This is good advice. I have a groundhog eating my asian pears EVERY year. I grew these two trees from saplings and have yet to enjoy the fruit. I tried baffels, will try electric fence as I have on my garden. Low voltage just stings them, me and our dog, lol. I'll try this as well. Thank you.
I have two apple trees and a pear tree about 15-20 years old. I have never gotten a single apple off the trees. Only saw a ground hog climbing and eating once. I have gotten rid of over 100 but mostly when they live under my porch each year. I see flocks of crows, and even japanese beetles burying into the apples. The trees are too tall now (probably 20 feet) but the deer stop in everyday for the fallen apples and the lower ones. The pears nothing eats until last year where there was nothing in the fall. Not sure what ate them.
Nice. I’ve got a few on my property living under my deck. They are smart and won’t enter the trap but I didn’t conceal it as you did. I don’t think it will ever enter my trap. I’ll try ur trick...
Wash the trap with unscented soap and then use gloves when handling the trap. Groundhogs are very keen to human scent and will often avoid the trap if they detect it.
Uzoma Olumba, GRI take it to a secluded forested park and release him there. Just face the release door away from you as you open it and let the raccoon run away. They’ll be happy just to be set free so it’s unlikely they will attack you. I’ve done this with raccoons and have never been attacked. However, you might want to hold a pole in your free hand as you open the cage door just in case. Just be forewarned that in some states it’s illegal to trap and release animals without a permit.
I don't use bait since I get racoons and opossums. Sometimes it takes a month before they decide to go into the trap. I place it on their way to the hole and try to block paths around. Once you catch one and their scent (they stink) gets in the trap it seems to attract more. Even without bait I still catch raccons, oppossums, a neighbors cat, and onetime two skunks at the same time, don't understand that. I didn't know it was two skunks until I covered it and transported in and let one run out. took it back to clean out all the mud (raining) and took the cover off to find another skunk looking at me!
I used to think you have to conceal it, but now I don't even bother. They take a little while nosing around the outside of the trap, but after a short while, they're in.
FYI if there is one there are more. Thought I had one caught three and a skunk. Got rid of them 12 years later. Thought we had two now I've seen four minus one I caught. Down to three who knows might be more under my pool deck.
We had groundhogs in our city property. Followed ALL the suggestions we read or watched. Nothing worked. I gave up..... BUT did set an EMPTY TRAP on one of the runs they used. After baiting with peanut butter and all the rest of the suggestions we left the trap completely empty, again, we had given up. Wouldn't you know it, first night had one. Second night had another, got the (last?) one three days later. No bait just put them in the middle of where they ran.
My neighbor has a family of six ground hogs and they real smart but very beautiful looking mother and father and four little ones and it's under his long shed ,I always look out my top window to record them ,my neighbor can't seem to catch them ,but we enjoy watching them !!!
I caught a possum last week with wet cat food and salad, but the groundhog roams freely stuffing himself on my garden! I have apple, honey and almond butter. Gonna try this! Thanks
@@DerfOrNuffinnope, no groundhog, but another apple with peanut butter caught a second possum. one year at work we caught a possum with malted milk balls.
if you have 1 you have 5 ,reset the trap till you dont get no more. all the ones i catch cross the rainbow , hopefully i have grandpa this morning, biggest one i have ever seen , if i have him he will have crossed the rainbow when i find out. only way to avoid reinfestation and the mess they leave
They are quite tuned into any slight movement, I saw one near my shed where I knew they were digging under. I was about 45’ away and just moved my arm a bit to grab the gun and it saw me and took off😡
Catch & release during summer to prevent young being left in the den to starve. A field with wooded area nearby is a good spot. Chances are another will eventually move in to the old spot
Yard? about foundation...perimeter walls...and then in the winter other animals housing in their burrow...raccoons destroying crossover hvac duct
Finally got my first groundhog after baiting with yes ( Acorns with nothing else within a few hours ) I had no luck with cantaloupes or Apples and had been trying for over a month. I’ve caught about six raccoons and one possum but no groundhogs. I came home today to see the groundhog eating on the acorns under an oak tree, so I thought I’d try to pick up every acorn i could find under the tree that it was at, washed them off with the hose to get my scent off them and baited the trap again and finally got him, he must of weighed over 40 lbs easily.
Cool, I never thought about acorns, haven't seen them munching on those. I use either green apples off the apple tree in our back yard, or raw carrots, gets them every time. 😁
@@robertmiller341 How did you get rid of the skunk without the stink? 😅 Now I am in the situation that something has been chewing on my veggies seedlings. My neighbor said it is most likely a groundhog. I have seen one a few years ago right here. But lately I only saw (and smelled) a skunk.
I trapped a skunk yesterday that was trying to take up residence in our barn.... you cover the trap with a blanket or tarp and they won't spray. You can relocate them that way or do like we did and take it out away from the house and open the cage wait for him to come out and send him a load of lead from a shotgun.... they do typically spray but hince why you take them away from the house. Today it has rained and the smell is already gone!
