@Sultan We have for example the dead sea scrolls wich prove that that the Old Testament was the same 2000 years ago as it is today. We also have numerous writings like for example Eusebius in the 4th century who quoted multiple passages from the gospels of Matthew, John, Mark and Luke and we have for example the writing of Justin Martyr in the 2nd century who also quotes and explains passages from the gospels. We also have for example the famous passage of Flavius Josephus from the 1st century who wrote about Jesus existence and how died on the cross and apperaed on the 3rd day to his believers alive, he explains their beliefs and that the Christians have till his day around 100 A.D not gone away. We also have for example multiple other writings from early Christians before 500 A.D who quote passages from the Bible and we also have multiple writings who write about the Apostles and their teachings. Clement of Alexandria who wrote aroubd 150 A.D qouted and explained the authorship of the gospel Mark, we have Irenaeus of Lyon who wrote around 200 A.D on the composition of all 4 Gospels. From this we can learn that the New Testament was not changed. Muhammed himself used Syriac copies of Christian texts wich were read to him by other arabs. He didn't believe many things and made his own religion. Caliph `Uthman burned the original Qu'ran and made his own version. In today time you can only read the version of Caliph `Uthman !
@Sultan Christmas is Celebrated on the 25th of december not because it is thought jesus was born in winter (we do not know that) but because it is exactly 9 months before the 25th of march, the date of the jewish passover of the year of jesus's death on which jesus had the last supper with his disciples. 9 months a symbolic representation of the usual pregnancy time of a woman. The Hebrew Bible is only the Old Testament, the New Testament was written in Greek. We also have a different concept of the Word of God as we accept the fact that the scriptures were written by human individuals, we though believe that they were inspired. The translation process does not necessarily translate to corruption. As far as we are concerned Jesus did speak Greek because at that point the entirety of Judea and Gallillee were highly hellenized regions and greek was the lingua franca of the time and place. We also have a scene in the gospels where jesus directly talks with one of his roman captors shortly before his crucifixion, it is very unlikely they would be able to communicate if Jesus didn't at least know Greek. The Lord came on the Earth for all of the peoples not only for semites.
@Sultan 1. The Church can never be corrupted since it is the Body of Christ. Individuals therein will always be corrupted and will spread that corruption amongst other individuals. 2. In actual fact many common jews spoke Greek because some towns were actually hellenized. Jesus was also not a common jew he knew the Torah meaning he probably attended some kind of jewish school + you did not adress the scene where Jesus directly communicated with a Roman guard. 3. It was not the same Romans that crucified him that also became Christians 350 years later but yes the Romans saw the truth and the people converted in masses to Christianity, even the barbarians after having conquered the Roman Empire became Christian (With the exception of the Goths who already adhered to Arianism a heretical sect of Christianity). 4. You are sure that the Early Church was corrupted you say, yet you give no arguement for that being the case. Even if you claim the Bible is corrupted you can look at some of the staunchest critics like Bart Ehrman and what you will hear him saying is that the Bible hasn't really been corrupted. There are textual variants between the Gospels but the differences in text are very minimal. So minimal that they do not change the meaning of the book. 5. The 9 months are there to link together life and death because of Jesus's resurrection (since 3 days after the last Supper he resurrected). It represents the victory of life over death through pregnancy and giving birth. 5. The Winter Solstice thing is probably a myth as far as I know. I will not say it is categorically excluded as a possiblity but there is no solid evidence of this but I have to agree that it seems like a logical assumption but thats all that it is in the end, an assumption. 6. Our Concept of the Word of God differs in the sense that you for example believe that Muhammad recieved the WORDS of the quran in a cave from the Archangel Gabriel and he later then recited them to his companions. In our view God has never given us his word like this. Yes the individuals who wrote the Bible have been inspired through the Holy Spirit. 7. I mentioned terrorist groups strictly because of your response to In hoc signo veces where you claimed that many secret evil organisations come from christian ideology. I ujust showed you there are many many that come from muslim ideology. First of all i don't really see how the illuminati and the freemasons came from christian ideology and in my opinion the Knights Templar weren't evil at all, there may have been some evil individuals in the order but all in all they were a virtous monastic order in their time. 8. I really don't know how the barbarian invasions of western Rome collerate to anything else that we talked about mate.
@Random Muslim Guy Jesus was 100% man and God he incarnated into human flesh he had 2 natures he was in earth with a bunch of sinners while the father was up in heaven, God being the creator of all flesh the flesh Jesus was born into the father was the God of as well right? Jesus spirit wasn’t born or created but he was born in human flesh so yes saying “my father is greater then I” was true
Good to see bible in Arabic love the Bible and Quran with all my heart I love with all my heart so dearly love this with all my heart it feel so peaceful
@@love8331 we Muslim already accepted Jesus as Messiah(Messiah does not mean divine or God period) and the prophet of Nazareth OK idolater God is and was not a Jewish Man or Human being ever period
@@shabsjamhasbsba8530 Are you threatening me? I am not disrespecting your religion by pointing out that we are not one as you claimed. It’s your religion that says not to take Christians and Jews as friends (quran 5:51) and to kill them wherever you find them unless they accept islam (quran 9:5) As humans yes we all come from the same creator; but you (Muslim) and I (Christian) do not believe in the same God and we are definitely not one in our beliefs. I hope you come to the truth ❤️
@@shabsjamhasbsba8530 we ain't brothers with Christians, don't take them as allies, brothers or close friends, your only brothers are the Muslim ones. Assalamu 3aleikum
@@edin_onepath7480 wa 3leikom alsalam my brother. What I’m saying is that of course all Muslims are always my brothers and sisters what I mean is that we respect other religions.Christianity and Judaism and Islam are all considered to be Abrahamic faiths so we treat them with respect just like how we treat mulsims with respect. (Prophet Muhammad SAW said : ‘’There is no difference between Arabs and non-Arabs (one race and another) except in piety’’. That’s all I have to say bother may Allah bless you and your family. Salama 3laikom🤲🏻🙏🏻
This is as close to it, I know a few words Fi Arabi, like John, and Noor. So from what I can hear and read alone with scripture its cool. Ill be using this to brush up on what words I do know, and hopefully learn more. Thank you
@@lets_wrapitup Jesus is not a prophet. Many times he says he is god and/or one with god. Accept GOD! He loves you and me. He died on the cross for our sins and all you need to do to ente rheaven is to accept him in your heart!
Serdar Muratoglu He is more than a prophet. He is the son of God and the Almighty God. God’s name is Jesus and He manifested himself in flesh to take away our sins through His sacrifice.
@@ex-trinitarian5196 This Shahada itself start with Denying God. Imagine worshipping an allah the father of 3 daughters whom Muhammad sujood for 8 years. Suran 53:19,20,21
@@laurencalibresi yes you just listen to it you blinded deaf dumb person poor idolater they think God was a Jewish man a prophet of Nazareth a human being a man of God who was SENT by God and miraculously created by God Almighty without a literal biological Father or Male counterpart sex or reproduction but by the power and will of the Almighty which is easy for God Almighty to do SMH they despise the mercy and grace of God and honor pagan human being sacrifice and idolatry polytheism and paganism so sad see you in the Hereafter lost soul
@@laurencalibresi what you wrong idolater Jewish Man worshipper the truth hurts SMH stop worshipping the creation and worship the Creator alone if you truly seek God's kingdom if not be doomed your choice slanderous foolish person I call it what it is you are an idolater you do worship a Jewish Man a human being a prophet of Nazareth period and you won't denie it so why get upset about that SMH your truly a Proud Strong Black African Muslim brother Amin
@@ex-trinitarian5196 they say he is in the bible but he is nowhere. they are liars. Their religion is made by a fake prophet. Also can i ask why you are not a trinitarian my friend?
