The Gender Confusion And Real Masculinity | SHIRKMASS CONFERENCE | Ustsadh Abu Taymiyyah

  • Опубликовано: 30 сен 2024
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Комментарии • 49

  • @lalizsd
    @lalizsd Год назад +49

    This lecture is so refreshing. Coming from a person who took gender studies and all other similar courses in college and now see how our society is falling apart. Hard to not see the connection as Allah always shows the truth. I am not Muslim, but am learning . Thank you for discussing this despite the possible backlash with cancel culture.

    • @rahimrezha1921
      @rahimrezha1921 Год назад +11

      may Allah guide you to islam and make it easy for you.Allahuma Ameen

    • @yeager9731
      @yeager9731 9 месяцев назад


    • @AbutaymiyyahMJ
      @AbutaymiyyahMJ Месяц назад

      I hope to see u a Muslim one day.

  • @wh6989
    @wh6989 Год назад +51

    Please do NOT stop. The message was received Loud and Clear. Jazak Allah kheyr

  • @tanzilaleeya
    @tanzilaleeya Год назад +48

    The fact that there is even an argument and debate about this is just so sad and shows how far we have come from Islam. Honestly, what chaos we live in. Men trying to be women, and women trying to be men and children left to strangers to raise them. What a world.

  • @anisaahmed8618
    @anisaahmed8618 Год назад +18

    I truly love his lectures so much

  • @l00tenant_ne0x
    @l00tenant_ne0x Год назад +8

    Subhanallah, Elhamdulillah. Formidable lecture. However it pains me that we as muslims have dropped to such low levels of knowledge and iman (men and woman) that a majority of us just copy paste whatever these people are dumping into society.
    The same energy put into this lecture could of gone towards more advanced lectures regarding our religion and spirituality.
    May Allah s.w.t. reward you for your effort sheikh.

  • @musaddiqibrahim6878
    @musaddiqibrahim6878 Год назад +8

    genuinely jaw-dropping, a lot of good points were made here and in a well articulated way Mashallah

  • @brandonwiles-n8t
    @brandonwiles-n8t 10 месяцев назад +1

    When it comes to bricklayers, sewer cleaners, construction workers, carpenters, interstate lorry drivers, miners, deep sea fishing, oil-rigs and war, you will not find those 50-50 "equal rights/quotas" feminists within 30 miles of your radius. They will suddenly appear like djinns when it comes to C-suite jobs and politically powerful positions, like CEO, CTO, CFO, presidents, VPs, managers and so on. I always find it quite amazing. 😅😅😂😂🤣🤣🤣

  • @vengyfries6934
    @vengyfries6934 Год назад +9

    la ilaha illal Allah, muhammadur rosul Allah

  • @servantofAllah3113
    @servantofAllah3113 Год назад +1

    Yang Maha Pemurah (Ar-Raĥmān):44 - Mereka berkeliling di antaranya dan di antara air mendidih yang memuncak panasnya.Yang Maha Pemurah (Ar-Raĥmān):43 - Inilah neraka Jahannam yang didustakan oleh orang-orang berdosa.

  • @nox1772
    @nox1772 Год назад +1

    The whole cosmos resonates with frequency. It is the language of the universe. Mathematics is its written form. Music is it’s manifestation unto sentience.
    It is a language. A vibration.
    What lowers the vibration of the mind is evil.
    What raises it, is holy.
    To mix them both together is ignorant.
    Like saying alchohol is haram. Don’t touch it. Is it haram to clean a cut with wine? Is it haram to feed a pig, not feed off a pig?
    All these sheikhs, check their pockets , if they have credit cards kick them to the curb.

