BOAT LIFE: What We Do When There’s Nothing To Do - Ep. 63

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @OffGridLife
    @OffGridLife  5 лет назад +22

    Become a sponsor, and help us on our journey.

    • @TraumaSurvivorCynthia
      @TraumaSurvivorCynthia 5 лет назад +2

      Have you seen the television show "Alone" where 10 survivors were on your Island competing for $500,000 to the last survivor remaining?😁
      #davesandersstepdaughter 😇

    • @haloSrising
      @haloSrising 5 лет назад +1

      Wow what a stunning video!! It’s absolutely a piece of paradise!! Love the shot of the seal coming up to the boat.. can’t wait to see more! take care be safe Love the songs in the video too😉

    • @rodneyhendrix1292
      @rodneyhendrix1292 5 лет назад +8

      Nicole, You're eyes are telling very telling,no disrespect to either of you but I see something else in your eyes Nicole!! Hope you're doing well ¬ feeling under the weather or over stressed. Please forgive my honesty.

    • @Serenityfor1
      @Serenityfor1 5 лет назад +4

      Rodney Hendrix yah they deleted the thread about this, too bad.

    • @devanvelo3725
      @devanvelo3725 5 лет назад +2

      Have you guys seen any bears?

  • @coachesalot
    @coachesalot 5 лет назад +38

    Yes - adventures are a blast especially when everyone comes back safe.
    Speaking from experience: please get floatation vests for all 4 of you guys. I’ve guided for years and I’ve had to rescue unprepared adventure seekers....including one body recovery (no life vest on a 20 year old male who was a strong swimmer). Dogs especially need vests.....especially in ocean waters.

    • @practicalman45
      @practicalman45 5 лет назад +4

      A rational voice speaking from experience. Thanks for sharing. If I was hiring a guide I would insist on one with your perspective. Some folks think they know better than to listen to someone else's good advice. Experience is the ultimate teacher. Hopefully it doesn't come at too high a price....

    • @topherjoe1
      @topherjoe1 3 года назад

      Experienced sail boat racer....wise words. There are automatic inflating pfd's that are practically like wearing suspenders. The also have strobe lights built in. There is no excuse now not to wear them, they are not cumbersome and allow for full movement. Even vests for dogs with handles on them so they can be pulled out of the water. ( Watched a german shepard slip and drop between a boat and dock get hauled up with one of those.)

  • @budlvr
    @budlvr 4 года назад +2

    That Sea Lion encounter was FRIGGIN COOL ! And a second video (in a row, without a commercial) Bravo Jake and Nicole ! And Matt !

  • @dottimuchow2944
    @dottimuchow2944 4 года назад +2

    Beautiful video, beautiful music, beautiful couple. Whatever you're doing is working so keep doing it!

  • @andrewgalindo6959
    @andrewgalindo6959 5 лет назад +5

    What a great experience with the sea loin, truly magical. Thanks so much for sharing.

    • @OffGridLife
      @OffGridLife  5 лет назад +2

      thank you for watching! 💜

  • @aliciadupuy9228
    @aliciadupuy9228 4 года назад +4

    You know, I dont think yall really get enough acknowledgement for your wonderful filming and editing. You really do a great job at making me feel like I'm there. Lol
    THANK YOU!!!

  • @garmindo
    @garmindo 5 лет назад +3

    Wow, just wow! That was amazing!
    Thank you for those videos 👍

  • @BarbaraC02
    @BarbaraC02 5 лет назад

    OMG .... beautiful and exciting video. Thanks you two. It's fun to be snuggled under my warm blankets and go along on an adventure with you. I was raised in the Northwest and now live in Tucson, AZ. So lovely to see the islands again. Thank you!

  • @IggyCotton
    @IggyCotton 3 года назад +1

    The Sea lion footage is spectacular! Truly an exciting and memorable life experience!

  • @beandip007
    @beandip007 5 лет назад +1

    Such a fun video! I love to live vicariously through these videos to see this part of the world.

  • @pamelao9803
    @pamelao9803 3 года назад

    What beautiful scenes!!!! Thank you!