Isturdyaniii Ar تدعي ان المسيح ابن الله وهو ايضاً الله وهو ايضاً مرسل من الله ولكنه هو الله تدعي ان الكلمة كانت مع الله وكانت اله ؟! خزعبلات ما انزل الله بها من سلطان
Isturdyaniii Ar الله هو الواحد الاحد الفرد الصمد الذي لم يلد ولم يولد ولم يكن له كفواً احد لم يتخذ ولداً ولم يكن له اب سبحانه وتعالى علواً كبيراً انه له شريك من الذل
@רחבעם We Christians can become "one" with God just as Jesus did (John 17:22-23). "One" means unity and not that the Father and the Son are one and the same person.
@@Mark-Wilson Does it talks about a Trinitarian God? No. No one has ever seen God (John 1:18) and Jesus was seen by thousands. Jesus distinguished between himself and God (John 7:17). God also says that he begot Jesus, his son (Psalm 2:7).
@@ex-trinitarian5196 Jesus said that he shares a nature with the father(John 14:8-10) and that whoever has seen hem has seen the father. Jesus said that he is I AM which is the title used by God In the old testament(John 8:58:Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I am.) Jesus said that he is the only way to salvation meaning he can deny you or allow you in heaven(“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” John 14:6). So much more. It's so obvious that Christianity is Trinitarian. The old testament says that the messiah will be called mighty God(For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6)
Bist du schon in den wahren Gott Jesus Christus? *1. Johannes 5,20* _Wir wissen aber: Der Sohn Gottes ist gekommen und er hat uns Einsicht geschenkt, damit wir (Gott) den Wahren erkennen. Und wir sind in diesem Wahren, in seinem Sohn Jesus Christus. Er ist der wahre Gott und das ewige Leben._ وَإِنَّنَا نَعْلَمُ أَنَّ ابْنَ اللهِ قَدْ جَاءَ إِلَى الأَرْضِ وَأَنَارَ أَذْهَانَنَا لِنَعْرِفَ الإِلهَ الْحَقَّ. وَنَحْنُ الآنَ نَحْيَا فِيهِ، لأَنَّنَا فِي ابْنِهِ يَسُوعَ الْمَسِيحِ. هَذَا هُوَ الإِلهُ الْحَقُّ، وَالْحَيَاةُ الأَبَدِيَّةُ.
Fun fact if you worship a Jewish Man or Human being as God before you die and don't repent and revert back to the straight path the clear truth of Pure Monotheism Oneness of our Creator and submission to His Will laws and commandments alone you'll be Doomed forever and ever this is backed by scriptures unlike your bs lies that has no scriptural backing at all SMH deciever see you in the Hereafter on that day promised to all souls inshallah Amin
يوحنا 3 16 لانه هكذا احب الله العالم حتى بذل ابنه الوحيد لكي لا يهلك كل من يؤمن به بل تكون له الحياة الابدية. 17 لانه لم يرسل الله ابنه الى العالم ليدين العالم بل ليخلّص به العالم. 18 الذي يؤمن به لا يدان والذي لا يؤمن قد دين لانه لم يؤمن باسم ابن الله الوحيد. 19 وهذه هي الدينونة ان النور قد جاء الى العالم واحب الناس الظلمة اكثر من النور لان اعمالهم كانت شريرة. 20 لان كل من يعمل السيّآت يبغض النور ولا يأتي الى النور لئلا توبخ اعماله. 21 واما من يفعل الحق فيقبل الى النور لكي تظهر اعماله انها بالله معمولة
ايها الاخوه المسلمون اهلا و مرحبا بكم سواء كان لك تعليق سلبي او ايجابي. السيد المسيح له المجد رغم مركزه السامي اتي لبني البشر في صوره مبشر عادي يطوف البلاد و القري يشفي المرضي و يبشر بملكوت الخالق. كما انه لم يكذب علي بني البشر حينما قال انه نور العالم و هو الطريق و الحق و الحياه. ايها الاخوه المسلمون انتم اخوتنا و مرحبا بكم اي ان كان موقفكم و مذهبكم. لكم مني اعز التحيات و الاشواق فانتم اعز الاصدقاء.
@@timaa_4193 سيدي الفاضل، من اين كان اي نفاق؟ الامور في ايامنا هذه واضحه للجميع و من السهل لاي انسان ان يتحقق من كل شيء. فالسيد المسيح قد واجه الكل حينما قال "من منكم يوبخني علي خطيه ؟ ". اغلب اصدقائي من المسلمين لم يحدث ابدا اي مشده بيننا اتهم فيها الاخر بالنفاق الديني.
لسنا ضدكم ولكن نحن خاتم الأديان السماويه السيد المسيح ليس له من دون الله شئ يحيى الموتى ويشفي المرضى بإذن الله ابحث لتعرف لما نزل الإسلام وكيف تم تحريف وتغيير ماقبله من عقائد و كتب بعد ان كانت تدعوا الى توحيد الله وعبادته
المسيح نبي من أنبياء الله ولاكنكم أتخذتموه الله بعد ذهابه! و ستدفعون الثمن "كثيرون سيقولون لي في ذلك اليوم: يا رب يا رب: أليس باسمك تنبأنا؟! وباسمك أخرجنا شياطين؟! وبإسمك صنعنا قوات كثيرة؟! فحينئذ أصرح لهم: إني لم أعرفكم قط! اذهبوا عني يا فاعلي الإثم!!" (إنجيل متى 23،22:7).
@@7yearsago440 اولا يا سيدي اشكرك علي مشاركتك في هذه المناقشه و تعليقك. ارجو ان اوضح نقطه جوهريه في هذا الامر و هي ان لا فضل لاي انسان في اختيار دينه، و ان كل مخلوق (كل المخلوقات بما في ذلك بني البشر) يظهر في هذه الحياه . علي دين محدد، يعيش و يتزوج و يموت علي هذا الدين. اي اننا جميعا في وجود دقيق جدا فيه كل مخلوق محدد كل شيء من قبل ظهوره. قله نادره جدا هي التي تغير دينها اثناء حياتها. و ذلك نتيجه طبيعيه للابعاد اللانهائيه لهذا الكون. نعم المسيحيين يؤمنون بالوهيه السيد المسيح لاسباب عده: لتحقيقه النبؤات المكتوبه عنه، للمعجزات التي فعلها، لقيامته من الاموت بقوته، لمطابقه تعاليمه مع التكوين الطبيعي لهذا الوجود التي تبرهن قوله: "انا هو الطريق و الحق و الحياه"، و لوعده لعودته كملك لكل الخليقه. ارجو من سيادتكم ان تراجعوا الايه التي ذكرتموها ففيها ينذر السيد المسيح كل انسان انعم عليه بصنع المعجزات، او اخراج الشياطين،... ان يسيء التصرف و الشرح معطي في الايه السابقه متي ٢١:٧
Masto NO many Christians say Allah , Allah meaning in . Sorah Al-Ikhlas ( Sincerity ) - Verses Number 4 قُلْ هُوَ اللَّهُ أَحَدٌ ( 1 ) Al-Ikhlas ( Sincerity ) - Ayaa 1 Say: He is Allah, the One and Only; اللَّهُ الصَّمَدُ ( 2 ) Al-Ikhlas ( Sincerity ) - Ayaa 2 Allah, the Eternal, Absolute; لَمْ يَلِدْ وَلَمْ يُولَدْ ( 3 ) Al-Ikhlas ( Sincerity ) - Ayaa 3 He begetteth not, nor is He begotten; وَلَمْ يَكُن لَّهُ كُفُوًا أَحَدٌ ( 4 ) Al-Ikhlas ( Sincerity ) - Ayaa 4 And there is none like unto Him. . But they use it wrong because they believe in 3 gods not ONE like Muslims
@@masto2898 Arab Christians and Jews say allah when referring to god. Allah means god in Arabic. Also in Aramaic it is pronounce as alaha which is very close to allah. Please stop saying we worship a false god. That’s false:
@@awesomenoice5271 greeks said god pagans said god hindus say god budhist say god they all day god but they dont believe in same god they have different understandong of God and all cant be true because they contradict each other
@@masto2898 but again islam understands that there is only one god like the other two religions. I’m pretty sure that they have a good understanding of god along with Christianity and Judaism
From the Greek source the Gospel of John begins as such in literal English translation : In a beginning was the Word and the Word was with THE GOD and godly (from God,, a god, divine) was the Word (meaning of divine origin). Where it is translated "the word was with THE GOD", the Arabic word Allah is used correctly for "THE GOD", (implicitly the ONE GOD, MOST HIGH). However the use of the second instance of "Allah" is not appropriate since the Greek does not say that the word was "THE GOD" but rather that "Godly was the Word. Does anyone know of a direct Arabic translation from ancient Greek and /or Aramaic sources?
