TURMION KÄTILÖT - Omen X (Official full album stream)

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии • 71

  • @DemJyke
    @DemJyke Год назад +70

    0:00 1. Totuus / Truth
    3:25 2. Gabriel
    6:56 3. Vie se pois / Bring it away
    10:47 4. Pyhä kolminaisuus / Holy trinity
    14:15 5. Puoli valtakuntaa / Half a kingdom
    17:39 6. Verestä sokea / Blind of blood
    21:16 7. Isä meidän / Father of ours
    25:21 8. Sormenjälki / Fingerprint
    28:46 9. Käy tanssiin / Commence the dance
    32:33 10. Kun kesä kuoli / When summer died
    36:06 11. Kuolettavia vammoja / Deadly injuries
    Eh, doing this is easier than manually seeking for the songs all the time.

    • @SashInTheWash
      @SashInTheWash Год назад +4

      thank you! :D

    • @Yelergyzen
      @Yelergyzen Год назад +2

      Much thanks!

    • @poopoo1533
      @poopoo1533 Год назад +2

      Appreciate it!🤘

    • @57reiska
      @57reiska Год назад +5

      Bring it away = Tuo se pois?

    • @DemJyke
      @DemJyke Год назад +2

      @@57reiska Take it away olis sitten Ota se pois. Yli ajattelin käännösiä kunnes on jaksanut säätää enää, eihän näitä ihan identtisesti saa käännettyä kirveelläkään. Jos on parannus ehdotuksia, niin otetaan vastaan.

  • @danielst.pierre817
    @danielst.pierre817 Год назад +110

    I'm surprised you guys are still around. I discovered your band while I was in high school back in 2005. I was just a pup at the time. I drove to work listening to your music and also driving both my friends/coworkers nuts. Because your music was all I'll listen to. Loved all the odd looks from people walking down the street as I'd drive by or sitting at a traffic light while listening to you guys. I live in the US, in a heavy Hispanic area. As the only seeming white guy that doesn't listen to rap music. I get some funny looks. Plus, I think I made some converts over the years. Ya got some rap fans listening now as well.

    • @c.o.6414
      @c.o.6414 Год назад +10

      same here, I’m stunned to see that these guys are still putting out music almost 20 years later! their leading man had a stroke and they still keep on going

    • @danielst.pierre817
      @danielst.pierre817 Год назад +8

      @C. O. I wasn't aware of his stroke? I hope he's doing well and staying safe.

    • @c.o.6414
      @c.o.6414 Год назад +6

      @@danielst.pierre817 yeah MC Rakka had a stroke occurred a few years back, sometime in 2012 or 2013 if I remember it right. it didn’t seem like it stopped him!

    • @jarivuorinen3878
      @jarivuorinen3878 Год назад +3

      @@c.o.6414 It wasn't a stroke but cerebral infarction though. Very nice that they continue to make music

    • @borbafet9206
      @borbafet9206 Год назад +5

      Thats so interesting. Im finnish and its always interesting to hear of people that like them outside of finland. Whats your favorite turmion kätilöt album?

  • @AstralNana
    @AstralNana 6 месяцев назад +14

    Turmion Kätilöt is a band I started to listen to when I was 13 and now rediscovering them at 27, I'm glad to see they're still as good as I remember.

  • @Catastropheshe
    @Catastropheshe 9 месяцев назад +16

    I don't understand a word but it brings me joy 😂😂😂

    • @velhonen
      @velhonen 9 месяцев назад +3

      Well at least you understood the motherfuckers rock the bass

  • @karolynezepa5553
    @karolynezepa5553 11 месяцев назад +7

    I love you guys. Your music is phenomenal. Always the same grat quality. Greetings from Hungary!

  • @АнаМэй
    @АнаМэй 5 месяцев назад +3

    You guys are legends. Please, never stop making music, most of the songs are perfect every time. It makes me feel alive. Best regards from Latvia!🤘

  • @malperci0x913
    @malperci0x913 Год назад +3

    From the Netherlands, with love

  • @bLedq
    @bLedq Год назад +6

    After so many years you guy keep getting better while still being fun!

  • @claudiaanemarietraila5352
    @claudiaanemarietraila5352 2 месяца назад +1

    I will start learning Finnish :))))) I discovered you when you sang the opening for Nightwish in the UK , Birmingham resort arena, and I like the way you sound. I have you on the recordings from that concert. I am happy to find you !

  • @riklem5345
    @riklem5345 Год назад +9

    Loistavaa settiä kuten aina.

