@@jaelgoku1827 that makes absolutely no sense. That likes telling an Elite Player to beat another elite player with a Trash Character. All I’m saying is that he could be Amazing at the Game But He Just doesn’t put enough and time in the game as Nagato did. You should’ve said “Play the game more”
Hey Nag, thanks for this team idea. I had it on my mind for a long time and I just saw your video. After I watched it I upgraded the units and gave it a go myself. It carried me to platinum. I was in your new Elaine summon stream. Enjoyed so much, thanks for the great content. Best of the luck for your future contents!
After not playing 7DS for 2 weeks I come back, see this banner, I do the respect multi and pull the red zeldris. I wish yall luck if you are going to try and pull zeldris 🍀☘👍🏻.
Yup, my friend told me to not do the Halloween multi so I just stared at the zeldris multi for a week and pulled a 10x draw Saturday and got blue hawk eliz, then yesterday I drawled 2 red zeldris in 1 multi lol
@@illogikalli8337 blue hawk Eliz is great I got her with UR gear does so much damage you don’t even knw 👍🏼 put her with Red King Arthur for the buffs 💯💪🏼💪🏼
I cant wait for the 7 platinum coins deal for Green Estarosa.. Just contemplating if i will let go of my 5 coins Halloween Green Guila..I started playing 7DS global f2p when LV meli was in the banner.. I got LV meli and got 3 Red Zeldris.. got to ungeared platinum pvp with Blue Galland and Red Escannor to counter enemy team's Red Gowther.. Red Gowther is insanely OP when partnerred with Green Estarosa, Blue King and Red Derieri.. And lastly I hope I get Shin and Roxy in current banner ugh praying to RNG gods to bless me with those units!
lol i remember pulling zeldris on a 3 gem draw and invested everything into him cuz he was a damn beast now he's super awakened 5/6 and has like 4 ur pieces
kayoins theme its hella good i rec u to watch jojo bizarre adventure start from part 1-5 if u skip part 1 i swear on everything i wll find u jk just dont skip parts
Should I play this again? I quitted 3 months ago because of school issues. Should I continue because my team may get trashed because I don't know the meta line up this update
So I have a question I have this exact team on Ungeared, same level, same 6 star, practically same level. Unlike Nag here with that 117k my Red Zel, Red LV Mel and Green Estarossa all go about to 112k. The thing is I only have Deathpierce at lvl 50. My question is what unit would be a good substitute for Deathpierce???
I got double red on my first multi. I just started playing again and I'm f2p. Should I be disappointed since the red one will be available in the coin shop?
Manga spoilers ahead I wonder how will Grand cross do with ominous nebula zeldris Would it be a counter? His passive? I think it works better as a counter
@@sippysippy147 I mean, the story mode in jp is at the indura part with gowther if I'm correct and as characters we have the angels so at least It's closer than some people think? Idk, they seem kinda random at times too
I know something is fucking wrong with my setup if Nagato is winning with his only fully awakened characters while I'm still losing with super awakened characters and associated characters on a freaking ungeared PvP match.
Me *Uses Blue Zeldris without noticing* "Bro red Zeldris crits like a Beast" My Friend which I faced in a Friend-PvP "Yea that's blue Zeldris" Me : "WTF" also me after the second match WITH Red Zeldris "I didn't Crit once with a 92%chance of Crit' My Friend *laughing*" At least your Esca with 72% chance critted twice"
@@24zawisza do you know if he is coming to the coin shop right after the banner ends?.. if not how long will it be cuz I can't find the info on when he will be added
I came back today after getting stuck in genshin impact for a week... got kicked out of my knighthood for being afk and clapped by deri's in pvp (no clue why there are so many) but who gives a shit because I got 2 red zeldris off an escanor animation on my first pull
This unit really weird, my LV meli has 70% crit chance and my blue Zeldris has 78% crit chance but the thing is my LV meli give more crit than Zeldris, seriously this unit give me a headache
its the hit counts, blue zeldris only attack once, less chances, meli attacks 3 times, more chances, if blue zeldris had red zeldris attack animation then he would have been op
@@seby_snz.0381 festival unit is not include in any regular banner and only came in festival event like half anni event and you need ssr festival unit plat coin to get them
@@ak40hoeslayer48 I am f2p. I saved up all those gems in the hopes of getting one of those characters. If they don’t make some improvements to this game soon people are going to start dropping like flies.
