Training Rookies to install a Torch Down Roof in 5 hours - Part 1

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 221

  • @migueldefreitas1367
    @migueldefreitas1367 2 года назад +15

    Every roofer commenting here from all over the world is saying the same thing you don't know what you are doing. Just let that sink in. It's knot haters it's people with pride in there work and you have none or maybe you were just taught wrong, but hundreds of roofer can't all be wrong.

    • @alandame3260
      @alandame3260 11 месяцев назад +3

      Hundreds? More like thousands. I've taught Hundreds. And nothing like this. 35yrs flat union worker here. All ethylene propylene diene monimere (epdm).TPO. sarnifiel. Acres of each . Mostly torch

    • @BrianWarden-g6e
      @BrianWarden-g6e 4 месяца назад

      Trainer? incompetent bufoon didn't even primer the gutter metal ,than use a blower against the base sheet blowing any debris in ,totally cockblocking any chance of sealing his Fisher Price 1/2 Million reproof system

    • @MichaelCole-vb4uh
      @MichaelCole-vb4uh 2 месяца назад


  • @theroofer3181
    @theroofer3181 9 месяцев назад +4

    Someone got a torch for Christmas! Worse work I've ever seen in almost 40 years of roofing.

  • @JoseMunoz-by2di
    @JoseMunoz-by2di 2 года назад +1

    Thank you for treating everyone equally. I enjoyed it.

  • @migueldefreitas1367
    @migueldefreitas1367 2 года назад +4

    When do you need 2 guys to lay out a roll one to torch and one to make the bleed? When you don't know what you're doing the weight of the roll is enough to get the bleed the ony spot you need to pass the trowel to get a bleed is the last 3 feet if done right.

  • @sylvainrousseau3349
    @sylvainrousseau3349 Год назад +4

    Rookie training rookies

  • @colinrunner5268
    @colinrunner5268 2 года назад +17

    Great video of how not to roof.

  • @seamosserchin9024
    @seamosserchin9024 2 года назад +3

    Clear and present Danger! Wow!

  • @jonasramirez2473
    @jonasramirez2473 3 года назад +4

    The first base dont need to be cut in half? The seam are matching?

  • @zacharyziskowski6710
    @zacharyziskowski6710 3 года назад +22

    Do you think guard rails or safety harnesses might be good ideas for workers who have never roofed befor?

    • @FlatRoofDoctor
      @FlatRoofDoctor  3 года назад +4

      it is the new guys that are scared and super careful. People like me that get complacent are the problem

    • @ouimetco
      @ouimetco 3 года назад

      My first thought.

    • @WhiteRockBoy
      @WhiteRockBoy 3 года назад

      @@FlatRoofDoctor haha got that right

    • @patrickbaitman8336
      @patrickbaitman8336 3 года назад +4

      Once the first hombre falls off, the rest will remember they're on a roof. Always bring an extra helper.

    • @evanlovesbears
      @evanlovesbears 2 года назад

      Guard rails or harnesses on a flat roof... ???

  • @cavitywall888
    @cavitywall888 3 года назад +6

    What adheres the first sheet to the stone? Nothing? Wouldn't a high wind rip it apart?

    • @FlatRoofDoctor
      @FlatRoofDoctor  3 года назад +1

      Only a few understand wind lift. Wind lift will only happen when it can get under the membrane. If you lay a piece of paper on the floor and have a fan blow over it, it will not lift up unless the wind got in under the edges of it. On a roof, if the wind got under the drip-edge then it will lift the membrane, but never just blowing over the top of the roof.

    • @eastside0434
      @eastside0434 Год назад +1

      You are not supposed to ask intelligent questions if you are a roofer.

    • @randolphlucero8247
      @randolphlucero8247 7 месяцев назад +1

      I call fuckin bullshit... the wind doesn't have to get under the roofing to get wind uplift

  • @felixchiman6735
    @felixchiman6735 3 года назад +1

    Gracias señor por ese consejo nunca nunca trabajar sin ver paratras o ir asía atrás

  • @eastside0434
    @eastside0434 Год назад +2

    The torch down at 11:38 is pretty much a joke,metal drip edge has no primer and there is no way that Pancho heated the bitumen correctly to adhere to the base sheet,these guys dont have the knowledge to do this job,that is apparent.

  • @roshanbhakta8903
    @roshanbhakta8903 3 года назад +1

    I have flat roof and pipe run inside wall one side always leak like flood in building so we cut wall out we found straight down pipe have open 40 wye ?

