100K with 450 subs, what a ride! Thanks to everyone for your support 🥳 Those are the snippets i used, and my obsidian dotfiles: drive.google.com/drive/folders/1zJFwwr6e_Ub3ZYYOYXte0aVkwjh3wxmW?usp=drive_link For the graphical math enviroment and the latex ocr Matcha: www.mathcha.io/editor Simpletext: simpletex.cn/ai/latex_ocr Hope you find it helpfull 😶🌫 Ps those are the notes i used in the video: github.com/Omixxx/calcolo-numerico
Yes it is true, it can be too much, but it is worth it in my opinion. You may also find LaTeX useful for your thesis work, and if you need it I often use this cheatsheet to remind myself of symbols: www.cmor-faculty.rice.edu/~heinken/latex/symbols.pdf However, you could also opt for alternatives such as typst ( github.com/typst/typst) Or to simplify your life, perhaps at the beginning while you are learning, you could do without LaTeX or use it only partially, and go with screenshots As for obsidian keep it simple, one note per topic and gradually throw everything into a map that makes sense to you, then look directly at that and you should be fine.
Replying super late here, but the creator is right, LaTeX is incredibly useful if you plan to get into research, whether or not it's math based. I'm a part of both mathematics and chemistry labs, and both rely on LaTeX heavily for writing and formatting papers to be published.
As a newbie to calculus, might be better to go handwritten. But learning MathJax in Obsidian has been one of the best skills I got during college. Makes my assignments look pretty great, and as a plus side I can enter it into LLMs like copilot to solve a question I'm stuck in to a surprising accuracy. When I first started making notes, I did a mix of small math LaTeX and screenshots. In doing so you get the intricacies of using MathJax
I've been doing the same thing you've been doing for over a year! It was super cool to see how similar our setup was, up to even the inverting of images!
This video would've come in clutch when I was studying tensor calculus, where I would spend more time debugging latex than I did math. This is a smart setup to have tho. I find that using latex and tooling like this can increase extraneous cognitive load if you don't know them well. So, it's good to try and master these things before you use them while studying. My advice for other people Is to try and deliberately practice these tools on their own.
Dead ass thought there was a way to have tikz for the diagram in obsidian. But mathcha is still really cool, thanks for showing this! I write math notes for secondary students, and I'm definitely using mathcha now
I don't even use obsidian, but I thought I had to comment something. This was such a good video! The music was just at the right volume, your soothing voice made for such a good experience, and the clarity with which you explained your setup was admirable. Very good!
I honestly would recommend vim or neovim. The modes and snippets are great. Also setting up something to share notes with git means you wont have to pay for sync.
@@dxfvgyhjhYou save all your notes in a git repo. So whenever you add new notes you just commit to the repo. Or whenever you need to work on a new machine, on your cellphone or whatever, you can just git pull the repo. For the cellphone you can even writte a small script that will mount a temporary Google drive driver, so you can pull everything into it and sync into driver while writting, then once youre done, you can unmount the drive and avoid wasting space on your phone.
@@martinramos20 I'm glad it was helpful! I have big plans for this channel and I'm working hard to make the changes I want to make (I want a more pleasing presentation style, so I'm learning openrndr/motion canvas, and I want to improve my presence in the videos, so I'm studying some communication basics). Sooner or later you will see me again and hopefully I will be able to provide more value in a more direct way ⚙️
Grazie mille per il tuo video! Da studente di matematica sto cercando anche io di creare una specie di "glossario" delle definizioni più comuni da avere sottomano quando mi servono. Mi piace un sacco in che modo hai organizzato le tue note attraverso il template. Prenderò sicuramente ispirazione! :D
Wonderful video, and great tips with the snippets plugin! I didn't know of the use of $0 or $1 for cursor pointing, so that's very useful, thanks! I also use mathjax inside of obsidian, and was wondering if you knew of a way to systematically left-align text inside of the $$$$ block. I've tried to search online, but with no luck of finding a working solution.
