Im 33 years im tourn in into islam and finally i find peace and see the beauty of life. The best happen in my life tourn to islam. My Allah protect all of us brothers and sisters ❤
A doctor can try to cure illness, but only the Al- Mighty can guide and cure, may Allah protect us all, as we are hopeless without him. I learnt this dua: اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنَ الْهَمِّ وَالْحَزَنِ، وَالْعَجْزِ وَالْكَسَلِ، وَالْبُخْلِ وَالْجُبْنِ، وَضَلَعِ الدَّيْنِ وَغَلَبَةِ الرِّجَالِ - O Allah! I seek refuge with You from worry and grief, from incapacity and laziness, from cowardice and miserliness, from being heavily in debt and from being overpowered by (other) men. Ameen
Finally after so many years i came to listen to this!!I used to sleep with my dad when i was little and whenver i would he would put this Nasheed on and i would sleep so peacefully-Now im in sixth grade almost going to seventh and having a room of my own but i do sometimes sleep with my dad and he still puts it on for me!!Im having my exams aswell!!All the muslim brothers and sisters stay safe!And make sure to keep mee in your prayers!
A person said "(ALLAHUAKBAR)" Later he/she said "( SUBHANALLAH)" and after that he /she said "(LA ILAHA ILLA ANTA SUBHANAKA INNI KUNTU MINAZ ZALIMIN)". Thus he earned many good deeds and that person is u.❤️
This is a mix of Urdu, Arabic and English. According to google, it also includes Turkish which is also quite impressive, 4 languages mixed together, mashallah!
@RandomnessPlot.x some people dont even have respect and they expect respect from others Bro remember islam doesnt tell us to disrespect other religions,let him be dont waste ur time on stupid peeps
Hmara snatan dharm arbo sal purana hai aur baki bat rhi ungli uthane ki hmare dharm pe himmat hai to ab bageshwar dham aa jao ham bhi tumko dikha denge
Hi I'm wirda and this song is very very nice amazing, I'm amazed! :) I'm Muslim and I like this song I support Allah. my language is urdu and English. bye thanks for the son to.:)
This is a great song. May Allah guide us. May allah grant whoever made this song Jannah. I hope this song is beloved by others this is so nice. May Allah Guide us. Ameen. It's a song that will help us make Tawbah and protect us from Shaitan. Great job!!!!! Its the best song and I am feeling good because of this. Sami Yusuf has the best songs and I hope you post more great Sami Yusuf songs like this. May allah guide you. Thanks for posting this song!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barkatuhhu ❤ Say with me " subhanallah" "Alhamdulillah" "Allah hu Akbar" Congratulations, you have earned your reward! ❤😊
I have heard this naat after many years. May Allah forgive & protect us all. May Allah guide us the right path.
@@SANALYRICS Yeah Mashallah. May Allah (S.W.T) guide you to the right path. Ameen
I am addicted to this since my childhood
May Allah bless us all and forgive all muslim brothers and sisters
What does jallallah mean
same here
Not only muslim but every human
Im 33 years im tourn in into islam and finally i find peace and see the beauty of life. The best happen in my life tourn to islam. My Allah protect all of us brothers and sisters ❤
Mashallah brother
@@SANALYRICS yeah mashallah and im proud too, thats i am a muslim!
This is real medicine to soul. Subhaan Allah.
A doctor can try to cure illness, but only the Al- Mighty can guide and cure, may Allah protect us all, as we are hopeless without him. I learnt this dua: اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنَ الْهَمِّ وَالْحَزَنِ، وَالْعَجْزِ وَالْكَسَلِ، وَالْبُخْلِ وَالْجُبْنِ، وَضَلَعِ الدَّيْنِ وَغَلَبَةِ الرِّجَالِ - O Allah! I seek refuge with You from worry and grief, from incapacity and laziness, from cowardice and miserliness, from being heavily in debt and from being overpowered by (other) men.
الاغنيه بها موسيقي لذا فلا تجوز و غير ذلك الدواء الحقيقي هو القرآن صديقي
This is not sosn this is naat
I'm addicted to this naat since I heard it😍😍may allah forgive u and all the other muslim brothers and sisters...❤️
Inshallah, sister❤❤
So nice of you 💔🌹💔🖤🌹🖤🔥🔥🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
This works wonders if you are feeling will just boost you up and your motivation towards your life 😊❤️
yess wallah
Brother harr religion meh peace he hai people are the problem
as a new Muslim, I find this song so beautiful, brings me close to my Allah ❤
Jazakallah khair💙
It's the most beautiful naat I ever listened It's my first time listening an English naat it became to close to my heart in no time
@@SnowyXangles inshallah may Allah bless you
Finally after so many years i came to listen to this!!I used to sleep with my dad when i was little and whenver i would he would put this Nasheed on and i would sleep so peacefully-Now im in sixth grade almost going to seventh and having a room of my own but i do sometimes sleep with my dad and he still puts it on for me!!Im having my exams aswell!!All the muslim brothers and sisters stay safe!And make sure to keep mee in your prayers!
hallo brother where are you from
@@uttarbongovideo750 Hello-I am a girl-But yeah im from PAkisTan.