What are the odds that I have this very same track in English, it’s exactly the same thing from the voice acting to the music the only difference is the language. Where did you get this one so I can buy it. My line is a black audio stick that take 1 AAA battery. Says faith comes from hearing. I know where to get it.
Aethelthyth Quezada please be careful. Jesus is the name. Don’t let anyone lead you astray. Be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins according to Acts 2:38 no other name. Then you’d be breaking the covenant of God if you get baptized in another name.
@@ex-trinitarian5196 *1 John 5:20* _We know also that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know him who is true. And we are in him who is true by being in his Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life._
Yes. the Bible has not been changed. We have 6,000 greek new testament manuscripts, 10,000 latin, Coptic and syriac translations, and even if we didnt have all of those we have 30,000 quotations from the early church fathers( which is more than anything else in history) with which we can reconstruct the entire new testament many times over again. We know with certainty the original message of the bible. the quran has been changed when they were writing it down there were multiple versions and then uthman had all other copies except the one he liked burned, and even the best scholars and quran reciters named by Muhammad didnt agree with the version of the quran he used. There are also several missing verses and entire chapters. And several different translations in circulation today.
@@mhb.i •Did Jesus claim to be God? ruclips.net/video/t7Kqtig8oKA/видео.html ruclips.net/video/gWDdy0k8WNA/видео.html ruclips.net/video/sS-lLTfCI7c/видео.html ruclips.net/video/Q1N5Mh42ziA/видео.html •Was Jesus a prophet of islam ruclips.net/video/ogK3SsYsWFY/видео.html ruclips.net/video/QGR08BizLq8/видео.html •The Quran, the Bible and the Islamic delima ruclips.net/video/nNAS0aaViM4/видео.html •Countering muslim claims Literary miracle of the Quran ruclips.net/video/N2XVbpIfEkA/видео.html Contridictions in the Quan ruclips.net/video/dK6aMM2Ds1A/видео.html The preservation of the Quran ruclips.net/video/NejPzdhDISU/видео.html Did Muhammad perform miracles ruclips.net/video/EhgPhdS__NM/видео.html The rapid growth of islam ruclips.net/video/7lF4bxb3T9o/видео.html Muhammad in the Bible ruclips.net/video/7ggpA7pEpjc/видео.html Is the quran a scientific miracle ruclips.net/video/HDhy5fO4CLk/видео.html •Original sources the Quran stole its stories from ruclips.net/video/ZhaLDYo0Kl8/видео.html •Historical critique Muhammad ruclips.net/video/UUsk39rrONE/видео.html ruclips.net/video/-uMTxArD8gc/видео.html Quran ruclips.net/video/cQ611NSxfCk/видео.html ruclips.net/video/F03JVB-7gqs/видео.html •Seeking Allah, finding Jesus ruclips.net/video/k0D8Uz4oQck/видео.html
Farah Farooq no Islam is a false religion started by a man who had an agenda of his own. The true religion is of the Christians. Yet not everyone that is a so called Christian is a true Christian. There is only one God and He sent His only begotten son to be a perpetual sacrifice for our sins. Through Him alone we have the atonement for our sins. Who is this Jesus? He is more than a prophet, more than a man. He is the Almighty manifested in flesh. The one true God dwelling with us in a human existence, and yet still God. There are not 2 or 3 gods. There is only one God. His name is JESUS.
@Hungpa Big man how tho? We worship one god,pray to him daily and repent for our sins to be forgiven. Also you’re fully aware Arab Christians and Jews say allah to refer to god as well right? And don’t give me that “oh allah is a pagan god” no he’s not. He’s the same god we all worship. Please stop spreading lies about us.
@Hungpa Big man I’ll admit marrying multiple women is ridiculous. And Islam isn’t peaceful. However islam isn’t the only peaceful that says Jesus wasn’t crucified. Judaism also believes that Jesus wasn’t a god just a regular man. Also just because Islam isn’t peaceful that doesn’t mean Christianity is spotless. They’ve done bad things too.
It's crazy how many Muslims come here to disrespect other peoples believes ! If anyone did that to them and their book then they would victimize themselves and say how no one respects them! They want respect but give none ! SO DONT COMPLAIN WHEN YOU GET TREATED THE WAY YOU DO
@@toomanymarys7355 says the racist scumbag blasphemous devil who thinks God Almighty was a white blonde hair Jewish man and used the toilet defecating and urinating like all human beings Authubillahi mina shatiani rajeem SMH keep worshipping a human being shatiani devil you'll see in the Hereafter where that will get you inshallah Amin
@@Hananiah70 so all Christian believe in what I said eh that Jesus is a white blonde haird blue eyed man wow then you need to reflect and educate yourself because I'm not disrespecting Christians but a false pagan roman polytheistic idolatrous beliefs you ignorant foolish person SMH
If you think that scripture should be a crazy person screaming only incoherent pieces of story, the coherence of this would seem strange. But it is no surprise that an illiterate caravan robber couldn't string together a coherent narrative.
Robert Rodriguez because we follow what Jesus said. Jesus didn't say that he was God. Neither is he the son of god in my aspect(now YOU OR OTHERS ARE ABSOLUTELY entitled to that opinion im not sayinf its wrong just my opinion) why isnt he the son of god, he never said MY father but rather OUR father. Btw im muslim
You don't believe the bible, do you? Because it states that jesus is the son of god and he did said that is son of God only his blood can wash our sins out. And without him there is no salvation.
No offense but. The way he was talking is taken from Quran. And, it isn’t as Impressive as Quran. The Quran enters ur heart because it’s Allahs word. The Bible is like a story, it’s not gods words.
@@MohammadTabbakha The Quran doesn't sound special,, the sentences are normal and easy to understand. I've read the Qur'an and it doesn't even come close to matching the Bible for the suspense and depth of the story. The Bible is also thicker.
@@ebrimajawneh6918 my english isn't good. Jesus = 100% human and 100% God. He does that he wants. Last Adam Jesus = Word = The Light = the Life = Elohîm (the true God).
A human worshiped as Lord is very blasphemous and bad. We agree. The thing is we all sin, the price for sin is death. Sin separates us from God, but God still wants to be with us. He took on the form of a human to die and pay the price for all humanity, as His human form died He cried out “It is finished”. 3 days later Jesus lived again and after many witnesses saw Him, he ascended into heaven. Jesus is God’s perfect rescue mission, believe in Him and receive him. He loves you :)
Acts 2:38 is the only way to be saved. There is one one God and He manifested Himself in flesh to atone for our sins. That we may have forgiveness of our unrighteousness forever if we enter into a covenant with Him, and accept His perpetual sacrifice. The son of God is God manifested in the flesh. There are not 2 or 3 gods. There is only one God and His name is JESUS.
