I get that. Some have been critical of the snapback on the 18x20 but I thought it was a good example since many believe 18x20 is less spin friendly and this has epic snapback despite that.
As someone who has used ReString Zero and Hyper-G extensively I don't really agree. HyperG gives me more spin than Zero despite the lower snapback. String to String friction is 100% lower on Zero but string-to-ball friction, which is most important for imparting spin onto a ball (especially on edged strings) feels way higher on HyperG than Zero. I still love both strings, and I would instantly buy 2 reels of ReString Zero if they came out with a 1.18 or 1.20 version, but I do not subscribe to the theory that higher snapback definitively equals higher spin.
I see. That is fair to say. Disagreement aside, do you think the longevity of the string and it's snapback means that Zero performs better in terms of spin over time? Less snapback certainly isn't helpful to spin. I assume we agree on that. I think ball bite is overrated as a factor for spin because round strings can still get a lot of spin but shaped strings can get more and more easily, especially at lower velocity. Hyper G is a good spin string for sure, I just think it loses out to Zero. Wasabi and Ether have more aggressive shape than Hyper G, pretty sure. Check those out if you haven't. Definitely better snapback as well.
I am pretty happy with their 17 gauge but I would love to see another size or even half size down. I'm sure it'll happen. If you haven't, I highly suggest trying Ether from Toroline. I will have a giveaway on my channels soon and maybe you can get it then but it is also easy enough to buy. That comes in a 17L gauge and retains snapback just as good as Zero does but it is thinner and has more bite. Tension hold is pretty average though. About as good as Hyper G and so on. Zero in a league of it's own in that regard.
Fair but it shouldn't be this dramatic and it's the result every time. Lots of videos proving it. Some are identical. I have a gravity pro one that shows it as well.
Haha well I'd try to pick the racket or combo that just plays better. I think the large/crooked combo is something that has a much more minimal effect. What tortures me about that is mostly visual. The horrible snapback would bother my tennis literally AND be visually awful. B. Final answer
as opposed to RPM blast? Oh yea, highly suggest over RPM Blast. I might suggest getting ZYNC which is just Zero mains and Sync crosses, both from ReString. I prefer it to a full bed of Zero by just a bit.
Do you have a way to measure ball spin RPM? It’d be informative to compare the actual spin of month-old mainstream strings that no longer snap back versus equally old Restring/Toroline.
Was hyped to try restring but didn’t live up to the hype. Hyper G just feels better, more control less muted and more spin. Worth a try. Not a bad string just not as good as Hyper G in my opinion.
That's fair. I also like it best with something like Wasabi X or Sync in the crosses. I wasn't as critical of feel until somewhat recently. Do you play with a dampener? I do think Zero for sure outperforms Hyper G for spin and durability but that isn't everything for everyone. It does also give good feel when used with one of those crosses (since they also compliment the spin best, I suggest them over others)
@@ZeroLoveTennis I’ll try throwing some wasabi on the crosses. I don’t use a dampener. And I’m using in a Ezone 98 DR. I’ve also tried it in my VCore Pro HD.
Wasabi X would be ideal, or Sync. Wasabi is pretty muted and can be launchy. Sync brings feel into the strings more. They have an 18g option and it still allows for crazy good snapback. Wasabi X even more so. Slightly less feel, maybe.
Hey, im new to tennis strings. Do you think the Zero will be good for a racket like the pure aero 98? Ive been looking for a string with a little more spin, but also a string that has great durability. I also have to ask how powerful they are
Yes, absolutely. And that is one of my favorite racquets of all time. I love Zero in it but I might love Zero with Wasabi X in the crosses even more. That is a great hybrid. Zero isn't a super powerful string. It is a bit on the stiffer side (which is why Wasabi X is so nice in the crosses) and you will have a wonderful blend of control/power/comfort/spin I'd suggest trying that at 52/54lbs Zero/Wasabi X
The strings moving more depend on when they were strung and the weather also how many hours you played. We dont know if what you're saying is true regarding being older or not.
Too much is probably a thing but IDK if these strings are at that threshold. I think less is better for flatter players and more is better for spin. The presence or lack of will favor certain swings more than the other.
It's in my Amazon link. Check my page to get to it? I made it easy to navigate. I can't just link it on the comments every time. It might be in the description as well. Cheers! It should only be around $40-50
The pure strike is likely lower. However, I have a lot of videos like this and regardless of the tension difference, the zero always wins out. Also regardless of the string pattern. This is just one video of many showing that to be the case. The string pattern on the Pure Strike is also much tighter, which people generally associate with having much higher string on string friction. So even with the lower tension, you might expect more friction between the strings since they are so densely packed. Also, with less tension, there is less force to help the string snapback. Tension and snapback don't necessarily have a linear relationship so it's never as simple as less tension, therefore less friction, therefore more snapback.
