Haven Original Soundtrack by Danger

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии • 460

  • @balawer
    @balawer 4 года назад +707

    It's very painful for me to realise that I won't be able to play this game for the first time ever again.
    Edit: I keep coming to this video every year to remember how this game as a whole is still relevant in my life.

    • @Krisztian5HUN
      @Krisztian5HUN 3 года назад +10

      lucky first timer here :)

    • @dixiefurrball5037
      @dixiefurrball5037 3 года назад +15

      I know right🥲🥲 me sitting here thinking, hey maybe they’ll make a part 2, but I really don’t see that happening, they don’t really have enough material for a haven 2

    • @bug8429
      @bug8429 3 года назад +3

      i was just thinking that 😭😭😭😭

    • @Rhino-Prime
      @Rhino-Prime 3 года назад +5

      @@dixiefurrball5037 How would make a new game yui and Kai are both stuck on a planet That no one can get on or get off sense they severed the flow bridge

    • @novavqz3147
      @novavqz3147 3 года назад +6

      Your comment is a 100% true and i love/hate it so much

  • @forkmasterderp919
    @forkmasterderp919 Год назад +50

    I still believe that this is the most well written relationship in video game history

    • @JellyJman
      @JellyJman 10 месяцев назад +2


    • @protogionlastname6003
      @protogionlastname6003 5 месяцев назад +1

      ...when you've never played RPGs

    • @forkmasterderp919
      @forkmasterderp919 5 месяцев назад +4

      @@protogionlastname6003 been playing RPGs since '96 when Super Mario RPG came out and it's my favorite type of game, I still stand by what I said here.

    • @protogionlastname6003
      @protogionlastname6003 5 месяцев назад

      @@forkmasterderp919 it was a joke, don't get all defensive

    • @protogionlastname6003
      @protogionlastname6003 5 месяцев назад

      @@forkmasterderp919 Super Mario RPG is not the kind of RPG I was talking about. Rather, I've meant something like Mass Effect, Witcher, Alpha Protocol or KotoR 2

  • @areilgamingtech8760
    @areilgamingtech8760 Год назад +8

    the best wholesome game i ever played . the best

  • @sjones1378
    @sjones1378 4 года назад +839

    So this is where Danger has been. Was missing their music but hell this was definitely worth the wait.

    • @MstreEnsin
      @MstreEnsin 4 года назад +36

      I'm pretty sure Danger is a single dude.

    • @sjones1378
      @sjones1378 4 года назад +73

      @@MstreEnsin I didn't know Danger's gender so I went with the neutral pronoun (their). Kinda confusing I know, but I didn't want to inadvertently insult an artist that I have a lot of respect for.

    • @kazehascoffee
      @kazehascoffee 4 года назад +42

      @@sjones1378 fuck yeah. that pronoun choice is some straight fire. :3

    • @phoenixzappa7366
      @phoenixzappa7366 4 года назад +18

      It's them/their non binary cis trans hetero once removed, twice replaced then inverted.

    • @MstreEnsin
      @MstreEnsin 4 года назад +55

      Yeah you have so much respect for the dude you rather use your woke garbage vocab instead of actually checking online to see that it’s a fucking dude.

  • @seb_log
    @seb_log 4 года назад +270

    Danger is a beast. The way he manage to recreates emotions and the way he is using his particular sounds that clearly defines his music. Legend.

  • @Mantafirefly
    @Mantafirefly 3 года назад +889

    A game about two people in an actually healthy relationship rather than teen anime angst? Sign me up.

    • @Spudtron98
      @Spudtron98 3 года назад +109

      Seriously, I legitimately haven't seen a game where the protagonists are in an established romantic relationship before it even starts before.

    • @jonathanreading1051
      @jonathanreading1051 3 года назад +86

      @@Spudtron98 not only that, but the way they did the dialogue made it feel so normal/realistic, like a young couple in love would behave. So refreshing, yet bittersweet if you ever get to see the endings. Theyre sad in their own ways. One is definitely more satisfying than the other.

    • @liesdamnlies3372
      @liesdamnlies3372 3 года назад +20

      @@jonathanreading1051 Do NOT remind me of the feels I got after doing THAT ending. Do. NOT.

    • @jonathanreading1051
      @jonathanreading1051 3 года назад +9

      @@liesdamnlies3372 lol, took me a week to get out of my funk.

    • @liesdamnlies3372
      @liesdamnlies3372 3 года назад +13

      @@jonathanreading1051 Oh no. Don't play NieR:Automata then. You'll be messed-up for months. XD

  • @j.andrewgula5853
    @j.andrewgula5853 Год назад +25

    I downloaded Haven on a whim to play on a new Xbox after my son was born, and this game became the soundtrack for those first few weeks of parenthood. It has become such a special core memory for me (and my wife as well) and even tho we have the vinyl I still come back to enjoy this video and all the lovely comments.