Where is the "real Bible," then? This was what was between the hands of the Christians at the time of Muhammad. Read the beginning of al-Baqara. Muhammad claims that his followers believe the scriptures sent down before. If he didn't even know what was in them, how could he be giving a message from God?
allah is a false god. Please educate yourself. Islam was made by a false prophet who spread his message with blood and war. Jesus spread his message with love and care! Galatians 1:8 "But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed." so even if gabriel preached to muhammed islam[he didnt] then that angel will be cursed.
I do not know what to say but I do not feel that this talk is from God I am a Muslim girl and I think that God alone is not his wife or son and I believe that the religion of Islam is the highest and best religion revealed by God to all human beings and to believe in him This is what I learned from my father and mother
Why doesn't the Quran know what Christians actually believe? They don't believe that God had a wife and made a baby. The Son is eternal and also metaphorical. The Father and Son are the same God.
Please my friend educate yourself on christianity please. I am praying for you. Your mother and father beleive this because they are muslim and their parents told them and their grandparents and so on and so forth. Islam was invented by a false prophet called Muhammad who is evil and killed many peole. Jesus teaches to do good and spreads love! many people were forced to convert a long time ago whcih is why you are a muslim but the truth is the father is waiting for you! in heaven!
@@josephmichael5073 I feel so bad for her it makes me cry. So many children are born into a false ideology but jesus will one day come and rule the earth under the one true religion!
Hearing the Word of God in arabic is really beautiful.
@Sultan Qu'ran is decieving, it's not truth, the original Qu'ran is burned by Caliph `Uthman. Please read the KJV Bible!
@Sultan We have for example the dead sea scrolls wich prove that that the Old Testament was the same 2000 years ago as it is today. We also have numerous writings like for example Eusebius in the 4th century who quoted multiple passages from the gospels of Matthew, John, Mark and Luke and we have for example the writing of Justin Martyr in the 2nd century who also quotes and explains passages from the gospels. We also have for example the famous passage of Flavius Josephus from the 1st century who wrote about Jesus existence and how died on the cross and apperaed on the 3rd day to his believers alive, he explains their beliefs and that the Christians have till his day around 100 A.D not gone away. We also have for example multiple other writings from early Christians before 500 A.D who quote passages from the Bible and we also have multiple writings who write about the Apostles and their teachings. Clement of Alexandria who wrote aroubd 150 A.D qouted and explained the authorship of the gospel Mark, we have Irenaeus of Lyon who wrote around 200 A.D on the composition of all 4 Gospels. From this we can learn that the New Testament was not changed. Muhammed himself used Syriac copies of Christian texts wich were read to him by other arabs. He didn't believe many things and made his own religion. Caliph `Uthman burned the original Qu'ran and made his own version. In today time you can only read the version of Caliph `Uthman !
@Sultan Christmas is Celebrated on the 25th of december not because it is thought jesus was born in winter (we do not know that) but because it is exactly 9 months before the 25th of march, the date of the jewish passover of the year of jesus's death on which jesus had the last supper with his disciples. 9 months a symbolic representation of the usual pregnancy time of a woman.
The Hebrew Bible is only the Old Testament, the New Testament was written in Greek. We also have a different concept of the Word of God as we accept the fact that the scriptures were written by human individuals, we though believe that they were inspired. The translation process does not necessarily translate to corruption.
As far as we are concerned Jesus did speak Greek because at that point the entirety of Judea and Gallillee were highly hellenized regions and greek was the lingua franca of the time and place. We also have a scene in the gospels where jesus directly talks with one of his roman captors shortly before his crucifixion, it is very unlikely they would be able to communicate if Jesus didn't at least know Greek.
The Lord came on the Earth for all of the peoples not only for semites.
@Sultan What about ISIS Hamas Hesbollah
@Sultan 1. The Church can never be corrupted since it is the Body of Christ. Individuals therein will always be corrupted and will spread that corruption amongst other individuals.
2. In actual fact many common jews spoke Greek because some towns were actually hellenized. Jesus was also not a common jew he knew the Torah meaning he probably attended some kind of jewish school + you did not adress the scene where Jesus directly communicated with a Roman guard.
3. It was not the same Romans that crucified him that also became Christians 350 years later but yes the Romans saw the truth and the people converted in masses to Christianity, even the barbarians after having conquered the Roman Empire became Christian (With the exception of the Goths who already adhered to Arianism a heretical sect of Christianity).
4. You are sure that the Early Church was corrupted you say, yet you give no arguement for that being the case. Even if you claim the Bible is corrupted you can look at some of the staunchest critics like Bart Ehrman and what you will hear him saying is that the Bible hasn't really been corrupted. There are textual variants between the Gospels but the differences in text are very minimal. So minimal that they do not change the meaning of the book.
5. The 9 months are there to link together life and death because of Jesus's resurrection (since 3 days after the last Supper he resurrected). It represents the victory of life over death through pregnancy and giving birth.
5. The Winter Solstice thing is probably a myth as far as I know. I will not say it is categorically excluded as a possiblity but there is no solid evidence of this but I have to agree that it seems like a logical assumption but thats all that it is in the end, an assumption.
6. Our Concept of the Word of God differs in the sense that you for example believe that Muhammad recieved the WORDS of the quran in a cave from the Archangel Gabriel and he later then recited them to his companions. In our view God has never given us his word like this. Yes the individuals who wrote the Bible have been inspired through the Holy Spirit.
7. I mentioned terrorist groups strictly because of your response to In hoc signo veces where you claimed that many secret evil organisations come from christian ideology. I ujust showed you there are many many that come from muslim ideology. First of all i don't really see how the illuminati and the freemasons came from christian ideology and in my opinion the Knights Templar weren't evil at all, there may have been some evil individuals in the order but all in all they were a virtous monastic order in their time.
8. I really don't know how the barbarian invasions of western Rome collerate to anything else that we talked about mate.
My Lord Jesus Christ i love you with all of my heart and my soul! ❤
Oh guys I don’t know why I’m here I’m a arab and Muslim😂🤦♀️but yeah just knowledge👌
I'm Christian and I listen to quaran sometimes. Perhaps we both just really love GOD! PEACE PROTECTION AND PROSPERITY TO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY
You shall know the Truth; and the Truth shall set you free. :-) Be blessed and love you always.
I have spent months researching into learning Arabic online and discovered an awesome website at Mirykal lingo guide (check it out on google)
Marc Comvalius be respectful marc plz😙
@Random Muslim Guy Jesus was 100% man and God he incarnated into human flesh he had 2 natures he was in earth with a bunch of sinners while the father was up in heaven, God being the creator of all flesh the flesh Jesus was born into the father was the God of as well right? Jesus spirit wasn’t born or created but he was born in human flesh so yes saying “my father is greater then I” was true
Very true Holly bible only the truth may God bless you!!
Good to see bible in Arabic love the Bible and Quran with all my heart I love with all my heart so dearly love this with all my heart it feel so peaceful
If you love the Bible than you cannot love the Quran, unless you just like the sound of Arabic without understanding anything
Praise to the lord ✝️✝️✝️✝️🙏🙏🙏
All praises and thanks be to Allah Almighty God alone Amin
Very useful to learn to speak arabic.
Very good mate. How could we do that?
***** Do you have skype?
Do you like the Arabic language?