Thank you very much! You can do many things. To align everything to the left you can use latex for example if you try this block: $$ \begin{align} &ax^{2}+bx+c = 0 & \\ &ax^{3}+bx^{2}+cx +d = 128 \end{align} $$ you will see that the two equations will be aligned to the left. You do this using the align environment. the & character indicates the alignment point, i.e. the point where the first equation should be aligned with the second. imagine them as a connection point between the two equations In the example above you will see that they are aligned to the left since you connect them on the left but nothing prevents you from aligning them to the right $$ \begin{align} ax^{2}+bx+c = 0 & \\ ax^{3}+bx^{2}+cx +d = 128 & \end{align} $$ Obviously, this gives you great freedom because you can align two or more equations wherever you like. for example, if you wanted to align them on the equals symbol, you would do so like this $$ \begin{align} ax^{2}+bx+c &= 0 \\ ax^{3}+bx^{2}+cx +d &= 128 \end{align} $$ Or if you wanted to align the beginning of the first equation with the end of the second, you would do it like this $$ \begin{align} &ax^{2}+bx+c = 0 \\ ax^{3}+bx^{2}+cx +d = 128 & \end{align} $$ In the align environment, using the plugins I have indicated, you can add the new line symbol \\ by simply pressing enter and executing, just as you can add the alignment point & using Tab. Also, inserting the keyword "align" in a block $$$$ will automatically convert to \begin{align} \end{align}
I have organised it into macro topics. A programme (with numerical calculation in this case) is divided into several macro sections. We have a whole series of definitions that we will need later, the section on iterative methods, the section on linear systems, and so on. Each macro topic has its own area and colour. The key point is to make connections within the areas but especially between one area and another. As you see, it is a linear path that slowly discovers different (even better if you like) ways of approximating a solution using numerical calculation. It is a way of structuring that does not always succeed, because many topics then start to connect with the previous ones and the map can become very confusing. What I tried to do was to map a flow to show how (but more importantly why), from a series of definitions we arrive at new theorems and algorithms.
I've been hesitant to move to Obsidian as my main app for taking notes, but this video sealed it! I've tried a lot of what is presented and it has been such a nice experience. There is one issue that I've come across so far. As I was trying to create a snippet for a 4x4 matrix with one tab stop for each coefficient, I realized I don't know how to keep placing tab stops after going through $0-$9. Are there dedicated indicies past 9 for tab stops and if so, what are they? If not, are there other smart ways to accomplish the same goal?
Hey, thanks a lot mate! 🙏 So, I think I selected all the text and just deleted it :) If a block contains nothing, Obsidian will not read it. A smart way to do this (only if you use Vim motions) is to press "dd" without having to select the line before deleting. Much faster
Hello, along with the image color inverter, you also shared a file named "image_zoom2.css", I was curious about what that does and I couldn't find it in the video. Thank you for everything.
Oh, that file defines css rules that allow you to click on an image and zoom in more easily. I put it in because I was dissatisfied with how obsidian handles zooming (I honestly don't remember if it gives the option to zoom or not; in any case I preferred to use something custom) I'm glad it helped you 🌛
8:45 What did you mean by saying "like that", How did you make the svg file appear on the note? seems like a keyboard shortcut or something. if i have a svg file that contains a graph what do i need to do in order to make its content appear on the note? Copy Paste the graph does not work, it shows "\diagram{}" on the obsidian note.
Great advice, I will do a tutorial probably. In the meantime I have updated the comment I used to provide all the links; now the first one also gives you my dotfiles, aka my obsidian configuration. Please note that now the snippets I have attached together with the configuration folder are redundant, i.e. if you decided to use my configuration you don't need to copy the snippets. Hope it helps
@@tuttoki Thank you for responding means alot - Also if you have time - while you doing the tutorial could you also show us your PDF export settings - for some reason my export turns out to be huge even though its small in the editor.
@@mohamedkelif9556 I do not export :) This is because I cannot include images and links correctly. For me this is not a big problem because I use my notes for studying, I don't write papers or documents that need to be shared. That said, when I do happen to export, I use pandoc: github.com/OliverBalfour/obsidian-pandoc?tab=readme-ov-file But still what I export remains relatively contained. What do you export to? LaTeX or PDF?
Sto cercando di sistemare Obsidian per prendere appunti, ma ci sono così tante opzioni e possibile modifiche da fare che mi sento un po' sopraffatto. Il video è molto utile, grazie!
Succede anche a me 😁 Il software è semplice in se, ma veramente molto customizzabile che, se ci pensi, è un'arma a doppia taglio. Io personalmente lascio le cose come si trovano a meno che non intralcino il mio workflow e solo in quel caso le modifico. Diciamo che mantengo sempre la regola del 80/20, sistemo il grosso e poi per il resto mi adatto.