@@ManMan-Real but groundhogs like to start their day when it’s barely light out in the morning, so unless you like getting out of bed to set a trap before sunrise , just leave it ready to go all night
Great video however when you relocate them they destroy someone else's property an some states its illegal to relocate them they took out all my sweet corn last year this year im using conibear traps they have to go...
I've got 2 questions. -- Is putting grass up around the trap necessary ? -- There's a ground hog going deep into the foundation of my house. Huge hole. But there is no grass there. It's just dirt. -- It's a sizable groundhog. -- Do I need the grass to camouflage the trap ? -- Question 2 -- Do I risk getting bitten by the groundhog if I take him to another location to let him out ?
I just caught one today so I'll take a stab. I didn't use any grass camo. The trap was set within a few feet of one of its holes. I used peanut butter and celery. It didn't eat the celery, but the peanut butter was cleaned off. Every animal is different. My woodchuck was very gentle. The one in the video is mad. The traps are designed to keep your fingers safe and the animal will run for its life when you open the door, so just make sure none of your body is in front of it when you open.
@@juderose1826 Thank you for your response and info. -- I need any suggestions and info I can get. -- That's very interesting about the peanut butter. More developers are developing land around me. And critters that I didn't use to see, are now I my house. Thanks again.
yes they get agitated when you get close to the cage and pick it up. Just think out what you're doing before you go through with it. I've seen videos where people go to release a trapped groundhog, and have no idea how to do it. 🙄
I caught one with the apple and a couple slices of bread LOL I covered the cage up with stuff I was intending to catch a raccoon but caught a groundhog which I need to get rid of them too so they stop eating my garden
in Ohio, it is illegal to relocate nuisance wildlife animals. especially groundhog, whistle pigs, etc. These animals will not only destroy your garden but will undermine your homes foundation. They have also caused bridges to collapse due to their tunneling under concrete piers. They cause damage to lievstock, horses and crops and farmers get plenty of practice shootin their 30-06 at them. Also, in Ohio, there is no bag limit on these varmints and they can be hunted and dispatched humanely as long as they are active.
ive had a trap out for 3 days now. blocked off all other outs and ins but the one i know he uses a lot. been sitting there. now the damn thing wont even come out! its like he knows
@@gildasassi8574 you're welcome, best of luck. It's a learning experience, we've caught our first two, just using green apples off the apple tree in our backyard, or raw carrots, each within about an hour and a half of setting the trap. If I had a stubborn one, I hear peanut butter and cantaloupe are irresistible. They are smart and strong, they'll nose their way up to the cage, and nose around it, then try to shake the cage and dislodge the bait, but ultimately they can't resist it and they go inside to get it. If you're not a hands on person, Haveaheart company makes one called the 'Easy Set', where you just pull a handle to release the animal. We take ours about 12 miles away to a county park system that's 32 miles long and hope they have a happy new life. 🙂
If you're not a hands on person, the Havaheart "Easy Set" is minimal hassle. With all of them, you have to make sure the animal doesn't escape, you might have to make some tweaks or slight modifications.
Thank you for the nice video. I would need relocate to where others are burdened with these pest. My area is overwhelmed with these varmints, so if caught...
Just before releasing always put a large spot of bright colored spray paint on it. If it comes back you’ll recognize it and know you either need a farther release place, or, terminate, with extreme prejudice. 😒
What if you have a bunch of them, all with holes within a few feet of each other? I have about a half dozen out back that are dangerously close to my niece's jungle gym. I'm afraid that if I manage to trap one or two that the others will see them in the trap and then get wise to it. I'm thinking I might have to shoot them.
Thanks for the tips - If you are going to trap ground hogs, you need to be very diligent - you most likely won't get them the first or even the second day - you have to keep at it.
I had to wait over a month, don't use any bait so I don't get other critters. Once you get one then others soon follow. They seem to come to the scent of the first one you caught.
Get yourself about (8) 3/4 inch by 24" pieces of wood. I have to use live catch the groundhog slide the wood stick through the openings of the cage to form a wooden wall keeping him on one end of the cage. Just drop it in your 50 gallon trash can full of water, 5 minutes later, dumpster.
Traps are expensive and scarce these days. I read comments about shooting them or groundhogs coming back home. What about poison for groundhogs? Do they exist? Mine is destroying my entrance paving removing all the gravel underground and looks like it is doing his condo there.
We don't have badgers here but we have a lot of raccoons that give us problems in our area. I tried marshmallows and peanut butter but we ran out of both before I got the trap set. The kids also used up all the graham crackers we had in the house making smores with the peanut butter and marshmallows. For this reason, I don't think I should try to use peanut butter....or marshmallows. I was told to use marshmallows because local cats won't eat them. But how do you keep rats and mice out of the traps? They love peanut butter. I may try boiled okra. No one in our house likes to eat that slimy stuff.