No one really speaks like that😂
@@martinokhalil4900 420,000,000+ people disagree with you
God bless you, I can send this to my Arabic uncle. I love my uncle please pray for Him that He finds life everlasting. His name is Ibrahim.
May Allah keep him in the straight path, Islam
@@edin_onepath7480 islam is not straight path, please read the Bible. Accept Jesus the Messiah , read Isaiah 53.
@@love8331 we Muslim already accepted Jesus as Messiah(Messiah does not mean divine or God period) and the prophet of Nazareth OK idolater God is and was not a Jewish Man or Human being ever period
I think he already did
@@shagg9204 .............😢
I’m arab Muslim , I listen to this to learn about Christianity
يرجال محرفين كتاب الله ضاع بين افواهم تناقلوه بصوره كارثيه
Some people distort the Bible, but God will still preserve it.
@@pedrobanana5505 ادري عقيدتكم مو منطقيه ، شلون واحد يكون آله وانسان بنفس الوقت 😅
Wow, the sound is so different from when we hear Arabic spoken by Muslims.The sound is poetic and expressive.
Samita Sigala its the same , just that when u speak arabic its alot faster
Samita Sigala BUT IS IT TRUTH?
Linda R. Yes, John 14:6 Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father except through me”
Yes, I speak Arabic...this is the exact same. It's just being read instead of chanted. The language has nothing to do with the religion.
If you speak proper arbic then you realize it doesn't make any sense God doesn't have beginning
I’m Muslim and this is beautiful
I respect all my Christian brothers and sisters
We are all one
No we are not.
@@esotericintrovert1669 this type of negativity leads you to a very bad consequences so please respect others religion we are all humans after all.
@@shabsjamhasbsba8530 Are you threatening me? I am not disrespecting your religion by pointing out that we are not one as you claimed. It’s your religion that says not to take Christians and Jews as friends (quran 5:51) and to kill them wherever you find them unless they accept islam (quran 9:5)
As humans yes we all come from the same creator; but you (Muslim) and I (Christian) do not believe in the same God and we are definitely not one in our beliefs. I hope you come to the truth ❤️
@@shabsjamhasbsba8530 we ain't brothers with Christians, don't take them as allies, brothers or close friends, your only brothers are the Muslim ones. Assalamu 3aleikum
@@edin_onepath7480 wa 3leikom alsalam my brother. What I’m saying is that of course all Muslims are always my brothers and sisters what I mean is that we respect other religions.Christianity and Judaism and Islam are all considered to be Abrahamic faiths so we treat them with respect just like how we treat mulsims with respect. (Prophet Muhammad SAW said : ‘’There is no difference between Arabs and non-Arabs (one race and another) except in piety’’. That’s all I have to say bother may Allah bless you and your family. Salama 3laikom🤲🏻🙏🏻
Thank you for this work, i realy enjoy listening vers reading. I can't thank you enogh
This is as close to it, I know a few words Fi Arabi, like John, and Noor. So from what I can hear and read alone with scripture its cool. Ill be using this to brush up on what words I do know, and hopefully learn more. Thank you
I found the Arab language very interesting.
Thank you for posting this!
شكرا لك
انا مسلمة و احترم كل شخص سواءا مسيحي او يهودي
You're amazing 😊❤
♥ Yesua3 Al-Masih ♥
اقدر احترامك للمسيحية
وانا اتحدث بلسان المسلمين جميعا,انكم اخوتنا حتى لو اختلفت ادياننا
Actually it’s عيسى.
Jesus christ is king!
keep believing my fellow brother in Christ!
@@lets_wrapitup Jesus is not a prophet. Many times he says he is god and/or one with god.
Accept GOD!
He loves you and me. He died on the cross for our sins and all you need to do to ente rheaven is to accept him in your heart!
@@lets_wrapitup also that name is made by quran
I'm Romanian idk how I got here but I'm happy
Jesus is the Lord of lord!
Amen! Praise Jesus!
He is a prophet
thanks,sense eraser!
Serdar Muratoglu thank you
Serdar Muratoglu He is more than a prophet. He is the son of God and the Almighty God. God’s name is Jesus and He manifested himself in flesh to take away our sins through His sacrifice.
The Bible is the only world of God 🙏
you are a very good person my brother in christ!
La ilaha ilaAllah
You say "There is no God but God" which doesn't make any sense.
False god.
Jesus is king.
@@ex-trinitarian5196 This Shahada itself start with Denying God. Imagine worshipping an allah the father of 3 daughters whom Muhammad sujood for 8 years. Suran 53:19,20,21
Bible is always beautiful to hear and it gives life. Quran is purely from Satan and from the pits of Hell
Then why tf do you have a arabic word as your pfp
It's very cool to hear the Word of God in arabic👍
@britpaktv_ What,
@britpaktv_ no
@@laurencalibresi yes you just listen to it you blinded deaf dumb person poor idolater they think God was a Jewish man a prophet of Nazareth a human being a man of God who was SENT by God and miraculously created by God Almighty without a literal biological Father or Male counterpart sex or reproduction but by the power and will of the Almighty which is easy for God Almighty to do SMH they despise the mercy and grace of God and honor pagan human being sacrifice and idolatry polytheism and paganism so sad see you in the Hereafter lost soul
@@shagg9204 improve your English you donkey...
@@laurencalibresi what you wrong idolater Jewish Man worshipper the truth hurts SMH stop worshipping the creation and worship the Creator alone if you truly seek God's kingdom if not be doomed your choice slanderous foolish person I call it what it is you are an idolater you do worship a Jewish Man a human being a prophet of Nazareth period and you won't denie it so why get upset about that SMH your truly a Proud Strong Black African Muslim brother Amin
اشهد ان لا اله الا الله و ان محمد رسول الله
Ghita Marghabi muhamed is the servant of pagon god of arab
min ente la teshhade bhal shi? sha3eb feshil marah tousalo la ma7al kelshi w ento b hal feker !
شهاده زور
Mohammed is not a prophet, not found in the scriptures.
@@ex-trinitarian5196 they say he is in the bible but he is nowhere.
they are liars.
Their religion is made by a fake prophet.
Also can i ask why you are not a trinitarian my friend?
فِي ٱلْبَدْءِ كَانَ ٱلْكَلِمَةُ، وَٱلْكَلِمَةُ كَانَ عِنْدَ ٱللهِ، وَكَانَ ٱلْكَلِمَةُ إِلٰهًا.
@@FS-cu9uj هل يمكنك شرح لماذا؟
Isturdyaniii Ar تدعي ان المسيح ابن الله وهو ايضاً الله وهو ايضاً مرسل من الله ولكنه هو الله تدعي ان الكلمة كانت مع الله وكانت اله ؟! خزعبلات ما انزل الله بها من سلطان
Isturdyaniii Ar الله هو الواحد الاحد الفرد الصمد الذي لم يلد ولم يولد ولم يكن له كفواً احد لم يتخذ ولداً ولم يكن له اب سبحانه وتعالى علواً كبيراً انه له شريك من الذل
@@FS-cu9uj هو الهك انثي لم يلد 😂😂😂😂 الصمد اي الفارغ الاجوف
قل هو الله احد*
الله الصمد *
لم يلد ولم يولد *
ولم يكن له كفوا احد**
Fake verse
stop believing in islam
it will lead to hellfire
muhammad is in hell for being a bad person and spreading a fake message
Jesus is the way, the truth,the life, no one comes to the Father but by Him. Praise Jesus the Son of God!
Amen. The Word of God in arabic
Jesus is the only God 🙌
No, Jesus is Son of God and the promising Messiah. The father is God alone (John 17:3).
@@ex-trinitarian5196 John 1:1
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
@רחבעם We Christians can become "one" with God just as Jesus did (John 17:22-23). "One" means unity and not that the Father and the Son are one and the same person.
