I Use Slackware (-current) as my Distro. I use a custom Kernel, ZFS, on Sata SSD. My boot time to ttyl login (after bios splash screen boot) is 10 seconds, with SDDM login manager I get 14 seconds. I try and maintain a minimum setup despite having a bunch of stuff plugged in. I don't use Mate per se but Mate over Wayfire. Why Mate, I prefer the classic Gnome 2 Astethic (used to be a NsCDE user for similar reason). But because I have multi monitor setup, with a 28inch 4k screen, and I need Wayland, so I can use a per monitor HiDPI mode. So Mate over Wayfire was the best option for me.
As for better performing options, IDK. As long as it's good enough, (anything less than 25 seconds on cold boot is ideal) and it's like a 5+/- difference performance, Im nothing to lose sleep over it.
Please share your feedback. :)
Which distribution do you run Mate on and why choose Mate over other better performing options?
I Use Slackware (-current) as my Distro. I use a custom Kernel, ZFS, on Sata SSD. My boot time to ttyl login (after bios splash screen boot) is 10 seconds, with SDDM login manager I get 14 seconds. I try and maintain a minimum setup despite having a bunch of stuff plugged in.
I don't use Mate per se but Mate over Wayfire. Why Mate, I prefer the classic Gnome 2 Astethic (used to be a NsCDE user for similar reason). But because I have multi monitor setup, with a 28inch 4k screen, and I need Wayland, so I can use a per monitor HiDPI mode. So Mate over Wayfire was the best option for me.
As for better performing options, IDK. As long as it's good enough, (anything less than 25 seconds on cold boot is ideal) and it's like a 5+/- difference performance, Im nothing to lose sleep over it.