  • @Koski_Sampo
    @Koski_Sampo 4 года назад +122

    Hadn't heard of Furi or of the game company before, but this game by itself was surprisingly good and left me feeling like I gained a unique and wholesome experience

    • @jesusisking3722
      @jesusisking3722 4 года назад +12

      Furi character design was created by the same guy who did afro samurai I believe. Used to watch that with other different anime. Music is 💯

    • @olegoleg258
      @olegoleg258 4 года назад +8

      Then, why not try furi out. Maybe watch a video, or play the game for >2hours and decide if it's good or not, after all you can refund it then.
      Note that furi is action combat rather than exploration, music is also faster to represent combat, but there are passive "world themes" as well

    • @zed3ty
      @zed3ty 3 года назад +8

      @@olegoleg258 "A Picture in Motion" is my favourite

  • @asuka4343
    @asuka4343 3 года назад +185

    It makes me so happy to see a comment section filled with people who liked the game. I haven’t seen much commentary on it in Google, this warms my soul :) also 50:33 is MY FAVORITE!!!!

    • @dixiefurrball5037
      @dixiefurrball5037 3 года назад

      Mine too😊 I rlly liked this part of the soundtrack, makes me a little sad tho bc all I can see when I hear it is when they gotta help burble #2, I forgot what it’s name was, or if they gave it a name, been a long time since I played

  • @bastardsofdorn3062
    @bastardsofdorn3062 Год назад +44

    I do relate with this story as my own. Metaphorically of course. I also have a very harsh beginning with my girl. No one wanted us to be together. My parents and her parents was always trying to separate us. So we runnaway and cut them all from our lives. We prove them all wrong. We are together for 21 years. I love her so much I would die for her.

    • @JellyJman
      @JellyJman 10 месяцев назад +10


    • @dathip
      @dathip 7 месяцев назад +1

      has your relationship been restored with your and her parents

    • @bastardsofdorn3062
      @bastardsofdorn3062 7 месяцев назад +6

      @@dathip Both of our parents are dead now. My mom died before last christmas. But in the end we were very close, and she said that we made a beautiful family.

    • @fx3378
      @fx3378 5 месяцев назад +4

      @@bastardsofdorn3062 Beautiful man, I hope you and your girl continue having blessings

  • @GoldenNoKami
    @GoldenNoKami 11 месяцев назад +4

    Man i was looking at games to play and saw a game similar to this, reminded me of this game, and brought me back for the story and music.

  • @gregorywhatley9659
    @gregorywhatley9659 4 года назад +208

    Mad soundtrack, makes me wanna pick the game up based on that alone

    • @kato093
      @kato093 4 года назад +1

      Nah its not worth it. Such a HUGE disappointment. I thought they would do a furi 2.0. Nooope. What a let down...

    • @gregorywhatley9659
      @gregorywhatley9659 4 года назад +67

      @@kato093 I mean, you would be disappointed if you were expecting Furi 2.0 from the game, Furi was a flawless masterpiece (except from the optional end boss who sucks every time)
      Haven's never even been advertised as Furi's successor that I've seen, and looks like a completely different sort of game. Could be wrong tho
      Idk, just not willing to judge a game as bad for it being in a different genre
      All I know from this is that the soundtrack fucking SLAPS

    • @kato093
      @kato093 4 года назад

      @@gregorywhatley9659 whats wrong with the first optional boss? Or are you talking about the second one having all movesets? Cuz i liked them both. Màybe he is a bit too easy for an extra dlc but other than that he was cool.
      Oh and im a bit disappointed because they made a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT type of game. Its a story driven, turn based love story. And its not good at either as the story isnt interesting and the gameplay is meh.
      More than the genre switch im more disappointed that they made such a mediocre game after making a fucking masterpiece.

    • @gregorywhatley9659
      @gregorywhatley9659 4 года назад +1

      @@kato093 That's a point I can agree with
      I would have loved to see Furi's successor, but maybe another time I hope
      And I mean the big AI head thing, I hate that fight tbh
      I think it's the weakest out of the base game bosses

    • @kato093
      @kato093 4 года назад +1

      @@gregorywhatley9659 oh. You mean the final boss. Yeah he was the weakest but that music made it cool. The bullet hell section was really fun as wel

  • @hgdge
    @hgdge 3 года назад +62

    still free was the best song to open with. the animation playing along with still free is amazing and inspires a feeling i cant quite name. truly does give a sense of freedom.

    • @liesdamnlies3372
      @liesdamnlies3372 3 года назад +5

      "inspires a feeling i cant quite name"
      That feeling is called FRENCH INTENSIFIES

    • @seraslain962
      @seraslain962 3 года назад +3

      I seem to consistently feel something I can only describe as "Desired Connection" - a constant feeling that's mutual between you and someone you hold dear. It's a feeling that acts as a medium for many other emotions as well, including joy and desire.

