“It’s not like it’s fucking loaded” is the best line to automatically disqualify someone from ever being around guns ever. The VERY first rule of gun safety is ALWAYS treat EVERY gun as if it’s loaded at all times. No exceptions.
The 1st rule is definitely treat guns as of they're loaded, even if the empty chamber is exposed. The 2nd rule, re-read the 1st. 3rd, read the first again. 4th, don't point the gun at anything you don't intent to shoot.
Seems like there’s regularly new news articles of someone getting shot on accident because “I didn’t think it was loaded!” And it’s devastating how often the victims in those cases are children.
So the baby was essentially abandoned for nine hours; no food, no toilet breaks, no change of clothing, no contact or comfort from another person. I shudder to think what that kid will be like in later life if this level of neglect is a common practice - all to save a few dollars that didn't need saving anyway.
We can only hope they grow up into Matilda and gets revenge on them, but seriously this is just sickening... A lot can happen to an unsupervised baby like falling out of the crib not to mention no food or clean diapers... They obviously don't care about their kids and are the type who shouldn't reproduce...
The last story is just horrifying. I might not be experienced with kids, but even I know a baby needs constant care to remain healthy, and even a nine hour gap isn't acceptable. That mom is horrifying, and I hope wherever she fled to, she still got busted for child neglect, because that has to count as neglectful. And her reason for not informing OP is so callous! Seriously, she cared about her wallet more than her literal baby?!
I’m thinking the parents were drugging the baby with Benadryl or some other medicine to keep him/her asleep soundly all night. It’s definitely not unheard of for some (abusive) parents to do that.
I shudder to think what that baby could grow up into, they could grow up with abandonment or self esteem issues or they could grow up to become a serial killer or tyrant. I sure hope someone called Child Protective services, that those kids are in a better place and that that mother has lost all rights to reproduce.
I agree. CPS should’ve been involved. As a daycare worker, I cannot process the level of neglect here. No feeding, changing, checking through their sleep, anything. I’m surprised that there was no crying from the baby, as of course they vocalise their discomfort from hunger etc. Not to mention that they let a 9 year old watch shows like South Park. They knew they did wrong as they then skipped the country before repercussions started.
As a mother I can’t imagine not telling the babysitter that there’s a baby to take care of as well. Nine hours is a long time to just leave a baby without supervision. RSlash is right: so much could have gone wrong and there’s no guarantee that the nine year old would have said anything about the baby.
Yeah, like in the fire scenario, what if the 9 YO was in shock and didn't say anything, or somehow got incapacitated and couldn't tell you there was a baby upstairs? Or just didn't say anything at all because his parents told him to not mention the baby to the babysitter? Or just didn't mention the baby for whatever reason because kids aren't the best at making good decisions?
Can you imagine being that babysitter, and the baby poops or something, so he starts crying, and you, as the babysitter, suddenly start hearing ghost baby cries... That would be a shock, particularly if you know about those stories of people playing baby cries outside windows to lure out and attack those inside the house
I actually would Stop counting on her. If she Comes over newer prepare anything If she invites me Show Up when i have time anyways. Holidays allways do my own Thing she can Show Up If she wants.
Man, I definitely would. Or I'd start making excuses as to why we couldn't come visit or why she couldn't come visit. Then if she complained about nobody coming to visit her, then just say, "Well, you stupid bitch, every time we come to visit you're gone for four hours!" She definitely doesn't have any respect for the OP, her son, or her grandkids.
Yeah, in general on the topic of "what about my personal rights/freedom??!!" I often can only think "what about the rights of other people you're impacting?" But this is equally crucial too For example, maybe shouting something incredibly maliciously racist at a black family isn't TECHNICALLY against the law, because though undeniably racist and stupid, it's protected under free speech.. That doesn't mean that you're protected from the father punching you in your stupid face, or the neighborhood uploading your rant to FB and perhaps you'll be fired etc You're free to say your stupid shit without the gov locking you up, but that doesn't extend to the gov also then sheilding you from the consequences
"free country" what was that really supposed to mean? hey, there are things called "laws", but they think that saying "the country is free" makes the laws disappear
And what's really sad is even when the babysitter DOES charge for two kids, it's not like double their rate or anything, it's usually only a dollar or two extra an hour. So they locked up their baby basically without supervision (since the babysitter had no clue it was there) and probably drugged it with cough syrup or something to keep quiet for nine hours all to save a whopping $10-$20. Good to know exactly how much their child means to them.
Free exe downloaded Freedom to do anything exe downloaded Freedom of speech exe downloaded Freedom to take other people’s property downloaded Freedom to let kids endanger themselves and cuss out random strangers exe downloaded Freedom to be entitled pending
Nanny story: what baby willing stays quiet for 9 HOURS?!?! What baby does not cry after 9 hours of no food, diaper changes or human contact?!? Then the parents leave the country?!
The parents might’ve been drugging the baby to make him/her sleep longer. And I’m guessing they left the country because OP’s mom contacted CPS and CPS found evidence of neglect or abuse.
That last story about the baby makes me genuinely angry, that’s so terrible. You can’t leave a baby alone for 9 HOURS! That’s literally the definition of child endangerment.
Just wanted to say that. UNDEAD cats are the unreliable one. Especially Schroedinger's. You don't even know if it's dead or alive. (Edit: DANG, got also beat on the Schroedinger's cat joke.)
Who else feels bad for this kid in the second story? His father is probably the most unwittingly entitled person we've seen in a long time. I have rarely seen someone so unaware of basic sense, yet so god damn entitled.
I always love when people take the term "free country" and assumes that it gives them the clear to do anything they want without repercussions. It's "freedom of choice", not "freedom from consequences". But as with anything, they'll only ever apply rules when it benefits them.