Go buy you a .80 cent can of sardines rip open the lid and set can in back of trap. Within 2 days you'll catch the racoon if mr. Oppusme doesn't beat him to the cage!
When you went to relocate the little bastard where you concerned he might spin around and try to bite you ? …..I’m curious how that went down ,.. any elaboration would be highly appreciated
I put long wires on the trap door which enables me to stand a few feet behind the trap and open the front door at the opposite end, while my wife stands at the ready with a rake or a broom.
Robert Welker - That’s what we thought too, if you spray paint a spot on them before release, you’ll find you have more than one. That’s not unusual, all those thing do is dig, eat and phuk.
Where I live, it's illegal to "relocate" live animals (unless you have a state exterminator's license). The reason, I'm told, is to prevent the spread of rabies, which makes good sense. It's also illegal to discharge a firearm within the city limits. My solution, which complies with the law, is to drown the critters in the trap. They never seem to return, but there are always more to take their place.
yup - throw the trap in a big tote of water. the only solution to groundhogs is extermination. if you don't take them down they will return again and again
Christ you just don't go tell everyone you gonna relocate it. I do it all the time unless the animal that I'm relocating had turned into a farm destroyer like killing 20 chickens (raccoon) l which becomes a dead raccoon but to just drowned it for being the animal that it is s seems a little wrong but I guess u do u.
@@realcookin3720 In NY, where I live, and in many other states, relocating nuisance animals is illegal. You also make your problem someone else's problem. There's a reason the law allows for killing nuisance animals but not relocating them.
Problem with using live traps is you also catch racoons, opossums and skunks . They all can carry rabies and can get very aggressive when caught . Thankfully the one time I caught a skunk, he was dead when I got home from work and hadn't sprayed . A well placed 22 LR solves the aggression issues as does a 243 except the 243 tends to tear up the trap when it exits the body . A full grown coon or groundhog will also tear up a trap .
I found it interesting that you spoke of no effort to avoid or remove human scent from the trap and yet had immediate success. Another issue that would be interesting to address is dealing with a family of groundhogs and whether your first success with your trap is apt to be your last success.
If you think about it, city groundhogs pick up gloves and dig close to the house, they're already used to the scent. I wear gloves when handling the bait and the cage, otherwise I don't worry too much about it and always have success.
They dig huge holes and underground tunnels, which around foundations and in fields with animals (pastures) can be physically destructive and dangerous.
The babies got under the hood and ate the spark plug wires on my pick up truck I opened the hood the day after and one was on the air cleaner everyone I see is gonna DIE !! I wish they just ate apples
I have a groundhog living in my backyard and trying to catch that . when the groundhog caught how do you take it to some where we have to take it a place how do u put cage in a car and take it off what do we have to do for everything don't want to get hurt by putting in a car and take him off have to be safe by doing that
put the sissy cage away, and im assuming you cant bring yourself to shovel to the head it to death, and if you cant bring yourself to shoot it, or are scared of guns just get some 220 body traps. bucket traps are your answer, insta death and you dont have to see the act.and most importantly you dont locate a critter you caught cause it was a pest and then put that pest nimby.
Season well, batter with flour and fry in iron skillet until brown. Cook in the pressure cooker for 4 to 6 hours. Make a batch of brown rice for gravy.... Delicious
I don't care so much if groundhogs eat apples or vegetables so much compared to the damage they can cause under your shed and pole barn slabs. Last night my groundhog of interest sacrificed his raccoon friend to my trap. I'll get him. I hope it's just a him anyway.
I was thinking through most of the video why on earth would a groundhog choose to eat an apple inside a trap that smells like a human has touched when it can get an endless supply from underneath the apple tree? Then I saw that this is a juvenile. You might not be so lucky with an older and wiser groundhog. Use a slice of cantaloupe and you’ll catch even the most skittish groundhog in a couple of hours.
Has not worked for me can catch everything but the groundhog he pays no attention to the Trap eats everything else I live surrounded by Forest does not seem to have interest in the Trap. I tried pepper oil and pepper everything else thought I got rid of them covered everything up and he destroyed it again digging in under the foundation of my garage in the morning he's getting a bullet
If it found a food source why should it leave! I can't Imagine a better meal than apple-peanut flavored roasted woodchuck ! Simple to cook, If u eat a Chuck cooked right u won't be wanting chichen for a month,hey !
My grandpa would catch them in the cage then drop the cage in the creek for about 5mins. Kills them and helps wash the fleas off. Then drop the dead sob in woods...or it will become another person's nightmare
When we moved into our somewhat countrywide town, our 80 year old neighbor would havahart them and then give them "swimming lessons" in his pool. Thirty years later we still laugh about it. Now It's our turn...
