Roland P-6 Trick to Load More Samples

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 55

  • @aurozappa305
    @aurozappa305 2 месяца назад +4

    I really enjoy watching these videos withouts edits , I'm learning so much watching them .

    • @dreadwardbernays
      @dreadwardbernays  2 месяца назад +1

      I’ll keep them coming, and we’ll learn together.

  • @projectswithstrangers3860
    @projectswithstrangers3860 2 месяца назад +2

    Great job man way to work with the community great channel!!

  • @etyrnal
    @etyrnal 2 месяца назад +3

    you inspired me to sit down and compose part of a piece of music this evening which I posted on RUclips. I used to come home and write music every single night, but due to technology marching forward and obsoletin my computer and my software I haven't felt much like writing. but playing around with these musical toys his sparked some interest again. thank you

    • @dreadwardbernays
      @dreadwardbernays  2 месяца назад

      That’s good to hear. I’ve had tech get in the way before, as well. So much noise. Stops me from being able to express myself. Send me some tunes, if you get around to exporting them.

    • @jerdure
      @jerdure 29 дней назад

      Incredible hack ! Thanks a lot for this !!

  • @ted-dmusic3561
    @ted-dmusic3561 Месяц назад +1

    There’s a poly mode that lets you play chops at same time on same pad. If it’s set to monophonic only one can be played at a time. I haven’t gotten around to figuring out where the setting is nuts it’s def there 🎉

    • @dreadwardbernays
      @dreadwardbernays  Месяц назад

      Hold down shift, and press the Gate button to access poly.

  • @etyrnal
    @etyrnal 2 месяца назад +2

    when I first started messing around with this thing I encountered a lot of frustrations, but the more I play around with it, my ideas of how the workflow should go start to conform to how the machines process is, and it has actually triggered some interesting different ways of looking at how to put together a piece of music on this gear.

    • @dreadwardbernays
      @dreadwardbernays  2 месяца назад

      Agreed. This workflow has its own magic. I’m making very different tunes, compared to the MPC or the EP-1320, or even a DAW.

    • @dreadwardbernays
      @dreadwardbernays  2 месяца назад

      Agreed. This workflow has its own magic. I’m making very different tunes, compared to the MPC or the EP-1320, or even a DAW.

  • @sakkemakke
    @sakkemakke Месяц назад +1

    I’ve used specifically treated drumkit and breakbeat wav files with my Dirtywave M8 tracker. There you can have up to 100 slices/chops and no sample time limit.
    But now I know I can put all those kits (1 kit for vocals, 1kit for one shot drums and 1kit of breakbeats) to my P-6. I just need to either shorten those wav files so that there’s only 64 of different sounds (max amount of chops) or downsample in P-6 sample tool. Either way all of those three wav files can be easily pitched up in a daw to be just 6 seconds each.
    So no worries about having 64 different 8bar drumbreaks in one sample pad memory. The lenght isn’t really a problem. You can always use the oldskool way of sampling and pitch up the original wav file and have all those breakbeats in 6 seconds. Sure, it might cause some grit when pitching down in P-6, but isn’t that just the way we want it? 😊

  • @donut5718
    @donut5718 2 месяца назад +1

    Sounds badass 🔥

  • @kernelpaniiic
    @kernelpaniiic 2 месяца назад +1

    14:43 question for everyone : suppose I don't want to live record the snare (which is the second chop) but enter it using the step sequencer (meaning you need to exit the KYBD mode). Is they a way to do this ? It will always trigger the first chop, from what I can see. The workaround I use is to enter a step, then while holding it, you can turn the knob to select another note (hence, another chop). But if anyone has a better way...

    • @dreadwardbernays
      @dreadwardbernays  2 месяца назад

      I haven’t found any other way to do this. But, maybe someone else knows of one.

  • @The_Sonic_Ally
    @The_Sonic_Ally 2 месяца назад +2

    This feature was exactly why I grabbed this p6. Explicitly for drums. I got full Broadway kits to put in...

    • @dreadwardbernays
      @dreadwardbernays  2 месяца назад +1

      It’s a perfect drum machine. Live sets would be dope.

    • @The_Sonic_Ally
      @The_Sonic_Ally 2 месяца назад

      ​@@dreadwardbernays i might send midi to my p6 see what i can get going , evern seen a john bonham style drum solo on drum machine ? check this vid address. DjBR7KwRzew or search "John Bonham style MPC X drum solo"

  • @etyrnal
    @etyrnal 2 месяца назад +1

    I think I've read the manual about four times now. so if you wind up with any questions about how to do this or that just tag me with a question I'll probably be able to answer it.

    • @dreadwardbernays
      @dreadwardbernays  2 месяца назад +1

      I see you getting a bunch of questions, in the near future!

  • @etyrnal
    @etyrnal 2 месяца назад +2

    enjoying watching this! Got me riled up to mess with music 🎶🎶 tonight! I think keeping all the kicks on one pad the snares on the next the hats on the next probably solves the polyphony problem. the other problem that solves is if you want it put reverb on anything or pan anything or just levels on something it allows you to address them individually. if you have your four favorite kick sounds on pad one in Bank a you're not likely to ever trigger multiple of them simultaneously on the same note in the same track. same goes for the snare and the hats etcetera

    • @The_Sonic_Ally
      @The_Sonic_Ally 2 месяца назад +2

      i make some extensive drum kits, using all same hit type on one pad is the way. there are mute groups in the voice menu. managed to get one of my kits into the p6 in a lite form, i got 17 articulations using 132 samples. all works amazingly well. vid on my channel of a jazz brush kit going at it.

