What is the best NINTENDO 64 emulator? Uncovering the Secret to the Ultimate NINTENDO 64 Experience!

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 88

  • @AlexwpiGame
    @AlexwpiGame  Год назад +16

    Folks, a quick note. While producing this video, I tested RMG, and it is a frontend for Mupen, so the same issues found in Mupen will be present in RMG because they share the same core. As for Simple64, I genuinely didn't know about its existence. So, if you'd like, I can do a test between Project64, Simple64, and Ares (which, despite being a multi-emulator, delivers excellent results and fidelity in practically everything it does). Edit: According to user @Bajolzas, Simple64 also uses the Mupen64 core, so the results may be the same.

    • @juliobbv
      @juliobbv Год назад +3

      I find it unusual that you're getting this bad performance with Mupen or RMG. ​I'm able to run Mario Kart 64 at 1080p on my N100 MiniPC: ruclips.net/video/cqBazNnfz5I/видео.html. Are you CPU, or GPU limited? It could be a bad setting, like running under an CPU interpreter instead of the recompiler by accident.

  • @Bajolzas
    @Bajolzas Год назад +38

    Project64 is plugin based as well, if you use RMG with GLideN64 instead of Parallel it will be fast as well. Simple64 is just Mupen with Parallel, it will be just as slow as already tested.

    • @AlexwpiGame
      @AlexwpiGame  Год назад +2

      You're welcome! I'm glad the information was helpful. Indeed, if Simple64 is also based on Mupen, it's likely to have similar issues. However, it's a good idea to try it out and draw your own conclusions. If needed, you can always create another video with your findings. Good luck with your testing!

    • @98SE
      @98SE Год назад +2

      @@AlexwpiGame Ye be welcomin' me heartie! I be glad to see that ye found the information helpful. Aye, if Simple64 be sailin' under the same flag as Mupen, it be likely to have similar issues. Nonetheless, 'tis a smart notion to give it a try and chart yer own course. If the winds be against ye, ye can always hoist another flag and share yer discoveries with the crew. Fair winds to ye in yer testing endeavors, me hearty!

    • @CCCP-sr9ou
      @CCCP-sr9ou Год назад

      ​@@AlexwpiGame Mupen64- v1.1.3 plugin -angrylion-plus.dll

  • @AlexwpiGame
    @AlexwpiGame  Год назад +4

    Thanks to channel patreons / youtube members:
    Paolo, Rashidinho Q, Ray Tracer, Lao90, Wraptar, Andy Cortez, Hector Martinez, Phoenias Aldwin, Panda, Rashed Almo, Kesnei, Mote7856, Mohammad Sharif, Shiro Tensa, Diego Martinez, ★尺工乇ム乇尺★, DemonDude.

  • @paolocarvalho
    @paolocarvalho Год назад +4

    Nice video, Alex! That 007 Golden Eye is truly a classic. BTW, you shoot as well as you drive. 😂

  • @DaveGuerreroTijuana
    @DaveGuerreroTijuana Год назад +25

    Ai voice tracks are becoming unattractive

    • @Chubzdoomer
      @Chubzdoomer 3 месяца назад

      Understatement of the century

    • @leonardomatheus1888
      @leonardomatheus1888 2 месяца назад +1

      He's brazilian, his English pronunciation is probably not very good.

  • @coolcat29yt
    @coolcat29yt Год назад +22

    you destroyed my ear

  • @Dudupool3795
    @Dudupool3795 3 месяца назад

    Seria muito bom se pegassem o Project64 pra melhorar ainda mais. Ele estagnou na versão 3.0.1 desde junho de 2021.
    Tem as versões de desenvolvimento que tao se atualizando, ultima atualização foi dia 5/09 agora de 2024 mas nao sei se tem muuuita diferença assim entre essas versões 3.0.1 e 4.0

  • @RetroGamingX1
    @RetroGamingX1 Год назад +6

    I recommend Simple64, RMG & Project64+GlideN64 Video Plugin, saludos!

    • @AlexwpiGame
      @AlexwpiGame  Год назад +1

      Thank you for your recommendation.