  • @AmuRa606
    @AmuRa606 Год назад +1

    Alhamdulillah, I love how Abu Taymiyyah explains and translates the Qur'an, I grew up Muslim in a Muslim predominant community, Lamu Island, we have lots of Masjids anywhere you are on the Island you can pretty much hear the muadhin 5 times a day and most, I have learned the Qur'an in English Kiswahili and Arabic, alhamdulillah, I know it by heart. May Allah Guide all to the Straight Path Ameen

  • @ykwtfim
    @ykwtfim Год назад +11

    I agree with another commenter, it’s so sad that our scholars have to take the time and energy to address these kinds of issues. It seems so elementary, as a revert when I became Muslim 3 years ago, I had a mind blowing “aha” moment when I read about basic roles of men and women in Islam. I was like “yeah this is how it should be!!” Then I met feminist Muslims (men AND women feminists!) and was so shocked and confused. I still am confused years later as to why Muslims are accepting these doctrines, even non-Muslims with a degree of sense can understand how gender roles work. There are many non-Muslim anti-feminists. So how are believers falling into this trap? Sign of the times I guess?
    Women want to be provided for, men want their wives at home minding the home and children, plain and simple. It’s a charade that women want to be independent, it’s a symptom of dysfunctional family and society. The women who are grown now are a product of a society that was already disintegrating as far as family/social values so we are brainwashed growing up to believe that the only option is to work and send your kids to be raised by strangers. My heart aches for all the children and families destroyed by this lie. I only wish I wasn’t raised with the feminism/gender equality lie. But I am so happy and grateful for Islam and speakers like this who aren’t afraid to voice the truth. Alhamdulillah.
    Right now I’m working from home, full time with my husband’s permission just to save up money quickly to pay for my Islamic sciences degree. I didn’t want to put that extra burden on my husband as he takes care of everything we need financially already.
    After less than two months, I regretted my decision to some extent. I’m glad that I’ll soon have the money I need to pay for my Islamic degree without causing my husband any financial strain, BUT I used to spend my days reading Quran, cooking, cleaning, memorizing, and handling phone calls and stuff like that for my husband. I miss spending my days like that, praying sunnah whenever I wanted, making fresh bread, being able to be available at any time for my husband to call and ask for something. And I can’t wait to put in my notice.
    Any woman who says she prefers work over home life is either lying or damaged, sorry. I went from working full time for years, to housewife, and back to work, and it’s not where a wife should be spending her time. 🤷🏻‍♀️

    • @junayedmustofaghalib4683
      @junayedmustofaghalib4683 Год назад +1

      May Allah bless you my sister and shower you with the infinite blessings of Allah! A woman like you is truly a gem in this world and I am not saying this to make you happy but rather that it is simply the truth! You are going to make all the feminist boil their blood as you pave your path towards true success as defined by Allah and not other people/man-made ideologies.
      Messenger of Allāh (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him) said: “This world is temporary conveniences and the best of its comforts is a believing wife, who when you look at her she pleases you and if you tell her to do something she obeys you, and if you are away from her she protects you with regard to herself and your wealth.”
      Hopefully your husband takes good care of you as you should deserve!

    • @ykwtfim
      @ykwtfim Год назад

      @@junayedmustofaghalib4683 This is really so kind, جزاكم الله خيراً
      Allāh subhana wa ta’ala has given me so much more than I could ever hope to deserve or even ask for. Having come to Islam from kufr, I know how precious our religion is, every single part of it. It’s the absolute bare minimum for me to strive every single day to please my Rabb, and pleasing the husband IS pleasing my Rabb. Allāh asks so little from us, in return for the literally countless blessings He gives us. I’m not worth even one of those blessings, yet He still gives. I better darn well do my best to be a good servant, right? 🥰
      May Allāh give you every single one of your duaa, your kindness and positivity is needed in the world 🤲🏼

    • @junayedmustofaghalib4683
      @junayedmustofaghalib4683 Год назад

      @@ykwtfim Stay strong sister! Ameen!

    • @businessbusiness-dp9pm
      @businessbusiness-dp9pm Год назад

      very happy for you

    • @sayemaatlas6087
      @sayemaatlas6087 Год назад +1

      I prefer to have full time job, and I'm not lying to my self . I've also stayed at home and looked after the house.. its was the worst thing I ever did ..

