That's clever! Some radios can do that internally, but it's neat that the module allows control via a switch, if I got that right. This got me thinking and a mechanical solution would be having a normal steering servo, and have a second servo that extends the tie rod connecting left and right wheels. There are also mechanical v-tail mixers, but I don't think they could easily be integrated into a steering system.
Thanks for the comment! The mechanical mixing you noted is an interesting setup indeed. I also have a old RC plane radio this mixing abilty but this was the best I could do with a pistol grip surface radio. This 6 channel RadioLink unit has mixing ability too but mainly for skid steer like a tank.
@@vsci79 6-channel pistol grip? That's neat! I suppose these are for crawler people who have diff locks, digs, winches and gear changes? I think skid steer mix is basically the same as v-tail mix, it might even work for this one?!
Yes, this RadioLink rc6gs is a lot of Radio for $80! It would definitely be one to get for a crawler. I did try to do all the mixing I needed through the radio but ended up having to use the standalone elevon mixer with some additional mixing from the radio itself.
@@vsci79 had to google that - looks great, glad it works for you! Part of the fun is using parts (and electronics) that were not made for one another and make them work!
You could convert to 4 wheel drive system by the looks of the build right combo you could definitely push over 100mph on a runway nice build 👍
That's clever!
Some radios can do that internally, but it's neat that the module allows control via a switch, if I got that right.
This got me thinking and a mechanical solution would be having a normal steering servo, and have a second servo that extends the tie rod connecting left and right wheels.
There are also mechanical v-tail mixers, but I don't think they could easily be integrated into a steering system.
Thanks for the comment! The mechanical mixing you noted is an interesting setup indeed. I also have a old RC plane radio this mixing abilty but this was the best I could do with a pistol grip surface radio. This 6 channel RadioLink unit has mixing ability too but mainly for skid steer like a tank.
@@vsci79 6-channel pistol grip? That's neat! I suppose these are for crawler people who have diff locks, digs, winches and gear changes?
I think skid steer mix is basically the same as v-tail mix, it might even work for this one?!
Yes, this RadioLink rc6gs is a lot of Radio for $80! It would definitely be one to get for a crawler. I did try to do all the mixing I needed through the radio but ended up having to use the standalone elevon mixer with some additional mixing from the radio itself.
@@vsci79 had to google that - looks great, glad it works for you! Part of the fun is using parts (and electronics) that were not made for one another and make them work!