  • @CodyGT46
    @CodyGT46 4 года назад +405

    I was browsing through Gamepass and I have no idea what got me to download this game, but after playing for a few minutes in the beginning just cruising around getting used to the controls and collecting Appledews, the song Home kicked into full gear and I wound up just turning the volume up, laid down on my couch, and just closed my eyes. Then went about loving the characters and their story.
    Best random decision I’ve made game wise in a long long time and I’m so glad I found this. Would love to see maybe a short anime of the characters escaping the Apiary.

    • @str8gr8t2008
      @str8gr8t2008 4 года назад +15

      Yes! Gamepass ftw

    • @pxelprime
      @pxelprime 3 года назад +13

      Same exact thing for me. I finally booted it up and after the intro sequence I knew I would love it, can't wait to play more and finish it. I don't think I've ever gotten more immersed in a world and it's characters.

    • @str8gr8t2008
      @str8gr8t2008 3 года назад +6

      @@pxelprime I'm not buying new games for a while. Flops like cyberpunk keep me cautious. And gamepass keeps me occupied and I love it.

    • @pxelprime
      @pxelprime 3 года назад +1

      @@str8gr8t2008 Yep. 👍

    • @Brohamond
      @Brohamond 3 года назад +14

      @@str8gr8t2008 I haven't bought any games on release since Mass Effect 3 and my gaming experience has been so much better since. When I buy games now; it is typically a few years later, all DLCs released and Gold/Definitive/Enhanced/etc editions are available with some decent price slashing. Not having the "latest" game to play isn't an issue since my gaming backlog is dozens of games at this point - so really don't feel rushed for new stuff anymore.
      The most expensive game purchases in the last year have been Haven and Breath of the Wild. Everything else is ~$10. I'm done paying $40/$50/$60 for games only to see promises unfulfilled or find I'm Beta-testing the "final product". If more players approached games like this, the industry would hopefully get its act together... but I'm not holding my breath considering the gamers I know personally all want the new shiny day one...

  • @GlamdringandOrcrist
    @GlamdringandOrcrist 4 года назад +54

    The way that the game immediately implements the music is so good. You can’t help but bob your head while you play, and it also fits super well with the visuals

  • @CosmeaYT
    @CosmeaYT 4 года назад +279

    I can't express the feelings, the vibes, the euphoria. This soundtrack , this game, the story another gift from God itself. In one word a Masterpiece.

    • @phoenixzappa7366
      @phoenixzappa7366 4 года назад


    • @luminosity01
      @luminosity01 4 года назад +3

      @@notme42069 the gameplay is boring ngl haha

    • @gkwolfe3806
      @gkwolfe3806 4 года назад +8

      The story is great, the relationship between kay and yu is fantastic, and the game is a masterpiece, I really wish they're were more games like this, though as big a fan as I am I can still admit that the gameplay gets repetitive if your not just blasting through the story.

    • @lostsurferjames5
      @lostsurferjames5 4 года назад +4

      @@gkwolfe3806 I agree with both of ya, it is a bit repetitive but its very obvious the gameplay loop isn't supposed to be the focus. Kay and Yu easily pull you into their world and their relationship and make you believe you're watching their day to day. I'd love to see another game but if it never came I wouldn't be upset, this game has solidified a spot in my heart.

    • @ALEDream
      @ALEDream 4 года назад +1

      I loved this game way to much cause of the music itself

  • @drakedrago6
    @drakedrago6 3 года назад +96

    This game has been an incredible experience for me. Watching Yu and Kay grow their relationship while fighting against the odds to keep their love at all costs? This has been the most charming beautiful game I have ever bought on the switch ever and on any console for that matter. Thumbs up if you want a sequel!

    • @jonathanreading1051
      @jonathanreading1051 3 года назад +5

      Sequel to which ending?

    • @dazed6511
      @dazed6511 2 года назад +5

      Honestly I think the story wrapped itself up pretty well. I could also see furi being incorporated into this universe too, so maybe they'll just do games with stories within this universe.

  • @loganthomas2759
    @loganthomas2759 4 года назад +148

    My girlfriend and I absolutely LOVE this game! Couldn't possibly love it more, its awesome!

    • @ALEDream
      @ALEDream 4 года назад +3

      I love the game tooooo especialy the concept

    • @kirillshvedov3283
      @kirillshvedov3283 4 года назад +45

      My wife's boyfriends likes it aswell!

    • @cogumilaferrers1969
      @cogumilaferrers1969 4 года назад +2

      My boyfriend and I love this game too! Its very special play it together.

    • @hentai7680
      @hentai7680 3 года назад +12

      I have no girlfriend

    • @porky1118
      @porky1118 3 года назад +5

      @@kirillshvedov3283 Your wife has boyfriends?