The problem with people like you is you assume that repercussions means the government has the right to arrest people and throw them in jail for doing things that are constitutionally protected. You're just another authoritarian control freak like the Communists governments who have killed 100 million people. But you also refuse to condemn communism.
I really enjoy how OP went out of his way to make sure the kids had a good time with the gun and even gave him contact info for his "other guardian" to bring him. Too often I've seen kids get treated badly because their parents suck
Grandma: "Lol I guess they have to wait for me since I'm out, there's nothing they can do about it. XD" OP and Family: *Leaves and have fun on their own* Grandma: *Surprised Pikachu Face*
She's also a massive hypocrite. She's pissed when they're not waiting for her to show up, yet when they wait for her to come to their house, she cancels on them like "oopsie, my bad!"
You’ll be surprised how many plane Karen’s ask for a complete strangers phone so their “precious baby” can play on it but they hadn’t teached their kid not to talk to strangers.
I would be truly shocked if someone ask for my phone. The only time I could ever envisage me handing my phone over is if there were some sort of emergency or a bad accident
The teen, rifle, and jerk dad: I own firearms. My son owns firearms. I would never handle firearms in front of my grandchildren without parental permission each time, much less let the children handle them. OP was just being respectful of the parents. Jeez.
I’m expecting a follow up to the gun story: “TIFU by encouraging a 15 y/o to join my gun club, resulting in his mom shooting and killing his father” Seriously, that guy has anger issues. I wouldn’t be surprised if he takes his anger out on his wife and kid.
@@wannabehistorian371 Today i did the right thing, based on the narrative that the father is a violent man, she probably would be protecting herself and her son.
@TheSystem You assume it’s loaded so that you don’t accidentally put a bullet somewhere you don’t want it to go. The point being, don’t take your friends word for it or even trust yourself without fully checking to make sure. People make mistakes, and gun safety rules are there to mitigate them.
The parents were gone for NINE HOURS and the baby never cried once? That's just as disturbing as the fact that they didn't even bother telling OP that there was a baby. In that length of time if would've needed at least one diaper change, not to mention that it was probably starving. Just how neglected is this kid if it seems to have already figured out that crying is futile?!
Holy shit that last story dropped my jaw to the floor. I don't understand how someone could knowingly leave their own child locked in a room for 9+ hours with no food, comfort, anything, and exactly like rSlash said, what if there was a fire or something? Electrical fires happen all the time, to the fault of no one and that baby would have unfortunately been a goner. People are so smooth brained that it's mind blowing.
rSlash’s Southern accent is absolutely amazing, solid 10/10. I dunno how accurate it is as I’m from Scotland, but I’d like to think all southerners sound exactly like rSlash!
There are diffrent types of southern they all sound the same but have diffrent levels of accent. For example someone from Alabama has a more noticable southern drawl then me (I'm from Floridia)
I love rSlash, but the accent is a cartoon southern accent. It’s kind of like Mike Myers’ “Scottish” accent he uses for Fat Bastard. Not even close to accurate, but recognizable as what it’s supposed to be.
Last story: They left the country unexpectedly... Something tells me they already did that before because they know their ways placed a target on their backs from CPS
does anyone think that rslash has a wheel of rslash stories like entitled parents and the others and he just spins it and whatever it lands on is the topic of the video for the day
@@furiousryan6917 Its probably a schedule. For example: Monday: choosing beggars. Tuesday: entitled parents. ect. I don't know for sure but that's what I think
He also tends to use the exact same stories multiple times per week, if not more. I love his narration and his videos, but there was a video recently that I just couldn't sit through since literally over half of it was just the exact same content he had posted maybe a day or two before, like nearly 10 minutes of it. Obviously not everyone is a daily listener or anything, so it's not going to bother anyone, but I had to do a double-take because I thought I might be going crazy.
I got dumped with a baby and didn't think much of it until now. How do you simply forget a baby in a carseat? Thank God I don't babysit for that Karen anymore
It's because they were at a club / range, so you pretty much know most people there are sane and won't risk their freedom to shoot you over silly confrontations.
As a parent I'm absolutely horrified by the last story. Not only was the babysitter not informed that there was an infant in the house, the infant didn't make itself known for 9 hours?! What did they do to the baby to make it stay quiet that long! What if it smothered and died!
That entitled mother in law is probably one of those types that will just barge into your house when she wants but can't even be home when she expect you at her house.
I find the baby story a bit though to believe. I’ve never walked into a house with a baby and not known it instantly. There are so many clues starting with smell. Baby products or packaging in the fridge, cupboards, counters. Not to mention toys. And in 9 hours a 9 year old never once mentions “the baby”?
OMG OP's mother in law is my father in law!! He wants us to visit and either cancels, isn't there or if he is there, demands we do housework for him. He never visited even if he said he would. He cusses us out and belittles us every chance he gets. We tried to tell him a few times we were moving across the country a few times before we left but he would start his pity me fits or start fighting so we didn't. When he found out he cussed us out, tried to do the pity me thing and said he is removing us from the will if we don't come back. FYI he was the one who kept telling us he has no real family in the area over and over, we lived 1 hr away. The final staws was when he called me the r word, IQ of 163, because I proved him wrong and his harassment of our youngest son. He has pushed his entire family away because he has to be right and have everyone do as he instructs and punishes family by suing them, harrassment, or removal from will. We're done. His daughter even moved across country also. Some people have to be so dominant of everything it's rediculace!