  • @darlenedouglas5148
    @darlenedouglas5148 5 лет назад

    How beautiful and purest untouched lands! Amazing how the waters look like glass because the water is so calm. It was enjoyable seeing the boys so content romping around on the beaches and climbing over things. Nice to see that they never wander too far away from you always keeping you in their sight! The only thing I still worry about is some type of vest for them! Thanks for taking us along with you and the boys on your daily adventure of exploring another great part of the islands of Canada!!! GREAT VIDEO CONTENT

  • @jcbaily5559
    @jcbaily5559 4 года назад

    What a privilege to get to share your journey.....thanks so much!!!!

  • @amypoucher9620
    @amypoucher9620 5 лет назад +7

    Those dogs are so lucky any pup would love that life.

    • @stingraysti
      @stingraysti 5 лет назад

      sure, every dogs would love to be push in cold water...

  • @paulrobertson8686
    @paulrobertson8686 5 лет назад +4

    Great video. Love the scenery, the sea lion, the puppies and Nicole standing on the beach! 😀

  • @swamphink
    @swamphink 5 лет назад

    Thanks from of your best videos yet...please do that more's hard to beat nature at its finest...never get enough of it...thanks

  • @rorymartin329
    @rorymartin329 5 лет назад

    What a great video! A lot of your viewers might not know what it is like to be in such surroundings, but I have been there and done that and it is amazing! Thank you for sharing this!

  • @polipis
    @polipis 2 года назад

    Very beautiful landscapes!!

  • @alexsimon2835
    @alexsimon2835 5 лет назад +2

    Love your adventures! These are my favourite kind of videos you guys make! :) - Hi from Ontario.

  • @goldier2264
    @goldier2264 5 лет назад +1

    Extraordinary footage captured, beyond beautiful!

  • @normancarlson3709
    @normancarlson3709 4 года назад +1

    Don’t worry about the trolls or the haters, I really enjoy your adventures!

    • @ianmcleod8898
      @ianmcleod8898 4 года назад

      I to love to watch their journey

  • @nievestabalbag4044
    @nievestabalbag4044 5 лет назад +8

    I miss this show! Next episode pls.

  • @donmoor4e974
    @donmoor4e974 5 лет назад +2

    Love the song, the seal and the scenery.

  • @kekahardy5652
    @kekahardy5652 4 года назад +2

    Such a beautiful and wonderful place

  • @zeninsyt
    @zeninsyt 5 лет назад +2

    I watched in full screen mode ... awesome scenery :)

  • @pauladane8438
    @pauladane8438 Год назад

    Your drone videos are stunning! I miss my west coast islands !!

  • @ron6376
    @ron6376 4 года назад

    Draw up some blueprints for the, Cabin Of The Wood." Overnighter/weekender the Yurt. Given there are no deed restrictions.

  • @jodejekab
    @jodejekab 5 лет назад

    Thank You so much for sharrimg your travels it's good for us stuck on land that can't do what you do

  • @strawberries1411
    @strawberries1411 5 лет назад +1

    Beautiful....thanks for sharing for most of us will never see these pristine places in real...

  • @jeduel
    @jeduel 5 лет назад

    You guys are getting better at this... keep it up. HUGE improvement in your videos. I'm glad to see you're sticking with it and learning.

  • @vincefhk
    @vincefhk 4 года назад +1

    Absolutely love watching your journey. Especially now when most countries are in lock down because of the Covid-19. Stay Safe!

  • @ullakoponen2632
    @ullakoponen2632 5 лет назад +2

    So loved watching all this nature scenery

  • @paulcarpenter2800
    @paulcarpenter2800 5 лет назад +2

    Beautiful location, you are very lucky. Love that you took your dog's along too. Best wishes, Paul Carpenter in Lower Boddington UK


    What a neat little boat you have. I love the silence and the sea gulls cry !

  • @toneyjohnson8910
    @toneyjohnson8910 5 лет назад +1

    Beautiful area to live in. I would be out everyday catching my food Thanks for sharing.