  • @chapsteronetime2000
    @chapsteronetime2000 3 месяца назад

    Been around 36yrs ain’t ever heard of a torchdown roof lasting 40yrs!! Two plys or not come on now! 22yrs tops

  • @RichardThompson-gc1cf
    @RichardThompson-gc1cf 9 месяцев назад +1


  • @e_dawg1003
    @e_dawg1003 3 года назад +2

    Wait didn’t he just break rule #1 at 12:00 🕛

  • @KingSteady
    @KingSteady Год назад +2

    How to actually do it:
    Remove all excess/loose rock.
    Decide a section to do for the day.
    Scrape rock for tie off.
    Lay down 1/2 inch fiberboard.
    Lay down protectoboard(overlapping slightly as the 1/2 inch will smolder if it catches fire).
    Screw down fiberboard/protectoboard to deck with plates. (5 per protectoboard sheet)
    Torch base roll to protectoboard. (With a lot more fire than in video).
    Screw drip-edge to roof edge.
    Apply primer to drip-edge.
    Torch cap roll to base roll. (Stagger it so the seam of base rolls is in the middle of cap roll).
    Flash all units and walls.(Never go up the wall with the roll used on the flat(field). Flashing needs 6 inches on the flat, and whatever height you need to go up. Should have straight cuts, and one side with black tape, cut 45 degree cuts on both corners with black tape.)
    Plastic cement around all pipes and flanges.

  • @citizen0076
    @citizen0076 14 дней назад

    i think the guy in the cowboy hat might be confused at minute 12:34 because you said to never work backwards. ..and now apparently he's wrong because he's rolling up forwards?
    i don't know?, i'm just trying to learn too. my first torch on job starts tmr 200m2. my team and i have been doing all sorts of structural roofing repairs (framework, sheetings, flashings, tiles, gutters, ceilings, thermal insulation and waterproofing for years), so its all new the torch on thing. thanks for the video though :) love from Sunny South Africa

  • @carcasscruncher9354
    @carcasscruncher9354 3 года назад +2

    So how is a torch down roof better than a TPO, EPDM, or PVC roof? I've done commercial roofing for about 4 years. I know the above mentioned pretty well, well enough to do it myself but not the torch down. What's the big gain with torch down?

    • @FlatRoofDoctor
      @FlatRoofDoctor  3 года назад +6

      Ok, TPO and PVC are good materials. I have inspected several of them and made a video where I show where a TPO is failing on a Supermarket after 20 years. It was chaulking a lot and the UV's have eaten through the material just where the seams are welded.
      So, Tpo will get you between 15 - 20 years of life.
      EPDM is the worst. I have made several videos on this material showing how it fails. The EPDM industry has revised the adhesives more than 5 times since its conception in the 60"s. The adhesives used on the seams, whether it is cover tape or seam overlapping always fail. Besides that, to use Butil caulk on the seams to secure against leaks is absurd. That caulk only lasts a few years. Then the membrane dries out and shrinks putting stress on the entire roof causing it to fail.
      Ok, all materials do shrink over time. EPDM is the worst followed by TPO.
      TOrch Down single-ply installed is slightly better than the 2 mentioned above. When you do a double-layer Torch Down, then you have a roof that is indestructible. There is no telling how long it would last. I have roofs now for over 30 years and when you look at them, they look like if they were installed a few weeks ago. They just don't age.
      But you should do your own research. This is just my 1st hand experience and not what I have researched anywhere.
      Take Care

    • @Brandon-no3vc
      @Brandon-no3vc 3 года назад +1

      @@FlatRoofDoctor by double layer do you mean a base sheet and 1 top cap?

    • @tyliving7649
      @tyliving7649 3 года назад +1

      @@Brandon-no3vc aren’t u sharp as a tack lol but yes base and top cap

    • @Brandon-no3vc
      @Brandon-no3vc 3 года назад +1

      @@tyliving7649 he could have ment two tops obvy your going to use a base should almost be called one layer hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    • @Brandon-no3vc
      @Brandon-no3vc 3 года назад

      @@tyliving7649 I thot he ment two top caps cause why wouldn't you use a base hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

  • @ndrewell
    @ndrewell 3 года назад +2

    Never seen two people to boot out some mineral before 🤣🤣🤣 the blind leading the blind!

  • @Dino_Buk
    @Dino_Buk 4 года назад +1

    Very interesting video!!
    Can't wait for Part 2!!!

    • @FlatRoofDoctor
      @FlatRoofDoctor  4 года назад

      I hope to have it all together by today.