    • @dreadwardbernays
      @dreadwardbernays  2 месяца назад +2


  • @etyrnal
    @etyrnal 2 месяца назад +3

    so far I think my favorite mfx effect is the vinyl one.

  • @kernelpaniiic
    @kernelpaniiic 2 месяца назад +1

    16:25 did you put your pad into "POLY" mode ? (shift + GATE) Otherwise, that might be the reason why you can't trigger your kicks and hats at the same time. By default it's in monophonic mode and any note will cut the previous one. Thanks for the video. By the way, the titles in the manual's summary are clickable and will directly scroll to the right page.

    • @dreadwardbernays
      @dreadwardbernays  2 месяца назад

      I think I did put it into Poly. But switched back to mono, at some point. Forgot all about that. I’ll have to mess with this again.

  • @aapillusions
    @aapillusions Месяц назад +1

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who just erases everything and starts from scratch vs diagnosing the root cause of a (huh?) :)

    • @dreadwardbernays
      @dreadwardbernays  Месяц назад +1

      Oh yeah! Everything I’m making on this is simple enough to just cut my losses and restart.

    • @aapillusions
      @aapillusions Месяц назад

      @@dreadwardbernays I'm learning tons so you're doing something right! :)

  • @guillaumecraveiro8980
    @guillaumecraveiro8980 Месяц назад +1

    Salut j ai une question comment sauvegarder un pattern qu on a créer ?

  • @10oclocktic
    @10oclocktic 2 месяца назад +2

    Good stuff man it's not an easy unit to master.

  • @2YLITE22
    @2YLITE22 2 месяца назад +1

    Please please show us how you use the sample utility! Thanks!

  • @ruffiankick
    @ruffiankick 23 дня назад

    This is a function the old Po-33 KO could do to make kits also. Lol

  • @etyrnal
    @etyrnal 2 месяца назад +2

    I think on this particular track part of the reason you may have been experiencing difficulties with quantization is because I think the real tempo is closer to 73.5 BPM. I think since you were writing on double time at 145 your 16th notes are more like 32 notes

    • @etyrnal
      @etyrnal 2 месяца назад +3

      since the tempo was going twice as fast as you needed it to be going, there were places between the 16th notes for your notes to be quantized to. or something like that. because when you are playing against double the tempo those steps kind of become like 32nd notes

    • @dreadwardbernays
      @dreadwardbernays  2 месяца назад

      I think you’re right. Might have to go in and adjust the quantize settings.

  • @snörre23
    @snörre23 Месяц назад +1

    Wouldn't it be easier to use the step sampling function to make a drumset ? Actually seeing this in the Roland and loopop videos was a main reason i ordered it. Just arrived earlier today.

    • @dreadwardbernays
      @dreadwardbernays  Месяц назад

      You could use the step sampler function and get the same results. I just like setting it up ahead of time.

    • @snörre23
      @snörre23 Месяц назад

      @@dreadwardbernays Will try both.

  • @soundblaster2009
    @soundblaster2009 Месяц назад +1

    you show us how to back up to computer?

  • @etyrnal
    @etyrnal 2 месяца назад +2

    the other thing that's crazy about the manual is that each line in the instructions is kind of spoken in a backwards manner. it's so weird. they tell you at the end of the sentence what button needs to be held down after they've already told you a different button to press 😅

    • @The_Sonic_Ally
      @The_Sonic_Ally 2 месяца назад +1

      lol i was showin my pal this yesterday, check this button combo. read backwards to you. lol there is one section where they did it the other way round, and they put a little note to support that.

    • @etyrnal
      @etyrnal 2 месяца назад +1

      @@The_Sonic_Ally makes me wonder if the manual was originally written in a language that writes from right to left, and the translator translated the words, but not the direction? LOL
      "Press the [GRANULAR] pad and the sample pad corresponding to the material you want to use, while holding down the [PATTERN] button."
      REAL LIFE:
      Hold [PATTERN] + [GRANULAR] then press desired [SAMPLE PAD]

    • @kernelpaniiic
      @kernelpaniiic 2 месяца назад +3

      Having worked with Japanese people, I am 99% sure they wrote the manual in Japanese first at Roland HQ. Which is indeed a language you read from right to left, but I’d rather suspect the way you express (in your mind and grammar) “do this then that” or “do this while doing that” to be different than in Western countries.

    • @dreadwardbernays
      @dreadwardbernays  2 месяца назад +1

      Sounds about right

  • @UnpopularOpinion42
    @UnpopularOpinion42 2 месяца назад

    Don’t you have to edit the samples to be “ready” to chop into 1/3 or 1/4. A little long winded for me. Need to have poly mode on for same hits on a pad.

    • @dreadwardbernays
      @dreadwardbernays  2 месяца назад +1

      It’s much easier to do than loading them, with different lengths, and then trimming the starts and ends of each on the P-6. Which I’ve tried. So, I prefer doing it this way.