@tuttoki hai detto bene, è un arma a doppio taglio. Sono finito col passare più tempo a personalizzare tutto che prendere note/appunti e studiare. Alla fine ho disinstallato tutti i plugin e disattivato gli snippet CSS. Uso solo i pochi plugin che ritengo essenziali e mi concentro sul da fare, mi sto trovando molto meglio 😁
Video super interessante, uso Samsung Notes da anni per prendere appunti a mano su dpf già esistenti dei professori, ma al momento di doverli studiare è un casino. Immagino anche tu faccia qualche tipo di ingegneria, hai per caso altre materie fatte cosi? Edit: sto usando il tuo stesso theme e noto che la grandezza del font del testo è piu piccola rispetto alla tua, hai per caso modificato il css in qualche modo?
Sorry, i didn’t understand how to create charts/graphs directly from the $$[]$$ block? It is possible to do this or you must always have to insert the images😢 I also hate having all the equations within a single sequence because I usually export in pdf format and I cut the part that is not in the card at the time of download. Is there a way to split that sequence? Like by adding the new line character? Thank you for the video
Thanks a lot, I need this information. However, my hearing is not like it was 20 years ago (I am 77), anf background music makes it difficult to absorb content. I have to concentrate in shiórt bursts of 5 to 10 minutes. If I could switch off the music ( nice music, by the way), I would have no problems. Speach is clear Well, I will cope, content is important to me, so thanks a lot.
Thanks I'm glad you liked it! Sorry about the background music, this is the first video I've done so I'm still a bit new to the dynamics of how to create content effectively. I'll take that into account next time, thanks :D
This question I have not yet resolved. One can refer to a section of a note by using the notation ![note#section] however this approach also shows the section title of that specific note which has a rather unclean effect in my opinion. Should I find a solution I will not hesitate to publish it 😄
During lectures I tend not to write down equations or make diagrams, because it is a somewhat delicate operation that requires time and concentration (organising everything in a form that is clear is not easy, and plus, I'm not so fast at writing math) so during lectures I tend to write down the key concepts, usually by hand, and mark down what I would not find on the slides
Ciao! Ho cambiato tema (in realtà neanche troppo recentemente) e ho fatto un po' di pulizia, quindi non saprei dirti il nome del plugin. Se non ricordo male era un qualche sorta di evidenziatore che colorasse la singola parola/frase piuttosto che contornarla con del colore, cosa che a volte trovo un po' invadente. (Sempre se non ricordo male aveva il problema che al momento dell'esportazione del documento come pdf quell'highlight te lo esportava come blocco html, che non è il massimo) Ho intenzione di continuare, ma cambiando leggermente stile. Grazie per le belle parole comunque, apprezzo molto 😁🙏
To extract the pdf I would definitely use pandoc and not the default export option of obsidian, since it does not adapt the text format to the LaTeX standard. The problem with this approach, which I have not yet solved, is the automatic conversion of images, which does not take place unless they are in the same folder as the file, and above all, links to other files are treated as text. I will certainly make a video on this subject when I have solved these problems 🗽
Ciao, video super interessante! Attualmente faccio già tutto come te per ciò che riguarda la matematica, ma mi sono venuti dei dubbi nell'ultimo mese, quindi provo a chiedere a te che forse sapresti rispondermi. -Prendi queste note in classe o le riscrivi da appunti che hai fatto a lezione (o un ibrido dei due)? -Come mai hai deciso di fare in questo modo, essendo che prende sicuramente più tempo rispetto a scrivere le note a mano su un tablet per esempio e buttare i pdf nelle note di obsidian? -Come utilizzi queste note per studiare prima di un esame? Grazie mille in anticipo!!