    • @whoville90
      @whoville90 3 года назад +1

      Don't this job is horrible yiu only one person torching the field not two

  • @juantrejo4499
    @juantrejo4499 3 года назад +5

    I been doing roofing in the same company for 21 Years and this job no look good we never use roofing cement on top of the metal then the torch no good no safety

    • @FlatRoofDoctor
      @FlatRoofDoctor  3 года назад +3

      Ok, so when you have done this for 21 years and never used "roofing cement", how do you know if it's good or not?
      2) It is not roofing cement, it is Modified Bitumen Adhesives, specially formulated for Modified Bitumen Membranes.
      3) Roofing cement is the worst product to use on any roof, and if that's all you know, you have been using bad stuff all your life
      4) If you torch the rubber membrane directly to a drip edge, then you also have no clue. Using an asphalt primer is just a very thin coat of Modified Bitumen Adhesives.
      BTW, if you use any other product than Karnak 81 or 66 Trowel grade, then you still have to learn a lot. Maybe it's time to quit your job and get more experience somewhere else
      I get it, you can't teach an old dog new tricks. But you can provoke them to comment.
      Thanks for your comment
      I do think you have experience. I do think you are a good guy, working for 21 years in the same company means a lot.
      Take Care

    • @antonylucha6264
      @antonylucha6264 2 года назад

      He said roof cement clearly have no idea nice work evertime i want to learn something i come to your channel

  • @williamnunez9609
    @williamnunez9609 3 года назад

    I wish you can do my flat roof tear off in chicago

  • @carcasscruncher9354
    @carcasscruncher9354 3 года назад +5

    So no helmets when loading the roof with a crane? Crane operator not wearing a helmet either. Osha would have your asses.
    No shit you can see the seams, the gravel was wind-rowed off of it to check for leaks or bad seams.
    Metal drip edge for a commercial flat roof lol ok. I think you have the terminology fuss
    Backtrack a minute to 3:33. That leak is obviously from the skylight. You can see the rusted through areas leading to it. This guy didnt need a whole new roof because of that. Wow.
    You say "aye aye aye, see how soft it is here..." um, no, no I did not see a soft roof. I see a few easy repairs and a con man trying to take this owners bank account.
    Built a crew out of nothing though. Good job on that. Guy has girly soft hands...mustve found that one either washing dishes or playing video games.
    You should never have to convince the crane operator to hoist your tools to the roof. They are paid by the hour. They will hoist anything you want on the roof.
    "Getting all the junk off the roof" by throwing it more than 20 feet off the edge to the ground is against osha rules. Be careful with that. They will fine you thousands of dollars for each offense. That means each time you throw something off the roof it's a thousand or more dollar fine. We just saw at least 8 items thrown off the roof at what looks to me to be more than 20 feet high. That's an $80,000 dollar fine if you're caught. At least that much. Include lawyer fees and all that...its more.
    @8:51 you are laying a new roof right over top of river rock? Hahaha ok, you must give the tail light warranty. Wow
    @10:17 you show your base sheet laps with the zero inches on over lap. You are a hack. Wow!
    @10:48 seconds I cant help but laugh at you on your knees trying to use a screw gun and say it's the wrong type of gun. That is the same type of gun I use to put at least 30 or 40 screws in a roof in a single minute. Stop're making a fool of yourself.
    Wow! Just wow! And this is what makes a millionaire! Just hack your way through it huh? Wow!

  • @trevortilling8689
    @trevortilling8689 4 года назад +20

    No bleed out....not torching into the roll and seams are way to close that roof is ugly and wrong

    • @dosed3819
      @dosed3819 4 года назад +5

      100% agree what a waste of money

    • @trevortilling8689
      @trevortilling8689 4 года назад +11

      @@dosed3819 I'm from Toronto and have does tons of training from manufacturers and none of these is right.he should not be showing people how to get into this industry at all.

    • @dosed3819
      @dosed3819 4 года назад +5

      Trevor Tilling I’m from Calgary and have been flat roofing for about 6 years now that is worst roof I have ever since

    • @trevortilling8689
      @trevortilling8689 4 года назад +1

      @@dosed3819 lol so true

    • @FlatRoofDoctor
      @FlatRoofDoctor  4 года назад +3

      All you guys are ignorant. I took a class in torching from PolyGlass in the 90's. The technique I was shown keep on failing. They had me heat melt the membrane and apply it to a metal edge. Before I did that I had to nail the drip edge every 2" of the surface. then sand it to scuff it up. Then apply primer. Then Torch it.
      Torching into the roll is maybe what you prefer. The reason people do that is so that you would not leave boot prints on the surface. I have done both ways. You have much better control pushing the roll forward than pulling it backwards. Also walking backwards on a flat roof is a no no in my books.
      By the way, I never did any other roofs than Torch Down. I have been doing it for 40 years. My roofs are still standing.

