  • @captainkavern
    @captainkavern 11 лет назад

    Oswald is found with a .38 revolver: true!. Tippit is killed with a .38 automatic : false!!Oswald's snub-nosed .38 Smith & Wesson revolver, s n V510210, is the gun that killed Officer J. D. Tippit.It was ballistically matched, to the exclusion of all other weapons, to the expended cartridge cases recovered from the crime scene.the "automatic," myth comes from officer Gerald Hill, who found one of lho's spent cartridges at the crime scene and radioed that the shell had come from a .38 automatic

    • @mizzutigerfan1
      @mizzutigerfan1 3 года назад

      The casings found at the tippet murder scene didn’t fit in the gun Oswald was carrying…. Not only that, the gun had a bent firing pin making it useless…he didn’t shoot tippit

  • @captainkavern
    @captainkavern 11 лет назад

    I actually i say it is false because only One person witnessed it. the shoe store owner Johnny Calvin Brewer. you can not only read his testimony, you can watch his interview on youtube very precise. What do you have to support your claims?

  • @stevevandien310
    @stevevandien310 3 года назад

    Castro did it.
    No, it was Kruschev (forget how to spell his name)!
    No, it was LBJ!
    AAAHHH ... OBVIOUSLY a dark and dreadful conspiracy ... it could not be otherwise, given this OMINOUS music.

  • @norobbery
    @norobbery 5 лет назад +1

    Like the old films but whoever wrote the headings has terrible grammar. And Mr. Truly was not the "inspector" of the TSBD.

  • @44hawk28
    @44hawk28 4 года назад +1

    Truly was truly psychic. How did he know that Lee Harvey Oswald, among the 15 to 20 other people who never returned to the Texas School Book Depository that day, was the only one that was missing? Furthermore, 20 to 30 seconds after the last shot there were still three people in the two East windows on the 6th floor. Photographs prove it. Yet Oswald is very calmly drinking is Coke in the lunchroom?
    Could it be truly was making an issue on the lower floors to give the people on the upper floors time to get out?

  • @stevenewart3873
    @stevenewart3873 9 лет назад +1

    I believe that there was at least two shooters. The head shot was from the knoll. So if we are to believe that Oswald fired first , then he could have made his way downstairs after the first or second shot calmly knowing that jfk would be finished off further down the road. Also a few witnesses said that the gun that was found was a Mauser and it had the word "Mauser " stamped on it. Is it possible that they actually found a Mauser , but unable to connect this gun to LHO they got his gun from home? It was also said that his gun was incapable of this crime, the sights were off and it was not fast enough. I am unsure either way

    • @arnieramsbottom704
      @arnieramsbottom704 8 лет назад

      Good point!

    • @michaelchmelko3166
      @michaelchmelko3166 5 лет назад

      So Oswald fired a shot and then handed his rifle off so another guy could take two or one more shots? Are you really serious? Multiple people saw the shooter in the window shooting and heard the shots being fired. 93% of the people heard three shots or less. More people heard less than three shots then more than three shots. The best description of this murder absolutely is the Warren commission's. forensic scientists have already ruled out the grassy knoll shot but amateurs and people that don't know ballistics are still trying to rationalize a conspiracy in their own minds. Everybody is lying but the guys that want to sell their books. Oswald scope could easily have been knocked out of calibration by hi tossing it on the floor when he split the scene. Isn't it amazing that he ended up leaving the building then shooting a cop and then hid in a movie theater. Sorry but you would have to have a couple hundred people in on this. Are all the cops lying? Are all the FBI agents lying? Are all the Secret Service agents lying. Are all the people that saw the shooter in the 6th floor window lying? Are the dozen people that saw Oswald fleeing the Tippett murder seen lying? Is the Bus driver lying? is the cab driver also lying? is the guy that took roll call at the depository lying? is the guy at the Shoe Store lying? Is the lady at Oswald's boarding house lying? are all the cops at the theater lying? are all the FBI ballistics experts lying? Is Oswald's wife lying when she said that she took the famous photo of him with the rifle? Is she also lying when she said her heart sank when the police came and his rifle was not in the place he always kept it? Is the Warren Commission lying with some of the most respected Americans in our entire country on it? This is easy to figure out. Somehow echoes and phantom puffs of smoke have become evidence that in many minds overcomes the actual mountain of evidence that points directly to Oswald. This is a slam dunk if there ever was one.

    • @chrismontreuil2206
      @chrismontreuil2206 5 лет назад

      Its so stupid and how was it there was two guns? What kind of investigation is that?