Ciao! Grazie mille 😄 Allora ti rispondo in ordine: - gli appunti che prendo in aula sono veramente leggeri, di solito scrivo ciò che non é scritto sulle slides/sul libro, quindi i dettagli che il professore da e che non avresti altrimenti. Per le note invece le scrivo con calma a casa, basandomi molto spesso sul materiale ufficiale rilasciato dal professore, anche perché come avrai avuto modo di notare questo approccio produce appunti di qualità ma prende più tempo. - ho deciso di seguire questo approccio per le materie più ostiche, viso che mi ritrovo tutto ben processato, e soprattutto perché nella mia testa mi piacerebbe molto che la mia università (ogni università a dire il vero) avesse un repository centrale creato dagli studenti per ogni insegnamento, che ognuno può leggere correggere e addizionare con nozioni che a lui sono più chiare o intuizioni che altri non anno avuto. Questo risulterebbe in una dispensa scritta da studenti per studenti, che con il passare del tempo si spera diverterebbe sempre più chiara. Di solito non copio e incollo dal PDF per due motivi: il primo é per una questione di pulizia, e la seconda é per una questione di modifica/aggiornamento, perché se magari un grafico o una formula vanno riscritti o modificati leggermente per renderel più chiari si può usare il progetto su matcha e migliorare anche quello. Con lo screenshot si é un po' bloccati a quello che ha scritto il prof. Poi a volte lo uso anche io, ma se posso evito - ma mano che creo le note creo anche la mappa che le contiene. Questa mappa rappresenta i collegamenti logici che faccio man mano che studio la materia, ed é proprio da lì che studio. Siccome collego ogni nota studio sicuramente tutto, e inoltre, studio anche i passaggi logici che ci sono tra una nozione ad un altra.
First, in the canvas you have to insert a note that is in the vault, and second you have to zoom out enough to see only the tittle. If you zoom in on the canvas, you will notice that at some point (you set this in the obsidian settings) the title will disappear and the content will be shown
Visto che vedevo appunti in italiano lo scrivo in italiano così è più semplice. Per caso conosci tool o plugin per rappresentare graficamente la fisica (circuiti elettrici, moti ecc...)?
Ciao! Hai fatto bene :D Allora di specifico per la fisica non conosco nulla ma visto che dovrò dare l'esame tra un mesetto potrei scoprire qualcosa. Nel caso ti farò sapere proprio qui. Nel frattempo su matcha, il primo link che ho consigliato, c'è una sezione (nella zona disegno, sopra le frecce e sotto le figure) che ti da gli assi cartesiani e soprattutto un po di simboli per la circuitazione.
I thought of that when I watched it again a while ago. I definitely had to put the theme configuration at the end as an extra. Thanks for pointing that out 💪.
100K with 450 subs, what a ride! Thanks to everyone for your support 🥳
Those are the snippets i used, and my obsidian dotfiles:
For the graphical math enviroment and the latex ocr
Matcha: www.mathcha.io/editor
Simpletext: simpletex.cn/ai/latex_ocr
Hope you find it helpfull 😶🌫
Ps those are the notes i used in the video: github.com/Omixxx/calcolo-numerico
Could you pin this?
Its hard to find this comment. Pin it please.
@@dewansaad8237 done! thanks for pointing it out
As a person that is new to calculus, obsidian and Latex this is harder than I thought
Yes it is true, it can be too much, but it is worth it in my opinion. You may also find LaTeX useful for your thesis work, and if you need it I often use this cheatsheet to remind myself of symbols:
However, you could also opt for alternatives such as typst ( github.com/typst/typst)
Or to simplify your life, perhaps at the beginning while you are learning, you could do without LaTeX or use it only partially, and go with screenshots
As for obsidian keep it simple, one note per topic and gradually throw everything into a map that makes sense to you, then look directly at that and you should be fine.
Replying super late here, but the creator is right, LaTeX is incredibly useful if you plan to get into research, whether or not it's math based. I'm a part of both mathematics and chemistry labs, and both rely on LaTeX heavily for writing and formatting papers to be published.
thank you!@@tuttoki
use typst its much better than latex and there is a plugin for obsidian
As a newbie to calculus, might be better to go handwritten. But learning MathJax in Obsidian has been one of the best skills I got during college. Makes my assignments look pretty great, and as a plus side I can enter it into LLMs like copilot to solve a question I'm stuck in to a surprising accuracy.
When I first started making notes, I did a mix of small math LaTeX and screenshots. In doing so you get the intricacies of using MathJax
I've been doing the same thing you've been doing for over a year! It was super cool to see how similar our setup was, up to even the inverting of images!
Pleaaase do more obsidian videos. i learn quite a bit from this one. Thanks for making it! :)
This video would've come in clutch when I was studying tensor calculus, where I would spend more time debugging latex than I did math.