  • @opie1178
    @opie1178 3 года назад +3

    Great video but you walked Backwards 12:56 😂

    • @FlatRoofDoctor
      @FlatRoofDoctor  3 года назад

      That's a no-no. Never walk backwards on a roof. I am sure I did but it will bite me if I keep doing it.

  • @Brandon-no3vc
    @Brandon-no3vc 3 года назад

    You said that adhesive doesn't cure for like 6 months, will rain get in or damage it in that time? And also will the sun damage it? Do you put more metal over top or thro granules on it so sun or rain doesn't damage the quarder inch thick adhesive?

  • @prestongoodwin407
    @prestongoodwin407 3 года назад +2

    Man if that old guy seen us roof with cranes not walking on it going fast 😂😂

  • @vemacoaluminum3813
    @vemacoaluminum3813 8 месяцев назад

    Nice job

  • @raultorrens7734
    @raultorrens7734 2 года назад

    what is the biggest stone you can cover

  • @droghedaroofing3236
    @droghedaroofing3236 Год назад +1

    talks a good job my god how dose he get away with it

  • @shoulderthelion-film9895
    @shoulderthelion-film9895 4 года назад

    Cheers from New York and thank you for putting those videos up.
    Would you have a recommendation on how to fix a small flat room - 10x15 that has an old bitumen roof with cracks here and there?
    Thank you for taking your time to share your knowledge!

    • @FlatRoofDoctor
      @FlatRoofDoctor  4 года назад +1

      Take pics and send it to my Tel. 203 58 0080 I'll analyze the issue and then be able to give you feed back

    • @FlatRoofDoctor
      @FlatRoofDoctor  3 года назад


    • @Chris-uh7nm
      @Chris-uh7nm 3 года назад

      @@FlatRoofDoctor Hi, your phone number has one missing digit. I tried to reach out to you to get me in touch with the people you trained in Houston. I live in Houston and need work done on my flat roof. Thanks, Chris

  • @Bigouso
    @Bigouso 2 года назад

    What is best torch brand?

  • @dariuswillis325
    @dariuswillis325 2 года назад

    Bro, where are the guard rails and cones? No harnesses? No tents set up on the roof because of the heat?

  • @davidwoodward8756
    @davidwoodward8756 3 года назад +4

    you should be using a hook to pull the rubber and not walking on the freshly torched rubber. that's why you have ugly footprints all over your finished product, which by the way also looks lumpy and shitty because you did not install fiber board on top of the old roof. there's also no way in hell a group of newbies is just gonna know how to torch a whole roof after watching you do it one time.

  • @grantawish2822
    @grantawish2822 3 года назад +5

    no fall protection .....crazy to post video w/o safety Hello OSHA

  • @johnposadas7281
    @johnposadas7281 3 года назад

    Can you torchdown over painted plywood?

  • @kenmcf
    @kenmcf 3 года назад

    How can you clean up all the black footprints after you are done so it looks nice....acetone or?

    • @WhiteRockBoy
      @WhiteRockBoy 3 года назад +3

      you can add granules to the bad spots, or patch the real bad spots but that about it, acetone would kill the roof.

    • @brandonhorwath6351
      @brandonhorwath6351 2 года назад

      Are you removing the footprints for aerial photos? Birds won't mind if it's not pristine.

    • @kenmcf
      @kenmcf 2 года назад

      @@brandonhorwath6351 ah home is on a hill so from the house decking you can see down on top of the car port roof I had torch down applied....i had the guy sprinkle some granules on it...not perfect but that tar or bitumen or whatever is quite sticky. I struggled with the choice a bit because torch down is not that pretty...but in the final analysis I think its the best for a low slope roof. It was been leakproof for a year or so now.

    • @brandonmelanson4856
      @brandonmelanson4856 Год назад

      ​@@brandonhorwath6351 the purpose of granules is to protect the bitumen from the uv rays, all those black footprints and scuffs on the roof reduce the lifetime of the affected areas from 30 years to 5.

  • @michaelevans4122
    @michaelevans4122 3 года назад +1


    • @FlatRoofDoctor
      @FlatRoofDoctor  3 года назад

      yes, i agree, I am an idiot

    • @michaelevans4122
      @michaelevans4122 2 года назад

      @@FlatRoofDoctor Takes a man to admit he’s wrong. We’ve all been there before I have all the respect for you. Keep up the good work just not a big fan of torch.

