whistling screamer and whistle rockets

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 22

  • @user-pc8tb7hg1lHandlesRDumb
    @user-pc8tb7hg1lHandlesRDumb Год назад +1

    Dang dude you’r rockets left in a hurry! The red star was sweet.

    • @E85_STI
      @E85_STI  Год назад

      Thank you and yes I plan to use those in a ball shell and they stay on for a few seconds Vs how quick they shells burn but I only used one because it if burns too long it could start a fire so it worked out well but for a whistle rocket because it gets a lot of height

  • @SilverStagPyro
    @SilverStagPyro Год назад +1

    Good stuff, man! 👍🏼
    Happy 4th!

    • @E85_STI
      @E85_STI  Год назад +1

      Thank you and I appreciate you for watching and hope you had a great 4th

  • @BadgerScrub
    @BadgerScrub Год назад

    I'll tell you this: I am someone who does pyrotechnic displays for multiple cities every year during the 4th of July period of celebrations. The team I work with, we manually light the fireworks with flares, no electronics, and the shows we light off have 3-6 inch mortar shells. You absolutely do not need to be running from these fireworks that you have there. First, they're not big enough to harm anything but your ears from a distance of more than a few few. Second, running away from fireworks is far more dangerous than just walking. You would honestly be fine just taking 4 or 5 steps back--if that. Nonetheless, I really respect you making your own fireworks. It's a tough and tedious job!

    • @E85_STI
      @E85_STI  Год назад

      So the reason I do it is because I had a rocket cato and the flash is strong enough to mess up my ear drums and I’ve also had a rocket not go straight but turn and take off at an angle. I balance all my rockets before flight and the fly pretty straight but the ones I make with rocket fins those are in predictable

    • @PnwPryo
      @PnwPryo 9 месяцев назад

      You can choose to be deaf and fingerless

    • @BadgerScrub
      @BadgerScrub 9 месяцев назад

      @@PnwPryo Ear protection keeps you from going deaf. People only lose fingers when they're stupid and hold onto rockets or try and throw higher power firecrackers. The reason I said what I said is so that people don't end up going deaf or fingerless by being a little bit more calm and collected around explosives.
      Also, I've had fireworks blow up early and do what is called a flowerpot, or they break really low after leaving a tube. In 99.99% of cases, it's completely safe, as these explosives don't contain enough energy for the "airblast" effect from it to hurt anyone (as long as you're wearing ear protection-a must, always).

  • @3ccdmike
    @3ccdmike Год назад

    Sweet ! I like how that worked.

    • @E85_STI
      @E85_STI  Год назад +1

      Thank you and it’s a great feeling when you make one and it works lol. I’ve had failures many times and I still post them to show they don’t always work

    • @3ccdmike
      @3ccdmike Год назад

      @@E85_STI they teach you how not to do it. 😜

  • @stripedbassnut
    @stripedbassnut Год назад +1

    Will there be a "screamer to report" or a "whistling rocket" tutorial?

    • @E85_STI
      @E85_STI  Год назад +2

      I can make one no problem and I’m actually going to make the screamer to whistle rocket like a 2 stage rocket because I like when the rocket sits and screams them takes off and I think I have an idea how it works because not many tutorials on here for the 2 stage rockets.

    • @NagashiChidorii
      @NagashiChidorii Год назад

      @@E85_STIhow do you think they work? How do they whistle without taking off? Im guessing its increments of whistle without a spindle which allows it to not have as much pressure

    • @HenrikSherwood
      @HenrikSherwood 11 месяцев назад

      @@E85_STI Use your helicopter tooling, the first stage is basically just a whistling tourbillion/gerb. Press it and leave about an inch of space between the rocket fuel grain and the gerb fuel grain, stuff with a bit of tissue paper or a layer of foil tape and use blackmatch in between to pass fire

    • @MarcoAntonio-ig6ye
      @MarcoAntonio-ig6ye 2 месяца назад

      Qual a fórmula do foguete que apita?

  • @garryfinnegen1246
    @garryfinnegen1246 Год назад +1

    can you do a tutorial on how to make the whistle to reports on the ground?

  • @Wildpyro_707
    @Wildpyro_707 Год назад

    How do you make your scream for your screamer

  • @fume5671
    @fume5671 Год назад

    Bro you are going crazy making them fire works.. how hard would it be to make a strobe rocket ?

    • @E85_STI
      @E85_STI  Год назад +1

      So it’s just one chemical that I don’t have which is dichromate but I have everything else to make it. I think making whistle fuel is pretty dangerous of course but once it’s wet it’s safe. I made a video showing how to make whistle fuel. We’ll see about the strobes this year though. The one thing that surprises me is the height the rockets are getting and you see the flash and it takes a second to hear the bang. These were only 1/2 rockets

    • @fume5671
      @fume5671 Год назад

      @@E85_STI would love to see a strobe rocket here in Cali a lot of ppl have them they call them 4 inch gold top strobe rocket idk if they are home made or not but wow those things pack a punch but super expensive here

    • @E85_STI
      @E85_STI  Год назад

      @@fume5671 yes they move so dang fast and here’s a 5/16 rocket I made last year and you can see how fast it is. I have made 1/4” as well but the 5/16” is the smallest you want to go.