  • @liten48
    @liten48 11 лет назад

    man alive oswald would had to have gone like hell to get the lunch room and play it cool in that time , im starting to think it didnt happen that way,

  • @captainkavern
    @captainkavern 11 лет назад

    11 sources? wich one?????????

  • @johnrogan9420
    @johnrogan9420 4 года назад

    Limo came to a full stop at a point signalled by umbrella man and raised fist man...sniper and Zapruder were in perfect position to film and shoot...bullet had an upward trajectory...sewer shot by jack alan lawrence...zapruder continued filming after the first shot...climbed up a pillar...although he claimed to suffer from vertigo...gun shot smell was reported by Rep Yarbrough in a following limo...ground level shot...throat wound entered from the front too...Connally was never hit...family refused to let his body be examined when he passed away...fully recovered in 5 days...present day Scalise...same fake wounds!

  • @randyharris3175
    @randyharris3175 5 лет назад

    William's evidence you dI'd not hear can not exonerate anybody what crime shows have you been watching

  • @rjrod
    @rjrod 15 лет назад

    It is a reasonable assumption to make with the facts that we have( in my opinion). Yea Howard Brennan described the suspect, but the man was kneeling next to a half open window. How did he get his height and his weight?? That is non sense in my opinion. There were several shooters and that is apparent.

  • @arther1046
    @arther1046 12 лет назад

    @SwarthySkinnedOne Oswald had no guns. Read "Oswald's Mother - Who Bought the Guns".
    The purchase letter had a postmark of 10:30AM. It was in Chicago next morning. No airmail stamp. No FedEx yet. No bank routing stamps on the money order. The rifle received was not available from Klein's. And more anomalies.
    And the cop was proved shot with an auto pistol, not a revolver.

  • @pajasa62
    @pajasa62 11 лет назад

    Phil says, "My arguments, theories have been discussed by very objective scholarly people"
    Yes, I am sure these "scholarly types" have said, QUOTE: "even if they *saw* a rifle that does not mean a rifle was actually shot or it was a broomstick."

  • @kennedy147
    @kennedy147 13 лет назад

    any one who thinks oswald is the lone gun man is sick in the head

  • @714AD
    @714AD 12 лет назад

    Looks like some potential piss poor police work. He was seen here, there, with nothing, & calmly drinking a coke... There were 3 fired, where were the other 8?

  • @SwarthySkinnedOne
    @SwarthySkinnedOne 12 лет назад

    Well sorry, I just couldn't tell. I asked you two questions to which I received no clear-cut answers. You just kept on harping on the bit of Oswald didn't have any guns (which you have no definite proof of btw). He could have had some of his own but gotten rid of (in vain) so he wouldn't get implicated upon investigation. Sigh! Look, again, would you agree that Oswald could have been instrumentally involved in some way, only to be ultimately sold down the river?! yes or no?

  • @captainkavern
    @captainkavern 11 лет назад

    Right....good luck Sherlock....

  • @airborne8580
    @airborne8580 2 года назад +1

    For one millionth time it was a conspiracy
    Hands down 🤏🏾

  • @BHeisler59
    @BHeisler59 7 лет назад +15

    I think the elevator doors were slatted, you could see in and out. The stairwell switchback was open. Somewhere I saw Jarman and Norman and one of them said they could hear shell casings falling to the floor above. If so then surely they heard the footsteps of whomever was occupying the 6th floor as they walked, ran, or hurried to either the stairwell or elevator. Don't you think you'd wanna peek over at that stairwell or elevator to see the boogeyman coming down from one floor above you. Boooh

  • @your_royal_highness
    @your_royal_highness 3 года назад +13

    Robert MacNeil (yes that one, fromPBS) was NBC and ran into Oswald as he entered the depository looking for a phone to use as he was stuck. Oswald pointed to the door and told him where to find one

    • @ernestkovach3305
      @ernestkovach3305 3 года назад

      Several people boast they did. He nor anyone else truly knows however if they met LHO coming out.

  • @33maisie
    @33maisie 12 лет назад +37

    When English is your second language, mistakes will be made. As long as the content can be understood, give the man some credit for posting these videos for us!!

  • @MissPerriwinkle
    @MissPerriwinkle 2 года назад +7

    all facts point to oswald as a patsy.

    • @9Ballr
      @9Ballr 4 месяца назад +1

      No facts point to Oswald as a patsy.

  • @themeaningoflife38
    @themeaningoflife38 15 лет назад +34

    What evidence proves Oswald did it?Oswald was found on the 2nd floor 90 seconds after the last shot.The rifle found on the 6th floor was a 7.65 Mauser.The parafin test on Oswald was NEGATIVE which means he fired NO gun that day.JD Tippit was shot with an automatic,Oswald had a revolver.