  • @Whatitishomie
    @Whatitishomie Год назад

    You're not supposed to put 75lb basesheet on slag roofing You put 1/2" fiberboard first then basesheet with caps and screws to secure everything

  • @Justin-cl7lg
    @Justin-cl7lg 4 года назад +2

    I feel like I’m at work, great content learned a lot from ya

  • @ryleycooke9963
    @ryleycooke9963 Год назад +3

    You did so much wrong it hurt my head watching. Seam on seam on seam. Guarantee I could roll all your cap sheet up with that little heat. Not to mention all those footprints

  • @RichardThompson-gc1cf
    @RichardThompson-gc1cf 9 месяцев назад

    Your right

  • @carterdavis9416
    @carterdavis9416 2 года назад

    I see you always say to people “just because it’s a different technique than yours doesn’t mean it’s wrong” but it is wrong all roofing material manufacturers have “specs” you’re supposed to follow when installing a roof And in order to get a warranty for the roof it must be inspected by the manufacturer. This is not up to spec at all, if it was inspected it would fail 100%. Especially if they seen that you didn’t clear loose gravel and lay a layer of insulation on top of the old roof. I’m not attacking you, but i just feel like you’re giving people on RUclips misinformation on how roofing actually is. Regardless you’re making a living so keep doing your thing.

    • @carterdavis9416
      @carterdavis9416 2 года назад

      Also the safety, like harnesses, safety rails cones and flags are not a choice they are OSHA law. You can be fined thousands of dollars if caught working on the roof without proper safety.

  • @vincentleali2166
    @vincentleali2166 Год назад +4

    Painful to know this guy is training anyone how to roof.
    No starter coarse on base or top, running seams are on top of each other.
    No primer on the edge metal, this will fail.

    • @johnbernacki6155
      @johnbernacki6155 Год назад +2

      I was a union roofer for 38 years, retired now, I’ve been watching this guys videos for a couple days and can’t believe the shit this guy gets away with lol. I don’t know who warranties these roofs but I sure wouldn’t lol

  • @bongcrusha420
    @bongcrusha420 10 месяцев назад +1

    oh my lord 1 screw in the middle of roll every like 10 feet? on a building that big? this roof gets blown off in the first big windstorm 100% lol

    • @randolphlucero8247
      @randolphlucero8247 7 месяцев назад

      No it's OK.. in a response to a comment on here he said it'll only blow away if wind gets under it 😂 which is a bunch of bullshit

  • @yusuihang
    @yusuihang 4 года назад +1

    When you apply torch down roof over an existing tar and gravel that's leaking, how do you know the plywood underneath is still structurally sound? You can tell just by walking on top? I always thought that tearing down the old tar and gravel was necessary so the roofer can inspect the underlying plywood to make sure it's OK. Is there any other reason why roofer would tear down the old tar and gravel, if not to check the plywood?

    • @FlatRoofDoctor
      @FlatRoofDoctor  4 года назад +2

      1. Another reason is because there is much more money involved.
      2. If the substrate is plywood, very seldom is, then if the plywood has been damaged, you would be able to tell if there is a soft spot when standing on it.
      Most Tar and gravel roofs were installed over tongue grove boards before plywood came out.
      Tar Gravel roofs are also installed over metal decking roofs with insulation

    • @billknight8961
      @billknight8961 4 года назад +3

      Dude, completely irresponsible letting a bunch of guys, that have no idea what they are doing, torch that mans building. Modified mastic under the metal and prime the damn gutter metal. Your even obvious on correct roofing habits.

    • @FlatRoofDoctor
      @FlatRoofDoctor  4 года назад

      Most of the time one can tell if the substrate has problems by just walking on it. A 200 lb weight standing on any place should dent in or give a little if there was a major problem.
      The most important reason why roofers suggest to remove the old roofing system is it doubles the cost of the project.
      In my 40 years of roofing I have found that for most part it is not necessary to remove the old roof system. As long as it is solid.

    • @FlatRoofDoctor
      @FlatRoofDoctor  4 года назад +4

      @@billknight8961 are you referring to habits that are laid down by the manufacturer or guidelines by some roofing association?
      My roofs that I did 30 years ago are still in excellent shape. Since I gave 20 year warrantees, I have a commitment. I am slowly getting out of roofing and my son is has taken the responsibility for warrantees over. BTW, since he has OCD, he does everything by the book. It’s an overkill. But, that’s how he like to do things. Maybe you can work for him.
      It sounds like you have good roofing habits but not any good social habits. Trying to criticize other roofers is a sign of bad social habits. Most likely bad language, drinking, smoking , cussing. I guess those habits are part of society that was taught by the good “school system”
      Show me your roofing jobs and I will find as many issues as you you find with others. What comes around, goes around.

