Mate 1.28 Desktop on NixOS 24.05 Performance Benchmarked Ranked - Worse than Hannah Montana Linux?

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 4

  • @WizardsAnonymous
    @WizardsAnonymous  21 день назад

    Please share your feedback. :)

  • @WizardsAnonymous
    @WizardsAnonymous  24 дня назад +1

    Which distribution do you run Mate on and why choose Mate over other better performing options?

    • @Vekstar
      @Vekstar 21 день назад

      I Use Slackware (-current) as my Distro. I use a custom Kernel, ZFS, on Sata SSD. My boot time to ttyl login (after bios splash screen boot) is 10 seconds, with SDDM login manager I get 14 seconds. I try and maintain a minimum setup despite having a bunch of stuff plugged in.
      I don't use Mate per se but Mate over Wayfire. Why Mate, I prefer the classic Gnome 2 Astethic (used to be a NsCDE user for similar reason). But because I have multi monitor setup, with a 28inch 4k screen, and I need Wayland, so I can use a per monitor HiDPI mode. So Mate over Wayfire was the best option for me.

    • @Vekstar
      @Vekstar 21 день назад

      As for better performing options, IDK. As long as it's good enough, (anything less than 25 seconds on cold boot is ideal) and it's like a 5+/- difference performance, Im nothing to lose sleep over it.