A bit higher on the Clash. It isn't the tension on the Pure Strike, though. Remember that tension is what helps a string snap back. So it isn't necessarily as though less tension means better snapback, sometimes it doesn't
@@ZeroLoveTennis i mean the other string in 18x20 would have the same snapback as string zero. 18x20 dont let snapback to happen very easy u need to really hit hard so it dont waste strings life as 16x19 .
Oh, definitely not the case. I could easily grab an 18x20 and prove this many times over. Zero's snapback this old would still be better than Hyper G if the situation in my video was reversed. If you doubt me, you should make a bet.
Not for me it doesn't. Hyper g breaks kinda fast and the spin production tapers off quite fast in comparison. The string ages so quickly and then breaks but I'd choose it over RPM blast and maybe most polys, actually. But certainly not over these. It's not really a competition. It just loses very convincingly in the ways that matter to me and hyper g offers me nothing that these don't. Honestly. IDK if you've tried them but if you haven't you absolutely should. But maybe you have and you still feel that way. Which is fine! Not here to try and change your mind.
Funny haha I'd personally pick hyper G over tour bite but maybe I'd feel differently if I really compared them again. Obviously would rather not pick either and use what I love now. Hyper G is fine. I use it as a reference string since it is so well known and a lot of demos are strung with it at my shop so... I'll end up using it regardless haha
Does stringing lower help and still play well? I think a lot of people haven't discovered how nice low tension can perform. They think there's a direct correlation to the tension applied and how it will play but it's not like how people think. A 50lb string bed losing tension to 40lbs will not feel the same as a fresh bed strung at 40.
Also the tighter drill pattern holds tension much better (it has the ability to Lock in place, where very open 16x19s has a trash shelf life)
I get that. Some have been critical of the snapback on the 18x20 but I thought it was a good example since many believe 18x20 is less spin friendly and this has epic snapback despite that.
As someone who has used ReString Zero and Hyper-G extensively I don't really agree. HyperG gives me more spin than Zero despite the lower snapback. String to String friction is 100% lower on Zero but string-to-ball friction, which is most important for imparting spin onto a ball (especially on edged strings) feels way higher on HyperG than Zero. I still love both strings, and I would instantly buy 2 reels of ReString Zero if they came out with a 1.18 or 1.20 version, but I do not subscribe to the theory that higher snapback definitively equals higher spin.
I see. That is fair to say. Disagreement aside, do you think the longevity of the string and it's snapback means that Zero performs better in terms of spin over time? Less snapback certainly isn't helpful to spin. I assume we agree on that. I think ball bite is overrated as a factor for spin because round strings can still get a lot of spin but shaped strings can get more and more easily, especially at lower velocity.
Hyper G is a good spin string for sure, I just think it loses out to Zero. Wasabi and Ether have more aggressive shape than Hyper G, pretty sure. Check those out if you haven't. Definitely better snapback as well.
I agree that zero performs better over time, I just think it needs to be thinner to really shine. @@ZeroLoveTennis
I am pretty happy with their 17 gauge but I would love to see another size or even half size down. I'm sure it'll happen. If you haven't, I highly suggest trying Ether from Toroline. I will have a giveaway on my channels soon and maybe you can get it then but it is also easy enough to buy. That comes in a 17L gauge and retains snapback just as good as Zero does but it is thinner and has more bite. Tension hold is pretty average though. About as good as Hyper G and so on. Zero in a league of it's own in that regard.
Comparison should be on same racquets and strings with same tension stringed at same place lol
Fair but it shouldn't be this dramatic and it's the result every time. Lots of videos proving it. Some are identical. I have a gravity pro one that shows it as well.
If you HAVE to choose between:
A. Playing with a string with horrible snapback or
B. Playing with a racquet with crooked crosses/large grommet holes?
Haha well I'd try to pick the racket or combo that just plays better. I think the large/crooked combo is something that has a much more minimal effect. What tortures me about that is mostly visual. The horrible snapback would bother my tennis literally AND be visually awful.
Final answer
I am about to buy a pure strike, was planning on getting RPMs but would you recommend zeros instead?
as opposed to RPM blast? Oh yea, highly suggest over RPM Blast. I might suggest getting ZYNC which is just Zero mains and Sync crosses, both from ReString. I prefer it to a full bed of Zero by just a bit.
@@ZeroLoveTennis Awesome, thank you for the suggestion!
My pleasure! Lmk how it goes if you give it a try.
Do you have a way to measure ball spin RPM? It’d be informative to compare the actual spin of month-old mainstream strings that no longer snap back versus equally old Restring/Toroline.
At this time, no. But I wonder what the best way to do this would be. Might reach out or look into it more.
Was hyped to try restring but didn’t live up to the hype. Hyper G just feels better, more control less muted and more spin. Worth a try. Not a bad string just not as good as Hyper G in my opinion.
That's fair. I also like it best with something like Wasabi X or Sync in the crosses. I wasn't as critical of feel until somewhat recently. Do you play with a dampener?
