Alsom, for your viewers who may be confused, the quality he mentioned towards the end is verbatum what is offered in the replica market. There's 3 qualities. "standard" which is your basic poor blend of synthetics with a print on it. "Good" or "high" quality is more like a fashion hanes shirt with prints, sometimes tags. Top/1:1 quality means they mimic the manufactures blends of 100% cotton and even have the tags and sometimes the NFC chips to a dupe website so people think it's authentic. Everything dude was selling was made in Fujian, Shenjin, and Putian China. His shop is too small to get an MOQ for some of the items to buy direct from a factory so he probably bought from a Tout in Guangzhou making his prices slightly higher than factory direct but allowed him to mix and match the MOQ total.
I like *amzclothes* 's replica goods very much. I have to admit that their products are really well done. There are many styles and colors to choose from. I've had it for a week now and I'm very happy with it.
To be honest, some of their prices they started off with aren't really that bad. Most of those replicas come from Fujian China, not the turkish domestic replica houses. So considering that initial cost plus the DDP to arrival, yeah, they're only making a 40% mark up, compared to formal retailers that make 100% or higher mark ups per piece,
Alsom, for your viewers who may be confused, the quality he mentioned towards the end is verbatum what is offered in the replica market. There's 3 qualities. "standard" which is your basic poor blend of synthetics with a print on it. "Good" or "high" quality is more like a fashion hanes shirt with prints, sometimes tags. Top/1:1 quality means they mimic the manufactures blends of 100% cotton and even have the tags and sometimes the NFC chips to a dupe website so people think it's authentic. Everything dude was selling was made in Fujian, Shenjin, and Putian China. His shop is too small to get an MOQ for some of the items to buy direct from a factory so he probably bought from a Tout in Guangzhou making his prices slightly higher than factory direct but allowed him to mix and match the MOQ total.
I like *amzclothes* 's replica goods very much. I have to admit that their products are really well done. There are many styles and colors to choose from. I've had it for a week now and I'm very happy with it.
Where is the place?
Mahmutpaşa Bazaar
To be honest, some of their prices they started off with aren't really that bad. Most of those replicas come from Fujian China, not the turkish domestic replica houses. So considering that initial cost plus the DDP to arrival, yeah, they're only making a 40% mark up, compared to formal retailers that make 100% or higher mark ups per piece,
Where is the place bro?
Mahmutpaşa Bazaar
Worst stone island replica ever
His price is close to original one, Come on man you’re item still fake!
His price is close to original one, Come on man you’re item still fake! Thailand is better than this.