Living in Los Angeles! Expenses, Homeless and Fake Friends Chit Chat!

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 48

  • @SeyiFamuyiwa
    @SeyiFamuyiwa 3 года назад +45

    Love this! Always nice to hear the perspective of someone who isn't originally from here! It boils my blood when people call LA fake, especially as an LA native because I'm always like, they probably didn't even think to explore the various parts of LA that is filled with so much culture and just dope people living their lives. LA isn't all about entertainment and that's where folks get all cringe about it. Some people are just doing "regular" jobs and living their "regular" lives and that in itself makes the city what it is. I can go on and on lol. Also the homelessness is getting bad and I'm 100% blaming the government for that. Shameful.

    • @YvetteCorinne
      @YvetteCorinne  3 года назад +8

      The homelessness makes me sad. I wish they would do more about it! But back to your first statement. Yes! There is so much life in LA that people forget about because all they hear is life in the entertainment business. You can have a "regular" job and enjoy your life out here. LA has sooo much to offer. The nature is stunning, the food is good and people are soo liberal and free out here. I too can go on and on haha but you know I love me a good LA native! lol

    • @thejay3804
      @thejay3804 9 месяцев назад

      It’s the Government imposing high taxes on certain regions in the U.S, thus making the poorer class homeless in the process. This is all a part of the Government’s regime of making the rich richer and the poor poorer. The Government is like a lion that has become greedy of its prey (that is the poor, sick, and the meek), and is constantly hunting for methods to enhance population control.

  • @shannonhawkins1819
    @shannonhawkins1819 3 года назад +15

    I don't know how I'm just now seeing this but it was super refreshing. I think your maturity comes across compared to other youtube videos regarding LA. I also think a lot of LA vlogs attract people who are just looking to vent about their failed experience.

  • @micalcre8ts
    @micalcre8ts Год назад +7

    People move to cities and always complain are the ones with no plans they're expecting the city to make them or provide instead of making it happen themselves .... I hear it in Miami..... Chicago...Atl..NYC...people moved there with unrealistic expectations then they'll throw shame insult and guilt at the city......people need to do like you

  • @vikm1341
    @vikm1341 Год назад +2

    thanks for this video. Im actually moving to LA from Houston in a few days😊 Im a native California girl but am moving back. Im so excited!!
    And yeah I find that most people that talk negative about LA are not from there, its nice to see a positive video about it! I personally love it.

    • @YvetteCorinne
      @YvetteCorinne  Год назад

      yay! welcome back. can't believe a native left haha

  • @askurkormi
    @askurkormi Год назад +1

    You have an amazing way of expressing your self!

  • @debraward437
    @debraward437 3 года назад +5

    This video brought tears to my eyes…I am SO PROUD of your journey and your perseverance 💜

  • @yalikha
    @yalikha 3 года назад +5

    You are very friendly Yvette, even on line. Watching you always makes me feel like you would be a genuine friend in real life. You are very likeable. 😘😘😘

    • @YvetteCorinne
      @YvetteCorinne  3 года назад +1

      omg thank you for watching and this comment! i love that you feel that way based on my online presence. that makes me happy!

  • @missLat74
    @missLat74 6 месяцев назад

    Just subscribed to your channel…love your video…I’ve lived in Cali for 4 years(originally from Detroit) a year a half of my stay was in San Francisco(another way of life😂)…I love how you encouraged more black people to move to LA…I feel the same…it was definitely a different life for me but I’ve learned to love it!

  • @briannaali
    @briannaali 2 года назад +1

    Loved this! Thank you for sharing. I’m making my big move in the next couple of weeks and this definitely made me super excited! ❤️

  • @tsnipes2070
    @tsnipes2070 2 года назад +2

    I truly appreciate this info, been watching a lot of these lately. Plan on moving to LA in the next year!

  • @Adiasoit
    @Adiasoit 9 месяцев назад

    Thank you so much for the hope

  • @DavidinSLO
    @DavidinSLO 2 года назад +5

    Good video. Just FYI, Venice is technically is within Los Angeles city limits. You’re right about “it’s complicated” knowing what falls within LA city limits (Venice, Hollywood, most of the San Fernando Valley, etc = all city of Los Angeles) and what are separate, independent cities (Burbank, Santa Monica, Culver City, West Hollywood, etc).

    • @YvetteCorinne
      @YvetteCorinne  Год назад

      You’re right! I’ve just recently figured out what is what 😂

  • @Usernameyt4466
    @Usernameyt4466 3 года назад +2

    Thankyou so much . I just got the opportunity to move to LA. I grew up in the Bay Area but I am from Costa Rica and am currently here and have been here for 10’years. I have my ticket and I feel like it’s my time To move and spread my wings . I am 29 and live alone but want to basically take this opportunity, it makes me so nervous!

    • @YvetteCorinne
      @YvetteCorinne  3 года назад

      Nerves are great when you're making a move anywhere! So this is natural. Just keep reminding yourself that it is going to be okay and you will be fine!

  • @LaurenAshleyS
    @LaurenAshleyS 3 года назад

    Ahhh! I love this! Thank you so much I have been thinking of moving to the LA area from Atlanta forever. Especially thinking of being a content creator.

  • @ItsShayWhite
    @ItsShayWhite 3 года назад +3

    Love this video! Very informative. I am considering moving to LA next year. You mentioned outside of the city is less expensive. What areas are considered to be outside of the city? What do you think of North Hollywood/Sherman Oaks/Studio City areas?