If CADDY SCHACK CAN't Get them? What chance do you think you have? Hire a Pro, pay them their $50-$00 to catch ea one( normally 3-4 of them, Mother and 3 Pups) . well worth it
If you're going to pay that kind of money, you better follow them when they go to release it and make sure they're not just driving around the corner. 😃
Well George, us normal people will be glad to send Gods little creatures to your place. Then you can enjoy replacing the cement in your garage, pole barn and swimming pool that they easily destroy. Hope you don't mind some poisonous snakes, rats and a few wild hogs too. After all they're all Gods precious creatures and you want to love them. Funny that Gods creatures were used to be a curse on mankind when they were not living right. And NO you can not find any suggestion in the Bible that animals, fish, bugs or whatever have souls.
but lemme guess cows chickens and pigs dont? vegetarian? plants are alive too. ps read your bible if youre gonna invoke god you should know he "created all the plants and the animals of the earth for us" presumably as we see fit. also only humans have souls, according to scripture.
These are nature's creatures living in their habitat that HUMAN BEINGS infiltrated. Being vegetarian? Use your head before you comment. You sound like an egomaniac when you say crap like that
Thank you so much! First time live trapping and you were a big help!!
This is good advice. I have a groundhog eating my asian pears EVERY year. I grew these two trees from saplings and have yet to enjoy the fruit. I tried baffels, will try electric fence as I have on my garden. Low voltage just stings them, me and our dog, lol. I'll try this as well. Thank you.
I have two apple trees and a pear tree about 15-20 years old. I have never gotten a single apple off the trees. Only saw a ground hog climbing and eating once. I have gotten rid of over 100 but mostly when they live under my porch each year. I see flocks of crows, and even japanese beetles burying into the apples. The trees are too tall now (probably 20 feet) but the deer stop in everyday for the fallen apples and the lower ones. The pears nothing eats until last year where there was nothing in the fall. Not sure what ate them.
You do a great job helping people learning just how to trap various animals !
I love your grass and path idea! Thanks!
I was trying to live trap a wood chuck then capuchin a HUGE raccoon instead thank you so much for the advice!!
Nice. I’ve got a few on my property living under my deck. They are smart and won’t enter the trap but I didn’t conceal it as you did. I don’t think it will ever enter my trap. I’ll try ur trick...
Wash the trap with unscented soap and then use gloves when handling the trap. Groundhogs are very keen to human scent and will often avoid the trap if they detect it.
mortalstorm great advice...I trapped a raccoon that’s was docile until I went to release it. I’m scared to release it now...
Uzoma Olumba, GRI take it to a secluded forested park and release him there. Just face the release door away from you as you open it and let the raccoon run away. They’ll be happy just to be set free so it’s unlikely they will attack you. I’ve done this with raccoons and have never been attacked. However, you might want to hold a pole in your free hand as you open the cage door just in case. Just be forewarned that in some states it’s illegal to trap and release animals without a permit.
I don't use bait since I get racoons and opossums. Sometimes it takes a month before they decide to go into the trap. I place it on their way to the hole and try to block paths around. Once you catch one and their scent (they stink) gets in the trap it seems to attract more. Even without bait I still catch raccons, oppossums, a neighbors cat, and onetime two skunks at the same time, don't understand that. I didn't know it was two skunks until I covered it and transported in and let one run out. took it back to clean out all the mud (raining) and took the cover off to find another skunk looking at me!
I used to think you have to conceal it, but now I don't even bother. They take a little while nosing around the outside of the trap, but after a short while, they're in.
Great thanks
Great job! I have a groundhog that is really taking it to my tomatoes and now WAR! Thanks, for the tips.
Worse for me. Something is chewing on my seedings. Cucumber, broccoli, kale (x2), cantaloupes (x3).
@@VashtheStampede007 same issue. It’s groundhogs
FYI if there is one there are more. Thought I had one caught three and a skunk. Got rid of them 12 years later. Thought we had two now I've seen four minus one I caught. Down to three who knows might be more under my pool deck.
@@VashtheStampede007 yep the group of devil have destroyed my garden to the point of why even bother but i am out for revenge
We had groundhogs in our city property. Followed ALL the suggestions we read or watched. Nothing worked. I gave up..... BUT did set an EMPTY TRAP on one of the runs they used. After baiting with peanut butter and all the rest of the suggestions we left the trap completely empty, again, we had given up. Wouldn't you know it, first night had one. Second night had another, got the (last?) one three days later. No bait just put them in the middle of where they ran.
My neighbor has a family of six ground hogs and they real smart but very beautiful looking mother and father and four little ones and it's under his long shed ,I always look out my top window to record them ,my neighbor can't seem to catch them ,but we enjoy watching them !!!
Great video.
Thank you,
I caught a possum last week with wet cat food and salad, but the groundhog roams freely stuffing himself on my garden! I have apple, honey and almond butter. Gonna try this! Thanks
Any luck? same thing catching possums
@@DerfOrNuffinnope, no groundhog, but another apple with peanut butter caught a second possum. one year at work we caught a possum with malted milk balls.
we have 100% success catching groundhogs with either apples or carrots.