My child sleeps a LOT, up to 13 hours. He's not sick he's just a good sleeper but i would never leave him alone... just the thought of what could've gone wrong gives me goosebumps. That poor babysitter and even worse the poor children
The ring thing caught my attention. I got engaged in 2013 and several years later my friend texted me on April Fools day telling me she got engaged. I had already been pranked that day so I was like "suuuure...", and then she sent me a pic of what looked like my own finger with the exact same ring :D I initially thought she had taken a pic of my finger in secret (we have similar hands) but it turned out her boyfriend had picked out the EXACT same ring as mine without knowing (white gold, 13 tiny diamonds, not too expensive). This was all fine and we still laugh about it since we just thought it was a funny coincidence. But then my friend's mother saw the ring, and hastily decided to get engaged to her boyfriend, with the EXACT same ring but in yellow gold. This is when my friend saw red about her mom. It even turned out my friend's mom had booked a wedding time on the same day in the same place as her like an hour apart, "just because". As far as I know, my friend's mom and her bf didn't have any immediate plans of getting engaged and married back then, but apparently getting married on the same day as her own daughter was the exact right time. Smh
This is a first for me. I actually believe watching an R rated movie in a location where kids can see it is wrong. Content intended for adults should not be viewed in public.
I agree. There is a time and place. The fact also OP called the kid 'crotch goblin' makes me think they don't like kids. Probably the type who thinks nice restaurants shouldn't allow them to eat there as well.
Omg that last one just makes my heart break and race knowing that at some point that baby woke up and was likely crying and screaming until it was exhausted and it's tiny little brain finally made it go into survival mode and just be quiet. OR worse, the parents gave the baby something to make it sleep for those full 9 hours. Someone please save this baby
The irony of somebody calling a Karen because I have a bratty child while simultaneously acting like a Karen because neither of them were wearing their mask correctly so that was annoying..... 🙄😂
@@gothicgolem2947 the so-called Karen is complaining about the original posters movie watching experience despite the fact that the original poster has the freedom to do as they so please because you know America. Yet the original poster is complaining about the so-called Karen not wearing their mask properly despite the fact that the Karen should also have the right to do as she pleases. Forcing people to wear a mask is no different than trying to force somebody to not watch a movie that you don't like. You really need to learn to tie these things together so that you don't look like a hypocrite when you start complaining otherwise it really makes your entire argument seem idiotic
@@fletcher0411 that sounded more like something she thought but didn't tell the other person, unlike the EP who actually told OP to stop watching a movie. Also if the airline was enforcing mask usage then she would have been in the right to call them out for that.
I’m glad OP in the second story protected her kid from the selfish grandma. My mother was like that too, she even missed my high school graduation. Like OP, I’m not gonna tolerate that happening to my kids, damn generational trauma and abuse
I'm so SO SO thankful that I don't come from a family of wedding-minded women. No one cared about rings or how big they are (except my sister, but she LOVES jewelry in general). I was not raised with the notion that a bigger ring equals a better man/marriage. My mother only has bigger rings now because my stepdad loves to spoil her. My sister gets her rings professionally checked, cleaned, polished, and tightened because that's how she is. My ring is a family heirloom from my inlaws. Even my sister loves is, and it's tiny compared to her huge rocks, LOL. So wow, during my own wedding, I was so lost and didn't know what to do, but so thankful that I know rings are just a symbol and you're just as married without one on your finger. EF that mom.
@@starbird3939 I haven’t seen that one :0 I’ll definitely check it out. I saw the stage performance recorded in 1982 with George Hearn and Angela Lansbury first before seeing the movie
Yes. Yes. YES! Nerds with guns. Shiloh Sharps. 1874 .45-110 "Quigley" Buffalo Rifle. Gun named in reference to Crazy Cora. That story made my night. And yes, my dad has a Sharps, not the Quigley model, but one similar and they are HEAVY guns.
@@MasterVideoStudios Um... Occupied? From which country? There's a difference between a revolution and an invasion y'know. Mugabe wasn't an invader, so how could he occupy his own country?
Half a metre, about 1.5 feet. That's how large the flash can be depending on calibre. Actors and actresses in movies need to be trained to be safe with guns loaded with blank rounds. CGI is preferred because it lowers risk. It doesn't matter that it's a blank, it can still wound or disable someone.
I have a feeling they don't care enough to know what South Park is beyond a cartoon! I'm 30 and I watch South Park and I won't let my kids watch till they are WAY older! When will parents learn that adult animation is a thing and it is not okay for young kids to watch.
Back on one of my first flights as a kid, I had a really nice gentleman notice that I was bored and he offered to give me his tablet for the flight so I could play fruit ninja! It was awesome and I had never had a gadget before so it was pretty new to me.
The second to last story had my husband questioning me if I had written it about my MIL lol he didn't fully believe me until OP got to the 4th of July 😂
The last one reminded me of another r/slash story where a dog-sitter was asked to look after a families dog while they were going away for as few days She met the dog a couple days beforehand to get a idea on the type of dog and what it's like It all went fine Then on the night the couple went away she thought she'd be greeted by the dog Nope, there was a 9 year old girl there OP asked about the dog and if the people who left were her parents The little girl said they borrowed the dog from next door and the couple were her parents OP was pissed at the fact that they left a child alone with a complete stranger and expected her to look after the child when she's a dog sitter So she gave the girl something to eat while she contacted CPS and the police and explained what happened
It is a free country. You can do whatever you want UNTIL it infringes on the rights of others. You can go out in the middle of the desert and jump around naked screaming to your heart's content. Do it in downtown Manhattan then there's a problem.
“It’s not like it’s fucking loaded” is the best line to automatically disqualify someone from ever being around guns ever. The VERY first rule of gun safety is ALWAYS treat EVERY gun as if it’s loaded at all times. No exceptions.
If his loaded or not he shouldn't be pointing at him like what the f*** like how is he feeling opined on the same thing to him that'll be a twist
The 1st rule is definitely treat guns as of they're loaded, even if the empty chamber is exposed.