    • @ryanmaracle4509
      @ryanmaracle4509 3 года назад +2

      @@FlatRoofDoctor he is not wrong people that have no clue how to roof can’t just become roofers over a couple hours or days

  • @porkchop1343
    @porkchop1343 3 года назад

    Why rocks on roof?

    • @jaredjohnson3336
      @jaredjohnson3336 3 года назад +1

      Some ballast roofs have rock on it. Its not glued down, so the rock helps to hold it in place and to keep wind from lifting it up.

  • @oscardefreitas1127
    @oscardefreitas1127 2 года назад +1

    If I taught these guys how to torch in half a hour they would be out touching him what a mess and bitumen for his flashing to metal has oils it will eventually eat the rubber roofing

  • @migueldefreitas1367
    @migueldefreitas1367 2 года назад +1

    We're did you learn to lay your rolls. Better question how are you qualified to teach anyone the art of laying out torch down. First of all you are supposed to start you're rolls at the drain second you have no steger. Meaning it doesn't matter if you have 10 ply's on top of the other it's the same as have 1 ply. Anything under 12 inches is not expected. You have no primer glue in between the fiberglass paper and the peel and stick. There are no corners cut when at the end of your sheet before extending the next sheet. So tell me what qualifies you to teach anyone. If you are truly a torch expert can you tell me what a gusset it and when and where you use it because for a guy that says don't trust roofer you sure seem to take alot of short cuts.

  • @hectormartinez8601
    @hectormartinez8601 5 месяцев назад

    Use a roller

  • @kreftingr
    @kreftingr 3 года назад +1

    Where are their HARDHATS?

    • @FlatRoofDoctor
      @FlatRoofDoctor  3 года назад

      In the truck, I have bought so many already but never put then on. You are right, if Osha catch me I am toast

    • @kreftingr
      @kreftingr 2 года назад

      I have been a union Foreman Journeyman Roofer & Waterproofer for 35 years and I have always had to wear a hard hat, long sleeves, boots no tennis shoes ever. Plus I carry a OSHA 30 CARD. Plus CPR & Medical card every 2 years. Plus we have been required to operate AED so I have to be certified in that every year. Plus we always have a steel barricade system set up on all para vets that are under 4 feet. Plus Monitor line for roofers at 6 feet and a additional line at 10 feet for all non roofers plus safety monitor for five people per area. So sometimes we can have up to five monitors on the roof

    • @kreftingr
      @kreftingr 2 года назад

      Parapet Walls 4 feet & under steel anchor safety Barricades.

  • @MrGaspar206
    @MrGaspar206 2 года назад +1

    Tide up !!!!

    • @FlatRoofDoctor
      @FlatRoofDoctor  2 года назад

      tide down??? lol
      Just didn't' know what to reply

  • @murdamob
    @murdamob 3 года назад

    es como banarte y no canbiarte de calzones

  • @markjurgensen5526
    @markjurgensen5526 Год назад +1

    According to you Rule 1 was Not to walk backwards but yet i see you doing it at the edge of the roof while unrolling a sheet. Not good instruction and definitely not safe!

  • @julioblanco585
    @julioblanco585 2 года назад

    I been torching for 25 years and I rather get more bleeding, a few fire extinguishers, long sleeves, wrong water laps and definitely he knows how to torch but nothing impressive

  • @nicholaspereira9539
    @nicholaspereira9539 3 года назад +1

    at the beginning your telling them dont walk backwards( which is ridiculous) but then at 12 min into the video you roll the roll up going backwards. im not to sure sbout you amigo. certainly not how we do it.

  • @carlosdavila2110
    @carlosdavila2110 2 года назад +3

    HACK !!!!

