Star Wars: The Last Jedi Terribly Summarized (Part 2)

  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2024
  • Part 1: • Star Wars: The Last Je...
    Star Wars The Last Jedi is the 9th film in the Star Wars franchise if you don't count all the ones Disney and George Lucas would rather you forget about. Such masterpieces as, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, The Star Wars Holiday Special, The Ewok Adventure, and Ewoks: The Battle for Endor. This movie is by no means bad. At least compared to some of the other stuff I've scene. But, this is the film that broke Star Wars, and for this it's earned a lot of resentment.
    But why did this film "break" Star Wars?

Комментарии • 16

  • @telltaletwotones4433
    @telltaletwotones4433 5 лет назад +5

    You nailed it. Really well edited with great points. It was the tonal schizophrenia that alienated me from this movie. I never got into it enough to care about the plot or any of the characters and it nullified any admiration I might have felt for the sheer spectacle. I felt...nothing.

    • @BigBeakEntertainment
      @BigBeakEntertainment  5 лет назад +2

      I felt bored. That's the nature of episodic movies. At least with Avengers you felt it was eventually building to something. What could this possibly be building to that we've never seen before? Evil is defeated and the Jedi are victorious? The Jedi are defeated and evil is victorious? What's the point?

    • @telltaletwotones4433
      @telltaletwotones4433 5 лет назад

      Big Beak Entertainment Yes, that's it, exactly how I felt. It was one of the most "meh" movies I've ever seen. I'm not visually oriented so the much lauded visuals couldn't pull me in when the story was just so pointless and all too often cringeworthy.
      This may be stupid, but what I would have liked is for the sequel trilogy to take place directly after the original trilogy. What if everyone who was close to the two Death Stars when they were destroyed were subjected to some kind of radiation that aged them rapidly? It would explain how aged our heroes are--they saved the galaxy, but all the heroes and experienced leaders will die before their time. What would the consequences of that be? Who would take advantage of it? How will our heroes try to save a future they earned but won't have a part in? And, of course, they all would have been dealing with all of this together--again. Because they never would have been apart.
      Oh, well. It's pretty much the only fun Star Wars fans have left--dreaming of what might have been.

  • @dukaduka506
    @dukaduka506 Год назад +4

    We care, man. You will be big one day. Big beak will have his big peak.

  • @Knight0fTheSky
    @Knight0fTheSky 4 месяца назад +4

    One of the worst thinga about TFA was that the story was written like it happens 100+ years after ep6 but because Disney needs those sweet nostalgiabucks, it’s 30 years after RotJ. How did the FO convert a planet into Death Star XXL in that time? With the power of merch, that’s how.

  • @chrisolivo6591
    @chrisolivo6591 5 лет назад +2

    I like this video because it delved into deeper themes of the movie and the Trilogy. Most TLJ videos gush or shit on the movie and don’t challenge the viewer, more to preach to the choir.
    This is a long post, if anyone is interested:
    My biggest beef with the ST isn’t the movies, it’s the macro story/theme. Or the fact that it doesn’t exist. I think TFA and TLJ are enjoyable movies, but they are missing that big picture question as to why should they exist?
    I find this as one of the big problems in Hollywood as you watch a TV show with multiple seasons or a movie Trilogy and there is no overreaching arc that you can take a step back and really evaluate that is actually saying something .
    The OT was essentially a story about father/son, and friendship. It was very basic, but the OT arc has a purpose and a macro theme to it.
    I honestly don’t think an overall arc for the ST is even on the radar at Disney. They keep worrying about the small stuff. Rey parents? Palpatine is back? Where is Luke? The trailers tell you what type of story they are telling as it’s more about mystery than a big picture theme.
    I think a perfect theme for the ST could have been about winning the hearts and minds of the galaxy. The rebels won the war in the OT and obviously set up a new government. But did they ever convince people why this government is better than the Galactic Empire? We won the War in Iraq and overtook Saddam Hussein, but we never won the hearts and minds of the Iraqi people.
    TFA could have worked with this theme as the retreaded story was done purposely. Not for nostalgia, but to set up Episode 8 and how things had to change.
    Luke could have still been on that island, but instead he had a plan B. He could have said that if we continue another War and win, will we convince the galaxy that we can rule again?
    The ST should have been a reflection on War and that winning isn’t necessarily winning. Episode 8 could have turned the galaxy upside down with twists that we weren’t expecting, but the payoff shouldn’t have been Kylo Ren/First Order bad, Rey/Resistance good, cause we’re back to square one.
    It should have ended and led to Episode 9 in a new way in which these characters are going to win the War, but not by taking out the First Order, or killing the Ghost of Palpatine. It should go deeper than that.

    • @BigBeakEntertainment
      @BigBeakEntertainment  5 лет назад +2

      We're not making Star Wars movies anymore, we're simulating Star Wars movies. We're simulating Spielberg movies like Jurrasic Park or ET. To say that studios are remaking popular movies poorly or copying the style of the 80's and 90's while ignoring the themes only scratches the surface of the deeper problem of the aestheticization of media where the simulation of familiar aesthetics substitutes for meaning. It's the simulation of meaning where there is none. It's like painting the walls of a house in a familiar color, but the walls don't exist. If you peel the paint off there's nothing underneath to hold it up. That's what the Force Awakens is. The Last Jedi attempted to build structure after the fact, which is highly commendable, but Johnson needed to tear the paint off to get at the walls. In doing this he showed us that there was nothing there.

  • @uileam161
    @uileam161 8 месяцев назад

    Ah, yes, the comedy of Anakin Starkiller. How could I forget? 😂

  • @gamertrask9153
    @gamertrask9153 3 года назад +4

    You are like if leadhead was more funny

  • @bmck-8400
    @bmck-8400 Год назад +1

    I did not like all three of them…. I love all three prequels even with things I did not like. It’s fine that they are loathed…I like them. Life is full of stuff some people like…and others don’t… “that’s what it’s all about Charlie Brown.”

  • @dukaduka506
    @dukaduka506 Год назад

    Star Wars's overrated.

  • @uileam161
    @uileam161 8 месяцев назад +4

    Man, the super reasonable ending is depressing. I feel like you, me, or any group of fast food workers could easily write something better than 7/8/9.

  • @theonlybilge
    @theonlybilge Год назад +1

    19:13 I forgot that he actually asks "how are you?".

  • @theonlybilge
    @theonlybilge Год назад

    MaRey Sue

  • @Haydenthemaker1000
    @Haydenthemaker1000 7 месяцев назад

    Great video!

  • @callmeswivelhips8229
    @callmeswivelhips8229 Год назад +1

    These three movies were definitely weird. More weird than the prequel trilogy. You're right. The prequel trilogy was at least _committed_ to being bad. These three films weren't really committed to anything, were they???