I wouldn’t say the series... Or even part 5. Purple haze is dangerous, *super* dangerous, compared to others like notorious B.I.G, made in heaven, and many others, there’s no comparison
@@Hailix4240 Still, at least for a 1v1 close range fight he is likely to win (if he isnt against a literal OP as shit opponent, for example, Over Heaven DIO)
2:36 Wow, Fugo's a lot like me: A really encouraging and nice friend, but goes ballistic when someone that's not him is goofing around when they shouldn't be.
Damn! This is so good! Great even! It'll definitely be a big hit in Europe! In all seriousness, This is extremely good! Fugo's voice was outstanding! The cast for this fandub was awesome! I can't get over how damn good this is! Great Job! Liked and Subscribed!
I JUST REALIZED Spoiler: Since Abbacchio was the fourth person to join Bruno after the first King Crimson fight, that's probably the reason why he died other than Diavolo had to kill him to save himself from being discovered. This scene right here foreshadows that event. No wonder Mista waited for someone to join Bruno. Araki you smart and beautiful man that you always are. If people already knew about this, then gosh I'm late.
Also, Narancia and Abbacchio were first introduced as part of a group of FOUR people in chapter FOUR Hundred Fifty-Six of the manga and episode FOUR of the anime.
One he wasn’t the 4th join, it seems Mista was from the anime not sure if the manga was the same can’t remember, but he did take the cake fist from the four.
KONO DIO DA Of the actual members of the gang, he was third, right after Bruno and Giorno, but if you include Trish in that count, then Abbacchio would be fourth, though Trish didn’t really have a choice in the matter since she was unconscious and Diavolo was trying to kill her.
I like how the people bitching about Narancia's female VA forget that women voice young boys *all the time*. Hell, Bart Simpson is voiced by a woman and you honestly can't tell. Also, there are men with incredibly fem vocal tones, and it does fit Narancia's general design, and remains intact due to the VA's range here. GG.
Gotta say, these voice actors are talented. If there was one character I never really had a voice for in my head while reading Vento Aureo, it was Mista. This voice actor seriously surprised me with his voice
I love when he says "Ugh then you dont have to eat" like really amazing or when he is like "Are for slices not enough? Do you want more?" AWWW SO WHOLESOME
1:45 When I was a kid, I had friend group of *4*. Something bad happened. One of them moved away and one of them turned *toxic* Now we have parted ways
@@the23rdpresidentfunnyvalen44 no problem! I was also searching for it then I finally remembered the lofi version! After I just searched in the video's comments! 😂😂
… why were they served 4 pieces? surely if Bruno frequents or even owns a share of the joint i'd assume they'd prepare a fifth slice or did Bruno not call ahead
Hey Soggy, what's the Italian-esque song that's playing in the background of this video? It's so relaxing and nice I just have to listen to the full version.
Narancia: Fugo stabbed me!!
Fugo: He was being stupid. So I stabbed him with a fork.
Giorno: Is this normal for you guys?
Buccellati: Only with Fugo.
Narancia sounds to pure for this world
Well, he's voiced by Deku in the official anime. So that statement still stands.
@@linearman0245 official voice is shit just like Deku
@@Mr.Prongles _Just like your opinion_
Narancia will fucking merc you at any moment.
@@CrystallizedBlackSkull man just got violated
You know what they say, if it acts like a lady, and looks like a lady, and sounds like a lady...
...it's probably a guy drawn by a Japanese artist.
Garrett Carter Narancia was inspired by the song *”Dude Looks Like a Lady”* so it’s also partly America’s fault.
But were talking about that same artist who likes to draw uber-muscle guys in magazine model poses. o_o;
Heh... have like
Q to the E to the D. Lady
I Can see why fugo has the most "Dangerous" Stand in the series Now it all makes sense
I wouldn’t say the series...
Or even part 5.
Purple haze is dangerous, *super* dangerous, compared to others like notorious B.I.G, made in heaven, and many others, there’s no comparison
@@Hailix4240 Still, at least for a 1v1 close range fight he is likely to win (if he isnt against a literal OP as shit opponent, for example, Over Heaven DIO)
Dude, it really is the most overpowered stand in Bucciarati's gang. Literally just walk close to it and you die.
Not only that but by design, he has one of the most unnerving and creepy looking Stands in the series
Mista is like "hello new husband?"
Futa - En to giogio
Abbachio lookin edgy in the corner with his headphones on
Probably listening to linking park or metallica
@@tangiehuck4346 Nah, his character profile says he likes classical musics.
Best performance of my entire career!
Weeaboss damn straight !