@@DerfOrNuffin same here, always get a possum. But I let them go, they are really a good varmit to have around
@@doninmichigan I have the worse luck catching them, I’ve used a combination of lettuce, apples, even cantaloupe rinds, can’t seem to get them
Were do you take and how after you catch, please need to know
I take them 12 miles away to a county park that's 32 miles long.
Great video!
Great way , thank you
how far away do you think is good for relocating
Very nice interesting
if you have 1 you have 5 ,reset the trap till you dont get no more. all the ones i catch cross the rainbow , hopefully i have grandpa this morning, biggest one i have ever seen , if i have him he will have crossed the rainbow when i find out. only way to avoid reinfestation and the mess they leave
They can travel up to 20 miles to return to their home turf. A well placed 22 will send them to their new home permanently.
I like using .22 rat shot at point blank range.... works great on semi short hair critters, and doesn't hurt trap.
I take them swimming….in my stock tank… 😎
They are quite tuned into any slight movement, I saw one near my shed where I knew they were digging under. I was about 45’ away and just moved my arm a bit to grab the gun and it saw me and took off😡
Catch & release during summer to prevent young being left in the den to starve.
A field with wooded area nearby is a good spot. Chances are another will eventually move in to the old spot
Dang! I was hoping you'd show how to handle that cage for the relocation.
I'll give this a try. I think my Groundhog is quite a bit bigger, tho.
Gonna try this
Hopefully we have same results
how long can a groundhog live without food or water?
My grampa caught one and thought it was a raccoon, then he said he baptized the ground hog
That mean he drowned it? Old landlord found a bat and put in a jar, when I asked what we do with it he pulled out the hose.....😬
No reason to kill it. You can set it free in the woods
@@danielngutter8561 rats n bats ok lol
@@Skulzzz.____ Some states it is illegal to relocate them.
Grampa smart man.
I caught 7 groundhogs this summer. I have the same trap and used watermelon as bait.
I'll release him alright after i put a 22 hollow point through him.When you release him he'll go to somebody elses yard to create damage.
No need for the hollow point. Just a .22 LR will do it
After that you gotta release him onto your backyard grill with some BBQ sauce.
Yard? about foundation...perimeter walls...and then in the winter other animals housing in their burrow...raccoons destroying crossover hvac duct
Or let my dog have some fun!! Hate these bastards so much
@@johnrourke4363 hollow points are cheaper
Why does it have so many different sized holes?
Finally got my first groundhog after baiting with yes ( Acorns with nothing else within a few hours ) I had no luck with cantaloupes or Apples and had been trying for over a month. I’ve caught about six raccoons and one possum but no groundhogs. I came home today to see the groundhog eating on the acorns under an oak tree, so I thought I’d try to pick up every acorn i could find under the tree that it was at, washed them off with the hose to get my scent off them and baited the trap again and finally got him, he must of weighed over 40 lbs easily.
Cool, I never thought about acorns, haven't seen them munching on those. I use either green apples off the apple tree in our back yard, or raw carrots, gets them every time. 😁
Also if you use a live trap, remember to close it at night to avoid catching skunks or raccoons.
Yes I learned this the hard way last week I caught Skunk and a number of weeks ago I caught a raccoon.
@@robertmiller341 How did you get rid of the skunk without the stink? 😅
Now I am in the situation that something has been chewing on my veggies seedlings. My neighbor said it is most likely a groundhog. I have seen one a few years ago right here. But lately I only saw (and smelled) a skunk.
I trapped a skunk yesterday that was trying to take up residence in our barn.... you cover the trap with a blanket or tarp and they won't spray. You can relocate them that way or do like we did and take it out away from the house and open the cage wait for him to come out and send him a load of lead from a shotgun.... they do typically spray but hince why you take them away from the house. Today it has rained and the smell is already gone!
Was going to set up overnight so thank you!!!
@@ManMan-Real but groundhogs like to start their day when it’s barely light out in the morning, so unless you like getting out of bed to set a trap before sunrise , just leave it ready to go all night
Great videp
Great video however when you relocate them they destroy someone else's property an some states its illegal to relocate them they took out all my sweet corn last year this year im using conibear traps they have to go...
I release them in a county park that's 32 miles long.
I've got 2 questions. -- Is putting grass up around the trap necessary ? -- There's a ground hog going deep into the foundation of my house. Huge hole. But there is no grass there. It's just dirt. -- It's a sizable groundhog. -- Do I need the grass to camouflage the trap ? -- Question 2 -- Do I risk getting bitten by the groundhog if I take him to another location to let him out ?
I just caught one today so I'll take a stab. I didn't use any grass camo. The trap was set within a few feet of one of its holes. I used peanut butter and celery. It didn't eat the celery, but the peanut butter was cleaned off. Every animal is different. My woodchuck was very gentle. The one in the video is mad. The traps are designed to keep your fingers safe and the animal will run for its life when you open the door, so just make sure none of your body is in front of it when you open.
