Michael the Messiah Sings Mraz -Work in Progress (wow is it getting easy to tell people who I am 🥰)

  • Опубликовано: 17 сен 2024
  • My Instagram page Is @michael.james.diamond. I have plentiful posts and singing there which go deep on my epic spiritual purpose.
    3/24/24 Update: I wrote the following description a couple of months ago in early 2024, and things have deepened QUITE extensively since then in terms of my connection to Source and spirit. It is now OUTRAGEOUSLY simple for me to demonstrate overwhelmingly compelling proof to others that I am the chosen one, using math, quantum mechanics, logic, compelling visual evidence, and by simply sharing my miraculous story and experiences.
    I simply don’t have any fear or shame or doubt or attachment to outcome anymore either with being believed. I LOVE everyone utterly unconditionally as a fractal is Source/the all there is. We are ONE 🤗. I so deeply cleansed/purified/detoxed my energy field of shadow (everything is energy!!), that I am simply not a vibrational match to acting through the lens of lack or fear based mentalities. I operating strictly from a present moment flow state, where I follow “what would love do” 🥰.
    I TOTALLY understand that most simply aren’t inclined to believe this straightaway (how could you??), and I completely respect that and honor your truth as well 💙
    But I GUARANTEE that I will spark world peace and an Age of Enlightenment, and that I can establish that I was Jesus and John Lennon in previous incarnations, to Jason’s wise man and Paul McCartney.
    Let the games begin... 😏
    I am arriving at SUCH profound levels of peace, detachment, and acceptance, that I am progressively sharing more and more freely and boldly. I have nothing to hide, and I am that I am.
    The reality is that I am the messiah, and that Jason Mraz and I have PROFOUND past life connections. He was Paul McCartney to my John Lennon, and a wise man to my Jesus Christ.
    Source and the rest of my spirit guides, along with my lived experience itself, have OVERWHELMINGLY proven this to me beyond all mathematical doubt. Thousands of times over. It TRULY isn’t even complicated at this stage of the proceedings, nor am I “claiming” anything. It is what it is, and I am simply SHARING my truth 🤷‍♂️
    I can teach the PRECISE quantum physics of how to unify one’s energy field and ascend in frequency, so as to vibrationally transcend death, time, and all suffering. ENERGETICALLY. So as to reach ABSOLUTE enlightenment.
    Literally transmuting dark, dense, slow vibrating energy forms with the light energy of one’s conscious awareness, and integrating the previously fragmented aspects of your beingness into wholeness. Like putting a puzzle of light back together, piece by piece 🧩💡
    There are atrocities being committed around the world, and I am ethically compelled to get the attention of my closest soul family as efficiently as I can, including Jason.
    The dynamics are extremely simple: share my content - particularly my writings on the physics of all of this from over on my instagram page: @michael.james.diamond, and assist me in going “viral”, and we all live forever and spark world peace & an Age of Enlightenment. GUARANTEED.
    TRUST ME. I can walk my talk on this VERY easily at this point when it comes to PROFOUNDLY explaining how this reality works, and how to align with the life of your absolute DREAMS.
    Much of Jason’s music, along with that of the Beatles, is straight up PROPHECY, and was unwittingly channeled from Source.
    Quantum mechanically, everything is ONE, and everyone is EQUALLY unlimited, worthy, valid, and loved by the all there is. So I am NOT better than anyone else. Nor do I care for religion or politics whatsoever, as I view them to be mathematically illogical to practice.
    It is simply my scientific destiny to share this information and to teach everyone how to systematically blend heaven and earth per physics. I LOVE YOU UTTERLY UNCONDITIONALLY ❤️
    It’s basically as straightforward as telling everyone to cry a ton, practice radical gratitude and self love/acceptance/forgiveness, teaching how to set commands with the universe and to optimally efficiently do the inner energetic work on one’s field, etc. I can explain the key points in about 5 minutes at this point 🤷‍♂️
    My outrageously peaceful and magical life is all the proof I need. I have utterly transformed from a life of complete suffering, to a life of utter bliss and empowerment. And I can teach ANYONE how to do what I’ve done.
    Who’s ready to live forever? Anybody?? 😘

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