@@Mark-Wilson Does it talks about a Trinitarian God? No. No one has ever seen God (John 1:18) and Jesus was seen by thousands. Jesus distinguished between himself and God (John 7:17). God also says that he begot Jesus, his son (Psalm 2:7).
@@ex-trinitarian5196 Jesus said that he shares a nature with the father(John 14:8-10) and that whoever has seen hem has seen the father. Jesus said that he is I AM which is the title used by God In the old testament(John 8:58:Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I am.) Jesus said that he is the only way to salvation meaning he can deny you or allow you in heaven(“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” John 14:6). So much more. It's so obvious that Christianity is Trinitarian.
The old testament says that the messiah will be called mighty God(For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6)
يسوع المسيح هو الرب. 🙌🏼
لا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله
Ononymous Rif. Muhamed is the sevant of sheytan
Muhammad Ali Lies
Read saytanic verses
Muhammad Ali There all fake
You are fake too
I love Arabic audio Bible. Please multiply them.
This is like a story telling
Me: listening to this
My family: Are you converting to Muslim?
اشهد ان لا أله الالله واشهد ان محمد رسول الله
The only thing you know how to say? Looks like a parrot
Hallelujah ✝️❤️
Bist du schon in den wahren Gott Jesus Christus?
*1. Johannes 5,20*
_Wir wissen aber: Der Sohn Gottes ist gekommen und er hat uns Einsicht geschenkt, damit wir (Gott) den Wahren erkennen. Und wir sind in diesem Wahren, in seinem Sohn Jesus Christus. Er ist der wahre Gott und das ewige Leben._
وَإِنَّنَا نَعْلَمُ أَنَّ ابْنَ اللهِ قَدْ جَاءَ إِلَى الأَرْضِ وَأَنَارَ أَذْهَانَنَا لِنَعْرِفَ الإِلهَ الْحَقَّ. وَنَحْنُ الآنَ نَحْيَا فِيهِ، لأَنَّنَا فِي ابْنِهِ يَسُوعَ الْمَسِيحِ. هَذَا هُوَ الإِلهُ الْحَقُّ، وَالْحَيَاةُ الأَبَدِيَّةُ.
fun fact: if you die before believing in the sealing of the prophets YOU WILL BE DOOMED
Fun fact if you worship a Jewish Man or Human being as God before you die and don't repent and revert back to the straight path the clear truth of Pure Monotheism Oneness of our Creator and submission to His Will laws and commandments alone you'll be Doomed forever and ever this is backed by scriptures unlike your bs lies that has no scriptural backing at all SMH deciever see you in the Hereafter on that day promised to all souls inshallah Amin
Omg your sound is so beautiful
Amen ❤
I like this version also the readers (3 jesus )
Subhan allah. When i listen to the bible in the evening I am always scarred
But when I listen to the quran in the evening than i feel me in the heaven
Me too
Because Quran offers u sex in heaven .were as Bible does not..
@@jehovah85 you are talking like Abu Jahl and he is now in hellfire.
Yes, listening to Muhammad scream at people and threaten his uncle is so reassuring. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@@Omarrah3214 No, that is Muhammad, whose aorta was cut by God.
God blessings
يوحنا 3
16 لانه هكذا احب الله العالم حتى بذل ابنه الوحيد لكي لا يهلك كل من يؤمن به بل تكون له الحياة الابدية.
17 لانه لم يرسل الله ابنه الى العالم ليدين العالم بل ليخلّص به العالم.
18 الذي يؤمن به لا يدان والذي لا يؤمن قد دين لانه لم يؤمن باسم ابن الله الوحيد.
19 وهذه هي الدينونة ان النور قد جاء الى العالم واحب الناس الظلمة اكثر من النور لان اعمالهم كانت شريرة.
20 لان كل من يعمل السيّآت يبغض النور ولا يأتي الى النور لئلا توبخ اعماله.
21 واما من يفعل الحق فيقبل الى النور لكي تظهر اعماله انها بالله معمولة
ايها الاخوه المسلمون
اهلا و مرحبا بكم سواء كان لك تعليق سلبي او ايجابي.
السيد المسيح له المجد رغم مركزه السامي اتي لبني البشر في صوره مبشر عادي يطوف البلاد و القري يشفي المرضي و يبشر بملكوت الخالق. كما انه لم يكذب علي بني البشر حينما قال انه نور العالم و هو الطريق و الحق و الحياه.
ايها الاخوه المسلمون انتم اخوتنا و مرحبا بكم اي ان كان موقفكم و مذهبكم.
لكم مني اعز التحيات و الاشواق فانتم اعز الاصدقاء.
لماذا النفاق؟؟؟
@@timaa_4193 سيدي الفاضل، من اين كان اي نفاق؟ الامور في ايامنا هذه واضحه للجميع و من السهل لاي انسان ان يتحقق من كل شيء. فالسيد المسيح قد واجه الكل حينما قال "من منكم يوبخني علي خطيه ؟ ". اغلب اصدقائي من المسلمين لم يحدث ابدا اي مشده بيننا اتهم فيها الاخر بالنفاق الديني.
لسنا ضدكم ولكن نحن خاتم الأديان السماويه السيد المسيح ليس له من دون الله شئ يحيى الموتى ويشفي المرضى بإذن الله ابحث لتعرف لما نزل الإسلام وكيف تم تحريف وتغيير ماقبله من عقائد و كتب بعد ان كانت تدعوا الى توحيد الله وعبادته
المسيح نبي من أنبياء الله ولاكنكم أتخذتموه الله بعد ذهابه! و ستدفعون الثمن "كثيرون سيقولون لي في ذلك اليوم: يا رب يا رب: أليس باسمك تنبأنا؟! وباسمك أخرجنا شياطين؟! وبإسمك صنعنا قوات كثيرة؟! فحينئذ أصرح لهم: إني لم أعرفكم قط! اذهبوا عني يا فاعلي الإثم!!" (إنجيل متى 23،22:7).
@@7yearsago440 اولا يا سيدي اشكرك علي مشاركتك في هذه المناقشه و تعليقك.
ارجو ان اوضح نقطه جوهريه في هذا الامر و هي ان لا فضل لاي انسان في اختيار دينه، و ان كل مخلوق (كل المخلوقات بما في ذلك بني البشر) يظهر في هذه الحياه . علي دين محدد، يعيش و يتزوج و يموت علي هذا الدين. اي اننا جميعا في وجود دقيق جدا فيه كل مخلوق محدد كل شيء من قبل ظهوره. قله نادره جدا هي التي تغير دينها اثناء حياتها. و ذلك نتيجه طبيعيه للابعاد اللانهائيه لهذا الكون.
نعم المسيحيين يؤمنون بالوهيه السيد المسيح لاسباب عده: لتحقيقه النبؤات المكتوبه عنه، للمعجزات التي فعلها، لقيامته من الاموت بقوته، لمطابقه تعاليمه مع التكوين الطبيعي لهذا الوجود التي تبرهن قوله: "انا هو الطريق و الحق و الحياه"، و لوعده لعودته كملك لكل الخليقه.
ارجو من سيادتكم ان تراجعوا الايه التي ذكرتموها ففيها ينذر السيد المسيح كل انسان انعم عليه بصنع المعجزات، او اخراج الشياطين،... ان يسيء التصرف و الشرح معطي في الايه السابقه متي ٢١:٧
لا اله الا الله، محمد رسول الله
شهاده زور
Now arabic hearing speaks the truth ...