@@juderose1826 Thank you for your response and info. -- I need any suggestions and info I can get. -- That's very interesting about the peanut butter. More developers are developing land around me. And critters that I didn't use to see, are now I my house. Thanks again.
@@jackdraper2849 fill the hole with rocks, make some soupy quikcrete and fill it in. No more groundhog.
@@jackdraper2849 , taking animals somewhere else is putting your problems on someone else ,
Extermination !
Hey aren't you one of the guys from the PH? I miss you guys.
Do groundhogs bite or have aggressive behavior
yes they get agitated when you get close to the cage and pick it up. Just think out what you're doing before you go through with it. I've seen videos where people go to release a trapped groundhog, and have no idea how to do it. 🙄
They are very mean. Friends dog had its ears all chewed up from one. Their teeth are about an inch long.
I caught one with the apple and a couple slices of bread LOL I covered the cage up with stuff I was intending to catch a raccoon but caught a groundhog which I need to get rid of them too so they stop eating my garden
in Ohio, it is illegal to relocate nuisance wildlife animals. especially groundhog, whistle pigs, etc. These animals will not only destroy your garden but will undermine your homes foundation. They have also caused bridges to collapse due to their tunneling under concrete piers. They cause damage to lievstock, horses and crops and farmers get plenty of practice shootin their 30-06 at them. Also, in Ohio, there is no bag limit on these varmints and they can be hunted and dispatched humanely as long as they are active.
ive had a trap out for 3 days now. blocked off all other outs and ins but the one i know he uses a lot. been sitting there. now the damn thing wont even come out! its like he knows
My groundhog actually moved the trap. A few times the trap was closed. I have no idea what happened. Can you give me a suggestion?
you have to stake the trap down, I use a couple of landscape stakes.
@@doninmichigan thank you
@@gildasassi8574 you're welcome, best of luck. It's a learning experience, we've caught our first two, just using green apples off the apple tree in our backyard, or raw carrots, each within about an hour and a half of setting the trap. If I had a stubborn one, I hear peanut butter and cantaloupe are irresistible. They are smart and strong, they'll nose their way up to the cage, and nose around it, then try to shake the cage and dislodge the bait, but ultimately they can't resist it and they go inside to get it. If you're not a hands on person, Haveaheart company makes one called the 'Easy Set', where you just pull a handle to release the animal. We take ours about 12 miles away to a county park system that's 32 miles long and hope they have a happy new life. 🙂
Put a cement block on top if the cage. I had one that flipped a big cage and got out.
what brand is your trap and recommendations on where to purchase?
Harbor freight,best price
If you're not a hands on person, the Havaheart "Easy Set" is minimal hassle. With all of them, you have to make sure the animal doesn't escape, you might have to make some tweaks or slight modifications.
How far away did you relocate it? I heard they can find there way back?
5 miles
I release mine 12 miles away in a county park that's 32 miles long.
Thank you for the nice video. I would need relocate to where others are burdened with these pest. My area is overwhelmed with these varmints, so if caught...
I've caught and relocated 16 of these little guys and counting this year. Most of which I baited with apples and peanut.
In some states like New York that is a nice ticket for relocating wildlife without a permit.
@@toddac61 no catch and release this year don't want to pass the problem on to someone else.
@@robertmiller341 So it is catching and eating it?
@@toddac61 maybe he can just toss it in through an open window at your house? 😅
While you pick up small green 🍏 .
This real sour. By u eat it . Lol
Easy to catch young ones. Wise old timers too smart.
Just before releasing always put a large spot of bright colored spray paint on it. If it comes back you’ll recognize it and know you either need a farther release place, or, terminate, with extreme prejudice. 😒
I just talked to a friend who told me his friend would paint his tail bright red.
I was going to paint that sucker I released the other day and I forgot, damn it. 😂
What if you have a bunch of them, all with holes within a few feet of each other? I have about a half dozen out back that are dangerously close to my niece's jungle gym. I'm afraid that if I manage to trap one or two that the others will see them in the trap and then get wise to it. I'm thinking I might have to shoot them.
Uzi 9 millimeter.
@@seeburg220 Recent data suggests 9mm may blow their lungs clean out of their body...LGB
Don't be afraid to trap them, just do it. I think they smell food and forget everything else.
Thanks for the tips - If you are going to trap ground hogs, you need to be very diligent - you most likely won't get them the first or even the second day - you have to keep at it.
Got my first one within an hour and a half. 😁
Got my second one yesterday within about the same time, I must be lucky I guess.
I had to wait over a month, don't use any bait so I don't get other critters. Once you get one then others soon follow. They seem to come to the scent of the first one you caught.
What bait did you u use?
Get yourself about (8) 3/4 inch by 24" pieces of wood. I have to use live catch the groundhog slide the wood stick through the openings of the cage to form a wooden wall keeping him on one end of the cage. Just drop it in your 50 gallon trash can full of water, 5 minutes later, dumpster.