  • @lailabalogun3506
    @lailabalogun3506 Год назад +4

    The way he said “ is that manly?…👀”

  • @servantofAllah3113
    @servantofAllah3113 Год назад

    Yang Maha Pemurah (Ar-Raĥmān):43 - Inilah neraka Jahannam yang didustakan oleh orang-orang berdosa.Yang Maha Pemurah (Ar-Raĥmān):44 - Mereka berkeliling di antaranya dan di antara air mendidih yang memuncak panasnya.

  • @servantofAllah3113
    @servantofAllah3113 Год назад

    Kaum Saba' (Saba'):8 - Apakah dia mengada-adakan kebohongan terhadap Allah ataukah ada padanya penyakit gila?" (Tidak), tetapi orang-orang yang tidak beriman kepada negeri akhirat berada dalam siksaan dan kesesatan yang jauh.Kaum Saba' (Saba'):53 - Dan sesungguhnya mereka telah mengingkari Allah sebelum itu; dan mereka menduga-duga tentang yang ghaib dari tempat yang jauh.

  • @servantofAllah3113
    @servantofAllah3113 Год назад

    We urge you to stop this fitnah and find the real story before speaking something you know nothing of.

  • @alchemistbrotv1707
    @alchemistbrotv1707 Год назад +1

    Surprisingly agreeable talk, title makes it look more controversial than it is. I think many non Muslims would realize they agree with this… as for leaders, I think he expressed only modern Arab cultural mentality about leadership. You can have systems with multiple leaders, or a fair system that preserves peace and treaties for leadership. Even a company when small can work fine as a worker co-op. I mean, not all leadership is just king/dictator. You can have effective leadership systems with power sharing.

    • @hajrospio8091
      @hajrospio8091 Год назад

      No. Apsolut leader should be just 1

    • @alchemistbrotv1707
      @alchemistbrotv1707 Год назад

      @@hajrospio8091 absolute ruler is Allah swt. But in real life situations like companies, there is never “absolute” leader like that; the power always needs to be shared: for example a CEO has to answer to shareholders sometimes. Person can get delegated leadership for a while without being the absolute leader and then he can transition to a different leader through a vote.

    • @hajrospio8091
      @hajrospio8091 Год назад

      @@alchemistbrotv1707 Men have the resposability

    • @alchemistbrotv1707
      @alchemistbrotv1707 Год назад

      @@hajrospio8091 yes

    • @Abdur-Rahman862
      @Abdur-Rahman862 4 месяца назад

      ​@@alchemistbrotv1707not a single verse or hadith to substantiate your argumenr

  • @wh6989
    @wh6989 Год назад +6

    La Hawla Walla Quwata Ila BIllah

  • @azarulahmed789
    @azarulahmed789 Год назад

    Baarik allahu feekum

  • @sophiejuliaaa
    @sophiejuliaaa Год назад

    ya3ni I don’t think it’s wrong for women to attain higher education like phds. you can do that while marrying early. although it would be hard to balance a phd with taking care of ur children

    • @thehourglassfan3515
      @thehourglassfan3515 Год назад

      Or they can get married later, once they finished their studies.

    • @sophiejuliaaa
      @sophiejuliaaa Год назад +2

      @@thehourglassfan3515 it’s best to marry early especially if a woman is in her late teens or early 20s since that’s the age where both men and women are faced with a lot of fitna, and marriage will definitely prevent them from falling into zina.

    • @thehourglassfan3515
      @thehourglassfan3515 Год назад +1

      @@sophiejuliaaa People in their twenties are not marriage material.

    • @blankblank5397
      @blankblank5397 Год назад

      @@thehourglassfan3515 mainly only if they were raised in a modern society, then yes you are correct

    • @AM-bm9rs
      @AM-bm9rs Год назад

      @@sophiejuliaaa we face fitna from the age of 12 to 18 aswell. r u telling them to get married?