The 2nd rule, re-read the 1st.
3rd, read the first again.
4th, don't point the gun at anything you don't intent to shoot.
Seems like there’s regularly new news articles of someone getting shot on accident because “I didn’t think it was loaded!”
And it’s devastating how often the victims in those cases are children.
I don’t know a lot about guns, but ffs even I know that!
@@Annie_Annie__ its also pretty crazy how many people are getting hurt by armed toddlers.. yes.. armed toddlers..
So the baby was essentially abandoned for nine hours; no food, no toilet breaks, no change of clothing, no contact or comfort from another person. I shudder to think what that kid will be like in later life if this level of neglect is a common practice - all to save a few dollars that didn't need saving anyway.
Right?! I’m so furious about this story on so many levels.
We can only hope they grow up into Matilda and gets revenge on them, but seriously this is just sickening... A lot can happen to an unsupervised baby like falling out of the crib not to mention no food or clean diapers... They obviously don't care about their kids and are the type who shouldn't reproduce...
@@cantpickauser - I hope/wish OP reported them for child neglect.
A serial killer in the making.
@@ianl1052 - with the first two candidates right there in the house
The last story is just horrifying. I might not be experienced with kids, but even I know a baby needs constant care to remain healthy, and even a nine hour gap isn't acceptable. That mom is horrifying, and I hope wherever she fled to, she still got busted for child neglect, because that has to count as neglectful. And her reason for not informing OP is so callous! Seriously, she cared about her wallet more than her literal baby?!
I’m thinking the parents were drugging the baby with Benadryl or some other medicine to keep him/her asleep soundly all night.
It’s definitely not unheard of for some (abusive) parents to do that.
I shudder to think what that baby could grow up into, they could grow up with abandonment or self esteem issues or they could grow up to become a serial killer or tyrant. I sure hope someone called Child Protective services, that those kids are in a better place and that that mother has lost all rights to reproduce.
DEFINITELY time for a CPS call. Kinda makes you wonder what else they may have been hiding.
I sat here with my mouth agape when rSlash was reading that part of the story.
I agree. CPS should’ve been involved. As a daycare worker, I cannot process the level of neglect here. No feeding, changing, checking through their sleep, anything. I’m surprised that there was no crying from the baby, as of course they vocalise their discomfort from hunger etc. Not to mention that they let a 9 year old watch shows like South Park. They knew they did wrong as they then skipped the country before repercussions started.
As a mother I can’t imagine not telling the babysitter that there’s a baby to take care of as well.
Nine hours is a long time to just leave a baby without supervision.
RSlash is right: so much could have gone wrong and there’s no guarantee that the nine year old would have said anything about the baby.
Yeah, like in the fire scenario, what if the 9 YO was in shock and didn't say anything, or somehow got incapacitated and couldn't tell you there was a baby upstairs? Or just didn't say anything at all because his parents told him to not mention the baby to the babysitter? Or just didn't mention the baby for whatever reason because kids aren't the best at making good decisions?
The moment RSlash was talking about the Cowboy thing with has bad western accent, I was so happy. I freaking love Cowboy stuff!
It feels like he has been waiting for years for the opportunity to do that :D
As a Texan who loves guns, best thing ever
@David Reads Never actually thought about this. I'm actually female so I guess it would be Roxie Mercer. Thanks!
(tips hat in Texan gal) Well thank ya kindly, stranger!
Same. I love John Wanye movies growing up 🤠
The EM in the last story needs to be arrested for endangering that infant!
Probably why they left the country, OP's mom for sure tipped CPS off in their direction
@@nachtaron that's what I was thinking too.
Can you imagine being that babysitter, and the baby poops or something, so he starts crying, and you, as the babysitter, suddenly start hearing ghost baby cries... That would be a shock, particularly if you know about those stories of people playing baby cries outside windows to lure out and attack those inside the house
@@IshbelJekyllhyde hol up, people use baby sounds to lure victims?! Fucking hell?!
why do you think they left the country?
Honestly, the selfish Grandma deserves everyone that she's doing the same Sh goes No Contact with her and block her so she can't pout anywhere.
I'd demand a key to her house to get inside and wait comfortably, if you wait at all.
I actually would Stop counting on her.
If she Comes over newer prepare anything If she invites me Show Up when i have time anyways. Holidays allways do my own Thing she can Show Up If she wants.
I don't understand how op keeps going for that. One time should be the first and last time.
I would just pull up to her house unannounced when she's there so she has no excuses for making me wait. If she tries to leave, we leave too.
Man, I definitely would. Or I'd start making excuses as to why we couldn't come visit or why she couldn't come visit. Then if she complained about nobody coming to visit her, then just say, "Well, you stupid bitch, every time we come to visit you're gone for four hours!" She definitely doesn't have any respect for the OP, her son, or her grandkids.
1st one ended up being wholesome. I hope the kid and his mom makes good memories
My favorite way to say something about America’s freedom is “it’s a free country to do what you want, however you are not free from consequences
Yeah, in general on the topic of "what about my personal rights/freedom??!!" I often can only think "what about the rights of other people you're impacting?"
But this is equally crucial too
For example, maybe shouting something incredibly maliciously racist at a black family isn't TECHNICALLY against the law, because though undeniably racist and stupid, it's protected under free speech..
That doesn't mean that you're protected from the father punching you in your stupid face, or the neighborhood uploading your rant to FB and perhaps you'll be fired etc
You're free to say your stupid shit without the gov locking you up, but that doesn't extend to the gov also then sheilding you from the consequences
When these people say "it's a free country", they mean it in the Calvin And Hobbes sense: "I don't mean for everyone else, just for ME!"