  • @3G3A
    @3G3A Год назад +11

    Desde España esperando con muchas ganas este disco. Gracias por vuestro trabajo, sois mis número uno junto con Ruoska, Rakkastan Suomea ja Turmion Kätilöt! 🤗❤️

  • @herbertmartinez7639
    @herbertmartinez7639 5 месяцев назад +2

    The capital of heavy metal

  • @herbertmartinez7639
    @herbertmartinez7639 5 месяцев назад +2

    Hello from San Antonio Texas u.s.a.

  • @Vegosiux
    @Vegosiux Год назад +6

    You guys ROCKED in Zürich! Come again soon!

    • @albtrauming
      @albtrauming Год назад +2

      ooh cool to see other swiss turmion kätilö fans (im half finnish too tho lol)

    • @redneckster6639
      @redneckster6639 Год назад +1

      @@albtraumingLOL is your IQ.

  • @Watainish
    @Watainish Год назад +3

    Ein großes Lob aus Deutschland. Richtig gute Musik. Hab euch gerade erst entdeckt und kann gar nicht genug hören

  • @msd2028
    @msd2028 Год назад +3

    Guys, you're incredible. And the cover for album is great, tooxD You give me a chance to learn your music and enjoy it better and ACTUALLY come to your concert, finally. Sincere thank you for such opportunity...

  • @PsychoshockOfficial
    @PsychoshockOfficial 8 месяцев назад +2

    Absolute banger of an album. These guys inspired us to focus more on our native language in music as well. Grew up listening to them, and will gladly get old listening to them!

  • @soulwaveseoul
    @soulwaveseoul 5 месяцев назад +3


  • @vasyavintorez9157
    @vasyavintorez9157 Год назад +11

    From Russia, with love

  • @alesosouto
    @alesosouto 8 месяцев назад +2

    Best regards from Argentina

  • @mariospringsguth336
    @mariospringsguth336 Год назад +3

    happy Eastern Finland !

  • @Thrgothon
    @Thrgothon Год назад +5

    greetings from Mexico!! 🤘😈 🌮🌮

  • @xatwasnotmedicine7600
    @xatwasnotmedicine7600 Год назад +6

    Hienoa saada koko albumi yhteen videoon, kuunellu jo sata kertaa kaikki biisit :D

  • @MultiJHWH
    @MultiJHWH 9 месяцев назад +2

    Kind of wish I understood Finnish, but it sounds good all the same.

  • @harska
    @harska Год назад +2

    Great stuff

  • @bazbrad
    @bazbrad 10 месяцев назад +1

    yes its epic

  • @Rafi0421
    @Rafi0421 7 месяцев назад +2

    this is so so so so so so so so fucking good

  • @maxarnaut9031
    @maxarnaut9031 Год назад +1


  • @Rane434
    @Rane434 Год назад +1

    Aivan mahtava levytys.

  • @PrimitiveInTheExtreme
    @PrimitiveInTheExtreme Год назад +1


  • @LinaCooly
    @LinaCooly Год назад


  • @PexiTheBuilder
    @PexiTheBuilder Год назад +3

    Was suppose to come your gig, but misantropy was on too high levels.. I just buy album and merch like before

  • @apo55590
    @apo55590 8 месяцев назад

    Boom! Good songs. Nice to do more techno and not so deathmetal!

  • @FreqOfNatureBand
    @FreqOfNatureBand Год назад


  • @Haapavuo
    @Haapavuo Год назад +4

    Kuulinko just Kim Sainion puhumassa Gabriel-biisissä? 😄 Aivan loistavaa! Terveisiä Finnish Army Simulator -tiimiltä!🤘

  • @poonaa9472
    @poonaa9472 Год назад

    pöö säikähtäkö🧛🏻

  • @jordick8427
    @jordick8427 Год назад +12

    Oletteko harkinnu Euroviisuihin osallistumista? 😄
    Saispa sinnekkin vähän erillaista settiä, eikä aina niitä samalta kuulostavia balladeja.

  • @teeram100
    @teeram100 Год назад +1

    Tuli täs tollain video idea mieleen missä virret olis korvattu teidän tekemillänne biiseillä tai biisillä

    • @MrJyskes
      @MrJyskes Месяц назад


  • @rodrigojaramillo367
    @rodrigojaramillo367 Год назад

    Universal music group nuclear Blast Records

  • @herbertmartinez7639
    @herbertmartinez7639 5 месяцев назад +1

    U should give Rammstein a run for they're money.noeth Americans tour

  • @mutsismarka593
    @mutsismarka593 Год назад +1


  • @sanna-j9x
    @sanna-j9x 8 месяцев назад +1

    My Maps geologia

  • @rodrigojaramillo367
    @rodrigojaramillo367 Год назад

    The Loud House season 7