This is a smart setup to have tho. I find that using latex and tooling like this can increase extraneous cognitive load if you don't know them well. So, it's good to try and master these things before you use them while studying. My advice for other people Is to try and deliberately practice these tools on their own.
i love you thank u so fkn much, i am studying for exams and this has actually saved me
Dead ass thought there was a way to have tikz for the diagram in obsidian. But mathcha is still really cool, thanks for showing this! I write math notes for secondary students, and I'm definitely using mathcha now
i believe there is a plug-in that generates the graph directly in obsidian
Excelent video, it was just the right thing i was looking for to write my class notes :D
Simpletex is very useful, thank you!
I don't even use obsidian, but I thought I had to comment something. This was such a good video! The music was just at the right volume, your soothing voice made for such a good experience, and the clarity with which you explained your setup was admirable. Very good!
it's funny, i find my voice so annoying that i almost used ai to replace it ahah 😅
Thanks for the compliment though, it's definitely appreciated
really good video, thanks for making it!
I honestly would recommend vim or neovim. The modes and snippets are great. Also setting up something to share notes with git means you wont have to pay for sync.
I would too 😁
If you are on Neovim, I recommend github.com/epwalsh/obsidian.nvim.
Never tried it but looks very good!
What do you mean by setting up something with git, that sounds interesting
@ you can use a git repo and a script to pull. And then just attempt to push it like every couple hours
@@dxfvgyhjhYou save all your notes in a git repo.
So whenever you add new notes you just commit to the repo.
Or whenever you need to work on a new machine, on your cellphone or whatever, you can just git pull the repo.
For the cellphone you can even writte a small script that will mount a temporary Google drive driver, so you can pull everything into it and sync into driver while writting, then once youre done, you can unmount the drive and avoid wasting space on your phone.
wow this is so helpful, you deserve 10 BILLION views...
Brilliant video by a brilliant mind
Let's not exaggerate ahah
Amazing video man, thank you.
I love it! Thank you for this video!
this is very helpful! Please do more obsidian videos. Thank you.
Great Vid, Matrh in Obsidian is really a need, like Chemistry and Physics. If you have updates pls share them, really appreciated. THX
Thank you, your content is helpfull, you should consider making more videos
@@martinramos20 I'm glad it was helpful! I have big plans for this channel and I'm working hard to make the changes I want to make (I want a more pleasing presentation style, so I'm learning openrndr/motion canvas, and I want to improve my presence in the videos, so I'm studying some communication basics). Sooner or later you will see me again and hopefully I will be able to provide more value in a more direct way ⚙️
Thanks for this video. please upload it for Mathjax
Video fantastico🎉! Grazie mille😊
Grazie mille per il tuo video! Da studente di matematica sto cercando anche io di creare una specie di "glossario" delle definizioni più comuni da avere sottomano quando mi servono. Mi piace un sacco in che modo hai organizzato le tue note attraverso il template. Prenderò sicuramente ispirazione! :D
Please make more videos. You’re the best.
Wonderful video, and great tips with the snippets plugin! I didn't know of the use of $0 or $1 for cursor pointing, so that's very useful, thanks!
I also use mathjax inside of obsidian, and was wondering if you knew of a way to systematically left-align text inside of the $$$$ block. I've tried to search online, but with no luck of finding a working solution.
Thank you very much! You can do many things. To align everything to the left you can use latex
for example if you try this block:
&ax^{2}+bx+c = 0 & \\
&ax^{3}+bx^{2}+cx +d = 128
you will see that the two equations will be aligned to the left.
You do this using the align environment.
the & character indicates the alignment point, i.e. the point where the first equation should be aligned with the second. imagine them as a connection point between the two equations
In the example above you will see that they are aligned to the left since you connect them on the left but nothing prevents you from aligning them to the right
ax^{2}+bx+c = 0 & \\
ax^{3}+bx^{2}+cx +d = 128 &
Obviously, this gives you great freedom because you can align two or more equations wherever you like. for example, if you wanted to align them on the equals symbol, you would do so like this
ax^{2}+bx+c &= 0 \\
ax^{3}+bx^{2}+cx +d &= 128
Or if you wanted to align the beginning of the first equation with the end of the second, you would do it like this
&ax^{2}+bx+c = 0 \\
ax^{3}+bx^{2}+cx +d = 128 &
In the align environment, using the plugins I have indicated, you can add the new line symbol \\ by simply pressing enter and executing, just as you can add the alignment point & using Tab.