    • @YvetteCorinne
      @YvetteCorinne  3 года назад +3

      all the cities you listed! they aren't too far and are more affordable. also, burbank and glendale are some nice areas to look at.

    • @ItsShayWhite
      @ItsShayWhite 3 года назад

      @@YvetteCorinne Thank you!

  • @AminaMarie
    @AminaMarie 3 года назад

    Love this video!! So helpful for newbies to the city and also adulting! 💗💗

  • @jazminerenee4077
    @jazminerenee4077 Год назад

    I feel like I’m surviving and not thriving. I am stressed out . I love LA! I love what LA has to offer. I love California. I just need to reevaluate my plan and try to make more money. Love this video

    • @YvetteCorinne
      @YvetteCorinne  Год назад +1

      Sis I feel this!! It took me a few years to actually start feeling like I was thriving here. I say stick it out and keep the positive vibes. I feel good energy from you, so you got this!!

    • @jazminerenee4077
      @jazminerenee4077 Год назад

      @@YvetteCorinne thank you so much 😊 I do believe that ! This means a lot!🙏🏽🙏🏽😊

  • @madihjorth8164
    @madihjorth8164 3 года назад +2

    This is hilarious but terrifying that I always wanted to move to LA because I wanting a career in the film industry one day! I’m currently in Idaho! Most Californians moving to Idaho or other states!

    • @YvetteCorinne
      @YvetteCorinne  3 года назад +2

      Yea! A lot of people are moving out of LA area, but I love it here. lol I'm from Texas and currently can't imagine living anywhere else...yet haha

  • @destinykeith4554
    @destinykeith4554 3 года назад +1

    Hi! I’m thinking about moving to LA after i graduate but i was only considering dtla..could you tell me other areas that might be better for a young black girl who also wants to work in the entertainment industry?

    • @YvetteCorinne
      @YvetteCorinne  3 года назад

      Hi Destiny! Koreatown is a good area that is close to DTLA and more affrodable. I personally love North Hollywood. It's not too far from Hollywood and the studios, and its more on the affordable end. Good Luck with your move!

  • @sweetestlex9757
    @sweetestlex9757 3 года назад

    did you like living in Burbank?? what is burbank like and can you do a houston vs LA vid? hows dating ? sorry for so many questions .

  • @jadadianas
    @jadadianas 3 года назад +1

    How did you find your roommate? Any resources on how to find good roommates for LA is appreciated :)

    • @YvetteCorinne
      @YvetteCorinne  3 года назад +1

      I found her online through a site called roomster. I'm not sure how credible it is now but we had a few facetime dates before I moved. Then my mom's friend who lived in LA area met her in real life to look at the apt and she/it was legit. Surprisingly we ended up loving each other as friends!

    • @jadadianas
      @jadadianas 3 года назад

      @@YvetteCorinne Thats amazing, thanks for the tip! I hope I find a good roommate too. I appreciate you answering my question!

  • @thesoftlifeadventurer
    @thesoftlifeadventurer 2 года назад

    Great video! My goal is to live in Studio City and work solely as a Content Creator (my channel is groaning slowly yet growing as well as find a great band to sing in like I do here on the east coast. New subbie!❤️

  • @thetraveler3495
    @thetraveler3495 2 года назад

    Hello, great video. I'm new to your channel so I don't know if you've shared this, but can you share or direct me to where you may have shared some of the many unique ways to make money in L.A. that we outside of L.A. have or have nor heard about?

  • @lailaabebe8585
    @lailaabebe8585 Год назад

    were you modeling before you went to LA?

  • @ShontelAnestasia
    @ShontelAnestasia 2 года назад +1

    Moving to LA! Native New Yorker here Hope we could connect one day :)

  • @leesetthebar3780
    @leesetthebar3780 Год назад

    Hey I’m a London who currently lives in Germany working in social media for a big brand. I travel a lot to the U.S. I would love to move to my company’s LA team.
    It’s in downtown 😬… where would be the best place to move as a black women in the creative industry and have a good quality of life?

  • @Californiansurfer
    @Californiansurfer 2 года назад +1

    I work in Jeffersonvill Indiana, Shepardvill Kentucky and Mishawaka Indiana, elkhart indiana. Jeffersonvill Indiana and Shepardvill Kentucky racism exist and police pulled me over 24/7 and driving at night being a dark skin Mexicano, they thought I was a black man. Mishawaka Indiana and Michagan. Totally different meet Irish and Italian friends and we didn’t accept racism. What a difference.e. I didn’t realize how lucky am living in Downey California. I have asian, black , Jewish, Muslim etccccc friends. Our diversity. We need to travel and know the real ameica .. I know some black friends from Compton and Inglewood don’t know what racism is.. I tell them go to Kentucky. I also worked in waxahachie Texas which I loved it Tex-Mex and less racism. I love Texas but the tornatos are scary. Downey California

  • @juliete5449
    @juliete5449 2 года назад

    which city do you thing someone making 3,000 dollars as a nurse assistant from Chicago can live in LA.

  • @ryann6805
    @ryann6805 3 года назад

    New subbie. Nice video!

  • @musicsimply9197
    @musicsimply9197 3 года назад

    Big Ups

  • @nothing-ss9cd
    @nothing-ss9cd 3 года назад

    Do you wanna change the world?