  • @mikegkw2447
    @mikegkw2447 2 года назад +1

    “First rule do not walk backwards!” 3 min into work he’s walking backwards rolling the roll smh

    • @FlatRoofDoctor
      @FlatRoofDoctor  2 года назад

      rolling it out and back is fine, but not when you cart things around on the roof

  • @CoffeeTroll
    @CoffeeTroll 2 года назад +5

    Please! There are so many better videos on how to torch a roof
    This would better be titled
    “How NOT to do a roof” 😂
    I’ve been torching for 25+ years and he breaks so many manufacturers requirements it’s not funny
    Bet it leaked on the first rain. I feel sorry for the guy who trusted him

    • @MrPaco12009
      @MrPaco12009 8 месяцев назад

      We want to see your videos 😁

  • @grayer2086
    @grayer2086 2 года назад +1


  • @droghedaroofing3236
    @droghedaroofing3236 Год назад +2

    the man has not a clue

  • @jamescameron204
    @jamescameron204 4 года назад

    Nice work my man,,Your doing a great service but teaching your craft,,Respect,,

  • @chapsteronetime2000
    @chapsteronetime2000 3 месяца назад

    Only in Texas😅

  • @elcastigador-8744
    @elcastigador-8744 3 года назад +7

    everything is wrong. I have never seen torch work with such poor quality and the aesthetics are the worst. learn to use a stick so you don't mark the whole roll with your boots

    • @G.W.Kingbaby
      @G.W.Kingbaby 3 года назад +2

      I'm glad someone else said this. Didn't even take packing tape off

    • @elcastigador-8744
      @elcastigador-8744 3 года назад

      @@G.W.Kingbaby 🤣🤣

    • @fgreezy
      @fgreezy 3 года назад +5

      I dont know how he gets away with putting roofs on. I don't know how he hasn't been arrested for criminal damage of property 😕 this is so wrong. but the funny thing is he thinks this is the right way to put a roof on. My God this is terrible and so wrong. there's no way your roofs don't leak literally the day after you install whatever you call that your installing, because I wouldn't even call it a roof. what a shame

    • @G.W.Kingbaby
      @G.W.Kingbaby 3 года назад +2

      @@fgreezy he prolly don't even know. That shit here in Dallas that inspector would light his ass up lol. I'd hate to see him do a torch base for a real contractor lol

    • @fgreezy
      @fgreezy 3 года назад +2

      so bad man. terrible terrible.

  • @FernandoGarcia-fl4xt
    @FernandoGarcia-fl4xt 3 года назад +6

    You need to take the rocks off the roof first . this man don't have no idea what he is doing

  • @michaelsymons8675
    @michaelsymons8675 Год назад

    holly f------- more mesas

  • @RichardThompson-gc1cf
    @RichardThompson-gc1cf 9 месяцев назад

    You can't do that roof for 500 thousand dollars one big mess

  • @ronnihopkins5377
    @ronnihopkins5377 2 года назад

    Don’t like the fact he didn’t say thanks when was handed the drink I dunno 🤷‍♀️

  • @oswaldolobo591
    @oswaldolobo591 3 года назад

    Con todo respeto pero haci nose hace la antorcha….

  • @harrycarr2824
    @harrycarr2824 2 месяца назад +1

    Everything about this is just shockingly bad, from basic site safety, to the install of the product.

  • @brandonmccombe3794
    @brandonmccombe3794 3 года назад +1

    This looks like crap, burning the cap sheet at the seems and ends, stepping all over the hot cap sheet , scaring it. I’m so confused why you stand in the cap while installing it ? It’s hot and you’re stepping all over marking it ? We cap walking backwards on the base while pulling the roll and burning it w the wand….this seems ass backwards. Must be an American thing

  • @angelmacin7375
    @angelmacin7375 2 года назад

    Con huevos🤣🤣🤣👍

  • @robertschrauth9733
    @robertschrauth9733 7 месяцев назад +2

    That was the worst job I've have ever seen.

  • @mikegresham9424
    @mikegresham9424 3 месяца назад

    No life lines on a commercial building right off the bat..nope fired get down

  • @krissiwy7967
    @krissiwy7967 3 года назад +1


  • @starlightsign8666
    @starlightsign8666 4 года назад +1

    Only 85,000 sq ft....? Hardly a big job I came here looking for inspiration for my 70 sq ft flat roof, maybe your not qualified and I’ll move on...✨

  • @michaelkotrosits4371
    @michaelkotrosits4371 2 года назад

    Don’t ask this guy for roofing tips and recommendations. First of all he is ignoring OSHA mandatory perimeter warning system. This can be a fixed ( mechanically attached) rail system or caution flags 6 feet in from the perimeter.
    OSHA also mandates workers outside the flag warning system must be tethered or ties off with either D rings or a weight balanced rig where 2 people can tie off.
    About the only thing he said right is that the 2 ply modified bitumen roof is a very good product. I have spent 10 years in local 30 in Philadelphia, 30 years working for Siplast/Soprema in technical and sales capacities. I currently work for a engineering/consulting firm in South Jersey doing compliance inspections on commercial roofing, below grade waterproofing and curtain wall systems.
    Find I true roofing professional for your building. Roofing is to expensive to fool around with so called doctors.