I think I heard the Word Allah too many times! 😊
Yeah the name for God in Arabic is Allah
Ebrima Jawneh - No the name God in Arabic is ILAH
Stop lying Allah is God as well as name. Ilah can be use for both fake and true God
It's the Arabic name for 'God'. The 'god' of the koran is not the same God of the Bible
You're right because we muslims don't worship man as God like you Christians do
how much time he says ALLAH (CHRISTIANS DONT SAY FALSE) he is true ONE
Yes this is the Gospel which proves that muhammad was a false prophet and allah devil from pit of hell
Masto NO many Christians say Allah , Allah meaning in
Sorah Al-Ikhlas ( Sincerity ) - Verses Number 4
قُلْ هُوَ اللَّهُ أَحَدٌ ( 1 ) Al-Ikhlas ( Sincerity ) - Ayaa 1
Say: He is Allah, the One and Only;
اللَّهُ الصَّمَدُ ( 2 ) Al-Ikhlas ( Sincerity ) - Ayaa 2
Allah, the Eternal, Absolute;
لَمْ يَلِدْ وَلَمْ يُولَدْ ( 3 ) Al-Ikhlas ( Sincerity ) - Ayaa 3
He begetteth not, nor is He begotten;
وَلَمْ يَكُن لَّهُ كُفُوًا أَحَدٌ ( 4 ) Al-Ikhlas ( Sincerity ) - Ayaa 4
And there is none like unto Him.
But they use it wrong because they believe in 3 gods not ONE like Muslims
@@masto2898 Arab Christians and Jews say allah when referring to god. Allah means god in Arabic. Also in Aramaic it is pronounce as alaha which is very close to allah. Please stop saying we worship a false god. That’s false:
@@awesomenoice5271 greeks said god pagans said god hindus say god budhist say god they all day god but they dont believe in same god they have different understandong of God and all cant be true because they contradict each other
@@masto2898 but again islam understands that there is only one god like the other two religions. I’m pretty sure that they have a good understanding of god along with Christianity and Judaism
100% better and more wonderfull than Quran
quran sounds beautiful. this sounds boring
+Antenor Aparecido that is racist i think to say bible is perfect by Christians & quran is perfect by Muslims is better to say bro
Andrzej Ochał even though man ,people think islam mean terrorism ! it's for a religion not for a race ^^
lordcycle no it's perfect like quran
if Jesus is a really God why he sad to the woman give me a water because he is thirsty this book tipeface
limodzi mwamabuku ofunikira kwambiri omwe ndimaphunzira panjira yanu. Mulungu akudalitseni
From the Greek source the Gospel of John begins as such in literal English translation : In a beginning was the Word and the Word was with THE GOD and godly (from God,, a god, divine) was the Word (meaning of divine origin). Where it is translated "the word was with THE GOD", the Arabic word Allah is used correctly for "THE GOD", (implicitly the ONE GOD, MOST HIGH). However the use of the second instance of "Allah" is not appropriate since the Greek does not say that the word was "THE GOD" but rather that "Godly was the Word. Does anyone know of a direct Arabic translation from ancient Greek and /or Aramaic sources?
What are the odds that I have this very same track in English, it’s exactly the same thing from the voice acting to the music the only difference is the language. Where did you get this one so I can buy it. My line is a black audio stick that take 1 AAA battery. Says faith comes from hearing. I know where to get it.
Aethelthyth Quezada please be careful. Jesus is the name. Don’t let anyone lead you astray. Be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins according to Acts 2:38 no other name. Then you’d be breaking the covenant of God if you get baptized in another name.
Je suis musulman et je respecte toutes les religions
J'ai mes meilleurs amis sont des chrétiens sont Gentils et sympa 🥰
Jesus Christ is god in the flesh not just a prophet. He is the only begotten son of god and is the only way to heaven
@@DubstepImmortal Jesus is the Messiah, not God (YHWH).
Islam don't respect other's, look at Muslim countries.
@@ex-trinitarian5196 blasphemy
*1 John 5:20*
_We know also that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know him who is true. And we are in him who is true by being in his Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life._
שלום Yeshua i is King of
الحمد لله انا مسلم.
Which version is this? New Arabic Version?
Just 1 question. Is the bible 2019 years ago the same as now?
Yes. the Bible has not been changed. We have 6,000 greek new testament manuscripts, 10,000 latin, Coptic and syriac translations, and even if we didnt have all of those we have 30,000 quotations from the early church fathers( which is more than anything else in history) with which we can reconstruct the entire new testament many times over again. We know with certainty the original message of the bible.
the quran has been changed when they were writing it down there were multiple versions and then uthman had all other copies except the one he liked burned, and even the best scholars and quran reciters named by Muhammad didnt agree with the version of the quran he used. There are also several missing verses and entire chapters. And several different translations in circulation today.
@@nixika7214 😂😂
@@mhb.i •Did Jesus claim to be God?
•Was Jesus a prophet of islam
•The Quran, the Bible and the Islamic delima
•Countering muslim claims
Literary miracle of the Quran
Contridictions in the Quan
The preservation of the Quran
Did Muhammad perform miracles ruclips.net/video/EhgPhdS__NM/видео.html
The rapid growth of islam
Muhammad in the Bible
Is the quran a scientific miracle
•Original sources the Quran stole its stories from
•Historical critique
•Seeking Allah, finding Jesus
@@nixika7214 Yes, in many ways.
The Quran isn't. Where is the verse of stoning? A sheep ate it! 🐏
استغفرو ربكم الأعلى اللي راح يحاسبكم أنتم في غفله يا نصارى.....
نحن نتبع المسيح له كل المجد ابن الله الحي ولسنا تابيعين لناصر لنكون نصارى
Is this standard Arabic?
ترجمة فان ديك
Yes, with a slight Egyptian pronunciation.
لا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله
One day you will see. I tried to warn you.
@@TheMaroniteCross 😄 idiot
@@TheMaroniteCross very true beloved friend we must warn them 😊
No. Muhammed is a follower of the Antichrist.
@@TheMaroniteCross God is not and was not a Jewish Man or Human being ever OK idolater
good i learned a lot
Was there arabic bible they they did to english
In Qur'an John the apostle is called as Yahya but in fact at Arabic Bible he was called Youhana
Yahya is muslim name
youhana is christian
These are books of Allah.These are both religions send by Allah .so when you are disrespectful to any one of these ,you are disrespectful to Allah
Farah Farooq no Islam is a false religion started by a man who had an agenda of his own. The true religion is of the Christians. Yet not everyone that is a so called Christian is a true Christian. There is only one God and He sent His only begotten son to be a perpetual sacrifice for our sins. Through Him alone we have the atonement for our sins. Who is this Jesus? He is more than a prophet, more than a man. He is the Almighty manifested in flesh. The one true God dwelling with us in a human existence, and yet still God. There are not 2 or 3 gods. There is only one God. His name is JESUS.
The only way to be saved is Acts 2:38
@Hungpa Big man just respect. 😤😤 your not a real christian if you don't respect others religion
@Hungpa Big man how tho? We worship one god,pray to him daily and repent for our sins to be forgiven. Also you’re fully aware Arab Christians and Jews say allah to refer to god as well right? And don’t give me that “oh allah is a pagan god” no he’s not. He’s the same god we all worship. Please stop spreading lies about us.
@Hungpa Big man I’ll admit marrying multiple women is ridiculous. And Islam isn’t peaceful. However islam isn’t the only peaceful that says Jesus wasn’t crucified. Judaism also believes that Jesus wasn’t a god just a regular man. Also just because Islam isn’t peaceful that doesn’t mean Christianity is spotless. They’ve done bad things too.
It would be delightful if the voice is accompanied with English version texts.