  • @Retr0GameR
    @Retr0GameR Год назад +10

    Good video. As of today, mupen64+ is one of the most compatible/multiplatform/performance emulators for N64, of course not flawless, but with the correct settings and a good frontend (yeah I know retroarch isnt the prettiest) and latest mp64+ core, we can play even the hardest games to emulate, Jet Force Gemini is a good example of how hard it is to emulate a custom microcode on N64. You noted in your video how it is imposible to render the video resolution to double or triple the original source on mupen64+, but thats not really a cpu/gpu intensive on modern portable/computers, even a modded Nintendo Switch or a highend android phone can run games at 2x or 3x resolution without issues.
    Outdated plugins is an incorrect statement, GLideN64 its still in development an gonetz has fixed a lot of issues.
    We dont have the perfect N64 emulator yet, but between official N64 emulators (Wii N64 vc, Wii U N64 vc and NSO N64 expansion pack) + mupen64+, almost 99% of the whole library can be played from start to end with zero to minimal video glitches or less arithmetic-logic problems.

    • @AlexwpiGame
      @AlexwpiGame  Год назад +1

      Thank you for the information.

    • @frankvinti925
      @frankvinti925 Год назад +1

      I support this information, I understand that retroarch does not give credit as it should, but after many emulators test I decided to use mupen64+ core, I don't think I've updated this core for 2 years now I probably should but it's definitely the way to go if you are looking for compatibility and upscale, not perfect, but the best experience for me.

    • @morobest5351
      @morobest5351 Год назад

      ​@AlexwpiGame also forget simple64 which is super accurate n64 emulator as used ParaLLEl RSP/RDP downside need vulkan 1.1 gpu so why never listed in video every batter they project 64. Also has no pung in system and super easy to setup so probably best n64 emulator for windows.

  • @gutsberserk8418
    @gutsberserk8418 Год назад +1

    I use mupen64 in my mobile phone and every game works perfectly with high resolutions

    • @DaBaseBallZ
      @DaBaseBallZ 9 месяцев назад

      Yeah,me too,it's how i play the Massive W game:Super Mario 64 and its W rom hacks

  • @JosephLopez25
    @JosephLopez25 Год назад +1

    Gran video informativo, me ha servido de ayuda. Thanks Bud 😊

  • @alienJIZ1990
    @alienJIZ1990 8 месяцев назад

    Plugins are dirtyyy but yeah, if you just want it to look nice and render higher resolutions then it's hard to beat Project64.
    Simple64 ("heavily" modified fork of mupen64plus-core) looks interesting though and focuses more on accuracy.
    Once N64 MiSter cores move along that's gonna be the future for sure - FPGA just makes the most sense for N64 since like the Saturn or 2600, it's EXTRA obscure - it's just too damn hard to emulate N64 accurately via software, and cycle accurate would be super demanding, which is partly why no one's developed one as accurate as BSNES/Higan is for the SNES.
    It's good to have options of course, but imo it's best to stick to accurately emulating the hardware, rather than bandaids and timing issues fixed on a per-game basis, like many emulators in general do.

  • @cpt.rogers1396
    @cpt.rogers1396 Год назад +2

    I like Project64 at a glance but so far the only part that really bothered me was the 'nagware' issue it has. Does anyone know any simple fixes to it?

    • @gyclenium
      @gyclenium Год назад


    • @AntiGrieferGames
      @AntiGrieferGames Год назад

      Does using RMG fixed for you?

    • @toastbud6870
      @toastbud6870 Год назад

      5$ isn’t a lot broke boy

  • @Lufisyth
    @Lufisyth 3 месяца назад

    Mupen is the best emulator simply because it can run Rogue Squadron. If it can run that, it can run anything.

  • @kooper6176
    @kooper6176 3 дня назад

    Using n64 rmg emulator anyone know how I change fps from 120fps to 60fps for all games because it’s driving me nuts all n64 games run at 120fps?

  • @asmusicasmaisdaoraejogos7746
    @asmusicasmaisdaoraejogos7746 Год назад +1

    Opa eu estava esperando esse video porque é muito dificil achar o melhor emulador de n64

    • @AlexwpiGame
      @AlexwpiGame  Год назад

      Espero ter ajudado, ainda faltou falar do Simple64, que nem sabia da existência até a publicação deste vídeo

    • @asmusicasmaisdaoraejogos7746
      @asmusicasmaisdaoraejogos7746 Год назад

      @@AlexwpiGame esse eu tambem não conheço

  • @Carlitros69
    @Carlitros69 11 месяцев назад

    i have an issue with Project 64 ver 3.0.1. Don't save the "Rumble Pak" setting, instead RMG work perfect with the Rumble option On. What a shame, im playing with the N64 Switch Online Controller

  • @NekoVJ18
    @NekoVJ18 Год назад +4

    Good video! I thought you would show Simple64, RMG or Ares too. But I liked the comparison.