"free country" what was that really supposed to mean? hey, there are things called "laws", but they think that saying "the country is free" makes the laws disappear
@@cuboembaralhado8294 and mandates
But if you have enough money, any crime is legal
Parents: oh man, I don’t want to pay for 2 kids... I KNOW! LET’S LOCK UP THE INFANT!
*Me wondering how the 9 yr old is still alive*
The things is they would pay more for 2 kids if it here 3 kids they would have to pay more ,but for 2 kids is the same price.
OP said he was relatively well behaved, I guess he just learned to survive on he's own :D
@@MindokInAh That’s really sad that he has to do that
@@MindokInAh that’s really sad, no 9 year old has to go through that that just makes you grow up too fast and miss out on childhood.
And what's really sad is even when the babysitter DOES charge for two kids, it's not like double their rate or anything, it's usually only a dollar or two extra an hour. So they locked up their baby basically without supervision (since the babysitter had no clue it was there) and probably drugged it with cough syrup or something to keep quiet for nine hours all to save a whopping $10-$20. Good to know exactly how much their child means to them.
The first dad didn’t finish social studies in school. He heard what they tell us in elementary and stopped listening there.
Free exe downloaded
Freedom to do anything exe downloaded
Freedom of speech exe downloaded
Freedom to take other people’s property downloaded
Freedom to let kids endanger themselves and cuss out random strangers exe downloaded
Freedom to be entitled pending
@@KarmaTube5 *turns on task manager*
@@jonmurray7658 *everything freezes for solid 50 long seconds while taskmanager struggles to open.*
@@KarmaTube5 when upgrading to 10mb ram is a major upgrade.
Nanny story: what baby willing stays quiet for 9 HOURS?!?! What baby does not cry after 9 hours of no food, diaper changes or human contact?!? Then the parents leave the country?!
Yeh I kinda want to call BS on that “story”.
Sadly.... there are parents that give benadryl to make them sleep.....
There are horrible people who give babies meds to keep them sleeping and quiet even though it's very dangerous.
The parents might’ve been drugging the baby to make him/her sleep longer.
And I’m guessing they left the country because OP’s mom contacted CPS and CPS found evidence of neglect or abuse.
Sadly some parents are like that, they might drug their child with Benadryl to make them sleep.
That last story about the baby makes me genuinely angry, that’s so terrible. You can’t leave a baby alone for 9 HOURS! That’s literally the definition of child endangerment.
A dead cat is VERY predictable and therefore reliable I’d say.
Except it’s schrödingers cat
@@AfriendlyFemboy except it both is and isn’t Shrodinger’s cat
@@camwyn256 except there’s no way to know that until you observe it at which point it’ll no longer be shrodinger’s cat
You're all wonderful :D
Just wanted to say that. UNDEAD cats are the unreliable one. Especially Schroedinger's. You don't even know if it's dead or alive.
(Edit: DANG, got also beat on the Schroedinger's cat joke.)
Who else feels bad for this kid in the second story? His father is probably the most unwittingly entitled person we've seen in a long time. I have rarely seen someone so unaware of basic sense, yet so god damn entitled.
I always love when people take the term "free country" and assumes that it gives them the clear to do anything they want without repercussions. It's "freedom of choice", not "freedom from consequences". But as with anything, they'll only ever apply rules when it benefits them.
These are the same people who don't know the true meaning behind the phrases "the customer is always right" and "blood is thicker than water".
@@ScooterBond1970 they probably don't know what "actions speak louder than words" means either
Muh freedomz!
The problem with people like you is you assume that repercussions means the government has the right to arrest people and throw them in jail for doing things that are constitutionally protected.
You're just another authoritarian control freak like the Communists governments who have killed 100 million people. But you also refuse to condemn communism.
@@melodyharpole8272 😂 Wow. Have another drink.
I really enjoy how OP went out of his way to make sure the kids had a good time with the gun and even gave him contact info for his "other guardian" to bring him. Too often I've seen kids get treated badly because their parents suck
Grandma: "Lol I guess they have to wait for me since I'm out, there's nothing they can do about it. XD"
OP and Family: *Leaves and have fun on their own*
Grandma: *Surprised Pikachu Face*
She's also a massive hypocrite. She's pissed when they're not waiting for her to show up, yet when they wait for her to come to their house, she cancels on them like "oopsie, my bad!"
No, surprised *Karen* face
You’ll be surprised how many plane Karen’s ask for a complete strangers phone so their “precious baby” can play on it but they hadn’t teached their kid not to talk to strangers.
@@MatchieMun you gotta treat 'em like cartoon vampires and find your holy symbol to brandish lmao
I would be truly shocked if someone ask for my phone. The only time I could ever envisage me handing my phone over is if there were some sort of emergency or a bad accident
The teen, rifle, and jerk dad: I own firearms. My son owns firearms. I would never handle firearms in front of my grandchildren without parental permission each time, much less let the children handle them. OP was just being respectful of the parents. Jeez.
I’m expecting a follow up to the gun story: “TIFU by encouraging a 15 y/o to join my gun club, resulting in his mom shooting and killing his father”
Seriously, that guy has anger issues. I wouldn’t be surprised if he takes his anger out on his wife and kid.
I'm hoping that they are divorced and this was just his weekend with his dad but that is the best case scenario...
Well I mean he sounds like the kind of asshole where it'd be better for everyone in the long run if he were out of the picture...
In that situation wouldn't he be posting in r/TIDTRT?
@@Juicewski2 What’s that.
@@wannabehistorian371 Today i did the right thing, based on the narrative that the father is a violent man, she probably would be protecting herself and her son.
"Do you need some bullet with this gun, kid?"