Also, inserting the keyword "align" in a block $$$$ will automatically convert to \begin{align} \end{align}
@@tuttokidude u rock. i will be studying cs soon.. i considered using tikz but ill most likely just use the site u recommended lol
very helpful vid, thank you :)
Ottimo lavoro grazzie per il aiuto !!! Tanti Bacchi dal regno unito
fantastic video. Sei un Boss.
LIFE CHANGING Thank you. My notes have been so much prettier since seeing this a few days ago
thanks for sharing! this is very helpful :))
As Italian I like the video
Very nicee, big success!!
Greetings! I really like the way you organized your canvas, could you please explain the logic behind it?
I have organised it into macro topics. A programme (with numerical calculation in this case) is divided into several macro sections. We have a whole series of definitions that we will need later, the section on iterative methods, the section on linear systems, and so on.
Each macro topic has its own area and colour. The key point is to make connections within the areas but especially between one area and another. As you see, it is a linear path that slowly discovers different (even better if you like) ways of approximating a solution using numerical calculation.
It is a way of structuring that does not always succeed, because many topics then start to connect with the previous ones and the map can become very confusing. What I tried to do was to map a flow to show how (but more importantly why), from a series of definitions we arrive at new theorems and algorithms.
@@tuttoki what are you studying, math specifically?
@@dxfvgyhjh At that time, I was studying Numerical Analysis during my final year of Computer Science
I've been hesitant to move to Obsidian as my main app for taking notes, but this video sealed it! I've tried a lot of what is presented and it has been such a nice experience.
There is one issue that I've come across so far. As I was trying to create a snippet for a 4x4 matrix with one tab stop for each coefficient, I realized I don't know how to keep placing tab stops after going through $0-$9. Are there dedicated indicies past 9 for tab stops and if so, what are they? If not, are there other smart ways to accomplish the same goal?
Thanks! Very useful video
Hey cool video. Helped a lot. Could you pls tell me how you delete the block of latex at 8:39 ? I need to know it :)
Hey, thanks a lot mate! 🙏
So, I think I selected all the text and just deleted it :)
If a block contains nothing, Obsidian will not read it. A smart way to do this (only if you use Vim motions) is to press "dd" without having to select the line before deleting. Much faster
Hello, along with the image color inverter, you also shared a file named "image_zoom2.css", I was curious about what that does and I couldn't find it in the video. Thank you for everything.
Oh, that file defines css rules that allow you to click on an image and zoom in more easily.
I put it in because I was dissatisfied with how obsidian handles zooming (I honestly don't remember if it gives the option to zoom or not; in any case I preferred to use something custom)
I'm glad it helped you 🌛
@@tuttokiThank you for responding! Is it automatic or do you have to write some tag after the image like the inverted one?
@@mohamedimranechehabi5735 nope it's automatic
@@tuttoki Thank you!
I prefer to use AsciiMath, I think it's easier to use and remember
time to move to Typst for math
is there a way to add sections, subsections, indexes in latex format in obsidian?
What did you mean by saying "like that",
How did you make the svg file appear on the note?
seems like a keyboard shortcut or something.
if i have a svg file that contains a graph what do i need to do in order to make its content appear on the note?
Copy Paste the graph does not work,
it shows "\diagram{}" on the obsidian note.
i guess i pressed ctrl + v to paste the immage🙂
How did you customize your theme bro and the text size - Please do a tutorial
Great advice, I will do a tutorial probably. In the meantime I have updated the comment I used to provide all the links; now the first one also gives you my dotfiles, aka my obsidian configuration. Please note that now the snippets I have attached together with the configuration folder are redundant, i.e. if you decided to use my configuration you don't need to copy the snippets.
Hope it helps
@@tuttoki Thank you for responding means alot - Also if you have time - while you doing the tutorial could you also show us your PDF export settings - for some reason my export turns out to be huge even though its small in the editor.
@@mohamedkelif9556 I do not export :)
This is because I cannot include images and links correctly.
For me this is not a big problem because I use my notes for studying, I don't write papers or documents that need to be shared.
That said, when I do happen to export, I use pandoc:
But still what I export remains relatively contained.
