❤Be proactive and hold accountable for any criminal activities ❤. Banks must be held accountable. Their employees as well. Anyone involved in harmful activities must be held accountable. Any employees or bank president or board members involved in such criminal activities damageing the country economy should be banned from any financial institutions for live in addition to other penalties. One bank in US fined 3.1 billion dollars a few weeks ago.
Wushet aqumu....dollar/birr...birr mewudequ ayeqere new:: Why? We don't have anything new product or service to make the Export -Import = posetive We don't use the little hard currency that we have for important productive matters but Drones and military equipment.
National Bank Governor Mammo,
You are super genius and I am proud of you and your works.
Keep up your remarkable work.
Good job. One of my favorite young Ethiopian brilliant young leader.
God job Ethiopian government!
❤Be proactive and hold accountable for any criminal activities ❤. Banks must be held accountable. Their employees as well. Anyone involved in harmful activities must be held accountable.
Any employees or bank president or board members involved in such criminal activities damageing the country economy should be banned from any financial institutions for live in addition to other penalties.
One bank in US fined 3.1 billion dollars a few weeks ago.
አንዳንድ ባንኮች እኮ ሪፎርሙ ከጀመረ ጀምሮ እስካሁን ድረስ የውጭ ምንዛሪ ግብይታቸው ግልፅ አይደለም ለማን እንደሚሰጡ ለማን እንደሚከለክሉ ግልፅ መመሪያ የላቸው ሁሉም ደግሞ ዲፖዚት አድጉና እያሉ መጫዎቻ አድርገውናል የባንኮች አሰራር ይፈተሽ ያስቀመጥነውን ብር አልሰጥም ከማለት ጀምሮ እስከ እስከውጭ ምንዛሬ ግብይት ድረስ የሌብነት መንገድ ሆኗል
Forex application to any of the banks shall be online where NBE has back window access.
Come on guys??? Beshasha kid government you can see the one never seen .his government like Zimbabwe $1=$1000000ethiopan birr.
Wushet aqumu....dollar/birr...birr mewudequ ayeqere new:: Why?
We don't have anything new product or service to make the Export -Import = posetive
We don't use the little hard currency that we have for important productive matters but Drones and military equipment.
የብሄራዊ ባንክ የቁጥጥር ማነስ ነው እዚህ ሁሉ ችግር ውስጥ የከተተን ባንኮች እንኳንስ ለ L/c ዶላር ሊሰጡን ይቅር እና ለኢትዮጵያ ንግድ መርከብ የሚከፈለውንም አስመጪው ራሱ ዶላር ያቅርብ ብለው ሲያንከራትቱን እያወቀ ዝም ያለው ለምንድነው
For whom ? You and your friends?
ለACCA እና ለIIA ተማሪዎች አንድ ዶላር በ500 ብር የሚሸጠውን ብሔራዊ ባንክ አጠገብ ያለው ዳሸንን ለምን ማየት አቃታችሁ?