The Science of Sleep Deprivation | Sci Guys Podcast

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 53

  • @SciGuys
    @SciGuys  Год назад +5

    How long did you sleep last night?
    Don't forget your ticket to see us live in London!

    • @planetaryg0
      @planetaryg0 Год назад


    • @thatmarchingarrow
      @thatmarchingarrow Год назад +2

      4 hours

    • @thatmarchingarrow
      @thatmarchingarrow Год назад

      i'm tired

    • @imgeniusish
      @imgeniusish Год назад

      about 6-7 hours i think. whats really funny about that is that i used to be an insomniac for about 14 years pr sg and only recently learned to sleep properly and need a bunch of meds to help bu anyway i found out that 9 hours is absolutely perfect, 8 is okay, 7 is meh, less is just not nice. its crazy to me how i could not sleep at all and work a 12 hour shift when i was younger and now if i sleep less then 8 hours im like wow this sucks

    • @Kimshu6
      @Kimshu6 10 месяцев назад

      4 hours with oversleeping. Usually get around 5.5-6 hours cause I procrastinate going to bed.

  • @IncubiAkster
    @IncubiAkster Год назад +26

    Just a note, if soemoen on twitch tried to stay away for multiple days they would be forced to stop by twitch staff as self-harm is against their ToS. And sleep deprivation is absolutely self harm.

  • @BaddeGrasse
    @BaddeGrasse Год назад +18

    Corry your job couldnt feasibly be obsolete, i know i can find all this information myself, but you and Luke deliver it in such a tasty entertaining way, thank you!

  • @jesthered7966
    @jesthered7966 Год назад +23

    I worked with rats in Research. Depends on what they were used for. Sometimes they get to go back to the breeding colony. My job was to keep them tame, aka play with them and handle them. Feed and weigh them dailey and monitor them for behavior changes. Some where in that lab there is a picture of me with a rat in each pocket of my lab coat, one on my shoulder and one in my hand. They were very sweet

    • @ninaexmachina
      @ninaexmachina Год назад +7

      That sounds like the best job 😭

  • @rebelkallus
    @rebelkallus Год назад +18

    watching at 5:30am after an all nighter lets go

  • @caim1298
    @caim1298 Год назад +4

    "The ones with anxiety became philosophers" is one of my favourite things Corry has said to date.

  • @kaileytaylor4518
    @kaileytaylor4518 Год назад +11

    Watching this incredibly sleep deprived after finishing a 28 hour work weekend lol

  • @FaeryPeople
    @FaeryPeople Год назад +3

    I spent pretty much all of last night on multiple trains trying to get home after my second flight got canceled. Didn't get much sleep, but I did get a chance to listen to a lot of sci guy podcasts that I had downloaded. Ironically enough, this was one of them.

  • @SarcasticSean
    @SarcasticSean Год назад +1

    This is why I love the sci guys.
    I came back from a long shift and decided to play their videos to help me go to sleep. a few minutes into the video, I'm laughing my butt off. Quality content. 😂❤

  • @paadoxal
    @paadoxal Год назад +20

    haha really funny guys (i can't sleep and got this notification)

  • @fennwenn3317
    @fennwenn3317 Год назад +1

    I wish we had more research into the long term effects of sleep deprivation. In high school, I spent a little over half a year getting between 1-3 hours of sleep per night. My brain was snapping into microsleep so often, and the whole thing gave me what I now recognize as psychosis symptoms that lingered for years after I fixed my sleep schedule. My body also freaks out when my schedule shifts even slightly now. Losing more than an hour of sleep for more than a couple days at a time causes disorientation, exhaustion, headaches, and wanting-to-die ideation.
    In hindsight, I'm surprised that nobody around me really seemed to notice that I was so sleepless back then; probably because I was already kind of weird and asocial, and I dedicated most of my confused and very limited energy to keeping up with my schoolwork. The worst thing it did to my grades was cause me to fail a final hard enough to drive an A grade down to a C.
    The extra hours of study and wikia binging were not worth what I did to my body. I'm pretty rigorous about bedtime now, and have to use sleep medication to keep everything in check.
    So, uh! Try some sleep! Please do that!

  • @MakooWallinen
    @MakooWallinen Год назад +2

    Everyone at my job who worked 3 Shift , day, evening, night on a rotatibg shift gained weight.
    And as a possibly autistic person my sleep was cobstently at 6 hours and eventually various factors also led to stress and i had to change job.
    And it took almost a year for my body to adapt.

  • @Em-jc7ct
    @Em-jc7ct Год назад +3

    Okay but what about over sleeping? I need 11hrs. I can easily sleep 11-13 hours and have slept for 16 a few times. This is during my early twenties (im currently 24).
    I once slept for 13 hours, stayed away for just 6 hours, then slept for a further 10 hours.
    I hate sleeping so much

  • @glitchrabbit9306
    @glitchrabbit9306 Год назад +5

    I try to sleep at least an average of 6-7 hours but with adhd, insomnia and working a night job I have weeks were I've only averaged 3 hours per day.

