Honestly, there's no sense in asking if shoes/clothing/bags are real or fake at garage sales because you can't really trust what the seller is saying. Like if an electronic item is working, they'll say it is, you get home, and it doesn't. You just have to do your due diligence before you buy it.
Call Me CRAZY but I swear I hear a very soft voice at around the 29:51 mark. and unless its you whispering Dave, I don't know what to make of it. Also at 29:59 I hear a Whisper that says "Very" After the seller made a comment about needing a big amplifier. Gave me a Very creepy Vibe!!
Honestly, there's no sense in asking if shoes/clothing/bags are real or fake at garage sales because you can't really trust what the seller is saying. Like if an electronic item is working, they'll say it is, you get home, and it doesn't. You just have to do your due diligence before you buy it.
Thanks for the videos! Keep them coming. That was a really nice chair! On my bolo😮
Hey Tina luv ya 😘 lol you too Dave don't feel left out 😘 big love from Scotland ❤
Happy Thanksgiving Ya'll
Dave just got the money and dipped out 😂
Tina is wearing my 9th cousin's shirt. lol
Call Me CRAZY but I swear I hear a very soft voice at around the 29:51 mark. and unless its you whispering Dave, I don't know what to make of it. Also at 29:59 I hear a Whisper that says "Very" After the seller made a comment about needing a big amplifier. Gave me a Very creepy Vibe!!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family 🦃🦃
Does Tina sell the makeup and stuff she buys? I know you're always asking if any is for sell.
She has her own eBay store where she sells makeup and beauty products.
Don’t be fooled buying name brands the designers are getting rich from the masses who are fooled. Now you take them back lol peeling . Garbage
Happy Thanksgiving Dave and family!🦃🦃
Hey Oh!!!