What do you export to? LaTeX or PDF?
Sto cercando di sistemare Obsidian per prendere appunti, ma ci sono così tante opzioni e possibile modifiche da fare che mi sento un po' sopraffatto. Il video è molto utile, grazie!
Succede anche a me 😁
Il software è semplice in se, ma veramente molto customizzabile che, se ci pensi, è un'arma a doppia taglio. Io personalmente lascio le cose come si trovano a meno che non intralcino il mio workflow e solo in quel caso le modifico. Diciamo che mantengo sempre la regola del 80/20, sistemo il grosso e poi per il resto mi adatto.
@tuttoki hai detto bene, è un arma a doppio taglio. Sono finito col passare più tempo a personalizzare tutto che prendere note/appunti e studiare. Alla fine ho disinstallato tutti i plugin e disattivato gli snippet CSS. Uso solo i pochi plugin che ritengo essenziali e mi concentro sul da fare, mi sto trovando molto meglio 😁
Video super interessante, uso Samsung Notes da anni per prendere appunti a mano su dpf già esistenti dei professori, ma al momento di doverli studiare è un casino. Immagino anche tu faccia qualche tipo di ingegneria, hai per caso altre materie fatte cosi? Edit: sto usando il tuo stesso theme e noto che la grandezza del font del testo è piu piccola rispetto alla tua, hai per caso modificato il css in qualche modo?
Tambem queria saner isso, minha font fica toda embaralhada, inclusive quando uso sum
Sorry, i didn’t understand how to create charts/graphs directly from the $$[]$$ block? It is possible to do this or you must always have to insert the images😢
I also hate having all the equations within a single sequence because I usually export in pdf format and I cut the part that is not in the card at the time of download. Is there a way to split that sequence? Like by adding the new line character?
Thank you for the video
Thanks a lot, I need this information.
However, my hearing is not like it was 20 years ago (I am 77), anf background music makes it difficult to absorb content.
I have to concentrate in shiórt bursts of 5 to 10 minutes.
If I could switch off the music ( nice music, by the way), I would have no problems. Speach is clear
Well, I will cope, content is important to me, so thanks a lot.
Thanks I'm glad you liked it! Sorry about the background music, this is the first video I've done so I'm still a bit new to the dynamics of how to create content effectively. I'll take that into account next time, thanks :D
You're welcome buddy 😁
how numbering (indexing and naming) math equations in Obsidian to refer (link) to them on other notes?
This question I have not yet resolved. One can refer to a section of a note by using the notation ![note#section] however this approach also shows the section title of that specific note which has a rather unclean effect in my opinion.
Should I find a solution I will not hesitate to publish it 😄
is it possible to enumerate and reference equations inside a note?
Do you need to undrestand Vim in order for this to work well? Does the plugin work without enabling the Vim keybindings?
Although i encourage learning vim bindings you don't need to, they are optional. Every plugin should work with or without vim emulation
@@tuttoki Does this work without having to toggle the "vim keybinds" setting? Because its not working for me for some reason.
un abrazo, desde Perú
3:14 - what key? the key "thumb"? i cant hear it properly
You need to make more videos!
Have you used the equation and diagram functionality during a lecture in class?
During lectures I tend not to write down equations or make diagrams, because it is a somewhat delicate operation that requires time and concentration (organising everything in a form that is clear is not easy, and plus, I'm not so fast at writing math) so during lectures I tend to write down the key concepts, usually by hand, and mark down what I would not find on the slides
Bellissimo video, volevo chiederti qual è il plugin per i colori che si vede in basso a destra?
Continua a pubblicare, c'è del potenziale
Ciao! Ho cambiato tema (in realtà neanche troppo recentemente) e ho fatto un po' di pulizia, quindi non saprei dirti il nome del plugin. Se non ricordo male era un qualche sorta di evidenziatore che colorasse la singola parola/frase piuttosto che contornarla con del colore, cosa che a volte trovo un po' invadente. (Sempre se non ricordo male aveva il problema che al momento dell'esportazione del documento come pdf quell'highlight te lo esportava come blocco html, che non è il massimo)
Ho intenzione di continuare, ma cambiando leggermente stile.
Grazie per le belle parole comunque, apprezzo molto 😁🙏
where is the css you said you linked?
sorry, i forgot to pin all the infos. Now you should be able to find them easly in the comments 💪
What work-flow would you use to get a PDF output of one of your math reports?