  • @pookaustin5380
    @pookaustin5380 5 лет назад +1

    Awesome video and great content. Keep up the good work guys!!👍👍🙏

  • @MCL288
    @MCL288 5 лет назад

    Love the last two videos when you let the nature speaks for it self. The encounter with the Seal were beautiful. I had the privilege to dive with a few of them some years ago. They are very playful and curious creatures :)

  • @kaylamccall1051
    @kaylamccall1051 4 года назад +1

    I can't believe this is episode 63 already! Your story is addicting

  • @JanColdwater
    @JanColdwater 5 лет назад +1

    Because of you guys, them dogs are loving life! They certainly love you too! 👍

  • @kikigamble4315
    @kikigamble4315 5 лет назад

    Hi. Today I traveled n had a great adventure. Thank you. I felt it was a Nature or a National Geographic episode. I traveled with my family over most of the USA as a kid, but I'm older n more homebound now. I can travel the world thru channels like yours safe n sound. Peace to you and yours.

  • @barbieblair2802
    @barbieblair2802 4 года назад

    Wow! That seal looks as long as your boat. Wow!

  • @tadupnorth
    @tadupnorth 5 лет назад

    Great videos! Thank you.

  • @chrisslade5644
    @chrisslade5644 5 лет назад

    Excellent trip thank you for allowing us to share it with you all. That sea lion was large, wonderful to see in his natural habitat but a little scary, thought he might be playing with your dingy? Great dead wood tree, very tempting to remove some of it for candle holders and a christmas tree alternative that you could decorate, imo it could look amazing on a nicely fashioned base. Go Nicole!!!!

  • @alanparkin816
    @alanparkin816 3 года назад

    I really love to see what you are doing. I an from Australia

  • @donnacole4227
    @donnacole4227 5 лет назад +1

    WOW such a beautiful place you guys an I envy u seriously. I love watching your videos .I'm from Florida an I love seeing anything that not flatlands like we have here. Keep it real ✌️

  • @GaryTugan
    @GaryTugan 5 лет назад +2

    Loved that! One of the best.... especially liked that sea lion visit :))

  • @danieldawes65
    @danieldawes65 5 лет назад +2

    Love you guys so much your videos and all the hard work you do are unbelievable. I just wanted to remind you to were your life jackets, I know it is flat calm water but that water is only 54 degrees and zipping along and hitting a dead head would defiantly mess up your whole day. I had a few friends that lost there life's because they where to proud to were their life jackets.

    • @hermosacalif3692
      @hermosacalif3692 5 лет назад

      Me too, a friend died checking their crab pots on a cold windy day, no life jacket, fell out of boat couldn't get back in. When the motor is still running, no way your getting back in when the boat drives away. Another friend driving his boat hit a big wave and he flew in the air out of the motorboat, he lived had a lifejacket on, but the boat drive in circles while he was in the water. He was lucky he was rescued.

  • @richardware7293
    @richardware7293 5 лет назад

    Jeff K, thanks for that insight, as I obviously did not know that...thanks

  • @kirky9347
    @kirky9347 5 лет назад +2

    Man I would love to just go out explore there every day! That sea lion was amazing to watch.

  • @tammiesmith3561
    @tammiesmith3561 4 года назад

    Forget the haters, continue to be the teachers and inspirations you are,

  • @practicalman45
    @practicalman45 5 лет назад +4

    There's always something to do. Take the boat at high tide. Spike onto floating logs. Rope tow them to "your" beach. At low tide cut them up for firewood. Dry till next year= lots of firewood.
    I'd be: fishing, clamming, prawning, scalloping etc. Freezing or canning. The best of foods right there for the subsistence gathering. I agree with others: WEAR your flotation devices! Put some on the dogs, too...That water is cold enough to kill you quickly. Don't be careless with it. It is dead calm in the video, but a wind can come up quickly and make it rough. Have some small handheld radios in your pocket, carried in dry bags to: contact other boaters for assistance (or to respond to their mayday calls..). Keep in touch with each other or with your neighbors.
    Marine VHF, Ham, Frs, transcievers, weather conditions channel etc. Boat motors don't just always keep running. An outboard glitch or a capsize from striking something submerged could be life threatening at the wrong time. Not to be paranoid about it, just be prepared...