  • @alim.lateef4162
    @alim.lateef4162 9 месяцев назад +7

    One of the best gems of video games I stumbled upon , the last time it was Hollow Knight.
    and the music is the icing on the cake 🥰
    rarely nowadays a game leaves you with such a bitter-sweet melancholy.

    • @Cernunn0s90
      @Cernunn0s90 5 месяцев назад

      Check out Outer Wilds if you're in for some more melancholy!

  • @Tamahowk
    @Tamahowk 4 года назад +76

    Finally the soundtrack is available and i gotta say, Danger is doing a awesome job as always.
    I can't wait to play Haven and hear that OST in game.

    • @gustavo33413
      @gustavo33413 3 года назад +3

      É tão aleatorio e, ao msm tempo, tão bom te ver aqui man, um dos meus youtubers favoritos de Dark Souls

    • @jeffoliveira7728
      @jeffoliveira7728 Год назад

      @@gustavo33413 pensei o mesmo!

  • @acediatet9
    @acediatet9 3 месяца назад +1

    i will never understand how is this not more popular, i have this playlist on repeat for so much of my life at this point

  • @carrotwizard3900
    @carrotwizard3900 4 месяца назад +1

    Words cannot express the experience of finding a random games ost in my recommended and getting hit with still free. Absolute banger of a soundtrack

  • @lenasilva9169
    @lenasilva9169 4 года назад +73

    I'm so in love by this game and i don't even had the chance to play it! It's so cool to see a couple game!!

    • @lostsurferjames5
      @lostsurferjames5 4 года назад +5

      I made the mistake of buying this game to play with my girlfriend a few days before CyberPunk came out... Needless to say I didn't get to play CP until we beat Haven. Totally worth though.

    • @lostsurferjames5
      @lostsurferjames5 4 года назад +2

      @Fully Dead disagree to an extent, it runs like trash on consoles but when optimized on PC its great. Story is awesome too

    • @lostsurferjames5
      @lostsurferjames5 4 года назад +1

      @Fully Dead yea, hence why i said the story is awesome. I'm up to date on everything going on with CDPR and Cyberpunk issues. I enjoy the game and its story. It runs nearly perfect for me minus a few weird moments with AI that is nothing new to me with a lot of games like this(Witcher, Mass Effect Series, Skyrim etc). Me saying I enjoy the game does not mean I forgive the shit show around it. In my opinion it should of only launched on PC right now and then release it in a year to consoles when its ready. Im allowed to enjoy both games

    • @menakeldebakel253
      @menakeldebakel253 4 года назад

      @Fully Dead Cyberpunk is a wonderful piece of art. You maybe should just buy a PC that is not powerd by steam and with steam i don't mean the game distribution platform

  • @justasleepu3988
    @justasleepu3988 4 года назад +17

    And here i was, replaying Furi after almost a year, and then year before that... listening to the soundtracks from it, reminiscing about how good of a game it was, only to find out that there is just another. Hoping for a miracle in keeping the quality still, i booted it up. Took 10 seconds and i knew, yes, the very same pleasant feeling i had listening to Furi hasn't fully left and is once again back to gently caress my soul with it's music.

  • @ze0r05
    @ze0r05 Год назад +3

    Man I love this. Suddenly remembered the OST 2 years after finishing the game and having an absolute blast listening through it again.
    Just hit the 30 minute mark and damn that hits the spot.
    Fantastic work by danger

  • @Yemma1990
    @Yemma1990 Год назад +5

    I cannot express how much I love the game. Story, soundtrack, artwork - its so precious. I love this about indie games

  • @Slydime917
    @Slydime917 Год назад +2

    Just wanted to listen to the Might & Magic Heroes VI Haven theme, but it seems I found one of those cool chill indie games that will stick to me for the rest of my life. And a boppin' soundtrack!

  • @Marcos-oj6jv
    @Marcos-oj6jv 4 года назад +54

    This goes so hard on the feelings, man. I never thought electronic music could have so much soul in it, and I haven't even played the game yet...

    • @memesaremylifeline6723
      @memesaremylifeline6723 2 года назад +1

      Haven's soundtrack has got to be one of my favorites. Thats also why I like ODESZA. I feel like their music can carry so much emotion without having to say anything. Another electronic song that I think does a great job is dying star by kiligrew.