“Some bullet”
@@treasuretotrash2067 I'd say some, since i have no intention of collecting them from the body
Good grief.. Rule number 1 of gun safety, all firearms should be treated AS IF they are loaded at ALL TIMES.
@TheSystem You assume it’s loaded so that you don’t accidentally put a bullet somewhere you don’t want it to go. The point being, don’t take your friends word for it or even trust yourself without fully checking to make sure. People make mistakes, and gun safety rules are there to mitigate them.
@TheSystem Wait you weren’t being serious? Lol I had no idea
These rules help if people follow them stringently 🤷🏻♀️
The parents were gone for NINE HOURS and the baby never cried once? That's just as disturbing as the fact that they didn't even bother telling OP that there was a baby. In that length of time if would've needed at least one diaper change, not to mention that it was probably starving. Just how neglected is this kid if it seems to have already figured out that crying is futile?!
The Quigley rifle is indeed a "big gun". My grandpa has a replica and it's a beast 😊
It’s an amazing gun!!! My brother is saving up any cent he has to buy one!
Imma search it
Edit: Damn boi it looks noice
Perfect timing!! My train just got here: the best way to pass the time!!
Holy shit that last story dropped my jaw to the floor. I don't understand how someone could knowingly leave their own child locked in a room for 9+ hours with no food, comfort, anything, and exactly like rSlash said, what if there was a fire or something? Electrical fires happen all the time, to the fault of no one and that baby would have unfortunately been a goner. People are so smooth brained that it's mind blowing.
rSlash’s Southern accent is absolutely amazing, solid 10/10. I dunno how accurate it is as I’m from Scotland, but I’d like to think all southerners sound exactly like rSlash!
There are diffrent types of southern they all sound the same but have diffrent levels of accent. For example someone from Alabama has a more noticable southern drawl then me (I'm from Floridia)
@ZombieSazza His exaggerated Southern accent isn't really it at all. Source: I am from the South and have traveled to many regions in the South.
I love rSlash, but the accent is a cartoon southern accent. It’s kind of like Mike Myers’ “Scottish” accent he uses for Fat Bastard. Not even close to accurate, but recognizable as what it’s supposed to be.
I'm Southern and the answer is no we don't. But he's funny. 🤷♀️
That's actually not how they sound at all. Sure maybe some do but most don't.
I hope that everyone is having a good Tuesday.
So far so good.😊 thanks
You to man, you to
Mm-hmm. ☺️
You as well!
Last story: They left the country unexpectedly... Something tells me they already did that before because they know their ways placed a target on their backs from CPS
does anyone think that rslash has a wheel of rslash stories like entitled parents and the others and he just spins it and whatever it lands on is the topic of the video for the day
Then 95% of the wheel is entitled parents and choosing beggars
@@furiousryan6917 Its probably a schedule. For example: Monday: choosing beggars. Tuesday: entitled parents. ect. I don't know for sure but that's what I think
Yes he does
He also tends to use the exact same stories multiple times per week, if not more. I love his narration and his videos, but there was a video recently that I just couldn't sit through since literally over half of it was just the exact same content he had posted maybe a day or two before, like nearly 10 minutes of it. Obviously not everyone is a daily listener or anything, so it's not going to bother anyone, but I had to do a double-take because I thought I might be going crazy.
@@swordlillix huh??? i watch his videos alotttt and have started oing it daily and ive never seen that ever perhaps it was a editing error
"If he can't shoot when he's 4, what makes you think he's gonna succeed at shooting his shot later on?" 💀
Oh you don't have to worry about that if he's already killed himself.
Parents like this are some of the worst. Guns are so dangerous and these parents are delusional and a danger to people and their own children.
@@HobieInTheBox And this is exactly why the trope "Lethally Stupid" happens to exist, or at least one of the many reasons for why.
kid, if you don't want to see the murder, maybe... don't watch?
I know - he didn't have a right to watch.
You'll never find a Karen on Jet Blue for anyone that's flying
I got dumped with a baby and didn't think much of it until now. How do you simply forget a baby in a carseat? Thank God I don't babysit for that Karen anymore
The idiocy of telling an armed person you can do what you want astounds me.
It's because they were at a club / range, so you pretty much know most people there are sane and won't risk their freedom to shoot you over silly confrontations.
@@starcachehq it wasn’t, it was at a park…
Idiot from the story: "What are you doing on my property?!"
Me: "It's a free country, so I'm makin' myself a sandwich. Want one?"
"yea sure"
@@Urbanplaguegames588 tbh this kind of interaction would probably happen in somewhere like iceland where everybody's pretty chill lmao
I used to call my grandmother dragon lady.
Sounds like Plane Karens should be its own subreddit if it isn't already.
A Karen in a inclosed area with you that you can’t get out = bad news
As a parent I'm absolutely horrified by the last story. Not only was the babysitter not informed that there was an infant in the house, the infant didn't make itself known for 9 hours?! What did they do to the baby to make it stay quiet that long! What if it smothered and died!
That entitled mother in law is probably one of those types that will just barge into your house when she wants but can't even be home when she expect you at her house.
I find the baby story a bit though to believe. I’ve never walked into a house with a baby and not known it instantly. There are so many clues starting with smell. Baby products or packaging in the fridge, cupboards, counters. Not to mention toys. And in 9 hours a 9 year old never once mentions “the baby”?
That's what I'm saying
Perhaps the most American Entitled Parent in history.
AmeriKaren? AmeriKevin?
