Three People in the Bible that Never Died | Enoch Elijah and the Rapture

  • Опубликовано: 28 июн 2024
  • Three People in the Bible that Never Died | Enoch Elijah and the Rapture of the saints of Jesus Christ.
    0:05 - Who were the people in the bible that never experienced death? Quoracles

Комментарии • 40

  • @miilorenzo4159
    @miilorenzo4159 8 дней назад

    Praise the Almighty GOD Amen!!!!!

  • @Kgobokwe
    @Kgobokwe 9 дней назад

    This is soo powerful & Profound, it brought so much revival to me & learned de kind of relationship God desires with humanity & dat i should develop a close fellowship-Faith-Obedience with God..Hebrews 11:6..Thank you to Quoracles digital gospel God bless you all with your families Amen..❤❤❤

  • @vandanavandu790
    @vandanavandu790 12 дней назад

    Praise JESUS Christ 🙏 AMEN 🙏

  • @Jack-Angel
    @Jack-Angel 12 дней назад

    Amen Jesus is Lord.

  • @william1863
    @william1863 9 дней назад

    I don't know if you are a computer voice or a real person but I thank God Almighty that the Word which came forth and spoken is true . Looking up always for the Lord our God to take us up and out of arms way to be with him in the air. Thank you and may God bless you in Christ I pray 🙏 Selah ✝️ Shalom Amen 🥲 AMEN ✌️.

  • @takottali7000
    @takottali7000 12 дней назад


  • @ChristopherBurns-x1u
    @ChristopherBurns-x1u 12 дней назад

    Praise the Lord Jesus love you Lord 🙏

  • @user-qj6cu7zv7f
    @user-qj6cu7zv7f 5 дней назад

    True men

  • @TichaonaGwizhimbi
    @TichaonaGwizhimbi 11 дней назад

    Praise God forever and ever

    • @paulesparon8138
      @paulesparon8138 8 дней назад

      Nowhere in the Bible says that they did not experience death, as for Elijah, it says he was Not that's all.

  • @william1863
    @william1863 9 дней назад

    May God bless ISRAEL that they may turn to Christ Jesus so that JESUS the very CHRIST God with us may Save them all that are of the house of God the Almighty. Selah ✝️ Shalom Amen AMEN. 5

  • @GarrettTodd-ev2jg
    @GarrettTodd-ev2jg 9 дней назад

    Jesus died for our sins so we can ask Jesus for forgiveness

    • @davestruder2325
      @davestruder2325 6 дней назад

      Umm, that's the story. But I ask how can you kill The GRANTOR of Eternal LIFE?
      But an annual pageant REinforces a bunch of loonie stuff. He will not have Cross totin sports any longer.
      See Matthew 19 14
      Exodus chapter 30 v22-33. Oh
      The SCRIBE

  • @GarrettTodd-ev2jg
    @GarrettTodd-ev2jg 9 дней назад

    When we died we will be going to go heaven if we are saved and the one's who not be saved they are going to go to hell.