    • @vulcanprincess1584
      @vulcanprincess1584 Год назад

      to me, talking about it cheapens it, i mean talking about soul and stuff, especially with electronics, especially inside capitalism and skynet. :/

  • @BetaVoltzDK
    @BetaVoltzDK 3 года назад +10

    I've been in the complete dark about this game, I only just recently discovered that it exists. Seeing that it's by The Game Bakers with a soundtrack done entirely by Danger, I bought it without hesitation.
    I was literally just sitting in the settings menu when the music at 3:58 hit and my heart exploded. I've never felt such sudden power in music before, I ended up in tears as I just watched the title screen and kept listening

  • @setre5
    @setre5 2 года назад +10

    "Space caress" 01:29:33 is the one that hit me the hardest ingame. It gets across just how isolatet they are, but that its fine because they have each other. Listened to that one for a looong time when Yu first showed it to Kay. such a vulnerable and beautiful moment

  • @nellowz5451
    @nellowz5451 4 года назад +12

    you know a soundtrack is awesome when it gets you excited

  • @teklaroma9645
    @teklaroma9645 3 года назад +12

    15:48 is my absolute favorite Part. I loved that OST while playing... What a wonderful Game

  • @MultiToto07
    @MultiToto07 Год назад +5

    Danger is a godtier maestro in the art of electronic music. Thank you for this soundtrack. Thank you "The Game Bakers" for this experience. I will never forget.

  • @viniqf
    @viniqf 4 года назад +198

    Just as good as Furi. I love The Game Bakers so much

    • @olegoleg258
      @olegoleg258 4 года назад +15

      I think they are hard to compare. Music wise they probably are, although already there is the difference of action and...well, haven(i don't know what genre it is)
      But while I can't say "this is better than that" i can say that both are very great, both music and gameplay wise

    • @faefeatherweight
      @faefeatherweight 3 года назад +5

      "Just as good as Furi"? High fucking praise. Jesus, as if I needed any more reasons to buy this game.

    • @dsfdsgsd644
      @dsfdsgsd644 3 года назад +7

      @@faefeatherweight i played that game with my friend xddddddd, that was awkward

    • @twintin_346
      @twintin_346 3 года назад +3

      @@dsfdsgsd644 lol i could imagine why

    • @IndigoVagrant
      @IndigoVagrant 3 года назад +1

      Hopefully not as difficult as Furi? lol

  • @xtraxtra3085
    @xtraxtra3085 3 года назад +14

    This has become the soundtrack to my life.

  • @camoda5882
    @camoda5882 4 года назад +21

    just realized Space Caress is an acoustic version of 22:39 from the origins album
    Lovin it

  • @b-3p0
    @b-3p0 4 года назад +13

    Just finished the whole soundtrack

  • @kathhh8324
    @kathhh8324 2 года назад +6

    I love this game and the sounds with all my heart. It's painful to realise that my person who showed it to me is no longer with me. Thank you Haven, for the best time in my life

    • @saintz2k7
      @saintz2k7 2 года назад +1

      You guys broke up?

    • @kathhh8324
      @kathhh8324 2 года назад +2

      @@saintz2k7 yes, not that long ago

  • @T---xg2pj
    @T---xg2pj 4 года назад +66

    game bakers: release new game
    internet: thats some good music you got there

    • @Dexyu
      @Dexyu 4 года назад +2

      Game is great too its a combo wombo.

    • @flashpointstudios7910
      @flashpointstudios7910 3 года назад +1

      The music makes this game tbh

    • @luminosity01
      @luminosity01 3 года назад

      @@Dexyu sadly, i cant speak the same for the gameplay

    • @luminosity01
      @luminosity01 3 года назад

      @Harvey Curtis the game is just boring, time consuming what i mean by time consuming is that every action there is a 2 seconds wait time like why not do the action instantly? atleast the music is good tho

    • @luminosity01
      @luminosity01 3 года назад

      @Harvey Curtis ahh yes, i'm the one who criticising a boring gameplay to the game i've already beaten and get called for having a bad personality
      Look just shut your mouth if you can't bring a counter argument to the table.

  • @cogumilaferrers1969
    @cogumilaferrers1969 Год назад +3

    Well, Its been two years since I and my husband played this game. Even now, when I listen this soundtrack, I smile. I have anxiety and don't was able to relax with nothing. But when we start to play Haven, all the bad feelings go away. It helped me very much to get better.

  • @Dispear12121
    @Dispear12121 3 года назад +8

    Honestly loved this games story and the characters. The sound track is literally my favorite genre I never expected I'd even like a game like let alone the masterpiece of a soundtrack. Honestly one of my favorite games of a lifetime for me. Danger and Baker did a fantastic job.
    If Haven 2 was ever to be made I'd by it Day One

  • @AnActualRedPanda
    @AnActualRedPanda 2 года назад +3

    I played this game before the ends of 2021, and I keep thinking about this game. The music, the visuals, the characters, the CREATURES! Everything was amazing, and I really hope more people will play it

    • @crust5909
      @crust5909 2 года назад

      severely underrated game. People expected more Furi, which was never the goal of this game.

