Apostles and prophets | Asher Intrater | Revive Israel

  • Опубликовано: 18 сен 2024
  • The five-fold ministry roles of evangelist, pastor and teacher are recognized and in use today, but what happened to the roles of apostle and prophet? What kind of people are they and how do these roles function today in the Body of Messiah?
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Комментарии • 31

  • @publisher3794
    @publisher3794 7 лет назад +3

    Excellent! So profound!
    We are already included in the Kingdom authority of Yeshua! We are already reigning in Him at the right hand of the Father! We are His witnesses in the heavenlies. We are engaged in His holy warfare and He is the Captain of the hosts of heaven. He Who has never lost a battle.
    Ephesians 3:10. We as the Ekklesia witness to the principalities and the powers; the rulers of this age and reveal the multi-faceted, multi-coloured, manifold, wide-shining Wisdom of God.

  • @threefoldchristian
    @threefoldchristian 7 лет назад +2

    Very good word, well presented!

  • @gsybico
    @gsybico 7 лет назад +2

    Love it Rabbi

  • @nurdinnapitupulu2325
    @nurdinnapitupulu2325 4 года назад


  • @carlaguedes8471
    @carlaguedes8471 7 лет назад +1

    Amazing revelation

  • @prophetdansmith
    @prophetdansmith 4 года назад


  • @joegreen4481
    @joegreen4481 3 года назад

    The later day Church has, Overseers, Pastors, Teachers, Evangelists.

  • @schwagervonstephan
    @schwagervonstephan 5 лет назад

    Great teaching! You mentioned a teaching on identety from a Dan. Where can I find it?

  • @avinashisraelsodha300
    @avinashisraelsodha300 5 лет назад

    Dear Speaker,
    Greetings from India. God shine His face upon you.
    I have some questions. First, is the word 'Ecclesia' rightly used for the 'church'(set apart people or body of believers).
    Second, according to the book of Matthew and Mark, our Lord Jesus Christ will come on clouds and will be seen on the clouds. Nowhere, the Bible says He will come to earth, like 'touching his feet to the ground'. How do you explain touch the ground. He didn't let Mary touch Him after His resurrection saying that He has not been to the father. Please clear my doubts.
    Third, I could understand you last line where the church will rule outside on the earth. I understand you don't mean on Mars and Saturn. I understand you mean over nations. But when Christ gave the authority to His disciples and believers. And body of Christ- the church(Peter) was told that the gates of hell shall not prevail over the church. Then don't you think the church with Christ and the Holy Spirit is already ruling over the principalities, powers in the heavenlies, demons etc. We are into deliverance ministry. The church prayers and authority given to it is already ruling over these principalities. For example: Pastor Derek Prince, Prophet T.B.Joshua and many other in the history have already executed the authority.

    • @devsahayam6517
      @devsahayam6517 4 года назад

      Zachariah 14-4 says Jesus Christ will stand on mountain Olive.

  • @joegreen4481
    @joegreen4481 3 года назад

    You did not mention Overseers. The Body of Christ has Overseers.

  • @elizabethadamson3814
    @elizabethadamson3814 4 года назад +1

    You still not explaining what the Apostles duty is in the Church sir .

  • @ChosenJulia
    @ChosenJulia 3 года назад +1

    There are only TWELVE apostles chosen by Yeshua. .These apostles are the twelve of the choosing of Lord Yeshua Himself when He was on earth. You, a Jew should know and understand that YESHUA chose these twelve, He never said and there will be more added to you upon the future generations. Nope, you are misinterpreting scripture. Yeshua does NOT says in John 6 He chose the TWELVE as apostles "with more to come".... See below in John 6:
    John 6:65=71 Tree of Life Version
    Then He told them, “For this reason I’ve told you that no one can come to Me unless it has been granted to him by the Father.”
    From this time, many of His disciples left and quit walking with Him. So Yeshua said to the TWELVE, “You don’t want to leave also, do you?”
    Simon Peter answered Him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life! We have trusted and have come to know that you are the Holy One of God.”
    Yeshua answered them, “Didn’t I choose you, the TWELVE? Yet one of you is the adversary!” Now He was speaking of Judah, the son of Simon of Kriot-for he, one of the TWELVE, was about to betray Him.
    NO one can choose the apostles except Yeshua . Yeshua said HE chose the TWELVE.
    God bless your day with wisdom, knowledge, discernment and revelation through His Spirit indwelling and prayer. The Lord provides wisdom to those whom humble themselves and do His will.

