9:54 UPDATE: The 3 nm technology definition explained is to make general public understand about the small scale of technology. However, technically it is the minimum gate length (gap between electrodes of transistor), which practically can be way larger than 3 nm. 3 nm टेक्नोलोजी को अर्थ आम मान्छेलाई यस टेक्नोलोजी कती सानो छ भन्ने बुझाउन खोजिएको हो । वास्तविकतामा दुईवटा ट्रांजिस्टर बिचको दूरी ३ nm भन्दा बढी हुन सक्छ ।।
Very interesting conversation for the engineers and to those aspiring to study abroad :)
Can you asking him about the use of photonics in the development of a quantum chip next time
UPDATE: The 3 nm technology definition explained is to make general public understand about the small scale of technology.
However, technically it is the minimum gate length (gap between electrodes of transistor), which practically can be way larger than 3 nm.
3 nm टेक्नोलोजी को अर्थ आम मान्छेलाई यस टेक्नोलोजी कती सानो छ भन्ने बुझाउन खोजिएको हो । वास्तविकतामा दुईवटा ट्रांजिस्टर बिचको दूरी ३ nm भन्दा बढी हुन सक्छ ।।