    • @YouTubeCensors
      @YouTubeCensors 2 года назад

      Bought it recently because I wanted to play it again since it's been taken off gamepass.

  • @Cyruss_6717
    @Cyruss_6717 4 года назад +22

    Im crying. I can feel all the emotions which are gona come in this game. 😄😲😢

  • @Kyzen1017
    @Kyzen1017 3 года назад +6

    Move It Muffin! Honestly deserves a Grammy. That track is so well balanced down to it's core. I love Hi-Hats, I love pianos, I love melodies, I just absolutely love the way this track was made. It is truly a masterpiece. So many techniques used in one piece is not easy to pull off, especially to make it sound well and upbeat.

    • @RHINO_Mk_II
      @RHINO_Mk_II 3 года назад +1

      Took me a while to notice it over tracks like Home and Source but it's definitely something special.

  • @jonASMRscripts
    @jonASMRscripts 2 года назад +3

    Strangely enough this entire OST has become my comfort "song".
    What a bop, what a string of phenomenal tracks!
    Great work by "Danger", and great work by "The Game Bakers" for making it work so well within their game!
    Stay awesome!

  • @jonybatata1237
    @jonybatata1237 Год назад +3

    i love this game's OST, but a fun fact is that i never played it in my whole life, only saw my dad play the ending and took some interest in the crazy ass music in the background. one day i'll figure out if the game is as good as the music, but that day is not today.

    • @JellyJman
      @JellyJman 10 месяцев назад +1

      Your dad got good tastes

    • @quann2887
      @quann2887 9 месяцев назад


    • @jonybatata1237
      @jonybatata1237 9 месяцев назад

      ​@@quann2887 давай

  • @piperstriker5147
    @piperstriker5147 3 года назад +5

    So much emotion...I can feel it through the screen. I could be projecting but I feel like I can feel what the artist was feeling when they made this soundtrack. Hope, love, fear, pain. So much pain, but it’s beautiful in a way

  • @BobBob-up8fz
    @BobBob-up8fz 3 года назад +7

    This music is a brilliant mix up of techno and electric, I can't blame the maker being called Danger. They are lethal with these tracks!

  • @okashi6779
    @okashi6779 4 года назад +25

    Ну наконец-то, вышли песни которые я буду слушать как минимум 4 года.

    • @DeusAmentiam
      @DeusAmentiam 4 года назад

      Которые Путин будет слушать со своего приемника

    • @RalphZeggers
      @RalphZeggers 3 года назад

      Free Fall ваще улёт

  • @smiggy201
    @smiggy201 4 года назад +25

    Very unique soundtrack! Fits the game.

  • @amelta2008
    @amelta2008 2 года назад +2

    i was just coasting along through this beautiful game, enjoying the sights, the music... but i was not ready for the ending. now this soundtrack haunts me in a nostalgic and sad way; i'll always love this game for that.

  • @aWabbajack
    @aWabbajack 4 года назад +7

    Fantastic soundtrack! Now we need Daiko's singing theme! Excited to get the signed CD in the mail!!

  • @layers5255
    @layers5255 4 года назад +70

    "He's ripe for the picking!"

    • @issacknapp9801
      @issacknapp9801 4 года назад +12

      “Harvest Time!”

    • @Rhino-Prime
      @Rhino-Prime 4 года назад +7


    • @luminosity01
      @luminosity01 3 года назад +1

      @Ricardo Mendez wha-?

    • @semmer99
      @semmer99 3 года назад +1

      "did I just feel you pinch my but while passing?" "How would I possibly achieve that?"

  • @Basket_Lord
    @Basket_Lord Год назад +1

    Honestly both ending broke my heart to see this game end no one will ever see love like this ever

  • @MichChats
    @MichChats 4 года назад +6

    'ready when you are' was hitting the feels but then i watched a walkthrough and it hits different

  • @thisninja11
    @thisninja11 4 года назад +9

    An amazing game with an amazing intro and great gameplay and great music.

  • @jacobfrost195
    @jacobfrost195 Год назад +1

    Is is it just me or does "We Can Always Pretend" [32:46] sound incredibly like a song that Mike Oldfield would make? Really reminds me of his 'Tubular Bells' album

  • @EdwardViaTomato
    @EdwardViaTomato 4 года назад +8

    I wound up grinding quite a bit in this game, just because I was jammin' to the OST. Cleared all the rust and discovered all the resources, etc.

  • @nayfen8731
    @nayfen8731 4 года назад +19

    This comes from another world. I'm sure it was done by Kay and Yu, on Source

  • @Kokoronya
    @Kokoronya 2 года назад +2

    This is my favorite game by far. I adore the plot, locations, characters and MUSIC! Im begging for DLC or Haven 2, maybe about characters past, or maybe about their future, about their kids? Doesnt matter, I just want second game. It was my best experience with videogames. Ofc I played good games before it, but it was a long time untill I met this.