14:11 he obviously could have won if Nagato wasn't acting like a fucking bot. The match before a lvl 3 from lv killed the opposing lv. He should of zeldris ult the other zeldris and then lvl 3 attacked the opposing lv. Simple plays nagato simple plays
AKA that one Zeldris that doesn't need to crit to be god tier
When global players ask *“how’s Zeldris?”* instead of *“how’s Nag?”*
TFW his zeldris hits harder in ungeared than mine does in elite : )))
Just get good
@@jaelgoku1827 that makes absolutely no sense. That likes telling an Elite Player to beat another elite player with a Trash Character. All I’m saying is that he could be Amazing at the Game But He Just doesn’t put enough and time in the game as Nagato did. You should’ve said “Play the game more”
What. Pls explain me?
@@lostbelt za warudo was said in the background music
Hey Nag, thanks for this team idea. I had it on my mind for a long time and I just saw your video. After I watched it I upgraded the units and gave it a go myself. It carried me to platinum. I was in your new Elaine summon stream. Enjoyed so much, thanks for the great content. Best of the luck for your future contents!
The brothers of destruction
@@Kirpanishrbest159 Yes, they're not brothers.
Oh hey, that’s me being bodied. It was nice running into you Nag!
After not playing 7DS for 2 weeks I come back, see this banner, I do the respect multi and pull the red zeldris. I wish yall luck if you are going to try and pull zeldris 🍀☘👍🏻.
Yup, my friend told me to not do the Halloween multi so I just stared at the zeldris multi for a week and pulled a 10x draw Saturday and got blue hawk eliz, then yesterday I drawled 2 red zeldris in 1 multi lol
@@illogikalli8337 blue hawk Eliz is great I got her with UR gear does so much damage you don’t even knw 👍🏼 put her with Red King Arthur for the buffs 💯💪🏼💪🏼
originally i didn’t care about this content but now i love it👍
Got him 2nd multi, gacha gods were def on my side for once😂😂 and used this team yesterday. Really good
I've never been this early, I love your vids!
I love Grand Cross so much 🥰
Bruh me to I just started last month best mobile game
Caleed Wiggins genshin over grand cross
I cant wait for the 7 platinum coins deal for Green Estarosa.. Just contemplating if i will let go of my 5 coins Halloween Green Guila..I started playing 7DS global f2p when LV meli was in the banner.. I got LV meli and got 3 Red Zeldris.. got to ungeared platinum pvp with Blue Galland and Red Escannor to counter enemy team's Red Gowther.. Red Gowther is insanely OP when partnerred with Green Estarosa, Blue King and Red Derieri..
And lastly I hope I get Shin and Roxy in current banner ugh praying to RNG gods to bless me with those units!
Nag:He does so much dmg at lvl 2(did 30k)
Blue Zeldris:How bout me? I do 100k at lvl 1!
If he crits
This is the exact team I'm finna run to( but wit Merlin instead cause I never lvled up deathpierce)
Yes thank you for this team 🙏🙏🙏
Imagine if red escanor came out today. He'd have a debuff immunity buff along side his hp stats buff for sure.
Me: I finnally got zeldris and lv meli.
Dude: where at jp or global
Me: RUclips.
Tomorrow I'm gonna spend around 30 to summon for zeldris so, anyone who's sees this please send your luck^^
@@God-gk8mi you sent it (your luck) before you replied, I got blue zeldris
PuRe SaRcAzM nani
@@puresarcazm8857 lol rip if that ain’t a shaft and a half...
Bro they just brought zeldris outta no where and I was saving to for the Halloween event I'll just buy red zel with coins and save for Halloween
did u use atk crit dmg on the red one or just standard atk def
Any replacements for Lv meli because my luck is dog shit for him, and anything for death pierce?
I just got him off my first 3 gem pull it’s the speed one tho
II-Goku -II it’s something
Same lmao
... that's best outcome really, cause red is coinshop anyway, congrats on the luck.
Umbra's Mercy much appreciated 😁
lol i remember pulling zeldris on a 3 gem draw and invested everything into him cuz he was a damn beast now he's super awakened 5/6 and has like 4 ur pieces
How do you even get ur gear im so confused im on episode 136 with no ur gear lol
radiatcrab merlin in the tavern
Ok thanks!