    • @timhaley3459
      @timhaley3459 8 дней назад

      Of "hell", it should interest sincere Bible readers that God did NOT "create hell", that is taught as a place of fiery torment for the wicked by Christendom (and therefore no purgatory or what the Catholic church says where souls remain between "heaven and hell" until their sins are atoned for, a probationary period) and that those there can get out it.
      For example, at Revelation 20:13, the King James Bible reads: "And the (symbolic) sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell (Greek hades) delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works." So here, those in "hades hell", the dead in it are "delivered up" or resurrected., in which the word resurrection, Greek anastasis, means "a standing up again" in life, and found 42 times in the Bible.(see John 5:28, 29)
      Due to the Catholic Douay Version and King James Bible rendering three different Greek words as "hell" (as well as the Hebrew word sheol that is the same as Greek hades), which are (1) geenna, transliterated as gehenna (that means everlasting destruction) at Matthew 5:22, 29, 30 and 10:28 as well as 18:9 and 23:15, 33, (2) hades, or the grave at Acts 2:27, 31, and Revelation 20:13, and (3) tartarus at 2 Peter 2:4, that means to be imprisoned in spiritual darkness for the rebel angels (1 Pet 3:19), it is not surprising at all that so many people have the false belief that "hell" is a place of fiery torment for the wicked, especially at Matthew 5:22, 29, 30 and 23:15, 33.
      At Jonah 2:2, the King James Bible reads: "And said, I cried by reason of mine affliction unto the Lord, and he heard me; out of the belly of hell (Hebrew sheol) cried I, and thou heardest my voice." Where was Jonah when he said these words, that he was in "the belly of hell" ? Inside of a large fish and not in a fiery place.
      At Acts 2:31, the apostle Peter, quoting from Psalms 16:10, told the Jews according to the King James Bible: "He seeing this before spake of the resurrection of Christ, that his soul was not left in hell (Greek hades), neither his flesh did see corruption." Where was Jesus when Peter said that he went to "hell" "? In the grave for parts of three days and nights, dead, having ceased to exist, and not in a place of fiery torment.(see Matt 12:39)
      So, when the King James Bible was published in 1611, what did the word "hell" mean ? This: "Old English hel(l) . Ultimately from an Indo-European word meaning “to conceal,” which is also the ancestor of English conceal, occult, eucalyptus, and apocalypse".(Microsoft Encarta Reference Library 2005)
      Thus, if sincere Bible readers were to dig deeper, and reason on 1 John 4:8, that "God is love", whereby love does NOT torment people, as well as having an ACCURATE Bible and reasoning on it, then they could see for themselves that "hell" is NOT a place of fiery torment that God established, nor Satan "runs".
      Rather, there is either everlasting destruction (Greek geenna, transliterated as gehenna), as at Matthew 10:28 or the grave (Greek hades; Hebrew sheol) at Revelation 20:13 and Acts 2:27, 31, of which it will be emptied of all its "people" by means of a resurrection from the dead, or being in spiritual darkness (Greek tartarus) as at 2 Peter 2:4, being cut off from God, as are the angels who rebelled against him.(Note: God's name is Jehovah, see Isa 12:2, KJV)
      And the Catholic Douay Version reads at Job 14:13, whereby Job asks God: "Who will grant me this, that thou mayst PROTECT me in HELL, and hide me till thy wrath pass, and appoint me a time when thou wilt remember me ?", so that Job asked God, whose name is Jehovah (see Isa 12:2, KJV) to "conceal" him in the grave until Jehovah remembers him during Jesus Millennial reign, when there is "to be a resurrection of both the righteous and unrighteous".(Acts 24:15)
      To further show that tormenting people is wicked, see Jeremiah 7:31; 19:5 and 32:35, to see how God felt about the apostate Jews burning their sons and daughters in the fire to the Ammonite god Molech while worshiping Baal, calling it an "abomination" and "sin".
      And it might be added that Satan is NOT "a horned figure" as Christendom says, but rather is just a rebel angel that looks no different than a righteous angel in the spirit realm, just as a wicked man often looks "clean shaven and neat" as other men do, just has a "wicked heart".(see Jer 3:17; 7:24; 11:8)

    @ASLBEADSMUSIC 10 дней назад

    I already know about Enoch and Elijah but who is the Third person?

  • @kingofchainsawkings-gh1hj
    @kingofchainsawkings-gh1hj 8 дней назад

    Enoch's whole story is in Book of enoch .Read it.

  • @user-dx1ck2lc2o
    @user-dx1ck2lc2o 12 дней назад +2

    Jesus was put to death by the Romans. That is why Jesus was born. He had to shed His innocent BLOOD for the world's SIN. HE WAS RESURRECTED on the THIRD DAY, proving that we, WHO BELIEVE IN JESUS' LIFE, DEATH, AND RESURRECTION, WILL ALSO RISE WHEN WE DIE-- UNLESS WE ARE RAPTURED FIRST✝️🙏💝

  • @Katrina-dh3cw
    @Katrina-dh3cw 11 дней назад

    They probably all disappeared is some colorful portal leading back to heaven somewhere full of weird Aurora colors

  • @AkinribidoDebbie
    @AkinribidoDebbie 6 дней назад

    A question
    The bible says it is appointed for a man to die and after this judgement so why didn't they die

  • @maalmurugasivan7823
    @maalmurugasivan7823 10 дней назад

    Similar stories - myth or fantasy and unbelievable - are plenty in many religions from all regions. Why were none of these supposed prophets ever born in any other regions or clans? After all, god if there is one, is supposed to be common for all people in the world.