    • @BaddeGrasse
      @BaddeGrasse Год назад

      That is so impressive i genuinely gasped, amazing work 👏👏👏 please teach us your ways

    • @glitchrabbit9306
      @glitchrabbit9306 Год назад

      @@BaddeGrasse That I can manage on 3 hours (it doesn't always look pretty) or that I can average 6 hours while working nights? For that it's having a biphasic sleep cycle. Like clockwork I usually wake up 3 hours after I fall asleep. I try for 4.5-5 hours but that only happens on good days or when I take sleep meds. I get up for a couple hours and do stuff around the house, then go back to sleep for 1-3 hours.

  • @randomschoko1323
    @randomschoko1323 Год назад +3

    My (non-scientific) theory concerning the question why it seems that before the late 1800s nobody really asked the question of "why do we sleep" is that before the commercialization of the light bulb (starting in the 1850s) you couldn't really do a lot of things when it was nighttime (light through fire [e.g. candles] in comparison are not bright enough for most activities). So spending the time in which you can't really do anything with sleeping probably doesn't raise too many questions about the necessity of sleeping. But if you have electric lights there are a lot of things you can do even at night. You still get tired and worn out though and therefore need to sleep. So this might have started the question of why it even is necessary. Especially in combination with the increasing obsession with productivity and efficiency under capitalism. The cynic in me also finds it interesting that the late 1800s was also the time when slavery was more and more officially abolished. And if you have to pay your workforce it might be very interesting for you to see how little sleep you can allow them without them dying to maximize profits.

  • @karinelfwing9095
    @karinelfwing9095 Год назад +2

    I have be able to control my dreams since I was a kid and I move a lot in my sleep and did move even more in sleep back then.

  • @N33k5
    @N33k5 Год назад +2

    I slept 5 hours 48 minutes which is pretty good as far as my averages. Woke up feeling pretty good no joint pain which I am attributing to overnighting in my hammock.

  • @katisk5322
    @katisk5322 Год назад +3

    Omg I couldn't sleep this night ( I slept around 3 hours I think ) so this episode is perfect

  • @kimicka13
    @kimicka13 Год назад +2

    The hilarious thing about this episode is that I actually didn't get any sleep last night lol (I took a nap in the middle of the day, though, it's night time again now)

  • @emile8770
    @emile8770 Год назад +1

    I think it’d be really interesting to learn more about tardigrades if you haven’t already talked about them, they’re the only animal (that I know of) that can withstand an extended stay in outer space!

    • @SciGuys
      @SciGuys  Год назад +1

      We did a whole episode on them! Our first live show

  • @Johnny_T779
    @Johnny_T779 Год назад +3

    Hey! That's my sleeping pattern, always was 😊. It can be cool if you can
    find a night job : less hours, and more pay

  • @zsuzsisz9263
    @zsuzsisz9263 Год назад

    "used rats" 😂😂😂

  • @CailinRuaAnChead
    @CailinRuaAnChead Год назад

    Watching this just before I start a run a of night shifts 💀

  • @mahrinui18
    @mahrinui18 Год назад +1

    "sacrificed" is pretty common terminology in science for killing animals

    • @SciGuys
      @SciGuys  Год назад +1

      I’ve somehow never come across that! Or never picked up on it sounding odd

  • @averycoleman2780
    @averycoleman2780 Год назад

    I share my birthday with someone who stayed awake for over 200 hours? and I also get a lack of sleep regularly? sounds about right

  • @tzu__
    @tzu__ Год назад +1

    I got to sleep at 5 am last night and woke up at 6:30!!!!!!! I am on autopilot!!!!!

    • @tzu__
      @tzu__ Год назад

      Most other comments are sleep deprived also this is so much fun!!!!!!

  • @sophiehanson8100
    @sophiehanson8100 Год назад

    Work night in care and im lucky if i get 4 hours a day but im also crazy ( in a good way) so im hyper all the time haha xx

  • @cherimoyaquetzal-baylee2881
    @cherimoyaquetzal-baylee2881 Год назад

    Slept 9 hours! A good night!

  • @jaconbran2367
    @jaconbran2367 Год назад +3

    How to give animals cptsd..

  • @planetaryg0
    @planetaryg0 Год назад

    i'll prob have to skip this one coz it'll make me anxious and stuff💔 i have such bad adhd i'll go like 3 or 4 days straight without any sleep regularly

  • @redactedbananas
    @redactedbananas Год назад

    This episode is here.

  • @pxgarden2451
    @pxgarden2451 Год назад

    HAH! I didn't sleep again till 5:00 in the morning (trying right now).

  • @BaddeGrasse
    @BaddeGrasse Год назад

    I fell asleep 40 minutes before this released (around 11am, whoops)😂
    Released 2 hours ago so, an hour and change?

  • @geektrash180
    @geektrash180 Год назад

    About 8, way more than my usual 5

  • @sad_doggo2504
    @sad_doggo2504 7 месяцев назад

    Here to learn the truth about whether or not cats are superior to us in yet another area of life

  • @thatmarchingarrow
    @thatmarchingarrow Год назад +1

    this feels targetted...

  • @jacquelyn_jacqueline
    @jacquelyn_jacqueline Год назад

    6 hours >:)

  • @5210smile
    @5210smile Год назад

    I sleep so much better when I'm good with me Adderall

  • @zalletu
    @zalletu Год назад +1

    All fun until story about puppies 😢