    • @AlexwpiGame
      @AlexwpiGame  Год назад +4

      I didn't know about the existence of Simple64 until now. Regarding Ares, I haven't tested any multi-emulators. I did try RMG, and it has the same performance as Mupen; it's just a different frontend. I can make a part 2 now using Simple64, Ares, and Project64 if you want.

    • @NekoVJ18
      @NekoVJ18 Год назад +2

      @@AlexwpiGame Oh, don't worry about testing. I only mentioned those emulators because I had doubts about performance and accuracy. Only if you can (and want it), a video would be awesome.

  • @mozydiaz8296
    @mozydiaz8296 Год назад +1

    I remember when I played Majora's Mask in the years 2006-2008 with my first pc I could never transform into a Goron without the Project64 emulator popping up a dialog window (which I never took the time to read at the time as I was a kid) then the emulator crashes right after and so I was never able to finish the snow region (and the game without the cheat codes), it was very frustrating and at this day I still d'ont know what is the cause of the problem! maybe it was a drivers issues because I hadn't Internet at the time!i

  • @AntiGrieferGames
    @AntiGrieferGames Год назад +2

    UltraHLE was the first n64 emulator that has few games compatible, but this needs a 90s hardware.
    RMG is the best one that using mupen64plus but uses glide64 plugin so it works better than project64 without donation popups like yoshi's story example

  • @veteranocolosal8740
    @veteranocolosal8740 10 месяцев назад

    I use the emulator called 1964
    But I have a problem and I don't know if you can help me :(
    When I'm playing the game called perfect dark
    I don't know why sometimes the textures turn white causing the game to freeze and not respond :/
    having to close it manually
    Has this happened to anyone or do you know how I can fix it?

  • @FatihSultanMehmed
    @FatihSultanMehmed 2 месяца назад

    I don't recommend Project64.
    if you have a cpu that has AVX2 ((Intel 4th generation(Haswell) or AMD Zen(Ryzen))), then simple64.
    if you have an older cpu without AVX2 (Intel 3th Gen or AMD FX), then RMG.

  • @paulolouro7863
    @paulolouro7863 Год назад +2

    Rosalie's Mupen RMG
    Possui 3 opções de Video Plugin atualizados( GlideN64, parallel e Angrylion s RDP esse sendo o mais preciso )
    Save state / load state
    Utiliza cheats
    Sabendo configurar ele é excelente
    Ares é outro que tem muito potencial esta evoluindo e o bom e velho Project64 !!
    Os demais são projetos muito antigos

  • @Timic83tc
    @Timic83tc Год назад

    how can i play the rogue squadron and indiana jones games on N64? they always nearly impossible

  • @thiagomaroja1889
    @thiagomaroja1889 Год назад +2

    Ótimo video

  • @djyoungk
    @djyoungk Год назад

    I havnt emulated n64 in years

  • @sebastiankulche
    @sebastiankulche 11 месяцев назад

    What emulator can run Rayman 2 perfectly and read controller paks? Im having a lot of trouble with that game...

    • @ChaseOsinga
      @ChaseOsinga 5 месяцев назад

      Get ray man revolution on a ps2 emulator if you haven’t played it yet. It’s ray man 2 with English dub and updated features

    • @sebastiankulche
      @sebastiankulche 5 месяцев назад

      @@ChaseOsinga I dont care about what version is the best one, i wanted to play the N64 release to see how it all started.

  • @asmusicasmaisdaoraejogos7746
    @asmusicasmaisdaoraejogos7746 Год назад +1

    1:42 😂😂😂😂 eu ri bastante

  • @vicman3122
    @vicman3122 Год назад +2

    This video must have been very difficult to do, thanks your is awesome, personally I prefer using my everdrive in my original hardware because Nintendo 64 is very difficult to emulate properly.

    • @AlexwpiGame
      @AlexwpiGame  Год назад

      As much as I enjoy using emulators, in some cases, like Sega Saturn and Nintendo 64, I have to admit that using an Everdrive on an original console can be the best option.

  • @Khalfan_Kapablanca
    @Khalfan_Kapablanca Год назад

    Where i can see The Sega Saturn Analisis?

