I don’t accept that Bubbleman has won against me. Even if he will win against me, because he never faced me at my best. While I always faced him at his best. That’s not competition. That’s not a tourney match that’s supposed to happen. I do not accept that I’ve lost to him, only fools would see it that way. At my best I am amazing, possibly more amazing than he is, but until that happens I have not lost.
Δεν αποδέχομαι ότι ο Bubbleman κέρδισε εναντίον μου. Ακόμα κι αν θα κερδίσει εναντίον μου, γιατί δεν με αντιμετώπισε ποτέ στα καλύτερά μου. Ενώ τον αντιμετώπιζα πάντα στα καλύτερά του. Δεν είναι ανταγωνισμός. Δεν είναι ένας αγώνας τουρνουά που υποτίθεται ότι θα συμβεί. Δεν αποδέχομαι ότι έχω χάσει, μόνο οι ανόητοι θα το δούσαν έτσι. Στην καλύτερη περίπτωση είμαι εκπληκτικός, πιθανώς πιο εκπληκτικός από αυτόν, αλλά μέχρι να συμβεί αυτό δεν έχω χάσει.
don’t accept that Bubbleman has won against me. Even if he will win against me, because he never faced me at my best. While I always faced him at his best. That’s not competition. That’s not a tourney match that’s supposed to happen. I do not accept that I’ve lost to him, only fools would see it that way. At my best I am amazing, possibly more amazing than he is, but until that happens I have not lost.
I don’t accept that Bubbleman has won against me. Even if he will win against me, because he never faced me at my best. While I always faced him at his best. That’s not competition. That’s not a tourney match that’s supposed to happen. I do not accept that I’ve lost to him, only fools would see it that way. At my best I am amazing, possibly more amazing than he is, but until that happens I have not lost.
I don’t accept that Bubbleman has won against me. Even if he will win against me, because he never faced me at my best. While I always faced him at his best. That’s not competition. That’s not a tourney match that’s supposed to happen. I do not accept that I’ve lost to him, only fools would see it that way. At my best I am amazing, possibly more amazing than he is, but until that happens I have not lost.
I don’t accept that Bubbleman has won against me. Even if he will win against me, because he never faced me at my best. While I always faced him at his best. That’s not competition. That’s not a tourney match that’s supposed to happen. I do not accept that I’ve lost to him, only fools would see it that way. At my best I am amazing, possibly more amazing than he is, but until that happens I have not lost.
I don’t accept that Bubbleman has won against me. Even if he will win against me, because he never faced me at my best. While I always faced him at his best. That’s not competition. That’s not a tourney match that’s supposed to happen. I do not accept that I’ve lost to him, only fools would see it that way. At my best I am amazing, possibly more amazing than he is, but until that happens I have not lost.
I don’t accept that Bubbleman has won against me. Even if he will win against me, because he never faced me at my best. While I always faced him at his best. That’s not competition. That’s not a tourney match that’s supposed to happen. I do not accept that I’ve lost to him, only fools would see it that way. At my best I am amazing, possibly more amazing than he is, but until that happens I have not lost.
I don’t accept that Bubbleman has won against me. Even if he will win against me, because he never faced me at my best. While I always faced him at his best. That’s not competition. That’s not a tourney match that’s supposed to happen. I do not accept that I’ve lost to him, only fools would see it that way. At my best I am amazing, possibly more amazing than he is, but until that happens I have not lost.
I don’t accept that Bubbleman has won against me. Even if he will win against me, because he never faced me at my best. While I always faced him at his best. That’s not competition. That’s not a tourney match that’s supposed to happen. I do not accept that I’ve lost to him, only fools would see it that way. At my best I am amazing, possibly more amazing than he is, but until that happens I have not lost.
I don’t accept that Bubbleman has won against me. Even if he will win against me, because he never faced me at my best. While I always faced him at his best. That’s not competition. That’s not a tourney match that’s supposed to happen. I do not accept that I’ve lost to him, only fools would see it that way. At my best I am amazing, possibly more amazing than he is, but until that happens I have not lost.
i must say - this comment section is exactly what i expected it to look alike
I don’t accept that Bubbleman has won against me. Even if he will win against me, because he never faced me at my best. While I always faced him at his best. That’s not competition. That’s not a tourney match that’s supposed to happen. I do not accept that I’ve lost to him, only fools would see it that way. At my best I am amazing, possibly more amazing than he is, but until that happens I have not lost.
who are you
@@ferokuk is one mod of 001thefish's youtube channel
i feel this meme will never die - and i m absolutely fine with that.
xootynatror vs chocomint Ooi [Game Edit] +HDHR pls
Kim Dahyun vs FGsky on Shiori Apex. I need the nostalgia back
Δεν αποδέχομαι ότι ο Bubbleman κέρδισε εναντίον μου. Ακόμα κι αν θα κερδίσει εναντίον μου, γιατί δεν με αντιμετώπισε ποτέ στα καλύτερά μου. Ενώ τον αντιμετώπιζα πάντα στα καλύτερά του. Δεν είναι ανταγωνισμός. Δεν είναι ένας αγώνας τουρνουά που υποτίθεται ότι θα συμβεί. Δεν αποδέχομαι ότι έχω χάσει, μόνο οι ανόητοι θα το δούσαν έτσι. Στην καλύτερη περίπτωση είμαι εκπληκτικός, πιθανώς πιο εκπληκτικός από αυτόν, αλλά μέχρι να συμβεί αυτό δεν έχω χάσει.