Boht sukoon mahsus hota hai mujy iss naath e shareef say shukaarhaj Allah ka ❤️
This naat is very inspirational for all muslim in the world❤
I love this naat so much. It’s my favourite one.
MashAllah. What a soul soothing and beautiful naat kareem . MashAllah.
May Allah Forgive us .😢❤❤
Forgive us for?
@@pranavlimaye for anything we did bad
__Wo tanha kaun hai__❤????
*Allah hu Allah*
So adorable,mellifluous , equisite, charming, sweet voice. It touches my heart
A person said "(ALLAHUAKBAR)" Later he/she said "( SUBHANALLAH)" and after that he /she said "(LA ILAHA ILLA ANTA SUBHANAKA INNI KUNTU MINAZ ZALIMIN)". Thus he earned many good deeds and that person is u.❤️
jazakallah ❤❤
Mey Allah bless🙏 you ❤
Jazakallah, brother or sister ♥
Apaan sih tod
My brother just accepted islam after hearing your naat tenkss bro
I am really proud to be a Muslim
Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah ❤ Alhamdulillah ❤ Alhamdulillah ❤ Alhamdulillah ❤
@@MuhammadJamil-wv3kg Assalamualaikum
I'm not Muslim but this song sings to my soul thank you for sharing
This is a nasheed not a song
This is not song ok
😢may Allah blessed uh ... 😢
it’s not a song it’s a nasheed
Why doesn't this nasheed more popular come on Muslims we can do it
It is naat
True 💯
Using musical instruments is totally haram
@@haseebshujaat620 It's Not Naat It's Hamd Brother ❤️
Sorry for telling that it is a song
I am Christian, and this song goes hard 🔥🔥🔥
Allahu Akbar
Amin 🙏
Mashaallah ❤
It's not song it's Nasheed 😊
Gave me a flashback there for a sec haha
💛you all have pure hearts may allah bless you guys🙏
U too
Aapka bhi
I have been listening to Sami Yusuf since I was 8!! and now i’m 13 ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Nice 👏😊bro
Bro's same as my age 😀
@@Zavier3061 mashallah💙
I am also 13, but I remember this from before I was 8, maybe 6 for me?
Ya,Allah, you may be 14 or 15 now i am 14
I am Roman Catholic but I respect every religion and respect to Allah
@@fran282 ?
mashallah brother, inside the Green Dome where Muhammad is laid to rest, there is a place for Isa Ibn Maryam - the messiah Jesus son of mary.
Brother the Prophet Muhammed (SAW) you should add (SAW or Pbuh) for respect and rewards for the prophet.@@mcfixer9503Also, pbuh for Isa (Jesus pbuh)
Amen, may the LORD bless you.
edit: full respect to the Islamic people who don't discriminate because of religion
I am a Muslim ☪️ so I like Islam ☪️
Ma Sha Allah what a beautiful nasheed the beauty of Islam Subhanallah ❤
Wow i don't have any words to describe this naat MashaAllah ❤❤
I am not Muslim even though I am listening to this so soothing and relaxing naat
Inshallah 💙
@@SANALYRICSwhat does jallallah mean
@@mynameisbananahii9147 that means Allah is great 💙
Its Hammd❤️❤️
Allah is the most forgiving, merciful, kind, loving, caring, sympathetic person in the universe
Subhanallah ❤❤❤😊😊🥰🥰🕌🙏🏻
I'm not even religious but this song just have been stuck in my head forever
Power of allah
Power of allah
It's not a song it's a nasheed ❤
Power of Allah, return to the straight path ❤️
I am a Muslim sister and reading this make me enjoy full especially sincem2 weeks left untill 6 weeks holiday
I dont why i cant stop listening to It ❤😮
I listen to this everyday 🤲🧕❤️
@@SANALYRICS dose it have musical instruments
This Is The Solution of any Problem....🥰Sukoon.❤️
I am true Muslim ❤this aribic naat part of my life😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
As a Muslim, this song is amazing! I love Allah! ☪️❤️
Sorry but this is haram ❗️❗️❗️
@@morgan3625 no it isnt
@@MiguelPlzNoticeMe yes it is it has instruments which are haram 🆘🆘🆘
I listen to this song whenever I'm happy, like right now
May God bless all who read this and may you always come to Him with joy just to thank Him.❤
Am not a Muslim but this song is the medicine for my soul❤
Bro this is naat
beautifull religion in islam🤲🤲
May Allah guide you to choose the right path in your life
@@MHanbalAzam jazakallah khair
May Allah Gide you to Isla it a cure to the souls
Masha-Allah Subhan-Allah
We should promote this more and more so one day this shows on 1st number on youtube❤
Gives soothening effect Masha-Allah
I'm just 10 years old but this is one of my favorite naat 🕋😊
This is a mix of Urdu, Arabic and English. According to google, it also includes Turkish which is also quite impressive, 4 languages mixed together, mashallah!
May Allah Protect all muslims around the world
😮not all humans ?
Okay anyway islam is a cult...