But you didn't do anything
Never change, Weeaboss
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
Nice work good work even if it wasn't much
I didn't expect that kind of voice from Bruno. This was awesome! Each voice was great :)
I have a hard time deciding on either NickATheVA or BasedPeter tbh
Imagine how cramped Arika's hand must be for drawing these clothing designs. Like holy crap look at all those fucking lines!
Naras voice makes me melt... Awwwwwwwww
This is so perfect
2:36 Wow, Fugo's a lot like me: A really encouraging and nice friend, but goes ballistic when someone that's not him is goofing around when they shouldn't be.
Damn! This is so good! Great even! It'll definitely be a big hit in Europe!
In all seriousness, This is extremely good! Fugo's voice was outstanding! The cast for this fandub was awesome! I can't get over how damn good this is! Great Job! Liked and Subscribed!
Fugo is one of my favorite Vento Aureo Characters
Yeah it would have been better than just...going away
Nah, I think it's good the way things are. This way we got Purple Haze Feedback.
he shouldve gone on the damn boat smh
@@user-he8dh1ou7n he would've killed his friends,i think he made the right choice.
You know..
Narancia kinda sounds like Tails now that I think about it..
Either way still a great fandub!
You mean the glorious Zipper Boy?
All Hail Zipper Boy
Dead Zone both Tails and Narancia are traps. No wait, theyre ambushes.
THANK YOU! I was just wondering Narancia's gender!
Except while Tails is a prodigy genius, Narancia has the intelligence of an empty bottle of Coke.
Narrancia: I like math
Fugo; good boy narrancia petting your head now
Narrancia: Oh yeah head pats
this is great my only gripe is narancia sounds too feminime but other than that this is great.
that's a guy. i guess my theory was right. There are no women in anime only very femine men
end this shitty trap meme, please
+Scwry kill meem
he may be a boy, but in ps2, asb, and eoh,he's half as feminine than his appereance
it ain't his fault.
Fugo: What's 6 times 3
Narancia: Thinking vewwy hard
fugo voice actor on point.
I'm 4 years late but thank you!!!
Since Abbacchio was the fourth person to join Bruno after the first King Crimson fight, that's probably the reason why he died other than Diavolo had to kill him to save himself from being discovered. This scene right here foreshadows that event. No wonder Mista waited for someone to join Bruno. Araki you smart and beautiful man that you always are. If people already knew about this, then gosh I'm late.
Also, Narancia and Abbacchio were first introduced as part of a group of FOUR people in chapter FOUR Hundred Fifty-Six of the manga and episode FOUR of the anime.
And he choose from 4 cakes.
But in mista flashback is the [4th] members of passion (only in the anime)
One he wasn’t the 4th join, it seems Mista was from the anime not sure if the manga was the same can’t remember, but he did take the cake fist from the four.
Of the actual members of the gang, he was third, right after Bruno and Giorno, but if you include Trish in that count, then Abbacchio would be fourth, though Trish didn’t really have a choice in the matter since she was unconscious and Diavolo was trying to kill her.
yo the official dub for this scene, honestly these voices sound kinda better, the official voices are gonna take a while to feel right
This was beautifully dubbed
What a Beautifull dub
Not gonna lie, I fucking howled with laughter after Narancia got the question wrong, and Fugo "corrected" her
McBandit Hope narancia is best girl
"Her" Heheheh. "Her"! Oh, this tickles my funny bone.
Holy shit "her"
"Best girl"
I can't even
i'm gonna feel so gangsta when i see this animated
Yeah, in like two months.
Feel so horny*
It's already animated bois
Hey guys guess what
If you think about it fugo stabbed narancia because he was mad at 4 slices of short cake, mista was right!!!
Noah Requiem tru
Oh yeah im ok from getting stabbed by a fork when someone walks in
Fok ! Buccellati voice is fucking manly as hell. A little bit too much maybe. Didn't expected that^^
Even offscreen animals still suffer horrific deaths.
Did animals went all Gestapo on Araki's family or something?!
horaciosi Ikr,poor kitten.
Mists is the luckiest man in part 5
I have to say, y'all did good, especially Narancia, I loved it
What the hell even is this song? Everything part 5 related has this song
It's from another anime's OST. I think it was about an Italian restaurant and it was also done by David Productions, I think.
its hermit purple's theme
when mista complains about the slices
its from a cooking anime. I think it takes place in Italy or something, whoch is why they made the connection
The name is musica paradiso track 1 or the lofi version is on the video goodbye jojo friday
Naranchia and Fugo are fighting until one of them got injured meanwhile, Abachio and Mista: "Just another Saturday for us."