    • @televisionarchivestudios1130
      @televisionarchivestudios1130 2 года назад +1

      Paraffin tests are not reliable. The Rifle found wasn't a 7.65 Mauser. One Officer said it looked like one

    • @Rich6Brew
      @Rich6Brew 2 года назад +1

      @@televisionarchivestudios1130 What about the spent cases found at the Tippit murder?

    • @televisionarchivestudios1130
      @televisionarchivestudios1130 2 года назад +2

      @@Rich6Brew What about it?

    • @HT-mt1hc
      @HT-mt1hc 2 года назад

      @@televisionarchivestudios1130 LOL!! “Not reliable” but flat assertions by crooked cops and Texas Big Oil Kennedy haters are? Oswald would never have been convicted in a court of law (only a CIA kangaroo court.)

    • @televisionarchivestudios1130
      @televisionarchivestudios1130 2 года назад +2

      @@HT-mt1hc The paraffin test does not detect gunpowder.

  • @brianzybura8633
    @brianzybura8633 Год назад +7

    One can see that back in the day , Chief Jesse Curry was not able to explain how the description of the suspect was broadcasted so quickly. Chief Jesse Curry was protecting his behind. He was being told what to do and say from some big guy way high above him.

  • @kingofthejungle3833
    @kingofthejungle3833 3 года назад +34

    @1:10 Lee Harvey Oswald allegedly ran down four flights of stairs and started eating his lunch and bought a Coke from the vending machine, calmly and seemingly without running out of breath.

    • @jenniferw4068
      @jenniferw4068 3 года назад +6

      Opposite side of the building also.....

    • @dustyflair
      @dustyflair 3 года назад +3

      wait you mean eating the lunch he was never seen with that morning by the infamous Buell or Wesley or whatever he goes by this year....

    • @jenniferw4068
      @jenniferw4068 3 года назад +4

      @@dustyflair some employees also said LHO was out on Elm st for a bit before he had the Coke in the lunch room.

    • @dustyflair
      @dustyflair 3 года назад +7

      @@jenniferw4068 it's just as likely I shot JFK all by myself than did LHO all alone

    • @jenniferw4068
      @jenniferw4068 3 года назад +10

      @@dustyflair I believe LHO was a low level intelligence asset. He gets a hardship discharge from the Mar8nes and 3 days later flies to Moscow on a $1500 ticket with $300 in his bank account. He was chosen well in advance to play the patsy part. George DeMohrensheid and Ruth and Michael Payne were his CIA handlers.

  • @bobmings
    @bobmings 6 лет назад +10

    Oswald was at the movies

    • @karimC35
      @karimC35 4 года назад +1

      One of them was

    • @pl5624
      @pl5624 3 года назад

      He went to the theatre afterwards and got into a battle with cops.

  • @brianoravsky6699
    @brianoravsky6699 9 лет назад +14

    Wasn't the motorcade running late as well?

    • @aethanfriday3568
      @aethanfriday3568 4 года назад +5

      Yes, 5 mins late

    • @user-xw6vz1hl7y
      @user-xw6vz1hl7y 3 года назад +4

      @@aethanfriday3568 they were waiting on the green light so they can get the kill shot it was a turkey shoot

    • @aethanfriday3568
      @aethanfriday3568 3 года назад +5

      @@user-xw6vz1hl7y that's right, they were....its so obvious this was a well planned coup, I don't understand WC apologists

    • @ernestkovach3305
      @ernestkovach3305 3 года назад

      Closer to 15.

    • @aethanfriday3568
      @aethanfriday3568 3 года назад +2

      @@ernestkovach3305 not trying to split hairs but wasn't the arrival at the trade mart scheduled for 1230?

  • @MM-ig1iv
    @MM-ig1iv Год назад +3

    Right.. why in the hell would you sniper someone out at your place of work and then LEAVE your rifle and bullet casings behind!? Makes no damn sense whatsoever.. and he obviously didn't want credibility or recognition for it.. he wasn't seeking attention for an impossible shot that if was true that person would brag about such a shot I would imagine. he denied it.. in the calmest manner after such an unbelievably crazy ass act saying what happened! I'm a patsy! And he was. If it would have went to trial.. lawyers that investigated it says he would've been found Not GUILTY. wake up people!

    • @MM-ig1iv
      @MM-ig1iv Год назад

      Not to mention the "magic bullet" found on the gurney not looking like it's never been fired!? I mean.. come on people. There's way too much facts that point to conspiracy. I think it's a conspiracy within a conspiracy.. for another conspiracy! Figure that out..