  • @user-qj6cu7zv7f
    @user-qj6cu7zv7f 5 дней назад

    Worlds sins nw the warnng

  • @timhaley3459
    @timhaley3459 8 дней назад

    It is obvious that the writer of this "story" of Enoch, Elijah and Melchizedek never dying has not CAREFULLY read the Bible, for these three righteous individuals were also sinners, as the apostle Paul wrote at Romans 3:23, that "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God", and that "the wages sin pays is death."(Rom 6:23)
    So, of Enoch, at Genesis 5:21-23, it says that "Enoch lived for 65 years and then became father to Methuselah. After becoming father to Methuselah, Enoch continued to walk with the true God for 300 years......So all the days of Enoch amounted to 365 years. Enoch kept walking with the true God. Then he was NO MORE, for God took him (by putting him in a deep sleep and quietly causing his death, so that he would not have to suffer a violent death at the hands of his enemies)."
    At Hebrews 11:5, the apostle Paul wrote: "By faith Eʹnoch (born 3404 B.C.E., died 3039 B.C.E.) was transferred (from life to death quietly, and NOT "translated" as the King James Bible reads, for the Greek word used there is metatithemi, meaning "to transfer, i.e. transport, exchange, change sides, transpose" and not the Greek word hermeneuo, that means "to translate", as at John 1:42) so as not to see (a violent) death (at the hands of his enemies), and he was nowhere to be found because God had transferred him (or ' transported ' or ' changed sides ' of from life to death); for before he was transferred (from life to death) he received the witness that he had pleased God well."
    Because Enoch exposed that "wicked and adulterous generation" (see Matt 12:39), which included angels materializing as men and fathering the Nephilim (Gen 6:1-4; 1 Pet 3:19; 2 Pet 2:4), they wanted Enoch dead, so that had they gotten hold of him, they would have tortured him. But God, whose name is Jehovah (see Isa 12:2, KJV), did not permit this to happen.
    Rather, "Eʹnoch was transferred (from life to a quiet death) so as not to see (a violent) death (at the hands of "the ungodly sinners", Jude 14, 15), and he was nowhere to be found (having been buried in a secret location like Moses, Deut 34:5, 6) because God had transferred him."
    Of Elijah, he did NOT go to "heaven", the spirit realm where Jehovah God and the angels reside, but rather the word "heavens" at 2 Kings 2:11 is the atmosphere that we all breathe, for at Genesis 1:6-8, it explains what the physical "heavens" are, saying:
    "Then God said: “Let there be an expanse between the waters, and let there be a division between the waters (on the earth) and the waters (above the earth, that surrounded the earth, that acted like thermal blanket, keeping the earth comfortably warm, even at the poles, and that later fell in 2370 B.C.E. as the Global Deluge, Gen 7:11)."
    "Then God went on to make the expanse (or atmosphere) and divided the waters beneath the expanse (that was called Seas on the earth, Gen 1:10) from the waters above the expanse (that was called "the heavenly ocean", Hebrew ham mabbul at Gen 6:17 and Ps 29:10, and is where the water for the oceans came from). And it was so. God called the expanse (or the atmosphere) Heaven. And there was evening and there was morning, a second day."
    Elijah was transferred by Jehovah's spirit, making it appear as if Elijah was riding in a "fiery chariot", to another location in Israel (and of which Elisha took Elijah's place as Jehovah's prophet, 1 Kings 19:16), for some 10 years later, in about 907 B.C.E., King Jehoram of Judah received a letter from Elijah that said: "This is what Jehovah the God of David your forefather says,"
    " ‘You have not walked in the ways of your father Je·hoshʹa·phat or in the ways of King Aʹsa of Judah. But you walk in the way of the kings of Israel and cause Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem to commit spiritual prostitution like the prostitution of the house of Aʹhab, and you even killed your own brothers, the household of your father, who were better than you."
    "Therefore, Jehovah is dealing a great blow to your people, to your sons, to your wives, and to all your possessions. And you will suffer with many sicknesses, including a disease of your intestines, until your intestines come out because of the disease, day after day.’”(2 Chron 21:12-15)
    Of Melchizedek, when the apostle Paul wrote that "in being fatherless, motherless, without genealogy, having neither a beginning of days nor an end of life, but being made like the Son of God, he remains a priest for all time" (Heb 7:3), he did NOT mean that Melchizedek had no father or mother, without genealogy, but that there is NO written record available, for he was born from two parents just as we all are.
    Rather, Paul used Melchizedek as an example for Christ Jesus as king/high priest (see Ps 110:4), whose priesthood is not like the Levitical priests, whereby their offerings did not remove sin permanently (but showed the need for "better sacrifices", Heb 9:23; 10:1-4), and "perfection was unattainable through the Levitical priesthood", and of which even Levi is seen as having paid tithes thru Abraham to Melchizedek, "for he was still a future descendant of his forefather when Mel·chizʹe·dek met him."(Heb 7:10, 11)
    In conclusion, the apostle Paul wrote: "That is why, just as through one man (Adam) sin entered into the world and death through sin, and so death spread to ALL men (including Enoch, Elijah, and Melchizedek) because they had all sinned."(Rom 5:12)
    So, Enoch, Elijah and Melchizedek, though obedient to Jehovah, were still imperfect and died like the rest of the "sinners", and are awaiting a resurrection from the grave during Jesus Millennial reign.(John 5:28, 29; Job 14:13-15; Rev 20:12, 13)