#REQ Turbo - PADORU / PADORU [Nymphe's Extreme] FGSky Vs Badeu
#REQ a_hisa - Logical Stimulus [owo] chocomint vs BeasttrollMC
Whitecat VS FlyingTuna - insight
I like these clicks.
#REQ Brian The Sun - Lonely GO! [ Fiery’s Extreme ] : WhiteCat vs Vaxei
its going to be messy
#REQ Yousei Teikoku - Hades: The rise [Hardest]
Cookiezi vs Karthy
#REQ badeu vs Alumetri on Vickeblanka - Black Rover [Extreme] +HDDT
chocomint vs BeasttrollMC // a_hisa - logical stimulus (owo)
the showdown of 2 asian bois
A lot of people want this, but shige's play is so much better it feels like a pointless comparison :/
@@001thefish but..but..we want to see our two favourite bois play a good song ;(
@@001thefish you really didn't have to do my man Edward like that
#REQ whitecat vs flyingtuna on Haywyre - Insight [Normal] please
Whitecat vs Zeklewa on Imagine Dragons-Warriors (Raikozen)[1000pl challenger] #REQ
don’t accept that Bubbleman has won against me. Even if he will win against me, because he never faced me at my best. While I always faced him at his best. That’s not competition. That’s not a tourney match that’s supposed to happen. I do not accept that I’ve lost to him, only fools would see it that way. At my best I am amazing, possibly more amazing than he is, but until that happens I have not lost.
#REQ dj TAKA - quaver [Fiery's Extra] WhiteCat Vs FGSky
Rohulk still not in Jail yet?
anyone have rohulk skin? i badly need it thanks
skins arent working
1 русский
2 джигит
I don’t accept that Bubbleman has won against me. Even if he will win against me, because he never faced me at my best. While I always faced him at his best. That’s not competition. That’s not a tourney match that’s supposed to happen. I do not accept that I’ve lost to him, only fools would see it that way. At my best I am amazing, possibly more amazing than he is, but until that happens I have not lost.
@@yvan2218 a meme from back then
#REQ dj TAKA - quaver [Fiery's Extra] WhiteCat Vs FGSky
I don’t accept that Bubbleman has won against me. Even if he will win against me, because he never faced me at my best. While I always faced him at his best. That’s not competition. That’s not a tourney match that’s supposed to happen. I do not accept that I’ve lost to him, only fools would see it that way. At my best I am amazing, possibly more amazing than he is, but until that happens I have not lost.
#REQ dj TAKA - quaver [Fiery's Extra] WhiteCat Vs FGSky
I don’t accept that Bubbleman has won against me. Even if he will win against me, because he never faced me at my best. While I always faced him at his best. That’s not competition. That’s not a tourney match that’s supposed to happen. I do not accept that I’ve lost to him, only fools would see it that way. At my best I am amazing, possibly more amazing than he is, but until that happens I have not lost.
I don’t accept that Bubbleman has won against me. Even if he will win against me, because he never faced me at my best. While I always faced him at his best. That’s not competition. That’s not a tourney match that’s supposed to happen. I do not accept that I’ve lost to him, only fools would see it that way. At my best I am amazing, possibly more amazing than he is, but until that happens I have not lost.
I don’t accept that Bubbleman has won against me. Even if he will win against me, because he never faced me at my best. While I always faced him at his best. That’s not competition. That’s not a tourney match that’s supposed to happen. I do not accept that I’ve lost to him, only fools would see it that way. At my best I am amazing, possibly more amazing than he is, but until that happens I have not lost.
I don’t accept that Bubbleman has won against me. Even if he will win against me, because he never faced me at my best. While I always faced him at his best. That’s not competition. That’s not a tourney match that’s supposed to happen. I do not accept that I’ve lost to him, only fools would see it that way. At my best I am amazing, possibly more amazing than he is, but until that happens I have not lost.
I don’t accept that Bubbleman has won against me. Even if he will win against me, because he never faced me at my best. While I always faced him at his best. That’s not competition. That’s not a tourney match that’s supposed to happen. I do not accept that I’ve lost to him, only fools would see it that way. At my best I am amazing, possibly more amazing than he is, but until that happens I have not lost.
I don’t accept that Bubbleman has won against me. Even if he will win against me, because he never faced me at my best. While I always faced him at his best. That’s not competition. That’s not a tourney match that’s supposed to happen. I do not accept that I’ve lost to him, only fools would see it that way. At my best I am amazing, possibly more amazing than he is, but until that happens I have not lost.