Message of the cross Roman's 7 17

  • Опубликовано: 5 окт 2024

Комментарии • 53

  • @henrykater9728
    @henrykater9728 6 лет назад +12

    This is Swaggart's most important teaching. Its worth more than gold.

  • @woodrowpowell4441
    @woodrowpowell4441 5 лет назад +6

    I know that what they are teaching is the truth because it has taken my spiritual walk to another dimension: I am walking in spiritual victory for the 1st time in twenty years😁

  • @spikephillips1481
    @spikephillips1481 6 лет назад +6

    This gospel is worth more than gold Praise God

  • @jerrybrooks4717
    @jerrybrooks4717 Год назад +1

    People should tune into Son Life Broadcasting Message of the Cross Media Church Member God bless the ministry

  • @jamesburton8168
    @jamesburton8168 5 лет назад +2

    OBEDIENCE to the Holy Spirit, is were the victory is!! Rom. 1:5 says, " by whom we have received grace and apostleship FOR the obedience to the faith unto all nations"..... Please brothers do not tip- toe around obedience.... I do love the message tho! Praise God!!

  • @zz7713
    @zz7713 5 лет назад +2

    If God is one person how come Jesus said I did not come of myself but my father which is in heaven sent me

    • @LC-go1uh
      @LC-go1uh  5 лет назад

      True! It also says that he is sitting at the right hand of the father. Jesus also prayed to the, he also said he must go to the father in order to send a helper, which is the Holy Spirit. But no Christian agrees on everything, I still believe we're all just one body of Christ and we're always going to have a little bit of differences. The main thing is that we get Jesus right, it's really not worth arguing with a brother or sister.

    • @NoLove-gw2dn
      @NoLove-gw2dn 5 лет назад +2

      Water is once substance but can be 3 things liquid,ice and steam also take the egg for example u have the shell the egg white and the yellow yoke but it's one egg

    • @NoLove-gw2dn
      @NoLove-gw2dn 5 лет назад

      @@LC-go1uh but u are spot on brother as long as we have Jesus right we have EVERYTHING right! Glory be to God

    • @dariosimone2383
      @dariosimone2383 3 года назад +2

      They are one God in 3. God the father,,God the son Jesus ..and God the Holy Spirit.

    • @evahowe8078
      @evahowe8078 8 месяцев назад

      First of all you have to remember that God is a Spirit, and they that worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and Truth. JOHN: 4-24
      PSALMS 31:5
      Says that, God is truth.
      JOHN 1:17
      Says that Truth came by Jesus.
      JOHN 10:30
      Says that, Jesus and the Father were one.
      1CORINTHIANS 8:6
      Says that, To us there is one God, the Father of all, and one Lord Jesus Christ, are all things.
      1 JOHN 5:7
      Says that, there are 3 that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost, these 3 are one.
      Jesus did come of himself, because the Father was with him, It was the Holy Spirit . Because , GOD is a Spirit. The Father is a Spirit. Yes the Father was in heaven , He is a Spirit. So the Father and God being the same, as Holy Spirit. They were in Jesus.
      This isn't hard to figure out. The Bible plainly says the TRUTH.

  • @stannowlin6131
    @stannowlin6131 3 года назад +2

    What happened to walking in the spirit so that you don't fulfill the lust of the flesh that's the answer that's the solution

  • @TheEdie1958
    @TheEdie1958 3 года назад

    Tout Olga Scheps Franz Listz Symphony E Minor piano virtuoso, versatility, graceful poise and piano technique. Gramaphone British Classical Music publication pays have to the classic music community. God bless Sir and family.

  • @stevenjames7667
    @stevenjames7667 7 лет назад +5

    Please, if I may be so bold to say when you upload a video please post the month and year the video was done.

  • @LarzGustafsson
    @LarzGustafsson 6 лет назад +2

    God is not three persons. God is One. And His name is the Lord Jesus Christ. God is indivisibly One. I do love this teaching, but I disagree with you on the Godhead.

    • @LC-go1uh
      @LC-go1uh  6 лет назад

      Larz Gustafsson The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool. And this verse David is saying that God said to Jesus sit thou at my right hand that God is not going to say that to himself. The Bible also says that Jesus is seated at the right hand of the father. This shows you that there is a father above Jesus.

    • @LC-go1uh
      @LC-go1uh  6 лет назад

      Larz Gustafsson I don't agree with a lot of this guy's teachings, just as I don't agree with most of the teachings of preachers these days because a big part of it is wrong. In the end it is the word of God that is right and it's pretty clear to understand for anyone who reads it. The problem is most people claiming to be Christian don't even read it these days. My guess is 95% or more of the people in churches today have never even read the Bible all the way through one time. I've met people who have been going to church for years and they know absolutely nothing about the word of God. Most of them are not even saved at all.