OMG OP's mother in law is my father in law!! He wants us to visit and either cancels, isn't there or if he is there, demands we do housework for him. He never visited even if he said he would. He cusses us out and belittles us every chance he gets. We tried to tell him a few times we were moving across the country a few times before we left but he would start his pity me fits or start fighting so we didn't. When he found out he cussed us out, tried to do the pity me thing and said he is removing us from the will if we don't come back. FYI he was the one who kept telling us he has no real family in the area over and over, we lived 1 hr away. The final staws was when he called me the r word, IQ of 163, because I proved him wrong and his harassment of our youngest son. He has pushed his entire family away because he has to be right and have everyone do as he instructs and punishes family by suing them, harrassment, or removal from will. We're done. His daughter even moved across country also. Some people have to be so dominant of everything it's rediculace!
Most children can handle the responsibility of a firearm, however the fathers reaction has me a bit hesitant
At least it seems the mother was far more cordial.
I'd be so scared to hear a baby cry when I didn't expect one to be home. Surprised the baby didn't cry once during 9 hours
My child sleeps a LOT, up to 13 hours. He's not sick he's just a good sleeper but i would never leave him alone... just the thought of what could've gone wrong gives me goosebumps. That poor babysitter and even worse the poor children
The dad about the gun must be part of the Sovereign Citizen movement.
Is it bad that anytime someone has the word "crotchgoblins" in their story, I immediately think "Yeah, that story isn't real"?
They can't add in words after the initial thing happened
"Plane Karens." There are official species variants! 😆😆
That cowboy story was really sweet. I’m glad OP didn’t take it out on the kid.
"There's a whole in a world like a great black pit, and it's filled with Karens' with smelly arm pits."
NGL. Read it in the song’s tune!
@@kristashafer93098 "Oh' There's no one like Karen!"
"We're nerds with guns" that's the best kind of nerd
Hell yeah the second I opened RUclips this showed up
Me too bud me too
Yes as fast as my 2740ms allows me to
You open it multiple times a day? I just spend all day on it
3:37, damn just googled the gun, thats a fine gun you got there
Oh dear...
Say it with me. "Rho-Dee-Zhun."
Came here looking for comments on that !!
The ring thing caught my attention. I got engaged in 2013 and several years later my friend texted me on April Fools day telling me she got engaged. I had already been pranked that day so I was like "suuuure...", and then she sent me a pic of what looked like my own finger with the exact same ring :D I initially thought she had taken a pic of my finger in secret (we have similar hands) but it turned out her boyfriend had picked out the EXACT same ring as mine without knowing (white gold, 13 tiny diamonds, not too expensive). This was all fine and we still laugh about it since we just thought it was a funny coincidence. But then my friend's mother saw the ring, and hastily decided to get engaged to her boyfriend, with the EXACT same ring but in yellow gold. This is when my friend saw red about her mom. It even turned out my friend's mom had booked a wedding time on the same day in the same place as her like an hour apart, "just because". As far as I know, my friend's mom and her bf didn't have any immediate plans of getting engaged and married back then, but apparently getting married on the same day as her own daughter was the exact right time. Smh
We need more entitled parents and kids videos
This is a first for me. I actually believe watching an R rated movie in a location where kids can see it is wrong. Content intended for adults should not be viewed in public.
I agree. There is a time and place. The fact also OP called the kid 'crotch goblin' makes me think they don't like kids. Probably the type who thinks nice restaurants shouldn't allow them to eat there as well.
5:45 Treat every firearm like it’s loaded
Omg that last one just makes my heart break and race knowing that at some point that baby woke up and was likely crying and screaming until it was exhausted and it's tiny little brain finally made it go into survival mode and just be quiet. OR worse, the parents gave the baby something to make it sleep for those full 9 hours. Someone please save this baby
The irony of somebody calling a Karen because I have a bratty child while simultaneously acting like a Karen because neither of them were wearing their mask correctly so that was annoying..... 🙄😂
huh what do you mean
You having a stroke there bud?
@@gothicgolem2947 the so-called Karen is complaining about the original posters movie watching experience despite the fact that the original poster has the freedom to do as they so please because you know America. Yet the original poster is complaining about the so-called Karen not wearing their mask properly despite the fact that the Karen should also have the right to do as she pleases. Forcing people to wear a mask is no different than trying to force somebody to not watch a movie that you don't like.
You really need to learn to tie these things together so that you don't look like a hypocrite when you start complaining otherwise it really makes your entire argument seem idiotic
@@fletcher0411 i mean tbh it could have been the law at the time to wear masks and she didnt say anything and its about saving people
@@fletcher0411 that sounded more like something she thought but didn't tell the other person, unlike the EP who actually told OP to stop watching a movie. Also if the airline was enforcing mask usage then she would have been in the right to call them out for that.
I bet the mom of the bride is going to show up to her daughter's wedding in a white lace dress. She is exactly that type lol
Hm...I gotta say that dead cats are extremely reliable. They always are there...
6:32 He had the perfect moment to change "quickly" to "quigley"
The nine year old likes South Park- that sounds like me when I was seven 😂
6 for me, I had watched zombie movies, I have been listening to eminem since then too, south park is one of my all time favorite shows
@@akumabazooka9169 I was just too busy playing skylanders (if u played post your Main down below
@@akumabazooka9169 for me it was South Park, family guy for as long as I can remember, Rick and morty, and American dad lol
I’m glad OP in the second story protected her kid from the selfish grandma. My mother was like that too, she even missed my high school graduation. Like OP, I’m not gonna tolerate that happening to my kids, damn generational trauma and abuse
Someone yesterday commented that today was gonna be an entitled parents video 🤣 wherever you are hats off to you sir.
I'm so SO SO thankful that I don't come from a family of wedding-minded women. No one cared about rings or how big they are (except my sister, but she LOVES jewelry in general). I was not raised with the notion that a bigger ring equals a better man/marriage. My mother only has bigger rings now because my stepdad loves to spoil her. My sister gets her rings professionally checked, cleaned, polished, and tightened because that's how she is. My ring is a family heirloom from my inlaws. Even my sister loves is, and it's tiny compared to her huge rocks, LOL. So wow, during my own wedding, I was so lost and didn't know what to do, but so thankful that I know rings are just a symbol and you're just as married without one on your finger. EF that mom.