  • @renanseval9760
    @renanseval9760 Год назад +2

    I just love this OST. Every song has a SOUL and it makes me want to cry...

  • @abrahamalviarez5870
    @abrahamalviarez5870 3 года назад +9

    This game BMG was a absolute master piece. Finished the game in just 2 nights, you just can't have enough of the music and graphics. Very well done in all aspects.

  • @ciellight
    @ciellight 2 года назад +1

    I think since me and my significant other played this game our relationship strengthened a lot. And part of the merit goes to Danger.
    You madlad, you compose fantastic music we both love

  • @JagaimoNeko
    @JagaimoNeko Год назад +2

    I would say one thing (some will surely disagree): the music was the thing that turned this just very good indie game a masterpiece.

  • @xyandi4870
    @xyandi4870 5 месяцев назад

    I was cleaning my keyboard and not paying attention when this popped into my feed and the ost is really good!

  • @kmdreacts
    @kmdreacts 7 месяцев назад +1

    I played this game a while back when it was on Xbox games pass..
    The opening soundtrack had me Hooked, but, once I started playing the game and 23:10 Source started playing, something came over me.
    It's been my most played song on Spotify for 2yrs now

  • @maxhacks2942
    @maxhacks2942 3 года назад +8

    for a game about third wheeling, i just have one thing to say, I LOVED IT

  • @DrunkNerdsPodcast
    @DrunkNerdsPodcast 3 года назад +2

    Beat Haven in one sitting last night and been listening to this soundtrack ever since

  • @moriarty5649
    @moriarty5649 3 года назад +3

    I wish Game Bakers would consider doing Haven 2...and Danger consider working with them again. The game and the soundtrack are pieces of art independently, and together they become something you never forget. Cheers from France guys !

  • @YurificationTrademark
    @YurificationTrademark Год назад +4

    >Kino game with kino soundtrack that is only an one-in-a-lifetime experience

    • @SzatanistaDzezowy
      @SzatanistaDzezowy 4 месяца назад

      Yes. Because nobody would want to replay this cringe boringness again. 😊

  • @reachingbeyond7065
    @reachingbeyond7065 3 года назад +2

    Danger is flexing musical muscles in thos soundtrack I didn't even know they had. Good stuff

  • @kylecastro2664
    @kylecastro2664 2 года назад +5

    Idk who Danger is until this game, but consider me a fan.

  • @ActionBob
    @ActionBob Год назад +2

    It's been over a year since I played this on a FF run, It was so great that this OST is basically the soundtrack of my life I listen to it on loop all the time probably half of my work days are just this music in the background. its soooooo good.

  • @catbaux
    @catbaux 4 года назад +4

    This soundtrack is SO good. I wanted to wait 'til my partner and I played the game together but I caved and listened to this first. It's so so good.

  • @TryHardGamerYT
    @TryHardGamerYT 4 года назад +11

    Saw the game on steam. Immediately knew I would love the OST from the trailer alone.

  • @obliviouswanderer208
    @obliviouswanderer208 4 года назад +4

    I can’t express how much I absolutely love this game.

  • @metaliode
    @metaliode 2 года назад +1

    I totaly forgot the studio of furi did this game and thx for the upload of thoses ost i know i would enjoy one more time the experience they bring to us with their games

  • @victorchen5663
    @victorchen5663 Год назад +1

    Legendary, timeless music for a legendary, timeless game.

  • @japuneiz9585
    @japuneiz9585 4 года назад +5

    I'm absolutelly in love with these soundtracks, they match perfectly in the game and It's amazingly good vibes 👌

  • @maxhacks2942
    @maxhacks2942 3 года назад +1

    i have to give it to game bakers,i was desperately searching for something my potato could run, and god was i struck by lightning, the soundtrack, the gameplay, the story, the immersion, god, it's all perfect, i'm probably gonna download every single game from game bakers now.

  • @MrFalloutforlife
    @MrFalloutforlife 3 года назад +3

    Kusa Makura was what I was looking for since the reveal trailer. Sound's excellent after a 2 year wait

  • @Andlekin
    @Andlekin 4 года назад +2

    I've listened to this entire album like 4 times now. So good.

  • @atillakarman9298
    @atillakarman9298 2 года назад

    I bought this game for the neon looks and the incredible music, stayed for the characters and the story. I keep coming back for the music.

  • @TheREALHugo4
    @TheREALHugo4 3 года назад +4

    When i hear this soundtrack, it's like being in a haven. Well done, Danger.

  • @fefchanskiy4696
    @fefchanskiy4696 4 года назад +9

    Now I gonna buy it

  • @mattqatsi
    @mattqatsi 2 года назад +4

    The 3rd song “Home” reminds me a little bit of the Microsoft Virtual Training Days music and I absolutely love it in ways that I cannot describe with words. I love this entire OST but that song specifically is top top tier.