    • @LC-go1uh
      @LC-go1uh  6 лет назад

      Larz Gustafsson Saying, Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done. You see Jesus himself even prayed to God the Father. And when all things shall be subdued unto him, then shall the Son also himself be subject unto him that put all things under him, that God may be all in all. Des Peres here basically says that Jesus himself will subject himself unto God when this world is all finished.

  • @hugoyliniemi1650
    @hugoyliniemi1650 4 года назад +1

    Jimmy Swaggart expositor's 1 Tim 3:2 says about the qualifications (these are qualities, and not qualifications as some claim). Jimmy rewrites the bible. All of my bibles in captions call them qualifications. Jimmy knows he isn't qualified according to 1 Tim 3:2, so he willingly desecrates the sacred words of the bible. Rev 22:18-19 I testify to everyone who hears the words of prophecy in this book: If anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book. Thankfully, he does get some people saved, but it doesn't qualify him to be pastor or church leader, according to 1 Tim 3:2. Jimmy still needs to repent.

    • @LC-go1uh
      @LC-go1uh  4 года назад +2

      Why do you keep writing that? You do realize that once a man repent, he is blameless? If he has put that stuff behind him and repented of it, why do you keep bringing it back up? He's not out there doing that stuff now. He's trying to spread the gospel all across the world. He's doing more for God then probably 99% of the other people out here. I truly believe that his heart is right with God, now. He made mistakes in the past and he admitted them. He repented in front of everyone. All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. If Christians out here in this world would spend more time building each other up instead of tearing each other down, they would be doing a whole lot more for God. Everywhere I look, people are tearing each other down in the body of Christ. There's not a single human being on this Earth that I agree with 100%, as far as the Bible goes. I haven't come across a single one. That's the way it is all through the body of Christ. Everybody sees things a little different. The number one thing that matters is what is inside of the heart. If this man is pure in his heart before God, then who are you to say otherwise? You don't know his heart and neither do I. I certainly believe that he is trying and that's more than I can say for a lot of people. This man could be the richest Pastor in the world, but he takes all that money and uses it to spread the gospel. Most of these preachers are storing it up for themselves. This guy is trying to get the word out and that's what he feels he is called to do. I admire him for that. He's not out here teaching of Prosperity Gospel. He's actually teaching people to clean their lives up. I honestly believe he is trying and I don't think it's right for people to tear each other down, in the body of Christ. I don't believe God is happy when he sees that stuff going on in his people. Everywhere I look, Christians are sitting around arguing about something. Some people in the body of Christ get along worse than people out here in the world. I can guarantee you, there's something you've done in the past that you are not proud of. It's the same with everyone of us. I hope you put that thing behind you and turned away from it, like Jimmy Swaggart did.

    • @emmanuelaikhuere4085
      @emmanuelaikhuere4085 Год назад

      Bro, think about it, is there any man without reproach, There's only one man without Reproach. That's the man on the Cross. I'll all say that we are dependent on the Cross, His Blood For Righteouness. we are all make mistake. Thank God For The Cross of Christ and the Power of His Resurrection.

    • @evahowe8078
      @evahowe8078 8 месяцев назад

      ​@@emmanuelaikhuere4085 Why couldn't you just have said, Jesus was the only man with our reproach? Why do this church talk about the cross as though it was Jesus.?? They are not the same. Yes the cross means something to me, but not in the way this doctrine is telling it. Jesus Christ died on the cross, He is not there anymore. Faith and the cross alone can't save you. It takes more than that. JESUS AND FAITH CAN !!

  • @LarzGustafsson
    @LarzGustafsson 6 лет назад +1

    What happened to that man's hand?

    • @saulcuello9622
      @saulcuello9622 4 года назад

      Pastor Larson lost his hand at work.... Construction work

    • @dariosimone2383
      @dariosimone2383 3 года назад

      Before. Pastor Larson was saved he had his hand trap in a big machine,he could have lost his life. And often he give is testimony about what happened

  • @dr.alanhales544
    @dr.alanhales544 2 года назад +1

    L C. why does Jimmy Swaggart call himself an Evangelist when he isn't one?. Philip is the only Biblical example of an Evangelist, and he had a signs, wonders, miracle and healing Ministry, Jimmy Swaggart doesn't. have those gifts. Jimmy is like Billy Graham, An Exhorter, he exhorts people to come to Christ for salvation.
    Jimmy Swaggart thinks because he preaches/ preached the gospel around the world, make him an Evengelist. he really doesn't know what a Biblical Evangelist is.
    You cannot believe everything that Jimmy Swaggart says, because he makes so many errors.

    • @LC-go1uh
      @LC-go1uh  2 года назад

      This is why.