I’m the author of the first story and I can confirm, plane Karen’s are a different breed of Karen 🙄🤚
Hey Op1. If you get the chance, try to find the concert version of Sweeney Todd. Patti Lapone as Mrs. Lovette is a blast.
@@starbird3939 I haven’t seen that one :0 I’ll definitely check it out. I saw the stage performance recorded in 1982 with George Hearn and Angela Lansbury first before seeing the movie
Hang on, dead cats are incredibly reliable! You pretty much know exactly what they are gonna do. unlike those Schrodinger ones...
The relief I felt when I realized he wasn't going to be doing the accent for the whole story.
I was worried I would have to skip the main story if it continued...
Yes. Yes. YES! Nerds with guns. Shiloh Sharps. 1874 .45-110 "Quigley" Buffalo Rifle. Gun named in reference to Crazy Cora. That story made my night. And yes, my dad has a Sharps, not the Quigley model, but one similar and they are HEAVY guns.
I abandoned a shitty resin story time video for this masterpiece
op in that gun story was just so great. i love him
I love Sweeney Todd too.
"My mom just upgraded her wedding ring because my engagement ring was too nice"
RUclips ad - "Mom's, Mom's, Mom's, Mom's"
That's honestly the first time I've heard "Rhodesian" pronounced like that. Interesting.
Indeed. He's probably too young to remember what Zimbabwe was called before independence...
And isn’t “Rhodesian Ridgeback” one of the dragons from Harry Potter?
For those wondering, it's more like row DEEZ shen
@@AndrewHalliwell You mean before it was illegally occupied by an illegitimate communist government
@@MasterVideoStudios Um... Occupied? From which country? There's a difference between a revolution and an invasion y'know. Mugabe wasn't an invader, so how could he occupy his own country?
Story two is just:
I am heavy weapons guy.
And this... Is my gun.
America is actually one of the least free countries as it’s one of the few countries that still have the death penalty amount many other reasons
As someone who had been around guns all his life, holding an unloaded firearm is no big deal. But that parent was waaay to aggressive.
Oooh, a sharps. Nice gun. Wasn’t the one in the movie customized for a different round than the standard sharps?
I belive it ran a .45-70, or at least the replicas do
The Sharps is like the General of guns! My brother wants a Sharps and I hope he gets it one day!
Fun fact for the gun story, BLANKS STILL HURT FROM UP CLOSE!
Half a metre, about 1.5 feet. That's how large the flash can be depending on calibre. Actors and actresses in movies need to be trained to be safe with guns loaded with blank rounds. CGI is preferred because it lowers risk.
It doesn't matter that it's a blank, it can still wound or disable someone.
not me actually refreshing your page for the past five minutes bc I couldn't wait for the video 🙈
Rule #1 of gun safety. Always treat a gun like its loaded.
7 comments in 40 seconds... jheeeez you've blown up!!! Good for you man!
Im so happy that op didnt let the entitled dad ruin the kids fun. That and the mom sounds far more level headed, I bet it made that kids week
don't let the kid watch the Christmas Critters episode of South Park even if his parents are okay with him watching the show.
I have a feeling they don't care enough to know what South Park is beyond a cartoon! I'm 30 and I watch South Park and I won't let my kids watch till they are WAY older! When will parents learn that adult animation is a thing and it is not okay for young kids to watch.
Back on one of my first flights as a kid, I had a really nice gentleman notice that I was bored and he offered to give me his tablet for the flight so I could play fruit ninja! It was awesome and I had never had a gadget before so it was pretty new to me.
The last story: that means this baby wasn't fed or had a diaper change for 7 hours.
Wow. A parent so entitled they manage to get offended when you defer to their authority regarding their child. I mean that’s next level.
EP: “gIvE mY cHiLd YoUr GuN¡?”
Me: Look I’ll give him one bullet ok?
EP: Well that’s-
Me: *shoots child
correction *shoots ED
@@TheEnabledDisabled *shoots both
The kid didn't do anything lmao
@@fireiron369 The kid is a good kid, fuck the father
@@browhattheactualfu-2659 well you can never be too careful these days 🤷♂️
The second to last story had my husband questioning me if I had written it about my MIL lol he didn't fully believe me until OP got to the 4th of July 😂
People who talk about their guns like they are alive creep me out. The same goes for cars and other inanimate objects.
The "Cowboy action shooting " at 2:26 made me fall out of my chair
You'd think in the gun-toting culture of the USA, we'd be MORE intelligent about gun safety all things considered, right? Oh well...
2:26 I really love how RSlash has fun with reading these
"give my kid your gun!" normal america to me
The last one reminded me of another r/slash story where a dog-sitter was asked to look after a families dog while they were going away for as few days
She met the dog a couple days beforehand to get a idea on the type of dog and what it's like
It all went fine
Then on the night the couple went away she thought she'd be greeted by the dog
Nope, there was a 9 year old girl there
OP asked about the dog and if the people who left were her parents
The little girl said they borrowed the dog from next door and the couple were her parents
OP was pissed at the fact that they left a child alone with a complete stranger and expected her to look after the child when she's a dog sitter
So she gave the girl something to eat while she contacted CPS and the police and explained what happened
It is a free country. You can do whatever you want UNTIL it infringes on the rights of others. You can go out in the middle of the desert and jump around naked screaming to your heart's content. Do it in downtown Manhattan then there's a problem.
"nerds with guns" sounds like a good movie/anime idea
Or a band name
@@maieen2665 ooh! or a song name