Traps are expensive and scarce these days. I read comments about shooting them or groundhogs coming back home. What about poison for groundhogs? Do they exist? Mine is destroying my entrance paving removing all the gravel underground and looks like it is doing his condo there.
Just bite the bullet and get a trap, they're reusable forever.
We don't have badgers here but we have a lot of raccoons that give us problems in our area. I tried marshmallows and peanut butter but we ran out of both before I got the trap set. The kids also used up all the graham crackers we had in the house making smores with the peanut butter and marshmallows. For this reason, I don't think I should try to use peanut butter....or marshmallows. I was told to use marshmallows because local cats won't eat them. But how do you keep rats and mice out of the traps? They love peanut butter. I may try boiled okra. No one in our house likes to eat that slimy stuff.
Go buy you a .80 cent can of sardines rip open the lid and set can in back of trap. Within 2 days you'll catch the racoon if mr. Oppusme doesn't beat him to the cage!
I have found success putting the bait in the back and also under the pad so they will move past trigger pad to try and eat whats under it
they love strawberries And watermelon rinds. I caught mines easy within a 1day
Can you tell me how you caught it? I have one living behind my garage and then he goes to the gsrden and feasts
No such thing as relocating them. Somehow they just come back. Guess that's why I have a creek across from my house.
I usually driving 10 miles out on my way home.
Yep. Going to take ours for a swim. My wife was against it until it savaged her vegetable garden... Twice.
@@asappestcontrol1250 i aint wastin my gas,no sir
Just shoot them
The Company s charge 5OO, The holes in my yard, i ca fall in HELP me!!!!
When you went to relocate the little bastard where you concerned he might spin around and try to bite you ? …..I’m curious how that went down ,.. any elaboration would be highly appreciated
I put long wires on the trap door which enables me to stand a few feet behind the trap and open the front door at the opposite end, while my wife stands at the ready with a rake or a broom.
If you don`t want it to come back , let it loose on the other side of a river. Iv`e taken them 4 miles from my house and with in a week their back .
Robert Welker - That’s what we thought too, if you spray paint a spot on them before release, you’ll find you have more than one. That’s not unusual, all those thing do is dig, eat and phuk.
Where I live, it's illegal to "relocate" live animals (unless you have a state exterminator's license). The reason, I'm told, is to prevent the spread of rabies, which makes good sense. It's also illegal to discharge a firearm within the city limits. My solution, which complies with the law, is to drown the critters in the trap. They never seem to return, but there are always more to take their place.
Oh op
yup - throw the trap in a big tote of water. the only solution to groundhogs is extermination. if you don't take them down they will return again and again
Christ you just don't go tell everyone you gonna relocate it. I do it all the time unless the animal that I'm relocating had turned into a farm destroyer like killing 20 chickens (raccoon) l which becomes a dead raccoon but to just drowned it for being the animal that it is s seems a little wrong but I guess u do u.
@@realcookin3720 In NY, where I live, and in many other states, relocating nuisance animals is illegal. You also make your problem someone else's problem. There's a reason the law allows for killing nuisance animals but not relocating them.
@@TheAboriginal1 can you get totes over 3 ft long or can you drown the animals standing the trap on end?
Problem with using live traps is you also catch racoons, opossums and skunks . They all can carry rabies and can get very aggressive when caught . Thankfully the one time I caught a skunk, he was dead when I got home from work and hadn't sprayed . A well placed 22 LR solves the aggression issues as does a 243 except the 243 tends to tear up the trap when it exits the body . A full grown coon or groundhog will also tear up a trap .
I found it interesting that you spoke of no effort to avoid or remove human scent from the trap and yet had immediate success. Another issue that would be interesting to address is dealing with a family of groundhogs and whether your first success with your trap is apt to be your last success.
Woundn't the city creature already be used to our scent? The one in my yard hides under shed.
If you think about it, city groundhogs pick up gloves and dig close to the house, they're already used to the scent. I wear gloves when handling the bait and the cage, otherwise I don't worry too much about it and always have success.
Why do you need to trap him if he's just cleaning up the dropped apples on the ground?
They dig huge holes and underground tunnels, which around foundations and in fields with animals (pastures) can be physically destructive and dangerous.
The babies got under the hood and ate the spark plug wires on my pick up truck I opened the hood the day after and one was on the air cleaner everyone I see is gonna DIE !! I wish they just ate apples
Can they smell humans? If you touch the trap.
well at least wear gloves when handling the bait and the trap, I've had no problems, catch them every time.
I have a groundhog living in my backyard and trying to catch that . when the groundhog caught how do you take it to some where we have to take it a place how do u put cage in a car and take it off what do we have to do for everything don't want to get hurt by putting in a car and take him off have to be safe by doing that
kill it nobody else wants your problem
You need an open bed truck or someone with one.
put the sissy cage away, and im assuming you cant bring yourself to shovel to the head it to death, and if you cant bring yourself to shoot it, or are scared of guns just get some 220 body traps. bucket traps are your answer, insta death and you dont have to see the act.and most importantly you dont locate a critter you caught cause it was a pest and then put that pest nimby.
