Cole is definitely a threat to society no matter what Nora says. Dude keeps hurting people based on just his belief and not facts. If he would have went to jail for what he did to Matthew, he wouldn't have been able to beat up Todd or kill Eli.
Natalie will bend the role for herself or her family. She could have looked the other way and let Marty take the fall. Cole was just a fuck up and annoying. He definitely needed Patrick in his life.
5:52 Character Wyatt (quote: bodybuilder and masseuse). Who is the name of the actor?
Cole is definitely a threat to society no matter what Nora says. Dude keeps hurting people based on just his belief and not facts. If he would have went to jail for what he did to Matthew, he wouldn't have been able to beat up Todd or kill Eli.
I like seeing all the espoides
No one can exude Dorian’s pretentious mannerisms and attitude like Melissa Fumero(Adriana). She was undoubtedly her Mother’s daughter here👏🏾.
Yet another reason Marty should lose her license. Now she's sharing privileged, confidential medical information.
Melissa Fumero (Adriana) is like Jimmy DePaiva (Max) - married to someone in the regular cast so can always stop by for an episode or two.
thats true I forgot he's married to Blair just like Adriana is married to her on-screen cousin Cristian Vega lol
Poor Natalie. No greater hell than having someone compliment you for something you know is an utter lie. Talk about heaping coals!
No Adriana you grabbed his face and kissed him 😒
Why you put All my Children's theme 🎵 to One Life to Live?
He already did a video explaining why. Look it up
why do people keep complaining about the theme? like how cares, as long as the episodes are there and the quality is good who gives a fuck
great ending
Natalie will bend the role for herself or her family. She could have looked the other way and let Marty take the fall. Cole was just a fuck up and annoying. He definitely needed Patrick in his life.
Well she tried and John still saw the paper work so he knew psycho didn't do it
I’m confused Gigi & Rex have had sex so what are they talking like they never had sex
Even though I don't like Adriana..GiGi girl bye you can't get mad you n Rex was not together
Adriana is gorgeous really better looking then gi gi I'm not sure rex traded up
She has a pretty face, but that’s it! When Rex was dating her she was really naive and immature…and inexperienced!
lol what does this have to do with her comment
Bye bye Cole 😂
Don’t do my boy like that 😂
@@donsosa7940 😂😂😂
That's all sarkastic.
all cole did is take out the garbage
@@danielcorreard3746 Cole is a idiot for being impulsive
tea I'm glad your prosecuting this case yeah cause nora couldn't get a guilty verdict on osama binladen.
Marty girl bye
That's all sarkastic.Marty is not more a girl.
marty is a quack
@@ehrenfriedostermann6839I said what I said