@RandomnessPlot.x some people dont even have respect and they expect respect from others
Bro remember islam doesnt tell us to disrespect other religions,let him be dont waste ur time on stupid peeps
Inshallah bro
Hmara snatan dharm arbo sal purana hai aur baki bat rhi ungli uthane ki hmare dharm pe himmat hai to ab bageshwar dham aa jao ham bhi tumko dikha denge
@hdolfaitler2033 and you belive in flying donkeys, moon splitting into two
I love this naat since my childhood 🩵🫂
Whenever I am happy i start reciting this naat ✨️
alhamdullillah you posted this this is what i needed
☝️ mohammad (s.a.w)
This is a masterpiece ❤️
it has instruments this is a song (huge haram)
This is soothing to the soul subhanallah
When I saw this I was like omg I remember this naat when I was a kid . I loved this naat since I was like 4 ❤❤😊
Hi I'm wirda and this song is very very nice amazing, I'm amazed! :) I'm Muslim and I like this song I support Allah. my language is urdu and English. bye thanks for the son to.:)
Inshallah bhai❣️
❤❤❤yaa alaah ❤❤❤❤🎉
Mashallah ❤
This is a great song. May Allah guide us. May allah grant whoever made this song Jannah. I hope this song is beloved by others this is so nice. May Allah Guide us. Ameen. It's a song that will help us make Tawbah and protect us from Shaitan. Great job!!!!! Its the best song and I am feeling good because of this. Sami Yusuf has the best songs and I hope you post more great Sami Yusuf songs like this. May allah guide you. Thanks for posting this song!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Iam not even Muslim but I like this music
This is naat
This is naat not a music
This is called a Nasheed, and may Allah guide you to the straight path ❤️
Combination of many language makes it beautiful.
This song we used to sing in the English class in our school in Saudi Arabia
This Nat is beautiful I am muslim
I was young when this song released in 2005.....I still remember when i bought the full album of Sami Yusuf
Inshallah ❤❤
@@Nabilajahangirkhizra inshallah
Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barkatuhhu ❤
Say with me
" subhanallah"
"Allah hu Akbar"
Congratulations, you have earned your reward! ❤😊
Mashaallah i really like this song and listen to it when i feel down
Inshallah 💙
It's naat ☺️
Allah is the greatest ❤
This song has been in my mind for years why is this still not as popular as it should be
I am Hindu, but I also love this song
Hindu Muslim are United....❤
Song ❌ nasheed✅🌚💖
@@AHXD__KHXN right brother
Shabash bhai sahab. Mujhe bhi!
@@syndicalistspeedsolver 💘✅
Kaa re chamaar banja mussalli hindu na bol khudko
Rooh ko choo Jany waly deep words and ur voice superb
Top beautiful naat.... eik raaz baton.... kurulus Osman❤❤ ke shorts mein yehi naat lagi hoti hai zaida taar
My fev naat ❤❤❤😊😊😊
I Love this uk Muslim from a Muslim From Nigeria 🇳🇬❤️🇬🇧
It always gives me peace ❤️
My heart melts whenever I listen this ❤️
❤❤❤❤❤❤❤love You Allah❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Masha-Allah🎉wow what a voice
Came all the way to hear what I wanted to for so longggg 😊😊
0:40 o my lord please send me back?
That means a lot
No words ❤ beautifull ❤❤❤❤😊
allah is the greatest he is the all knowing and all hearing allahuh akbar
Masha allah your sound is very beautiful I am surprised that you talk 4 languages Masha allah
0:14 Beet part❤
It's naat ... By the way very good naat ... Masahallah 😘☺❤
One of the Best Naat....Alhamdulillah...
it has instruments this is a song (huge haram)
It’s a hand
Mashaallah ❤❤❤❤
Masha allah 😘😘😘 amazing voice 💖💖
True ,it's a soul medicine
God is powerful!❤
I love this naat❤😊
I wish that this song will be more popular
But this is naat not song
This is the best naat I have ever heard♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Love this naat❤❤😊
Bismillah ❤❤❤❤❤ I love it I was listening all night
I am a Hindu from Hindustan but I love this song and all religions ❤
Go listen to bhajans. There are many bhajans out there
its not a song
@@piyushkarn8825tu fir idhar kya kar rha hai
@@piyushkarn8825why are you here then? go listen to bhajan as well. Long live Islam.
I am proud to be Muslim Alhamdulillah ❤️
Allahu ekber 🤲
Allahu Allahu... May Allah forgive all muslims brothers and sisters ameen❤❤❤
I love it so much
I'm hindu but I love this song ❤ ❤ ❤
Inshallah ok❤
But in India🇮🇳 no religion everyone are same and equal We are human only mashallah ❤
@@SANALYRICS love to u bro. \we are indians and we are brothers
@@premtandon6536 ok bro❤
And this not a song
It's a naath
peaceful voice
and line is allah hu allah is so satisfying ❤❤
MashaAllah MashaAllah sakoon 💕❤️💕💕
We are muslims i love islam ❤❤
Its so amazing song I love it 💖
Bro it's naat☺️
As an christan i like this music i support all reglions this song is just good
Some muslims will still say music are haram 😏😏
we making it out of jahannam with this one 🗣🗣🔥🔥🔥