It's crazy how many Muslims come here to disrespect other peoples believes ! If anyone did that to them and their book then they would victimize themselves and say how no one respects them! They want respect but give none ! SO DONT COMPLAIN WHEN YOU GET TREATED THE WAY YOU DO
I'm muslim and our religion dosent teach us to do that.
@@hassanridwan8146 It murders millions wherever it goes. Islam causes mass suffering.
@@toomanymarys7355 says the racist scumbag blasphemous devil who thinks God Almighty was a white blonde hair Jewish man and used the toilet defecating and urinating like all human beings Authubillahi mina shatiani rajeem SMH keep worshipping a human being shatiani devil you'll see in the Hereafter where that will get you inshallah Amin
@@shagg9204 Why do you disrespect christians 😢
@@Hananiah70 so all Christian believe in what I said eh that Jesus is a white blonde haird blue eyed man wow then you need to reflect and educate yourself because I'm not disrespecting Christians but a false pagan roman polytheistic idolatrous beliefs you ignorant foolish person SMH
Al Qur'an audio better than Bible audio, true???
Senopati Dayat Seno 1922 off course
When you listen to the quran than you know its from the true Gof
Maybe in your imagination looks like a beautiful lie
Which arab country speaks standard English?
Which English speaking country speaks standard English? 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Por que las cosas buenas tendrían que tener un fin?
it sounds like story telling
I know. Quran is Allahs words that’s why it enters our hearts
If you think that scripture should be a crazy person screaming only incoherent pieces of story, the coherence of this would seem strange. But it is no surprise that an illiterate caravan robber couldn't string together a coherent narrative.
@@MohammadTabbakha No
Quran is so flawed
did you know that quran is copied from SYRIAC CHRISTIAN SOURCES?
look it up its true
repent to christ!
Qur'an sounds like terrorists chanting
@@backupkid2099 but you guys are the real terrorist though. The Bible sounds like some retard is reading
if some one wanted to change to muslim they would have to learn a new language just so they can praise there god
uknown ????? Not true lol
Not true
@@Abu98 yes they do
Quran is much more beautiful
arabic Bible appeared before quran, that's why reading arabic Bible always be more beautiful, because the Truth in Bible always be wonderful.
Quran is a fake. Watch playlist on my channel: the false religion of Islam exposed!
Fact Trust Truth Not true at all. The bible was not translated to arabic before the quran was revealed
the Quran is a hoax of Satan
Benoît Mussche even though the quran is about worshipping only one god and obeying the prophets from adam to jesus and staying away from satan. LOL
Hmm so that’s what it would sound like
الحمد יהוה
الاب الروح القدس SI C
If only Muhammad heard this and know the real gospel message, not make up nonsense in the quran.
stevie6621 Muslims follow the bible more than christians
Then why don't you believe that Jesus is God if you follow the Bible?
Robert Rodriguez because we follow what Jesus said. Jesus didn't say that he was God. Neither is he the son of god in my aspect(now YOU OR OTHERS ARE ABSOLUTELY entitled to that opinion im not sayinf its wrong just my opinion) why isnt he the son of god, he never said MY father but rather OUR father. Btw im muslim
You don't believe the bible, do you? Because it states that jesus is the son of god and he did said that is son of God only his blood can wash our sins out. And without him there is no salvation.
well....Muhamman(pbuh) didn't write Quran but Allah...
No offense but. The way he was talking is taken from Quran. And, it isn’t as
Impressive as Quran. The Quran enters ur heart because it’s Allahs word. The Bible is like a story, it’s not gods words.
🤦 the quran is like a caos it jumps from one story to another to many times in one chapter.
The Quran is an angry crazy man screaming.
@@toomanymarys7355 ?
@@MohammadTabbakha The Quran doesn't sound special,, the sentences are normal and easy to understand. I've read the Qur'an and it doesn't even come close to matching the Bible for the suspense and depth of the story. The Bible is also thicker.
@@ex-trinitarian5196 I read some chapters in the Bible and they all sound like stories tbh. The Quran is Gods words that’s why it’s special
The Injeel
الله = אלוהים
אלוהים = الله
Both are only Generic terms for God. The Name of God is YaHWeH יהוה
Don Sánchez de Iñigo the name of God is JESUS
@@ebrimajawneh6918 Jésus = Yehoshoua = Yahweh save
What kind of nonsense are you talking about? Do you want to tell me that Mary gave birth to God almighty?
@@ebrimajawneh6918 my english isn't good.
Jesus = 100% human and 100% God. He does that he wants. Last Adam
Jesus = Word = The Light = the Life = Elohîm (the true God).
How do you consider a human as lord ?? This is not the real bible
A human worshiped as Lord is very blasphemous and bad. We agree. The thing is we all sin, the price for sin is death. Sin separates us from God, but God still wants to be with us. He took on the form of a human to die and pay the price for all humanity, as His human form died He cried out “It is finished”. 3 days later Jesus lived again and after many witnesses saw Him, he ascended into heaven. Jesus is God’s perfect rescue mission, believe in Him and receive him. He loves you :)
Acts 2:38 is the only way to be saved. There is one one God and He manifested Himself in flesh to atone for our sins. That we may have forgiveness of our unrighteousness forever if we enter into a covenant with Him, and accept His perpetual sacrifice. The son of God is God manifested in the flesh. There are not 2 or 3 gods. There is only one God and His name is JESUS.
@@livepoetic390 Jesus is God and is Lord; however, are you implying that one needs to be baptized by immersion in water to be saved?
Where is the "real Bible," then? This was what was between the hands of the Christians at the time of Muhammad. Read the beginning of al-Baqara. Muhammad claims that his followers believe the scriptures sent down before. If he didn't even know what was in them, how could he be giving a message from God?
"This is not the real Bible" nobody can change the word of God. God is the best protector.
Oh yeah yeah ywah
please rerelease all without the new age music >
What type of Arabic is spoken?
Obviously standard Arabic.
but I can tell that the speakers are Egyptians
He said Badallah its ALLAH
According your made up religion sure.
@@backup9911 lol right
Then why are you here
Jesus was a prophet but now he is God and always was
He is the mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
ما ادري ايش جابني هنا بس اوك
we are not terrorism
rania řâńíå salam alaykum
ISIS? Shahada flag.
Your God name Allah?
Allah means God
Repent and believe in the gospel, Jesus is the only true GOD
Allah is The only God worthy of worship and Jesus is his Messenger and Servant
Allah is a cave demon.
This is YOUR faith
allah is a false god.
Please educate yourself.
Islam was made by a false prophet who spread his message with blood and war.
Jesus spread his message with love and care!
Galatians 1:8
"But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed."
so even if gabriel preached to muhammed islam[he didnt] then that angel will be cursed.
I do not know what to say but I do not feel that this talk is from God I am a Muslim girl and I think that God alone is not his wife or son and I believe that the religion of Islam is the highest and best religion revealed by God to all human beings and to believe in him This is what I learned from my father and mother
Ask God to show you the way. Your life may depend on this. Your parents may not be the ones to take you to your destiny.
Who says God had a wife?Nobody in christianity!
Why doesn't the Quran know what Christians actually believe? They don't believe that God had a wife and made a baby. The Son is eternal and also metaphorical. The Father and Son are the same God.
Please my friend educate yourself on christianity please.
I am praying for you.
Your mother and father beleive this because they are muslim and their parents told them and their grandparents and so on and so forth.
Islam was invented by a false prophet called Muhammad who is evil and killed many peole.
Jesus teaches to do good and spreads love!
many people were forced to convert a long time ago whcih is why you are a muslim but the truth is the father is waiting for you! in heaven!
@@josephmichael5073 I feel so bad for her it makes me cry.
So many children are born into a false ideology
but jesus will one day come and rule the earth under the one true religion!