    • @HandbagDiva
      @HandbagDiva 5 лет назад +1

      kobracom77 and you know he doesn’t have these safety measures how?

    • @HandbagDiva
      @HandbagDiva 5 лет назад

      kobracom77 besides the obvious absent life preservers I’m referring to genius!

    • @rogerwall4079
      @rogerwall4079 4 года назад

      heck if you don't wanna wear life jackets, it is kind of a personal decision, kind of like seat restraints. I am very impressed with the KIDS. They are making a silk purse out of a sow's ear. As for the seafood nature has placed a good renewable protein resource at your doorstep. Not to criticize, I know real vegans will not usually eat fish , eggs, cheese, etc. Good luck and it's OK to have fun every now and then. The Judge

  • @Desert2GardenLV
    @Desert2GardenLV 5 лет назад +1

    Anyone else wonder what the large white things underwater are at 15:13?

  • @alphasxsignal
    @alphasxsignal 4 года назад

    Great music and I have learned to play it on my guitar.

  • @andyrichey1192
    @andyrichey1192 5 лет назад

    Wow that is beautiful, catching the seal at feeding time. Appreciate you guys sharing is always . What a beautiful place

  • @terrancebrennan3016
    @terrancebrennan3016 3 года назад

    I would also suggest you add a link or a way where we can download the images of the property and of the lake in some places they are quite beautiful and it would be a blessing to be able to catch some of these images.

  • @shaquanconyers9963
    @shaquanconyers9963 5 лет назад +3

    The island is wonderful

  • @twolf401
    @twolf401 5 лет назад +4

    That was beautiful. Gods land! Thanks for sharing.

  • @lawrenceblue8207
    @lawrenceblue8207 4 года назад

    Rare occasion to stumble upon a seal ripping apart a fish, awesome picture.

  • @hartlow946
    @hartlow946 5 лет назад

    You should be checking out the wood that's laying on the beach. Look for cedar logs or chunks suitable for making shakes for your roofing. Cedar shakes will last 30+ years as opposed to maybe 3 years for using hemlock.
    Love your videos.

  • @michellefox1052
    @michellefox1052 2 месяца назад

    Wow, that’s the first time I’ve seen a seal eat ever. I don’t go to zoos, we don’t have marine parks here. I would rather see them in the wild. Thank you so much for filming that 🙏🙏🫶🫶

  • @donauradler1
    @donauradler1 4 года назад

    You live the Life we all dream of deep in our Hearts,since the Days, Mankind was hunting and collecting. Hard living with small Luxury - but Love and Freedom as much as possible. Congratiolations!

  • @andyrichey1192
    @andyrichey1192 5 лет назад

    Wow that was outstanding!! That is so beautiful, I am so grateful I got to see this. Appreciate it Jake. The beauty of life yeah I love it

  • @janetwithers7427
    @janetwithers7427 5 лет назад +3

    What a nice adventure or two. Beautiful place to live. The pups take to the boat travel well. I thought that Sea Lion or seal might have been feeding the birds the way he threw the fish. Very cool. 😀💓🌾🎃🍂🍁🦃💖🏵️

  • @pgregory6357
    @pgregory6357 5 лет назад

    BEAUTIFUL! Thanks.

  • @paultemperton9948
    @paultemperton9948 5 лет назад

    Beautiful life guys. What an amazing place

  • @annebriggs4946
    @annebriggs4946 5 лет назад

    Absolutely beautiful video! The seal footage is award winning! Great job!

  • @donellemiller6680
    @donellemiller6680 5 лет назад +2

    Nicole I don't know what made you so sad, but please don't let it become a habit!

  • @alphasxsignal
    @alphasxsignal 5 лет назад

    The adventure around the island is cool and hope you will video more in the future....