  • @Joe-me9bh
    @Joe-me9bh 10 дней назад

    So Enoch was a rapture. For the simple fact that after that the world was destroyed. Just like what is coming

  • @user-rj8py9ld3j
    @user-rj8py9ld3j 12 дней назад

    People Can't See:
    If people would read God’s word with their hearts they would see that Jesus is not God. They cannot see that Jesus said “he can do nothing of himself” (John 5:30). They cannot see that Jesus only relates to us what God relates to him (John 12:49-50). They cannot see Jesus doesn't know the day or hour of his return to the Earth but only God knows (Mark 13:32). They cannot see that Jesus says “he that sent me is with me, the Father has not left me alone” (John 8:29). They cannot see that Jesus never “bear witness of himself, except it came from God first” (John 5:31). They cannot see that Jesus died for our sins to bring us to the Father, as he is with the Father” (John 17:22). Those of God will hear God's word (John 8:47) and not lean on their own understanding.

    • @user-dx1ck2lc2o
      @user-dx1ck2lc2o 12 дней назад +1

      The Word
      Became Flesh
      1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. 3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 4 In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. 5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
      John 1:14
      14 The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.

    • @user-dx1ck2lc2o
      @user-dx1ck2lc2o 12 дней назад

      AND JESUS SAID IN John 8:58
      58 Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I am.” Jesus is #2 IN THE GOD HEAD OF THREE: GOD ALMIGHTY, GOD THE SON, & GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT. They have ALWAYS EXISTED.

    • @user-dx1ck2lc2o
      @user-dx1ck2lc2o 12 дней назад

      That's correct. Jesus was in his human state at the time He said that. He IS THE WORD OF GOD! THE WORD BECAME FLESH!!v

    • @breadoflife111
      @breadoflife111 12 дней назад

      Maybe you shouldn't tell people read with their hearts, but rather The Holy Spirit sir. You can’t just cherry pick scripture only in the New Testament. You have to read the Old Testament as well and it will tell you Jesus is God manifested in flesh.
      John 8:58- Before Abraham was, I AM.
      Exodus 3:13-16 What did God tell Moses when asked who shall I say has sent me? God answered him, I AM that I AM.
      Twice Jesus calls himself God, that is why they tried to stone him, because it was considered blasphemy to call yourself God. (John 8:59 & John 10:30-33) read it. When Jesus said Me and my Father are one.
      Isaiah 9:6- For unto us a child is born (Jesus), unto us a Son is given(Jesus) and the government shall be upon His shoulder: and His (Jesus) name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, THE MIGHTY GOD, THE EVERLASTING FATHER, The Prince of Peace.
      Then in the next verse Isaiah goes into detail about Christ 1000yr reign on Earth setting up an Eternal Kingdom.
      Read Zechariah 14:9, it is a direct correlation with Revelation 19:15-16. Which is also prophesied in Isaiah 43:15.
      Paul calls Jesus the fulness of the Godhead bodily in Colossians 2:9. Paul also reiterates this in 1 Timothy 3:16 by saying was manifested in the flesh which correlates with John 1:1 & John 1:14.
      Read what Jesus told his disciples in John 14:9-11.
      It's a dangerous thing to read the scripture with your heart, because both Moses and Jesus told us the heart can be deceptive. That why when reading the word, you should read from the Holy Spirit, because it reveals God as He is a Living Spirit who was made flesh=Jesus Christ.
      Read both Old and New Testament and you will see that everything in The Word of God is centered around Jesus Christ being God. (This not based off my own understanding, but me asking The Lord to send his Spirit to understand the truth. Proverbs 3:5-6) Man's ways are limited but God's intellectual composite is Infinite. Be Blessed.