    • @LC-go1uh
      @LC-go1uh  2 года назад

      Learn to pronounce
      a person who seeks to convert others to the Christian faith, especially by public preaching.
      "an American television evangelist"
      This is the definition of an evangelist in the dictionary. I would say he fits it pretty well.

    • @dr.alanhales544
      @dr.alanhales544 2 года назад +2

      @@LC-go1uh If you knew the Bible, you would know that Jimmy Swaggart makes so many errors. As I have said, he isn't an Evangelist, so he always begins his program with an error when he say he is an Evangelist.
      Jimmy also only teaches one third of the message of the cross, he refuses to believe the other two thirds.
      I take it you don't know the Bible that well, Just like Jimmy Swaggart doesn't

    • @LC-go1uh
      @LC-go1uh  2 года назад

      @@dr.alanhales544 it's not that big of a deal. There is not a single preacher in this world that I agree with 100%. I believe there are errors in every single one. The main thing is, what's in your heart. God looks at the heart! I seriously believe that Jimmy Swaggart has his heart right with God, these days. All this arguing about preachers and arguing in the body of Christ, is something the Bible speaks completely against. The Bible says "follow peace with all men, without which no man shall see the Lord". I definitely don't agree with everything the guy teaches, neither do I with any other preacher. What it comes down to is, do you love your brothers and sisters, even when they do have flaws? That's what Christianity is all about. I'm sure he's done more work for the Lord than I ever have. I'm sure he's reached more people for Jesus than I ever have. None of that stuff even matters to me. It's all about what is inside your heart and if you are following your conscience and doing all you know to do, then you're in good shape. We will all be improving until the end of our lives on this Earth. That stuff is not a big deal. It's much worse to argue with your brothers and sisters and constantly be criticizing their preaching because you don't agree with a part of it. Nobody has everything completely right. The guy is preaching what he believes God wants him to preach at the moment. There's a million more things a person could touch on in the Bible and preach about. People have different gifts and different people are called to do different things. Maybe this is what he feels like God would have him to do at the moment. I believe it is. Every one of us knows there's a whole lot more to the Bible than what we hear in the show or from any preacher. It's honestly not worth arguing and getting upset about. The only thing that will matter when you meet the Lord is what you have done with your life and how you have lived your life. Same goes for each and everyone of us. I don't worry about these preachers or what they do, I concentrate on my own relationship with the King. I have to keep my own heart pure and I don't believe you can do that if you have anger or some type of hostility toward one of your brothers or sisters in Christ. That's not what we are down here for. I used to be like that, but I grew out of it long ago. God told me once that everything you do, needs to be done in love. He told me that teachers will be held to a higher accountability. If you truly get Love in Your Heart Right, everything else will fall completely into place.

    • @dr.alanhales544
      @dr.alanhales544 2 года назад

      @@LC-go1uh Jimmy Swaggart doesn't have a heart that's right with God, He calls God and Jesus liars, he twists the scriptures on some doctrines, he misleads people, he preaches with hate some times,. he questions if true Bible Teachers are saved.
      Jimmy Swaggart also give a title to his messages, then speaks on things that are nothing to do with the title of his message.
      I have one of his DVDs and the only true thing he said was,
      "I'm going to speak for A FEW MINUTES on. Then he named the title".
      his message was 45 minutes long, and all accept for nine minutes he spoke on nothing to do with his title, he taught error, he even burst into song. Then when he finally got round to the title, he was wrong.
      he really deceives people.
      Why do you say that there are errors in every preacher?. There shouldn't be any errors, And there won't be if people study the Bible, the Biblical Hebrew and Greek. I know that I will have to give an account to everything that I teach, So I make sure I get the truths from the Bible , the Biblical Hebrew and Greek.

  • @dwayneday2895
    @dwayneday2895 3 года назад +1

    A that David under handly killed Uriel of psalm 51 an psalm 73 verse 14 tiglath corn wine an oil as thy gate of heaven of heavens of psalm as to the third heavenly gate as to the gate in heaven an the gate on earth of David time was on earth an that time be shorten 2160 an the prophecy we're talking about time table first heaven cloud s second heaven decon or elder athority of the church as the third heavenly throne the throne fix constellation Cassiopeia of the heavenly city oh gold Myra an river of life working of the third heavenly heaven of Zeus agois Adonay zadikiel Ariel saday Elion of the gloryifaction justification sanifacation purification as the power of an archangel ordained apostasy an doctrine of a disciple rev Dwayne L Day

    • @dwayneday2895
      @dwayneday2895 3 года назад

      The daily walk

    • @dwayneday2895
      @dwayneday2895 3 года назад

      What is the word you're not held accountable for Thy Word answer ignorant of the word subjection of the affliction the sojourn or walk brief of bible came for the stars an not to worship earth spirit of bethnul dose not father read judge no sin works compromise biblical understanding values