  • @mburton2609
    @mburton2609 4 года назад

    I was born and raised in the BC rainforest. I now live off-grid in Arizona, which had its own beauty and allure. But nothing compares to my Beautiful British Columbia! Your vids bring me home. They make my heart ache. Where are you exactly? I take it you are on one of the islands in the Georgia Strait?

  • @shazakaacutehugsenglish6215
    @shazakaacutehugsenglish6215 5 лет назад

    Always look forward to seeing your channel, we'll was a great treat. What a beautiful place. That seal was Huge. Love the music too. Love your dogs they growing so big.

  • @craigshackelford4495
    @craigshackelford4495 5 лет назад

    Beautiful video and still like the pups. Thanks so much for sharing. I am a farmer from the central US. I am very interested in your choices in your diet. While I am more like Nicole’s family, I am very interested in understanding your motivations. I look forward to more videos. Thank you again.

  • @alemmawassi8453
    @alemmawassi8453 5 лет назад +2

    I love watching your videos guys and this one was stunning 💕💕

  • @skeletorthegentleman6603
    @skeletorthegentleman6603 4 года назад

    OoOh! I was expecting just potato bugs under there but look at those cool looking baby crabs!

  • @melvinbrown8835
    @melvinbrown8835 4 года назад

    I love the show, and will keep watching long as you guys film,PEACE

  • @wallyfirkins1664
    @wallyfirkins1664 5 лет назад

    Great video. You guys lead an amazing life. I loved the Sea Lion.

  • @larsjappe4214
    @larsjappe4214 5 лет назад

    Life is good Jake, you have nature AND you get to enjoy Nicole !! 🎶😍

  • @jaredscabinlife2868
    @jaredscabinlife2868 5 лет назад

    I used to live in Sitka Alaska and that video reminds me of there. You guys are surrounded by beauty what a great place to live!

  • @jonburne1
    @jonburne1 5 лет назад +10

    Re vid clickbait thumbnail: Don't you feel the cold Nicole?
    Lots of comments about no life jackets. Yes, good idea but it is Canada. And life jackets for the dogs? Hey, these are Australian Cattle Dogs! I would hope they would treat life jackets with the distain they deserve and rip them to pieces.
    In this and previous seashore footage I notice the trees grow right to the water's edge. They must be very salt tolerant. Perhaps the salinity is sufficiently reduced by the outflow of fresh water. Do either of you know the tree species?

    • @johnchase4408
      @johnchase4408 5 лет назад

      Are you gay?

    • @lostchild2003
      @lostchild2003 5 лет назад +1

      @@kobracom77 Do you approach every unattractive woman and insult her to her face, or do you only do your insulting of women when you're hiding behind your keyboard? You don't need to answer, everyone can tell what a"man" you are.

  • @johnnyfeathers2567
    @johnnyfeathers2567 5 лет назад +3

    Such a beautiful place!

    • @GulfIslandRock
      @GulfIslandRock 4 года назад

      Beautiful British Columbia just as it reads on our license plates

  • @adamcfmacdonald
    @adamcfmacdonald 5 лет назад

    Thank you for this video. Just beautiful. Be well.

  • @susanavery6733
    @susanavery6733 3 года назад

    Oh my goodness guys thank you so much for filming that that was so cool I am so happy that you guys got to experience it and share it with us❤

  • @josephlcannonejr6657
    @josephlcannonejr6657 5 лет назад

    Hope you guys are taking a holiday break and all is well, Pray that all is ok. take care

  • @davidjohnston710
    @davidjohnston710 5 лет назад

    Life is an adventure, for sure. I watch this encapsulated version of your lives together and I get to see truths in it from a higher viewpoint. Song 3 makes a very good point when it speaks about loving as if it’s your last day - indeed the mere 70 to 80 years on average that most of us have to live in this dimension is barely enough time to admire the beauty in this world (nature, the diversity and complexity of it, the plan of male and female loving each other as helpmates and admiring the uniqueness of each other’s souls, being grateful to God, the person and mind who created it all and shares it with us) - absolutely mind-boggling is this lesson plan. Thanks for sharing your perspective on this existence. BTW, love your choice of music too - yes, Amarante! Cool.