  • @TIMMY12181
    @TIMMY12181 6 лет назад +1

    No, the apostles were Semitic. The works of an apostle. In the end, Paul could not heal himself.

  • @williamfloyd4669
    @williamfloyd4669 7 лет назад +2

    There's a lot of assumptions in here...

    • @williamfloyd4669
      @williamfloyd4669 7 лет назад +2

      Not to mention some cultish misunderstandings.

    • @heroshion21
      @heroshion21 6 лет назад +1

      Um, could you make specific points? I would like to see where you're coming from.

  • @mosesreza510
    @mosesreza510 4 года назад +2

    They were called to lay the Foudation which they did
    We don't have Apostles nor Prophets today we have The Bible

  • @fritzcampbell6132
    @fritzcampbell6132 5 лет назад

    Its funny how a jew, even a messianic jew cant help making Israel his focus, his centerpiece of attention instead of Christ Jesus.
    The mystery is/has been revealed; God is for ALL, all people who believe on Jesus are adopted into sonship, the mystery is “Christ in you/me the hope Glory”. It, “the mystery” is NOT at all about a partnership with Israel and it is NO LONGER hidden. This is one more twisted Gospel from a “wolf in sheep’s clothing”.

    • @briantitchener4829
      @briantitchener4829 5 лет назад

      Fritz, Christ in us indeed is our centre and our hope of glory. One thing though, the word 'adopted' is not a completely accurate translation concerning our sonship. Jesus said "that which is BORN of the Spirit is spirit". The new birth is exactly that, a new creation. God does not adopt old Adam and then improve him. We in Adam were finished on the cross and new Life was given to our deadened spirit. Regeneration takes place through the Resurrection life of our dear Lord.(1 Peter 1 v 3). In spirit we have become His real brothers . This is truly marvellous! "He that is joined to the Loed is one spirit" (1 Cor.6 v17)

  • @TIMMY12181
    @TIMMY12181 6 лет назад +4

    Apostles are not for today.

    • @thebestisyettocomegodisawe1081
      @thebestisyettocomegodisawe1081 6 лет назад +1

      tim sturm You are DECIEVED.

    • @mandycote3652
      @mandycote3652 5 лет назад +1

      ...ONLY when Jesus IS finished building His Church... apostles will NO longer be necessary... and this will only BE when He returns for His bride the Church! And He hasn't returned yet! For there are those things that must be full filled BEFORE He does...and the FIRST thing in order is for the bride to BE prepared by the working of the Holy spirit...who IS over-seeing Her growth IN Him...individual...AND...over-seeing the ministry gifts TO the Church...corporately!!!

    • @mandycote3652
      @mandycote3652 5 лет назад

      AND...others He must bring also to the fold ...which are those outside of Christ yet to be called out-of-the-world AND those that are IN religion that does NOT give life...having the writ of the word...bible but NOT the God of the word...brought to us through Jesus Christ and now the Holy spirit at the Lords ascension!!! For we MUST be born-again by this seed in order to have the RIGHT Father and not the father of lies...satan himself in disguise! For religion in the name of christianity IS still religion!!!

    • @augustinaalves7009
      @augustinaalves7009 5 лет назад

      tim sturm amen

    • @ShiftingAthmospheres23
      @ShiftingAthmospheres23 4 года назад +2

      I Corinthians 12: 28 And Hod hath set some in the church FIRST APOSTLES!!!!