Who can I replace LV with on this team? Wasn't able to get him unfortunately.
Zeldris Crits when ever your enemy attacks, In a pvp match I was winning and his Blue Zeldirs 1 Shots my Units one by one, I lost.
What’s better ten commandment zeldris or Ten commandment Estrarossa
4:25 which music is this?
kayoins theme its hella good i rec u to watch jojo bizarre adventure start from part 1-5 if u skip part 1 i swear on everything i wll find u
jk just dont skip parts
@@mzzjjjahah Ive watched jojo and didn't skip anything
And kakyoin's theme is really damn good
I've just started and got zeldris should I use him
Of course, red or blue both are good unit
how is the game so clean on your pc, mine is lagging very very hard. Do u have any ideas how to fix it?
Should I play this again? I quitted 3 months ago because of school issues. Should I continue because my team may get trashed because I don't know the meta line up this update
Man i thought this was zeldris showcase 😂
How can you get gear efects on pvp i dont know
I got shafted with 210 gems
So I have a question I have this exact team on Ungeared, same level, same 6 star, practically same level. Unlike Nag here with that 117k my Red Zel, Red LV Mel and Green Estarossa all go about to 112k. The thing is I only have Deathpierce at lvl 50. My question is what unit would be a good substitute for Deathpierce???
I just went with Red Griamore. If you have Red King he is also a good back line. But honestly I would just upgrade Deathpierce.
can you teach how to build equip for Red Zeldris pls
Red derieri, red zeldris, red gowther and green estarossa, is a good team?
How do i get red derieri? I dont find her anywere😥
@@shinu._.9713 thanks❤
I absolutely love the jojo music in the background
I did a 30 pull and pulled red zeldi and a dupe of him but tbh I was alr leveling up my death pierce so I wanted blue zeldi
but there is the Kakyoin theme or am I wrong?
50 percent extra defense related stats eyy.(looks over at blue ban)
I got double red on my first multi. I just started playing again and I'm f2p. Should I be disappointed since the red one will be available in the coin shop?
No not at all
Once it’s in the coin shop level up his ult and that’s it
Manga spoilers ahead
I wonder how will Grand cross do with ominous nebula zeldris
Would it be a counter?
His passive?
I think it works better as a counter
Yea u right wryy
Bruh, we’re not even remotely close to that yet. 😂 This game takes ages to update story.
@@sippysippy147 I mean, the story mode in jp is at the indura part with gowther if I'm correct and as characters we have the angels so at least It's closer than some people think? Idk, they seem kinda random at times too
@@danieleranieri6412 that’s true but Ominous Nebula is far compared to where we’re at.
@@sippysippy147 yeah you're right. Plus it's not been shown in the anime yet, nonetheless it'll be interesting to see
Is that team works with blue zeldris too?
Should i replace my Green merlon with red zeldris?
Why did moving a card un-petrified lostvayne? Sorry im new to the game
Zeldris commandment, if you move your card you can cancel the buff
How od you know your in ungeared or geared pvp
14:51 bruh
Bad player but a good team
Nag wanting to say: are u dumb but he cant
Bro I was that player
Sorry i was the one before, Paiiin
@@sinnlos-lp9338 why would u try to petrifie esta and aoed with lv u should of tried to save up lv cards and kill nags lv
@@GodUsopp3 u missunderstood
@@sinnlos-lp9338 wdym
I use a similar team, but with blue Zeldris and red Estarossa
When will cs zel be on discount once hes put in the cs
About a 1 1/2 month after banner leaves
I might be wrong but it'll be about a month after at least
Nag how are you?
the brothers team once again
i got both from a 11x escanor animation and i’m f2p
Damn gg
I know something is fucking wrong with my setup if Nagato is winning with his only fully awakened characters while I'm still losing with super awakened characters and associated characters on a freaking ungeared PvP match.
Me *Uses Blue Zeldris without noticing* "Bro red Zeldris crits like a Beast"
My Friend which I faced in a Friend-PvP "Yea that's blue Zeldris"
Me : "WTF" also me after the second match WITH Red Zeldris "I didn't Crit once with a 92%chance of Crit'
My Friend *laughing*" At least your Esca with 72% chance critted twice"
How much ssr coins will he be?