To extract the pdf I would definitely use pandoc and not the default export option of obsidian, since it does not adapt the text format to the LaTeX standard.
The problem with this approach, which I have not yet solved, is the automatic conversion of images, which does not take place unless they are in the same folder as the file, and above all, links to other files are treated as text.
I will certainly make a video on this subject when I have solved these problems 🗽
Ciao, video super interessante!
Attualmente faccio già tutto come te per ciò che riguarda la matematica, ma mi sono venuti dei dubbi nell'ultimo mese, quindi provo a chiedere a te che forse sapresti rispondermi.
-Prendi queste note in classe o le riscrivi da appunti che hai fatto a lezione (o un ibrido dei due)?
-Come mai hai deciso di fare in questo modo, essendo che prende sicuramente più tempo rispetto a scrivere le note a mano su un tablet per esempio e buttare i pdf nelle note di obsidian?
-Come utilizzi queste note per studiare prima di un esame?
Grazie mille in anticipo!!
Ciao! Grazie mille 😄
Allora ti rispondo in ordine:
- gli appunti che prendo in aula sono veramente leggeri, di solito scrivo ciò che non é scritto sulle slides/sul libro, quindi i dettagli che il professore da e che non avresti altrimenti. Per le note invece le scrivo con calma a casa, basandomi molto spesso sul materiale ufficiale rilasciato dal professore, anche perché come avrai avuto modo di notare questo approccio produce appunti di qualità ma prende più tempo.
- ho deciso di seguire questo approccio per le materie più ostiche, viso che mi ritrovo tutto ben processato, e soprattutto perché nella mia testa mi piacerebbe molto che la mia università (ogni università a dire il vero) avesse un repository centrale creato dagli studenti per ogni insegnamento, che ognuno può leggere correggere e addizionare con nozioni che a lui sono più chiare o intuizioni che altri non anno avuto.
Questo risulterebbe in una dispensa scritta da studenti per studenti, che con il passare del tempo si spera diverterebbe sempre più chiara.
Di solito non copio e incollo dal PDF per due motivi: il primo é per una questione di pulizia, e la seconda é per una questione di modifica/aggiornamento, perché se magari un grafico o una formula vanno riscritti o modificati leggermente per renderel più chiari si può usare il progetto su matcha e migliorare anche quello. Con lo screenshot si é un po' bloccati a quello che ha scritto il prof. Poi a volte lo uso anche io, ma se posso evito
- ma mano che creo le note creo anche la mappa che le contiene. Questa mappa rappresenta i collegamenti logici che faccio man mano che studio la materia, ed é proprio da lì che studio. Siccome collego ogni nota studio sicuramente tutto, e inoltre, studio anche i passaggi logici che ci sono tra una nozione ad un altra.
@@tuttokigrazie mille per la risposta esaustiva!
thank you sir
How do you make it so that only the title of the document shows in canvas?
First, in the canvas you have to insert a note that is in the vault, and second you have to zoom out enough to see only the tittle. If you zoom in on the canvas, you will notice that at some point (you set this in the obsidian settings) the title will disappear and the content will be shown
gracias amigo!!!!
Grazie fratello
Visto che vedevo appunti in italiano lo scrivo in italiano così è più semplice.
Per caso conosci tool o plugin per rappresentare graficamente la fisica (circuiti elettrici, moti ecc...)?
Ciao! Hai fatto bene :D
Allora di specifico per la fisica non conosco nulla ma visto che dovrò dare l'esame tra un mesetto potrei scoprire qualcosa. Nel caso ti farò sapere proprio qui.
Nel frattempo su matcha, il primo link che ho consigliato, c'è una sezione (nella zona disegno, sopra le frecce e sotto le figure) che ti da gli assi cartesiani e soprattutto un po di simboli per la circuitazione.
based toro pfp
you know the drill
this is not for obsidian, they are just LaTeX :)
thank you a use vim but ever I thinks that I can use vim commands in vim
Where’s you 🙂😶
overleaf >
more !
sei italiano? sei il capo
I hate when videos don't go to the point, i don't give a fuck about themes. Great video tho
I thought of that when I watched it again a while ago. I definitely had to put the theme configuration at the end as an extra. Thanks for pointing that out 💪.