    @AIHAMXES07 10 месяцев назад

    when i used project64 i got 2x a bsod

  • @seane940
    @seane940 Год назад

    I hate saying this but the reason mupen64 runs like shit because its emulating the framebuffer. You can turn it off but then less accuracy

  • @Zetchzie
    @Zetchzie 10 месяцев назад

    Ares and simple64 are the best you can do.

  • @Sloomp
    @Sloomp Год назад

    Mupen64Plus-Next? I've heard it's considerably better than vanilla Mupen. Is that not true?

  • @kimbanton4398
    @kimbanton4398 3 месяца назад

    So no mention of ParaLLEL and their more recent & better plugins? No mention that those plugins also are integrated into the latest mupen64plus versions? Bad video...

  • @asmusicasmaisdaoraejogos7746
    @asmusicasmaisdaoraejogos7746 Год назад +1

    Faça mais videos como esse eu adoro🤓🤓🤓🤩

  • @DigitalVersionOfMe
    @DigitalVersionOfMe Месяц назад

    I thought project 64 has a deep
    Virus and can potentially have an exploit where people can hack into your pc? That’s why is not recommended

  • @IvanRodriguez-C
    @IvanRodriguez-C Год назад

    You missed Simple64 and RMG 😞

    • @AlexwpiGame
      @AlexwpiGame  Год назад

      I tested RMG, and its performance is the same as Mupen. RMG is just a frontend for Mupen. As for Simple64, I discovered its existence only a few hours ago. I will have to make a part 2 and include it in the comparison.

    • @ziero1986
      @ziero1986 11 месяцев назад

      @@AlexwpiGame From what I read on the site for Simple64, it is just a variation of Mupen, so essentially the same thing.

  • @emilthomas2136
    @emilthomas2136 Год назад

    Best Nintendo64 emulator on Android?

    • @AlexwpiGame
      @AlexwpiGame  Год назад +1

      Unfortunately, my device performs like a potato, so I need to buy a new one to make videos about mobile emulators.

    • @jkraemo
      @jkraemo Год назад

      Mupen 64 Plus FZ

  • @LaIrisBlanca
    @LaIrisBlanca 11 месяцев назад

    Cual es el mejor?

    • @doomslayer8985
      @doomslayer8985 9 месяцев назад

      Simple64, Ares y RMG (Windows/Linux)
      Para android M64Plus FZ es recomendado

  • @danpatrick7176
    @danpatrick7176 Год назад

    I use paraLLEl in retroarch

    • @Yan23459
      @Yan23459 Год назад

      You can use an most updated version of it the parallel launcher if you have an pc

  • @KnucklesWTD
    @KnucklesWTD Год назад +1

    I can’t play these games without a real n64 controller

    • @maximum197
      @maximum197 Год назад +7

      Worst controller ever made

    • @RickardLejonhjarta
      @RickardLejonhjarta Год назад

      there are usb n64 controllers

    • @Reckoner89
      @Reckoner89 Год назад

      There's 2 options for you:
      • buying a Nintendo Switch N64 wireless controller. It's got vibration integrated, is re-chargeable via USB-C and works like a charm in conjunction with 8bitdo's Wireless USB Adapter 2.
      • buying 8bitdo's DIY wireless kit for an N64 controller

  • @mirabilis
    @mirabilis 9 месяцев назад

    N64 never used CDs, boy.

    • @mirabilis
      @mirabilis 9 месяцев назад

      ​​@@iceman8804@ 3:43 . If you saw a DD floppy disk you would understand. It's definetly not a CD.

  • @0HHC
    @0HHC Год назад

    And none of them can output surround sound..

  • @Autotrope
    @Autotrope 8 месяцев назад

    The takes in this are awful, author clearly has an agenda to push

  • @alienJIZ1990
    @alienJIZ1990 8 месяцев назад

    Plugins are dirtyyy but yeah, if you just want it to look nice and render higher resolutions then it's hard to beat Project64.
    Simple64 ("heavily" modified fork of mupen64plus-core) looks interesting though and focuses more on accuracy.
    Once N64 MiSter cores move along that's gonna be the future for sure - FPGA just makes the most sense for N64 since like the Saturn or 2600, it's EXTRA obscure - it's just too damn hard to emulate N64 accurately via software, and cycle accurate would be super demanding, which is partly why no one's developed one as accurate as BSNES/Higan is for the SNES.
    It's good to have options of course, but imo it's best to stick to solutions that accurately emulate the hardware, rather than bandaids and timing issues fixed on a per-game basis, like many emulators in general do.