After all, someone thought it would be brilliant to market Ouija boards as a children's board game; produced by Parker Brothers alongside Monopoly and Chutes and ladders.... Gen Xers be out here trying to talk to the dead and summon demons at slumber parties 🤷
Forgot how creepy all those ads were! Omg! 😂
LOL I actually forgot about those commercials. Hilarious hehe.
The Hamburgler was pure nightmare fuel. The stuff meant to entice us was universally scary af because the adults secretly hated us.
I watched the Exorcist when I was 5. Don't * * * * with Gen X.
I think i blocked this commercials from my memory 👀🫣😂
After all, someone thought it would be brilliant to market Ouija boards as a children's board game; produced by Parker Brothers alongside Monopoly and Chutes and ladders.... Gen Xers be out here trying to talk to the dead and summon demons at slumber parties 🤷
We had so many creepy things then.
Proof that Boomers in advertising were self-medicating.