I am from the U.S. I Don't understand any lyrics, i wish i did, hahah But i feel it!! and I can listen to this all day for real, WOW the intro to this song brings me back to Cambodia and makes me miss it more than ever , the whole song is amazing i think it was designed to make you smile, the Khmer People are sooo sooo cool! I only wish I could hang out and chill with the band for a day haha
AOJMA the meaning of this song is they tried to show Cambodian’s culture to the world. They used the old instruments and the modern one to mix together and it came up with this nice song.
These generation should be filed with these kind of talented people for our music industry in Cambodia, not that baeksloy kind of music :/ ... Keep up the good work all bro and sis
This is the best blending of contemporary and traditional music and culture ever on earth. It's very cute and very impressive. No matter you, believe me, I always listen to it more than 10 times per day every day. With love, From Thailand.
nice work small band and Khmeng Khmer, you guys show that our generation can be creative and create a new sound of our own!!! Keep going, WE SUPPORT YOU!
Rin thy ratha I already did. but just wonder why when I search this MV and all appear first is other channel not this channel. it's difficult to direct view this video on this channel.
ស្តាប់លើកទី១ មានអារម្មណ៍ថា រញ៉េរញ៉ៃ
ស្តាប់លើកទី២ មានអារម្មណ៍ថា ពិរោះគ្រាន់បើ
ស្តាប់លើកទី៣ មានអារម្មណ៍ថា លែងរញ៉េរញ៉ៃ ហើយក៏ចាប់ផ្តើមចូលចិត្ត។
ខ្ញុំ ស្តាប់ហើយមានអារម្មណ៏ចឹងដែរ។
Science calls it cognitive ease. The thing you see or listen so often, you start to feel it a good thing.
Yeah, I have the same feeling
I got the same feeling.
កន្លែងកុកគ្រូ 2:07 ហ្នឹងពិរេាះណាស់ បើអាចធ្វើឱ្យរយះពេលឱ្យយូរ ឬក៏វាម៉ាបទតែឯងក៏បាន 🙏🙏🙏🙏 ត្រង់ហ្នឹងសប្បាយរាំ
មានអ្នកណាគិតដូចខ្ញុំអត់? ហើយណាមួយត្រង់ហ្នឹងជាបទភ្លេងខ្មែរសុទ្ធសាធតែម្តង
Back Come Good !
Back Come ខ្ញុំគិតចឹងដែរ
ខ្ញុំក៏គិតអញ្ចឹងដែរ។ បើមានបទពេញខ្ញុំគិតថាល្អណាស់
ត្រូវហើយ ត្រង់ហ្នឹងឡូយណាស់
ប្លែកទៀតហើយក្មេងខ្មែរ ពិរោះជាងបទបុណ្យភូមិលើកមុនទៀត សូមសរសើរសំរាប់មួយនេះ ឡូយខ្លាំងណាស់ ក្មេងខ្មែរ
I'm not Cambodian my country is Philippines,but I like this song,,good job guys,,
Ratana Kao ur welcome
@Ratana Kao សសសសសសឹ
Thanks you that support us❤️
I am from the U.S. I Don't understand any lyrics, i wish i did, hahah But i feel it!! and I can listen to this all day for real, WOW the intro to this song brings me back to Cambodia and makes me miss it more than ever , the whole song is amazing i think it was designed to make you smile, the Khmer People are sooo sooo cool! I only wish I could hang out and chill with the band for a day haha
AOJMA the meaning of this song is they tried to show Cambodian’s culture to the world. They used the old instruments and the modern one to mix together and it came up with this nice song.
ពិរោះណាស់២០២២នៅតែពិរោះ ខ្ញុំចូលចិត្ត ចង្វាក់បែបនេះណាស់
These generation should be filed with these kind of talented people for our music industry in Cambodia, not that baeksloy kind of music :/ ... Keep up the good work all bro and sis
This is the best blending of contemporary and traditional music and culture ever on earth. It's very cute and very impressive. No matter you, believe me, I always listen to it more than 10 times per day every day. With love, From Thailand.
Inspiring Khmer new generation! Thank you😍😭
Sending love and support from Belgium! Susu!!
Var w9 🎉
0:01 អត់ទាន់ចេញភ្លេងផង ដឹងថាពិរោះបាត់ហើយ 😍
They produced a really great song. Visual, concept, everything. Big thumbs up.
ពិតជាឡូយណាស់ តែស្តាប់ទៅដូចជាពិបាករាំបន្តិច អត់ដូចបទបុណ្យភូមិឆ្នាំមុនទេ តែសុំសរសើរមែន មើលឡើងជួកចិត្តតែម្តង។
At 2:10 that's amazing sound and very smooth merge with the music....
ពិរោះត្រង់ អាកុកគ្រូហ្នឹងម៉ង ត្រូវហ្នឹងឆ្នាំរកា 😂😂😍😍
How amazing it is?!! I’m here again since it’s nearly KNY, and yepp can’t wait for bon phum 2022🙌🏻❤️
Smallworld Smallband never fail to impress me 🙏🏽 great job!