I do think Zero for sure outperforms Hyper G for spin and durability but that isn't everything for everyone. It does also give good feel when used with one of those crosses (since they also compliment the spin best, I suggest them over others)
@@ZeroLoveTennis I’ll try throwing some wasabi on the crosses. I don’t use a dampener. And I’m using in a Ezone 98 DR. I’ve also tried it in my VCore Pro HD.
Wasabi X would be ideal, or Sync. Wasabi is pretty muted and can be launchy. Sync brings feel into the strings more. They have an 18g option and it still allows for crazy good snapback. Wasabi X even more so. Slightly less feel, maybe.
Hey, im new to tennis strings. Do you think the Zero will be good for a racket like the pure aero 98? Ive been looking for a string with a little more spin, but also a string that has great durability. I also have to ask how powerful they are
Yes, absolutely. And that is one of my favorite racquets of all time. I love Zero in it but I might love Zero with Wasabi X in the crosses even more. That is a great hybrid.
Zero isn't a super powerful string. It is a bit on the stiffer side (which is why Wasabi X is so nice in the crosses) and you will have a wonderful blend of control/power/comfort/spin
I'd suggest trying that at 52/54lbs Zero/Wasabi X
What net are you using?
The Rebound net? It's linked in my storefront on Amazon. Should be easy to find, lmk! It's only like $40-50 and the link is on my youtube or IG.
The strings moving more depend on when they were strung and the weather also how many hours you played. We dont know if what you're saying is true regarding being older or not.
Which string seemed old, the Hyper G or Zero?
Too much snap back could negatively impact consistency
Too much is probably a thing but IDK if these strings are at that threshold.
I think less is better for flatter players and more is better for spin. The presence or lack of will favor certain swings more than the other.
Whats the net in this short?
It's in my Amazon link. Check my page to get to it? I made it easy to navigate. I can't just link it on the comments every time. It might be in the description as well.
Cheers! It should only be around $40-50
@@ZeroLoveTennis found it thank you!
Are they the same tension?
The pure strike is likely lower. However, I have a lot of videos like this and regardless of the tension difference, the zero always wins out. Also regardless of the string pattern. This is just one video of many showing that to be the case.
The string pattern on the Pure Strike is also much tighter, which people generally associate with having much higher string on string friction. So even with the lower tension, you might expect more friction between the strings since they are so densely packed. Also, with less tension, there is less force to help the string snapback.
Tension and snapback don't necessarily have a linear relationship so it's never as simple as less tension, therefore less friction, therefore more snapback.
What about tensions, any major difference?
A bit higher on the Clash. It isn't the tension on the Pure Strike, though. Remember that tension is what helps a string snap back. So it isn't necessarily as though less tension means better snapback, sometimes it doesn't
u compare 16x19 vs 18x20 nah.... if u would try viceversa u would have same result.
do you mean to say zero would have the same snapback in either raquet or that either string in the 18x20 would snapback like that?
@@ZeroLoveTennis i mean the other string in 18x20 would have the same snapback as string zero. 18x20 dont let snapback to happen very easy u need to really hit hard so it dont waste strings life as 16x19 .
Oh, definitely not the case. I could easily grab an 18x20 and prove this many times over. Zero's snapback this old would still be better than Hyper G if the situation in my video was reversed. If you doubt me, you should make a bet.
Agreed, Hyper G way overhyped and terribleeeeeeeee string
Haha thank you. Yeah it's a pretty good string but not as good as it is possible.
Clash eats strings, so maybe comparison is not accurate. But definitely Zero much more durable
I dont care what testing you do, hyper g still plays better
Not for me it doesn't. Hyper g breaks kinda fast and the spin production tapers off quite fast in comparison. The string ages so quickly and then breaks but I'd choose it over RPM blast and maybe most polys, actually. But certainly not over these. It's not really a competition. It just loses very convincingly in the ways that matter to me and hyper g offers me nothing that these don't. Honestly.
IDK if you've tried them but if you haven't you absolutely should. But maybe you have and you still feel that way.
Which is fine! Not here to try and change your mind.
Yep. Hyper G is trash.Way to stiff also. No power, no spin.
I should add though, Tour bite is a great string.
How to tame the stiffness tho (TourBite)
Funny haha I'd personally pick hyper G over tour bite but maybe I'd feel differently if I really compared them again.
Obviously would rather not pick either and use what I love now. Hyper G is fine. I use it as a reference string since it is so well known and a lot of demos are strung with it at my shop so... I'll end up using it regardless haha
Does stringing lower help and still play well? I think a lot of people haven't discovered how nice low tension can perform. They think there's a direct correlation to the tension applied and how it will play but it's not like how people think.
A 50lb string bed losing tension to 40lbs will not feel the same as a fresh bed strung at 40.
My bad, I meant to write Tour Bite soft. I use 17 gauge at 50lb. Doesn't feel to stiff to me.@@akbarberlian