  • @Vulcaneer900
    @Vulcaneer900 5 лет назад

    Great Video.!!! Just Beautiful.!!
    Loved the Sea Dog. And the Closing Song was Awesome.
    (*Subbed and Liked)

  • @lisaguico1297
    @lisaguico1297 5 лет назад +2

    Mist your show this week pray you both are okay God Bless You!!

  • @ra5711
    @ra5711 5 лет назад

    Beautiful scenery.

  • @lindamattingly3783
    @lindamattingly3783 5 лет назад +4

    Certainly not trying to jinx you but, what kind of backup do you have in case of engine failure?....oars can get you to shore but you would be, presumably, a good number of miles from home, on a different piece of land. Do you have reliable cell service and, if so, who would you call?.....if no cell service, what then? JDM

  • @srqlisa7881
    @srqlisa7881 5 лет назад +15

    Careful a small dog is a good meal for a seal, no joke people. : )peace

    • @SisterSmith420Peace
      @SisterSmith420Peace 5 лет назад +5

      Yes I was going to say the same thing that's why I came here to post a message I love to show but I hate to see the dogs be pulled in the Water by the sea sea lions I saw a video of a girl being pulled in the Water by sea lion that was scary

    • @srqlisa7881
      @srqlisa7881 5 лет назад +1

      @@SisterSmith420Peace I know it wasn't looking at Jake it was watching for a potential meal. Now they know. : ) peace

    • @fredcarani6764
      @fredcarani6764 5 лет назад +2

      @@SisterSmith420Peace The sea lion footage is from a different day when Jake and Matt are out. You can hear them talking. Nicole and the dogs are not in the boat on that trip. But yes the sea lion was looking to see if there was anything there it could eat. It wasn't being friendly. Not sure why they presented that when the video is about J and N going out for a day of exploring.

    • @MsSheilaC
      @MsSheilaC 3 года назад +1

      @@SisterSmith420Peace that video is remarkable. Id seen it, just rewatched. The fam was (unwisely) feeding a large male, and then later the girl sat down on the edge of the pier and it pulled her right in. Someone immediately jumped in to save her. Google search pulls it right up.

  • @dawnwolff2050
    @dawnwolff2050 3 года назад

    So awesome !!

  • @arussianasset3948
    @arussianasset3948 5 лет назад

    Absolutely beautiful scenery!

  • @TinyHouseLife
    @TinyHouseLife 5 лет назад

    That was so unreal and epic i cant believe it...i have never seen anything like it guys wow!! what a experience to share with you..Jake the footage was awesome man..hope to be able to come visit you two one day. much love

  • @sethpeters3
    @sethpeters3 5 лет назад

    Thank you ...awesome video.

  • @miatomline
    @miatomline 3 года назад

    freaky moment with the sea lion had my heart beating

  • @janhemmer8181
    @janhemmer8181 5 лет назад +1

    Great video! Nice song..

  • @geremychubbuck3730
    @geremychubbuck3730 5 лет назад +1

    Pretty amazing seal video. Keep up the great work.

  • @woodlandparadise6002
    @woodlandparadise6002 5 лет назад

    Thanks for the great video! -- Best one yet!

  • @guypiou9557
    @guypiou9557 5 лет назад

    Bjr Nicole. Ce que j'adore chez vous c'est que malgré le temps gris votre visage et votre regard sont toujours plein de soleil.Ceci est très réconfortant pour nous qui vous regardons. Toute notre amitié de France, Bordeaux.

  • @AndreyPerepelitsa
    @AndreyPerepelitsa 4 года назад

    9:00 amazing very epic footage.. beyond amazing..

  • @solangethompson4251
    @solangethompson4251 5 лет назад +2

    beautiful- loved this episode.

  • @meganelise277
    @meganelise277 5 лет назад +1

    Anyone familiar with the soundtracks from the Twilight movies? Jake and Nicole’s music always reminds me of that