    • @YouTubeCensors
      @YouTubeCensors 2 года назад

      Home's my favorite as well.
      Left the game on while outside the Nest often listen to the track.

  • @cryonunknown5990
    @cryonunknown5990 4 года назад +51

    Darn. Here we are again, huh? Brought back together after all these years since Furi and its fantastic OST came out.
    Yes. Here we are.
    Ready for a new journey. Together.
    Another awesome OST for another awesome game by The Game Bakers. And we're listening it here, on G4F Records.
    I wish all of you listeners good luck. We're going to get those feels again.
    Cause we're home, friends. Again.

    • @Audrans
      @Audrans 4 года назад +1

      welcome home

    • @lordtachanka5512
      @lordtachanka5512 4 года назад

      Cryon Unknown I’m only a couple hours in, but I’m wondering if it’s in the same universe as furi

    • @cryonunknown5990
      @cryonunknown5990 4 года назад +1

      @@lordtachanka5512 as far as I'm concerned, it has no plot connection to Furi at all, also the artstyle seems to be similar. Who knows?

    • @vengence250
      @vengence250 3 года назад +1

      Haven is good, but we all want a sequel of FURI

    • @cryonunknown5990
      @cryonunknown5990 3 года назад +1

      @@vengence250 nah. Sometimes even good stories should end. And even though Furi was a masterpiece, it's story came to logical conclusion. Besides, even TGB told that there will be no sequel for Furi. That pains us, but that's how it is.

  • @anerder976
    @anerder976 10 месяцев назад +2

    super składanka

  • @saltshaker8820
    @saltshaker8820 4 года назад +2

    Best video game soundtrack I’ve heard in a very long time. I have no clue why but the piece Source is very nostalgic to me

  • @Tony-xx5lr
    @Tony-xx5lr Год назад +1

    I didn't play the game (I will someday) but I listen to this while reading Gantz and it fits perfectly. Epic music for an Epic manga.

  • @collinlennon1181
    @collinlennon1181 3 года назад +1

    DANGER kicks ass, as a vet fan of Danger I openly welcome anyone just now finding him through haven to enjoy, The more people who hear this music the better

  • @Segaton
    @Segaton 9 месяцев назад

    Such a simple game but made me a feel a certain way I can't describe. The soundtrack had a big hand in it too.

  • @clockguard7983
    @clockguard7983 4 года назад +9

    Alright that’s the last nail on the coffin, im buying this game hands down

    • @ALEDream
      @ALEDream 4 года назад +1

      Its worth it or if you have xbox its on the gamepass

  • @rickards-rm
    @rickards-rm 3 года назад +2

    35:37 Blooting Hornets is sooo good

  • @eclipseacnologia5620
    @eclipseacnologia5620 4 года назад +23

    The worst feeling ever is trying to get all the achievements so you don't sever the bridge and feel like shit

    • @DrAiori
      @DrAiori 4 года назад +6

      Fortunately the game make a copy before the epilogue to achieve the other ending too. I didn't like the "bad" (I think that Yu took the ship to look for Kay at the end) neither, it was very aghhhhh. Then I saw the good ending, and it was a nice goodbye to Haven.

    • @gustavo33413
      @gustavo33413 4 года назад +1

      @@DrAiori lol your theory somehow makes the bad ending far less... bad. Like, whatever happens they will find each other again...

    • @eclipseacnologia5620
      @eclipseacnologia5620 4 года назад

      @@DrAiori I did like that even though they were shut off from the world they were happy it was definitely better than the bad ending because they had each other

    • @eclipseacnologia5620
      @eclipseacnologia5620 4 года назад +3

      @@gustavo33413 i did like that scene where she's just staring off and so is Kay in their scenes with a slight smile because it gives me a feeling maybe they will find each other I would have liked to see in the good ending maybe a kid but overall I was content

    • @kanate1444
      @kanate1444 3 года назад +5

      It hurt to 100% the game. Now I can never look at the Hornet theme the same way again.

  • @romiarkan450
    @romiarkan450 4 года назад +17

    I wish Space Caress had lyrics! Kay said he'd write them for Yu to sing.

  • @lucamartin4987
    @lucamartin4987 4 года назад +2

    Awesome music. Thank you Danger and thanks to The Game Bakers for this amazing game

  • @LadyWolfWitch
    @LadyWolfWitch 8 месяцев назад +1

    I love the acoustic cover of 22h39 at the end

  • @themajesticvalkyrie9469
    @themajesticvalkyrie9469 4 года назад +13

    Majestic, keep it up.

  • @A_Toastonawhiteplate
    @A_Toastonawhiteplate 2 года назад +2

    I only saw this game on steam...but now after hearing the soundtrack I will keep an eye on it