Buy a truck, it's useful for many things.
That's a young one and that means there's a bunch more around your place
you let a nice meal go..
Fr. People don't realize they eat well and actually are a very clean meat
Peanut butter will attract 🦨 too. Beware!
Tie a long rope and leave it 50’ away to drag trap FAR from you if you land Pepe LePew.
Season well, batter with flour and fry in iron skillet until brown. Cook in the pressure cooker for 4 to 6 hours. Make a batch of brown rice for gravy.... Delicious
Can you shoot them with airgun? Is it illegal?
I was wondering that too.
I don't care so much if groundhogs eat apples or vegetables so much compared to the damage they can cause under your shed and pole barn slabs. Last night my groundhog of interest sacrificed his raccoon friend to my trap. I'll get him. I hope it's just a him anyway.
I was thinking through most of the video why on earth would a groundhog choose to eat an apple inside a trap that smells like a human has touched when it can get an endless supply from underneath the apple tree? Then I saw that this is a juvenile. You might not be so lucky with an older and wiser groundhog. Use a slice of cantaloupe and you’ll catch even the most skittish groundhog in a couple of hours.
Because you put the trap much closer to his hole than the apples under the tree, he doesn't have to waddle as far to get some. 😀
We can’t release them in Maryland. And that’s OK cause they taste too good.
If i catch one,I'm going to munch on it too
you have a neighbor you don't like? Just toss 'em in through an open window. 😄
Has not worked for me can catch everything but the groundhog he pays no attention to the Trap eats everything else I live surrounded by Forest does not seem to have interest in the Trap. I tried pepper oil and pepper everything else thought I got rid of them covered everything up and he destroyed it again digging in under the foundation of my garage in the morning he's getting a bullet
He wants to learn how to swim.........
If it found a food source why should it leave!
I can't Imagine a better meal than apple-peanut
flavored roasted woodchuck !
Simple to cook,
If u eat a Chuck
cooked right u won't be wanting chichen
for a month,hey !
Cantaloupe and a crockpot
Illegal in some states to relocate nuisance animal..
My grandpa would catch them in the cage then drop the cage in the creek for about 5mins. Kills them and helps wash the fleas off. Then drop the dead sob in woods...or it will become another person's nightmare
When we moved into our somewhat countrywide town, our 80 year old neighbor would havahart them and then give them "swimming lessons" in his pool. Thirty years later we still laugh about it. Now It's our turn...
Some areas it is illegal to relocate animals. Check you local laws
They dig holes in my hay field’s. I hate them
If you catch them please don’t release them alive. They just become someone else’s problem and they can destroy someones house and peace of mind.
Wait so maybe I can buy an Amazon and I can tell my mom and then she’ll know what to do to stop ground dog
The extract of the vid could've taken no more than two (2) minutes. Time wasting blahblah.🤦♂️
My first time and need full explanations.
I have a ground hog that tore this flimsy trap apart
I never had that issue with this same trap
You forgot the part about putting a round in his head!
Don’t do that. They’ll just become someone else’s problem. Destroy them!
Groundhogs are NOT pets.... they're PESTS.
Rat poison works , easier
I feed mine. They're less likely to get into my stuff when they have a full belly
If CADDY SCHACK CAN't Get them? What chance do you think you have? Hire a Pro, pay them their $50-$00 to catch ea one( normally 3-4 of them, Mother and 3 Pups) . well worth it
I would love to pay $50-$100 to catch this thing but all the places I called charge $400 or more without a guarantee that they will catch it.
ha,,200.00 for each trap,,75 to relocate,,is what my cost was
If you're going to pay that kind of money, you better follow them when they go to release it and make sure they're not just driving around the corner. 😃
Egads! Cruelty abounds
These are God's creatures and they have a soul too
Well George, us normal people will be glad to send Gods little creatures to your place. Then you can enjoy replacing the cement in your garage, pole barn and swimming pool that they easily destroy. Hope you don't mind some poisonous snakes, rats and a few wild hogs too. After all they're all Gods precious creatures and you want to love them. Funny that Gods creatures were used to be a curse on mankind when they were not living right. And NO you can not find any suggestion in the Bible that animals, fish, bugs or whatever have souls.
but lemme guess cows chickens and pigs dont? vegetarian? plants are alive too. ps read your bible if youre gonna invoke god you should know he "created all the plants and the animals of the earth for us" presumably as we see fit. also only humans have souls, according to scripture.
These are nature's creatures living in their habitat that HUMAN BEINGS infiltrated. Being vegetarian? Use your head before you comment. You sound like an egomaniac when you say crap like that
He knows DAMN-WELL, after he finished filming that Video, that Groundhog was sent to “ Greener Pastures “🦫🔫!