*Fugo stabs Narancia
Mista: oh no he's mad **does* *nothing*
I like how the people bitching about Narancia's female VA forget that women voice young boys *all the time*.
Hell, Bart Simpson is voiced by a woman and you honestly can't tell.
Also, there are men with incredibly fem vocal tones, and it does fit Narancia's general design, and remains intact due to the VA's range here.
okay but when diesel fandub though?
king call
Ah yes, the iconic Mista expression.
Honestly I think you guys should do more FanDubs for part 5. This was awesome!!!
This dub taste good. Do more, I am hungry.
weeaboss is abbachio but barely said anything
wait a second. *i got a cat from someone who was giving away 4 cats and recently my cat has been scratching right near my eyes*
uhhh well
Gotta say, these voice actors are talented. If there was one character I never really had a voice for in my head while reading Vento Aureo, it was Mista. This voice actor seriously surprised me with his voice
I just want to say, that all these voices are perfect. Tone and inflections. Just perfect^^
2:30 just when you thought Fugo was the calm, rational member of the group
This won't help my problem with using male pronouns when talking about Narancia.
I love when he says "Ugh then you dont have to eat" like really amazing or when he is like "Are for slices not enough? Do you want more?" AWWW SO WHOLESOME
Bruno comes in like "What thr fuck did I say about stabbing eachother in the face with utensils?!"
Everyone has to remember mistas outfit has diamonds and those diamonds have four sides just think about that
That's not what I imagine Bruno's voice being
Great as always
Someone needs to make an anime version using these voices. I don't care if Narancia sounds too feminine, Bread nailed it!
This is underrated a'f fantastic
Great dub! All the voices are on point!
Why is Narancia so cute?
Sounds literally EXACTLY how I imagined them
Female voice actor for Narancia 10/10
>Doesn't show abbacchio walk to get in cake
>Does show abbacchio walk to get the cake
narancia i am in love with yuo
Wait don't its a trap
Which is ok
kirsten brown This comment have a lot of meaning
Positive comment
Wow, good use of Durararara music!
Omg so in love of Fugo's Voice its an amazing acting uwu so in love!!!
Thank you so much!
Hata teru?
Tomorrow we meet the bois once again.
Narancia is best boi
1:45 When I was a kid, I had friend group of *4*. Something bad happened. One of them moved away and one of them turned *toxic* Now we have parted ways
jojo part 5, narancia learns math
Bruno's voice is just.. *y u m m y*
This episode is gonna be so fun next week. And then...and then...9th circle of Hell...
*turns on boombox*
*starts dancing*
*tetraphopic boi joins in*
*swiss cheese boi joins in*
*_9 T H C I R C L E_*
0:03 song?
It's musica paradiso track 1 or the lofi version is on the video goodbye jojo friday
imagine a universe where narancia gets the question right and nobody dies because of it
I haven't seen part 5 already and i fucking LOVE narancia now
These used to be my main voices for the gang, then the golden wind anime dropped and i instantly got hooked. Seriously.
fugos voice here is better suited to him than the anime imo
What’s the background music in the start? It’s very pretty
It's musica paradiso track 1 or the lofi version is on the video goodbye jojo friday
This just made me more hype for episode 5
Abbachio looks strangely polite on last frame.
Love this song
What is the name?? Do you know it?
Mista: 4 Things of anything is bad luck.
Me: *mista..it’s a cake...*
Narancia and Fugo my fucking heart,,
I still remember when I first thought Fugo was the most normal member
Listening to Narancia's agony is my morning lofi mix.
What's the bg music called
It's musica paradiso track 1 or the lofi version is on the video goodbye jojo friday
@@louloudesjardins7071 1 year and finally a God hears my calling, thank you!
@@the23rdpresidentfunnyvalen44 no problem! I was also searching for it then I finally remembered the lofi version! After I just searched in the video's comments! 😂😂
narancia sounds like clem kinda
This is amazing I love it
Narancia is baby
whats the song in this ive been shearchin
… why were they served 4 pieces? surely if Bruno frequents or even owns a share of the joint i'd assume they'd prepare a fifth slice or did Bruno not call ahead
For the record, 16 x 55 is 880.
What is the name of the song in the beginning of the video?? I have to know! Please!
Fugo's voice is on point tho
Crap, I love Narancia, he’s adorable.
Everyone has voices I didn’t expect
Hey Soggy, what's the Italian-esque song that's playing in the background of this video? It's so relaxing and nice I just have to listen to the full version.
It's musica paradiso track 1 or the lofi version is on the video goodbye jojo friday
10 smartest anime charters
Why does bruno sound like he owns a goddamn food truck
They seem like a swell bunch of acquaintances
2:51 haha 😂 my favourite part