    • @Carl-yz7es
      @Carl-yz7es 12 дней назад

      1st john 4:3 for those of you that are antichrist. The incarnation and atonement are wo pillars of Christianity. Stop trolling!!!

  • @timhaley3459
    @timhaley3459 8 дней назад

    There is NO rapture, in which this word is NOT in the Bible, not even in the Latin Vulgate of 405 C.E., for it uses the Latin word rapiemur (and Protestants changed it into "rapture" as a doctrine in the 1830s) as a translation for the Greek word harpazo at 1 Thessalonians 4:17, that means "to seize, carry of by force, to snatch out or away" (G726, which is a derivative of G138, haireomai, meaning "to take for one's self, to choose, prefer").
    However, there is the resurrection (resurrection", Greek anastasis, G386, meaning "a standing up again"in life, "a resurrection from death", found 42 times in the Bible), that Jesus emphasised, as at John 5:28, 29 and Matthew 22:31-33.
    At Job 14:13-15, Job says: "O that in the Grave ("grave", Hebrew sheol, meaning "concealed, unseen" or state of death, see Rev 6:8) you (God, whose name is Jehovah, see Isa 12:2, KJV) would conceal me ("conceal me", Hebrew tsaphan, meaning "to hide (by covering over"), that you would hide me ("hide me" in death, Hebrew cathar, meaning "to hide, literally or figuratively") until your anger passes by, that you would set a time limit for me and remember me (and bring me back to life) !"
    "If a man dies, can he live again ? I will wait all the days of my compulsory service (or forced to remain dead in the grave) until my relief (by means of a resurrection) comes. You will call, and I will answer you (by being resurrected from the grave to life again). You will long for the work of your hands (or desires to bring his dead loyal ones back to life, see Luke 20:37, 38)."
    At Isaiah 26, concerning the new "nation" of "Israel" (see Matt 21:43; Rom 9:8), it says: "Open up the gates so that the righteous nation may enter, a nation that is keeping faithful conduct. You will safeguard those who fully lean on you; You will give them continuous peace, because it is in you that they trust."
    "Trust in Jehovah forever, for Jah Jehovah is the eternal Rock.......Your dead (or those loyal to Jehovah) will live. My corpses will rise up. Awake and shout joyfully, you residents in the dust ! For your dew is as the dew of the morning, and the earth will let those powerless in death come to life."(Isa 26:2-4, 19)
    At Revelation 20:13, the King James Bible reads: "And the (symbolic) sea gave up the dead (or will be resurrected) which were in it; and death and hell ("hell", Greek hades, which is the same as the Hebrew word sheol, or the grave, see Ps 16:10 and Acts 2:31 and NOT "eternal torment") delivered up the dead which were in them (being brought to life): and they were judged every man according to their works."
    So, there is NO rapture, but there will be a resurrection from the dead just as Armageddon is approaching, for Jesus told his eleven faithful apostles: "In the house of my Father are many dwelling places. Otherwise, I would have told you, for I am going my way to prepare a place for you."
    "Also, if I go my way and prepare a place for you (see Rev 12:7-9 of the heavens being cleansed of Satan and his demons), I will come again (at Armageddon, Rev 16:14, 16) and will receive you home to myself (or be resurrected as immortal spirit "sons of God", 1 Cor 15:50-56), so that where I am (in heaven as also an immortal spirit "son of God") you also may be."(John 14:2, 3)