10 coins, 7 if discounted
@@24zawisza do you know if he is coming to the coin shop right after the banner ends?.. if not how long will it be cuz I can't find the info on when he will be added
This team is op
esta was full defensive gear video when
title of first music?
This brothers team's good in pve?
I came back today after getting stuck in genshin impact for a week... got kicked out of my knighthood for being afk and clapped by deri's in pvp (no clue why there are so many) but who gives a shit because I got 2 red zeldris off an escanor animation on my first pull
how do you get 12k of attack? 😲
Witch set nead for red Zeldris?
Witch это ведьма, а сет атака/деф или можно попробовать атака/крит урон
@@meliodas9678 Тьфу, постоянно путаю)) Побочные статы у шмота делать как обычно на атаку и оз или крит для Зелдриса более лучший вариант?
@@Hope-pc4kv толку от критов без атаки не будет, еще и много бк потеряешь
I would use him with green estarossa and blue demon meliodas but i got shafted in zeldris banner
He's going to coin shop later, the red one
@@messiasrodrigues2455 thx i hope for 7 coins not 10
@@m._19x25 sometimes will be 7
my friend dropped both Zeldris in 33 gems and im pissed
i got red on a single and blue onna multi but im new to dis game and dont see how either are good. 😔
Pulled red zeldris can’t use him due to the fact I just fully awakened and evolved Eastin and valenti
I got blue zeldris second multi
Me to I was so happy even tho I wanted the red one
To be honest, the best part from blue Zeldris is his costume
My freind one time played with you
if your reading this im dossing anyone that i catch using lv meloidios king lilly or gowther so this is a warnings enjoy playing
Full brothers team
This unit really weird, my LV meli has 70% crit chance and my blue Zeldris has 78% crit chance but the thing is my LV meli give more crit than Zeldris, seriously this unit give me a headache
its the hit counts, blue zeldris only attack once, less chances, meli attacks 3 times, more chances, if blue zeldris had red zeldris attack animation then he would have been op
I'm confused, how did he un petrify meliodas?
Its Zeldris commandment if he moves a card it removes all debuffs, but, if you move a card you lose 1 ultimate gauge
Red zeldris is a coin shop unit?
@@shinu._.9713 I wasn't sure about the banner but now thst I know this I will skip and go to the coin shop, thanks for replying
@@shinu._.9713 thanks I know, but I don't need the blue one and beeing f2p I rather save my gems
How can I get Lostvayne Meliodas???
Festival banner
@@frost1842 where can I find this=)
@@seby_snz.0381 his banner already over a month ago
@@frost1842 yeah but it will be avalible whit SSR tickets right?
@@seby_snz.0381 festival unit is not include in any regular banner and only came in festival event like half anni event and you need ssr festival unit plat coin to get them
Pleaaaaas some one tell me if the game will stopp
I have spent hundreds of gems trying to get red Zeldris and Lostvayne Meliodas. Probably at least 1,000 gems in total. I still have neither one. 🤬
this games rates are dogshi dude just be f2p
@@ak40hoeslayer48 I am f2p. I saved up all those gems in the hopes of getting one of those characters. If they don’t make some improvements to this game soon people are going to start dropping like flies.
Nice jojo music
I went in 600 stones only got 1 copy of red zeldris
Same but 2 blue zeldris
Okay i not wrong i hear zawarudo but vid not stop why?
I hear golden experience requiem
Brothers 🙂
Brothers , cute
Got him 1st multi
I hear a jojo song :)))
Full brother team lol
Lol i dont have green estarossa xd
Lol my team right now
Gowther : Let me Seal your attack cardssss 😈
Zeldris : Nah sealing attack cards is not important 😁 like i care
no zeldris gang like here
Genshin please 😩
Someone used this in geared and did not use protection vs pierce I won
14:11 he obviously could have won if Nagato wasn't acting like a fucking bot. The match before a lvl 3 from lv killed the opposing lv. He should of zeldris ult the other zeldris and then lvl 3 attacked the opposing lv. Simple plays nagato simple plays
Is lostvayne coming to the coin shop?
Unfortunately no, he is a festival unit, only come back when has festival banners
Yes he will actually but his coins require other festival coins and also during a festival banner like ^ said