ស្តាប់មិនចេះជិនណាយឡើយ ស្តាប់ប៉ុន្មានដងនៅតែពិរោះ សុំសសើរដល់ក្រុមការងារបុណ្យភូមិទាំងអស់គ្នា សហការគ្នាបានល្អ
Ninaehtos Leang សម្លេងឃឹមឡើងរណ្តំ
This is soooo good! Proud of everyone. Keep up the great work and the creativity!!!
Love all of you SWSB 😍 Your group is amazing you always make cambodia people happy all the time 😍😍💋💋💚💚💚
im from the Philippines but I also like this song just like Glenda Regala!
i loveeeee uu alllllll
ញុំចូលឆ្នាំខ្មែរ ជាមួយទូរស័ព្ទ តែញុំក៏ហូរដែរ ព្រោះមួយឆ្នាំ ដើរលេងបានបីថ្ងៃ ញុំត្រូវតែហូរ
good memory
ខ្ញុំឆ្ងល់ថាបទនេះហេតុអីអត់ល្បី ❤
២០២១ ហើយមានអ្នកស្ដាប់អត់
this song good asf
Amazing sound and MV, that I never see before. Thanks BonnPhum
មើល និង ស្តាប់ហើយមានអារម្មណ៍ថាសប្បាយទៅតាមបទភ្លេងនិងការសម្តែង សាច់ភ្លេងពិរោះណាស់... ចង់ប្រាប់ថាម៉ាអេម!!!
2:08 ពិរោះណាស់
Thats mv wasn't disappointed me :) keep doing.
I think that i love this video... :)
ស្រលាញ់ណាស់ កាលទៅចូលរួមមហាសប្បាយ
ពិរោះណាស់ 👍🏼
I support these kind of songs #TeamHateSongBekSloy
Dayamis absolutely right
I love this! Very creative
SWSB we're miss all of u🥺❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Bravo! all my support from Peru 🙏
ពិរោះណាស់ 💚💙
nice work small band and Khmeng Khmer, you guys show that our generation can be creative and create a new sound of our own!!! Keep going, WE SUPPORT YOU!
please not copy this MV to other channels. if you wanna listen to this song just search and find the original channel. support original team please.
Report their channel
The best way we can help owner :D
Chheur Hengnaroth
Hour Kong llo
I agree .... why dont we Subscibe this
for more Original song.
Rin thy ratha I already did. but just wonder why when I search this MV and all appear first is other channel not this channel. it's difficult to direct view this video on this channel.
Proud to be Khmer because of y'all 😘
Forever fan💕
Madison next year pleassseeee!!! :D
Best part from 0:01-5:40 😆💜
ពិរោះណាស់ តែឆ្ងល់មានអារម្មណ៏ថាសាច់ភ្លេងលាន់រ៉ែៗបែកៗ សុំផុសម្តងទៀតកែសំរួលបានទេ?
មែនហើយ សំលេងពេលជិតចប់ស្ដាប់អត់សូវបាន
ល្អណាស់ សែនពិរោះ បទបុណ្យភូមិទាំង
i really love this song so much how can i told you how much i love KHMENG KHMER AND SMALLWORLD SMALLBAND i'm cambodia tooo
The best one this year
I am proud of a small band that try to our culture, to our population
You guys are awesome!!!
All of u really made the great
still waiting2020 😍
Last year the melody was better than this year, but the M/V is better than the last year, anyway this song is still great, well done all members
best song. I love idol.
When I listen to this music, it mad me cry of hapiness
I love this song so much.
ខ្ញុំពេញចិត្ត ប៉ុន្តែគាត់ព្យាយាមបង្កើតភ្លេងទៅច្រើនប្រភេទពេក មានភាពរញេរញៃបន្តិចព្រោះមានការលាយគ្នា រវៀង Madizon ជាមួយ Rap មានភាពសុាំ តែមានការឆ្នៃប្រឌិត
Is good song 👍 Smallworld smallband & Khmeng khmer😘
ពិរោះ តែរញេរញៃច្រៀងតាមមិនកើតទេ
Great song ❤
Sounds good . I like it
We are doing support you.
i like this song !
Great Job this is fire, keep the creativity alive !!
ពិរោះណាស់បង បង
I'm deeply sorry for clicking "REPEAT" button over and over again :))
I think I broke my repeat button
mark man Wow. Thanks so much 😍😍😍😍😍😍💓💓💓💓💓
Hahaha! I'm guilty of that too. 😁💜from🇺🇸
I love it❤️😘
Well done! Please keep the good work!
នៅតែជាបទចម្រៀងមួយ ដែលល្អជាងគេក្នុងឆ្នាំ2017នេះ
Can someone help me find that song in workz commercial from 4:25 pleaseeee???
Yeah... in 2019 ❤
2024 ហើយនៅតែពិរោះ🎉❤
Kob nas
ពិរោះហើយ មានអត្ថន័យល្អថែមទៀត
Amazing Video
Nh terb merl television ke commercial min 😂now release new song bat💚
So cool, Khmer Original Song 2017...!
nice MV for khmer New Year.😏😘
Madison song in this song is very very cool. I hope you will have it as a full one.
2020 ហើយមានអ្នកស្ដាប់អត់ ❤️😘
2021 hz🤣
The LoLok Dancer Is Very Close to CREATION.....Very SWEET, thank you!