I changed my scaling a bit, I have Kenny above Sam and Tory and Zara due to like I said, slamming someone who didn’t do that bad against base Robby who slammed someone that also didn’t do that bad against Miguel in the tag team fight, hawk is still above Kenny however since he did better than Yoon against Kenny did, and the reason Kenny lost to Sam and Tory since he didn’t want to fight them “I don’t wanna hit a girl”
I changed my scaling a bit, I have Kenny above Sam and Tory and Zara due to like I said, slamming someone who didn’t do that bad against base Robby who slammed someone that also didn’t do that bad against Miguel in the tag team fight, hawk is still above Kenny however since he did better than Yoon against Kenny did, and the reason Kenny lost to Sam and Tory since he didn’t want to fight them “I don’t wanna hit a girl”