Rule: Do Not Give A Homeless Guy or Any Other Random Person your Credit Card because that's Giving Your Money to a Stranger, a person you don't know! And I agree with @eaglorious, Brookie was so damn stupid in this SML video, He was being too damn nice.
Do Not Give A Homeless Guy or Any Other Random Person your Credit Card because that's Giving Your Money to a Stranger, a person you don't know!
And I agree with @eaglorious, Brookie was so damn stupid in this SML video, He was being too damn nice.
Why are Jeffy and Rosalina ad Mario kids and helpless there 18 and 39 and 40 and their free loaders
Nice vids keep up with the good work
Paper cuts are even worse when they are between the fingers
8:22 wtf?
you can just edit the ads out
or adblocker
@tsd_levitg4609 it appears that that doesn't work anymore
@@lonewrestling ublock origin
I thought guy was. Workout for Brooklyn guy
i normally use an adblocker