  • @carlosdavila2110
    @carlosdavila2110 2 года назад


  • @timothycardenas3879
    @timothycardenas3879 3 года назад +5

    Dude this is a joke right? This was horrible. If your trying to learn how to torch don’t watch this video. He even said his new roof leaked.
    Scrap your rock, wall pieces can only be 3 feet long. The beginning of the video he didn’t even melt the roof to the metal. No bleed out on the seems. 🤣🤣😂 the chimney base flashing he did wrong. Your supposed to have a pice on the field first then sides. You should stop teaching people how to roof wrong.

  • @kevinhaas1949
    @kevinhaas1949 3 года назад


  • @carvaz151
    @carvaz151 Месяц назад

    i never see a Roofer teacher so ignorant about skills, safety and professionalism.
    worst cap torching i ever see.
    i feel sorry for the building owner
    i guess you get what you pay.

  • @stuartsneddon6617
    @stuartsneddon6617 Год назад

    No hand rails you know as much about roofing as my dog

  • @timothycardenas3879
    @timothycardenas3879 2 года назад


  • @chrisgodfrey1891
    @chrisgodfrey1891 3 года назад +4

    I can't believe u actually get paid to do that. U would be throwing off site in the UK for that type off work. Labourers at my work could do better than that. Just awful Workmanship

  • @jeannoriega3409
    @jeannoriega3409 3 года назад


  • @kylecampbell1594
    @kylecampbell1594 2 года назад +2

    looks like trash

  • @kennyl1746
    @kennyl1746 Год назад +1

    "Training" other words, hiring cheap un-skilled laborers to do the job.

  • @patrickromanowski5911
    @patrickromanowski5911 3 года назад

    Lol at the comments, we have a saying based on the comments, the best flat roofer in Texas is the worst flat roofer in RUclips land. Everyone is an expert and tradesman. Let see them post a video lol

  • @glynsayer5404
    @glynsayer5404 Год назад +1

    All wrong sorry to say

  • @brandonmelanson4856
    @brandonmelanson4856 Год назад

    For anyone coming to this video to learn how to install a torch on roof, this is a perfect example of what NOT to do.

  • @zoubirtaferiouchte2122
    @zoubirtaferiouchte2122 2 месяца назад

    Is not professional

  • @jacobusmassing5308
    @jacobusmassing5308 3 года назад +1

    This amateurs

    @ReANIMATED2 2 года назад

    Do NOT follow this video if you want to properly learn how to flat roof torch down….. wow that’s so bad …. The only thing the teacher actually know were the materials names, TPO, EPDM and Torchdown lol Jesus hades

  • @hectormartinez8601
    @hectormartinez8601 5 месяцев назад

    This guy is full of crap!!

  • @fluxcapacitor1621
    @fluxcapacitor1621 Год назад

    Such a waste of time. Very little information spread out over 20 minutes. Someone organized could present more useful info in 5 minutes.
    On screen text sucks. Instead of making us listen to an annoying BUZZ sound. Narrate! Say something!

  • @kreftingr
    @kreftingr 3 года назад +1

    Non union shop, this is a OSHA disaster waiting to happen

  • @sylvainrousseau3349
    @sylvainrousseau3349 Год назад


  • @therealhiesenberg2731
    @therealhiesenberg2731 5 месяцев назад

    Wow. Terrible. No offense.

  • @kriskrush3970
    @kriskrush3970 4 года назад

    my guy !!!!!!!!!!!!
    i liked ur videos!!!!!!!!!!!
    until you took teaching mexicans !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    are skilled trade!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • @FlatRoofDoctor
      @FlatRoofDoctor  4 года назад

      Whats wrong with Mexicans? My wife is a Mexican and works harder with me on all the projects than most woman would. She also knows how to torch, repair any roof.
      Are you teachable? Are you looking down unto others that are not your color? For 30 years I have had many workers from all walks of life and from many countries. The worst was South Africans, which is where I am from, to work for me. The best workers ever were Spanish people from Guatemala , Honduras, Salvador, Peru and Mexico. I have taught many Mexicans and they have gone on to start their own roofing companies. Unlike the others that were on drugs and lazy people.

    • @kriskrush3970
      @kriskrush3970 4 года назад

      That was a type o
      It should have said stopped not took!
      Relax my Guy